977 resultados para Neuro-evolutionary algorithm


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In this paper the effects of introducing novelty search in evolutionary art are explored. Our algorithm combines fitness and novelty metrics to frame image evolution as a multi-objective optimisation problem, promoting the creation of images that are both suitable and diverse. The method is illustrated by using two evolutionary art engines for the evolution of figurative objects and context free design grammars. The results demonstrate the ability of the algorithm to obtain a larger set of fit images compared to traditional fitness-based evolution, regardless of the engine used.


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In this paper the technique of shorter route determination of fire engine to the fire place on time minimization criterion with the use of evolutionary modeling is offered. The algorithm of its realization on the base of complete and optimized space of search of possible decisions is explored. The aspects of goal function forming and program realization of method having a special purpose are considered. Experimental verification is executed and the results of comparative analysis with the expert conclusions are considered.


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This research was partially supported by the Serbian Ministry of Science and Ecology under project 144007. The authors are grateful to Ivana Ljubić for help in testing and to Vladimir Filipović for useful suggestions and comments.


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In a paper the method of complex systems and processes clustering based use of genetic algorithm is offered. The aspects of its realization and shaping of fitness-function are considered. The solution of clustering task of Ukraine areas on socio-economic indexes is represented and comparative analysis with outcomes of classical methods is realized.


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The aim of this work is distributed genetic algorithm implementation (so called island algorithm) to accelerate the optimum searching process in space of solutions. Distributed genetic algorithm has also smaller chances to fall in local optimum. This conception depends on mutual cooperation of the clients which realize separate working of genetic algorithms on local machines. As a tool for implementation of distributed genetic algorithm, created to produce net's applications Java technology was chosen. In Java technology, there is a technique of remote methods invocation - Java RMI. By means of invoking remote methods it can send objects between clients and server RMI.


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* Supported by projects CCG08-UAM TIC-4425-2009 and TEC2007-68065-C03-02


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In the world, scientific studies increase day by day and computer programs facilitate the human’s life. Scientists examine the human’s brain’s neural structure and they try to be model in the computer and they give the name of artificial neural network. For this reason, they think to develop more complex problem’s solution. The purpose of this study is to estimate fuel economy of an automobile engine by using artificial neural network (ANN) algorithm. Engine characteristics were simulated by using “Neuro Solution” software. The same data is used in MATLAB to compare the performance of MATLAB is such a problem and show its validity. The cylinder, displacement, power, weight, acceleration and vehicle production year are used as input data and miles per gallon (MPG) are used as target data. An Artificial Neural Network model was developed and 70% of data were used as training data, 15% of data were used as testing data and 15% of data is used as validation data. In creating our model, proper neuron number is carefully selected to increase the speed of the network. Since the problem has a nonlinear structure, multi layer are used in our model.


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The major barrier to practical optimization of pavement preservation programming has always been that for formulations where the identity of individual projects is preserved, the solution space grows exponentially with the problem size to an extent where it can become unmanageable by the traditional analytical optimization techniques within reasonable limit. This has been attributed to the problem of combinatorial explosion that is, exponential growth of the number of combinations. The relatively large number of constraints often presents in a real-life pavement preservation programming problems and the trade-off considerations required between preventive maintenance, rehabilitation and reconstruction, present yet another factor that contributes to the solution complexity. In this research study, a new integrated multi-year optimization procedure was developed to solve network level pavement preservation programming problems, through cost-effectiveness based evolutionary programming analysis, using the Shuffled Complex Evolution (SCE) algorithm.^ A case study problem was analyzed to illustrate the robustness and consistency of the SCE technique in solving network level pavement preservation problems. The output from this program is a list of maintenance and rehabilitation treatment (M&R) strategies for each identified segment of the network in each programming year, and the impact on the overall performance of the network, in terms of the performance levels of the recommended optimal M&R strategy. ^ The results show that the SCE is very efficient and consistent in the simultaneous consideration of the trade-off between various pavement preservation strategies, while preserving the identity of the individual network segments. The flexibility of the technique is also demonstrated, in the sense that, by suitably coding the problem parameters, it can be used to solve several forms of pavement management programming problems. It is recommended that for large networks, some sort of decomposition technique should be applied to aggregate sections, which exhibit similar performance characteristics into links, such that whatever M&R alternative is recommended for a link can be applied to all the sections connected to it. In this way the problem size, and hence the solution time, can be greatly reduced to a more manageable solution space. ^ The study concludes that the robust search characteristics of SCE are well suited for solving the combinatorial problems in long-term network level pavement M&R programming and provides a rich area for future research. ^


