408 resultados para NA -H EXCHANGER


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SähkÃenergiankulutuksella on suuri merkitys kryogeenisessa ilman tislausprosessissa. SähkÃenergiankulutus määrittää pääosan tuotetun kaasun tuotantokustannuksista, koska raaka-aine eli ympärÃivä ilmakehä ei aiheuta taloudellisia kuluja. Vesijäähdytysjärjestelmä vaikuttaa tislausprosessin tehokkuuteen merkittävästi. Jäähdytysveden lämpÃtilalla on oleellinen merkitys tuotettujen kaasujen massavirtoihin ja kulutettavaan energiaan. Lisäksi jäähdytysveden lämpÃtila vaikuttaa laitoksen käytettävyyteen. Jäähdytysjärjestelmän tehokkuuteen vaikuttavat useat eri tekijät. LähtÃkohtana lämmÃnsiirtoon vaikuttavista tekijÃistä on saatavan jäähdytysveden lämpÃtila. LämmÃnsiirtimien mitoituksella, likaantumisella ja virtausnopeuksilla on myÃs oleellinen merkitys ilman tislausprosessin lämmÃnsiirrossa. Tässä raportissa on kuvattu kryogeeninen ilman tislausprosessi ja syvennytty prosessin vesijäähdytysjärjestelmään. Raportissa lämmÃnsiirto pohjautuu ainoastaan laitoksen vesilämmÃnsiirtimiin ulkoisessa ja sisäisessä kierrossa. Raportti sisältää prosessikuvauksen, tutkimustietoa jäähdytysjärjestelmästä ja lämmÃnsiirrosta, koejärjestelyjen tulokset ja päätelmiä laitoksen jäähdytysjärjestelmän ja tuotannon yhteyksistä. Raportti perustuu kattavaan lähdemateriaaliin.


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DiplomityÃssä perehdytään Hartwall Lahden tuotantolaitoksen juomanvalmistuksen osaston siiderin ja long drink âjuomien valmistusprosessin kehittämiseen. DiplomityÃn tavoitteena oli lÃytää prosessin ongelma- ja poikkeamakohtia, tutkia mahdollisia hävikkikohteita ja suorittaa laadun osalta ajoseurantamittauksia. Ongelmakohtien pohjalta laadittiin parannusehdotuksia ja niitä toteutettiin jo tämän projektin aikana. Ongelma- ja poikkeamakohtia tutkittiin ajoprosessin aikana. Hävikkitutkimus kohdennettiin aromiliuoksen annostelulinjaan, nestesokerin an-nostelulinjaan ja tuotteiden alku- ja lopputyÃnnÃille painetankkeihin. Painetankkien osalta mahdollisia hävikkikohteita tutkittiin kokeellisen toiminnan avulla ajo-prosessin aikana. Ajoprosessin käynnistyksen jälkeen selvitettiin milloin valmis tuote on painetankkien venttiilimatriisilla. Uudet parametrit alku- ja lopputyÃnnÃille määritettiin tuoteputken, painetankkien pohjaputkien ja venttiilimatriisin tilavuuksien avulla. Hävikkitutkimuksen tuloksena saatiin pienennettyä hävikkiä ja näin ollen syntyi kustannussäästÃjä. Hiilidioksidin sitoutuvuutta tutkittiin mittauksien avulla valmistusprosessin aikana. Mittauksien perusteella havaittiin, että hiilidioksidipitoisuus laskee painetankissa. Tämä johtuu valmiin tuotteen lämpÃtilamuutoksista. Tuotteen lämpÃtilaa voidaan tasata esimerkiksi levylämmÃnvaihtimen avulla.


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Ouabain is an endogenous substance occurring in the plasma in the nanomolar range, that has been proposed to increase vascular resistance and induce hypertension. This substance acts on the<FONT FACE="Symbol"> a</font>-subunit of Na+,K+-ATPase inhibiting the Na+-pump activity. In the vascular smooth muscle this effect leads to intracellular Na+ accumulation that reduces the activity of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger and to an increased vascular tone. It was also suggested that circulating ouabain, even in the nanomolar range, sensitizes the vascular smooth muscle to vasopressor substances. We tested the latter hypothesis by studying the effects of ouabain in the micromolar and nanomolar range on phenylephrine (PE)-evoked pressor responses. The experiments were performed in normotensive and hypertensive rats in vivo, under anesthesia, and in perfused rat tail vascular beds. The results showed that ouabain pretreatment increased the vasopressor responses to PE in vitro and in vivo. This sensitization after ouabain treatment was also observed in hypertensive animals which presented an enhanced vasopressor response to PE in comparison to normotensive animals. It is suggested that ouabain at nanomolar concentrations can sensitize vascular smooth muscle to vasopressor stimuli possibly contributing to increased tone in hypertension


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Relaxation in the mammalian ventricle is initiated by Ca2+ removal from the cytosol, which is performed by three main transport systems: sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SR-A), Na+-Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) and the so-called slow mechanisms (sarcolemmal Ca2+-ATPase and mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake). To estimate the relative contribution of each system to twitch relaxation, SR Ca2+ accumulation must be selectively inhibited, usually by the application of high caffeine concentrations. However, caffeine has been reported to often cause changes in membrane potential due to NCX-generated inward current, which compromises the reliability of its use. In the present study, we estimated integrated Ca2+ fluxes carried by SR-A, NCX and slow mechanisms during twitch relaxation, and compared the results when using caffeine application (Cf-NT) and an electrically evoked twitch after inhibition of SR-A with thapsigargin (TG-TW). Ca2+ transients were measured in 20 isolated adult rat ventricular myocytes with indo-1. For transients in which one or more transporters were inhibited, Ca2+ fluxes were estimated from the measured free Ca2+ concentration and myocardial Ca2+ buffering characteristics. NCX-mediated integrated Ca2+ flux was significantly higher with TG-TW than with Cf-NT (12 vs 7 µM), whereas SR-dependent flux was lower with TG-TW (77 vs 81 µM). The relative participations of NCX (12.5 vs 8% with TG-TW and Cf-NT, respectively) and SR-A (85 vs 89.5% with TG-TW and Cf-NT, respectively) in total relaxation-associated Ca2+ flux were also significantly different. We thus propose TG-TW as a reliable alternative to estimate NCX contribution to twitch relaxation in this kind of analysis.