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Water-alternating-gas (WAG) is an enhanced oil recovery method combining the improved macroscopic sweep of water flooding with the improved microscopic displacement of gas injection. The optimal design of the WAG parameters is usually based on numerical reservoir simulation via trial and error, limited by the reservoir engineer’s availability. Employing optimisation techniques can guide the simulation runs and reduce the number of function evaluations. In this study, robust evolutionary algorithms are utilized to optimise hydrocarbon WAG performance in the E-segment of the Norne field. The first objective function is selected to be the net present value (NPV) and two global semi-random search strategies, a genetic algorithm (GA) and particle swarm optimisation (PSO) are tested on different case studies with different numbers of controlling variables which are sampled from the set of water and gas injection rates, bottom-hole pressures of the oil production wells, cycle ratio, cycle time, the composition of the injected hydrocarbon gas (miscible/immiscible WAG) and the total WAG period. In progressive experiments, the number of decision-making variables is increased, increasing the problem complexity while potentially improving the efficacy of the WAG process. The second objective function is selected to be the incremental recovery factor (IRF) within a fixed total WAG simulation time and it is optimised using the same optimisation algorithms. The results from the two optimisation techniques are analyzed and their performance, convergence speed and the quality of the optimal solutions found by the algorithms in multiple trials are compared for each experiment. The distinctions between the optimal WAG parameters resulting from NPV and oil recovery optimisation are also examined. This is the first known work optimising over this complete set of WAG variables. The first use of PSO to optimise a WAG project at the field scale is also illustrated. Compared to the reference cases, the best overall values of the objective functions found by GA and PSO were 13.8% and 14.2% higher, respectively, if NPV is optimised over all the above variables, and 14.2% and 16.2% higher, respectively, if IRF is optimised.


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Abstract- A Bayesian optimization algorithm for the nurse scheduling problem is presented, which involves choosing a suitable scheduling rule from a set for each nurse's assignment. Unlike our previous work that used GAs to implement implicit learning, the learning in the proposed algorithm is explicit, i.e. eventually, we will be able to identify and mix building blocks directly. The Bayesian optimization algorithm is applied to implement such explicit learning by building a Bayesian network of the joint distribution of solutions. The conditional probability of each variable in the network is computed according to an initial set of promising solutions. Subsequently, each new instance for each variable is generated by using the corresponding conditional probabilities, until all variables have been generated, i.e. in our case, a new rule string has been obtained. Another set of rule strings will be generated in this way, some of which will replace previous strings based on fitness selection. If stopping conditions are not met, the conditional probabilities for all nodes in the Bayesian network are updated again using the current set of promising rule strings. Computational results from 52 real data instances demonstrate the success of this approach. It is also suggested that the learning mechanism in the proposed approach might be suitable for other scheduling problems.


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There is considerable interest in the use of genetic algorithms to solve problems arising in the areas of scheduling and timetabling. However, the classical genetic algorithm paradigm is not well equipped to handle the conflict between objectives and constraints that typically occurs in such problems. In order to overcome this, successful implementations frequently make use of problem specific knowledge. This paper is concerned with the development of a GA for a nurse rostering problem at a major UK hospital. The structure of the constraints is used as the basis for a co-evolutionary strategy using co-operating sub-populations. Problem specific knowledge is also used to define a system of incentives and disincentives, and a complementary mutation operator. Empirical results based on 52 weeks of live data show how these features are able to improve an unsuccessful canonical GA to the point where it is able to provide a practical solution to the problem.


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To understand the evolution of bipedalism among the homnoids in an ecological context we need to be able to estimate theenerrgetic cost of locomotion in fossil forms. Ideally such an estimate would be based entirely on morphology since, except for the rare instances where footprints are preserved, this is hte only primary source of evidence available. In this paper we use evolutionary robotics techniques (genetic algoritms, pattern generators and mechanical modeling) to produce a biomimentic simulation of bipedalism based on human body dimensions. The mechnaical simulation is a seven-segment, two-dimensional model with motive force provided by tension generators representing the major muscle groups acting around the lower-limb joints. Metabolic energy costs are calculated from the muscel model, and bipedal gait is generated using a finite-state pattern generator whose parameters are produced using a genetic algorithm with locomotor economy (maximum distance for a fixed energy cost) as the fitness criterion. The model is validated by comparing the values it generates with those for modern humans. The result (maximum efficiency of 200 J m-1) is within 15% of the experimentally derived value, which is very encouraging and suggests that this is a useful analytic technique for investigating the locomotor behaviour of fossil forms. Initial work suggests that in the future this technique could be used to estimate other locomotor parameters such as top speed. In addition, the animations produced by this technique are qualitatively very convincing, which suggests that this may also be a useful technique for visualizing bipedal locomotion.


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This paper presents a new type of genetic algorithm for the set covering problem. It differs from previous evolutionary approaches first because it is an indirect algorithm, i.e. the actual solutions are found by an external decoder function. The genetic algorithm itself provides this decoder with permutations of the solution variables and other parameters. Second, it will be shown that results can be further improved by adding another indirect optimisation layer. The decoder will not directly seek out low cost solutions but instead aims for good exploitable solutions. These are then post optimised by another hill-climbing algorithm. Although seemingly more complicated, we will show that this three-stage approach has advantages in terms of solution quality, speed and adaptability to new types of problems over more direct approaches. Extensive computational results are presented and compared to the latest evolutionary and other heuristic approaches to the same data instances.


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There is considerable interest in the use of genetic algorithms to solve problems arising in the areas of scheduling and timetabling. However, the classical genetic algorithm paradigm is not well equipped to handle the conflict between objectives and constraints that typically occurs in such problems. In order to overcome this, successful implementations frequently make use of problem specific knowledge. This paper is concerned with the development of a GA for a nurse rostering problem at a major UK hospital. The structure of the constraints is used as the basis for a co-evolutionary strategy using co-operating sub-populations. Problem specific knowledge is also used to define a system of incentives and disincentives, and a complementary mutation operator. Empirical results based on 52 weeks of live data show how these features are able to improve an unsuccessful canonical GA to the point where it is able to provide a practical solution to the problem.