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This thesis studies the advantages, disadvantages and possibilities of additive manufacturing in making components with internal flow channels. These include hydraulic components, components with cooling channels and heat exchangers. Processes studied in this work are selective laser sintering and selective laser melting of metallic materials. The basic principles of processes and parameters involved in the process are presented and different possibilities of internal channel manufacturing and flow improvement are introduced


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This research work addresses the problem of building a mathematical model for the given system of heat exchangers and to determine the temperatures, pressures and velocities at the intermediate positions. Such model could be used in nding an optimal design for such a superstructure. To limit the size and computing time a reduced network model was used. The method can be generalized to larger network structures. A mathematical model which includes a system of non-linear equations has been built and solved according to the Newton-Raphson algorithm. The results obtained by the proposed mathematical model were compared with the results obtained by the Paterson approximation and Chen's Approximation. Results of this research work in collaboration with a current ongoing research at the department will optimize the valve positions and hence, minimize the pumping cost and maximize the heat transfer of the system of heat exchangers.


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LeijukerroslämmÃnsiirtimien, eli hiekanpalautuspolvessa sijaitsevien tulistimien tukkeutuminen on ollut Kaukaan Voima Oy:n biovoimalaitoksen suunnittelemattomien seisokkien suurin syy vuodesta 2012 lähtien. Tulistimet tukkeutuvat kahdella tavalla. Nopeassa tukkeutumisessa tulistinkammion seinien kuonakerrostumat romahtavat yhtäkkiä tulistimen päälle tukkien sen. Tämä johtaa aina koko laitoksen alasajoon. Hitaassa tukkeutumisessa tulistinputkien pinnalle muodostuu vähitellen kerrostuma sekä tulistinputkien väliin jää suurempia kappaleita, jotka tukkivat tulistinta. Nopea tukkeutuminen johtuu tuhkassa olevien alkali-, eli kalium- ja natriumyhdisteiden synnyttämistä kerrostumista lämmÃnsiirrinkammion seinille. Hidas tukkeutuminen johtuu osittain myÃs alkaliyhdisteistä, mutta merkittävämpi aine tulistinputkien pinnalla olevassa kerrostumissa näyttää olevan kalsiumsulfaatti, joka tukkii tulistinta. Palavan aineen pääsy tulistinkammioon ilmanjakoasetuksista ja tulistinkammion rakenteesta johtuen aiheuttaa kerrostumien syntymisen. Kerrostumien syntymiseen johtavat syyt johtuvat monesta tekijästä ja yksiselitteistä aiheuttajaa on vaikea määritellä. Selvin yhteys on lietteen epätasaisessa poltossa ja turpeen käytÃssä. Nykyisillä lietteenkäsittelylaitteilla lietteen tasainen syÃttà on vaikeaa ja se aiheuttaa ongelmia. Turpeen poltto biopolttoaineiden rinnalla pitää tulistimet puhtaampina. Muita todennäkÃisiä kerrostumia lisääviä syitä ovat puhtaan hiekan vähäinen syÃttÃmäärä ja usean huonomman polttoaineen yhtäaikainen poltto.


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Epäsuorassa lämmÃntuonnissa biomassan poltto ja mikroturbiinin kiertoprosessi on erotettu toisistaan lämmÃnsiirtimen avulla. Tämän avulla mikroturbiiniprosessissa voidaan hyÃ-dyntää myÃs likaavia savukaasuja tuottavia polttoaineita kuten biomassaa. Prosessissa hyÃ-tysuhde ei nouse niin korkealle kuin kaasumaista polttoainetta käytettäessä lähinnä turbiinin alemmasta sisääntulolämpÃtilasta johtuen. LämmÃnsiirtimen suunnittelu on erittäin tärkeässä asemassa prosessin sähkÃntuottohyÃtysuhdetta ajatellen. Mitä suurempi osa bio-massan savukaasujen lämpÃenergiasta saadaan hyÃdynnettyä sitä suurempi on hyÃtysuhde. Kaupallisessa tarjonnassa on vielä hieman ongelmia juuri näistä syistä. LämmÃnsiirrin ei välttämättä kestä korkeita lämpÃtiloja. Suuremmilla lämpÃtiloilla (yli 800 °C) joudutaan käyttämään seostettuja teräslaatuja tai jopa keraamisia ratkaisuja. HyÃtysuhteeltaan ja in-vestointikustannuksiltaan epäsuoralla lämmÃntuonnilla varustettu mikroturbiini on etuase-massa muihin teknologioihin nähden, kunhan lämmÃnsiirtimen materiaaliongelma ja opti-maalinen biomassan poltto ratkaistaan.


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Obesity is a complex multifactorial disorder that is often associated with cardiovascular diseases. Research on experimental models has suggested that cardiac dysfunction in obesity might be related to alterations in myocardial intracellular calcium (Ca2+) handling. However, information about the expression of Ca2+-related genes that lead to this abnormality is scarce. We evaluated the effects of obesity induced by a high-fat diet in the expression of Ca2+-related genes, focusing the L-type Ca2+ channel (Cacna1c), sarcolemmal Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX), sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase (SERCA2a), ryanodine receptor (RyR2), and phospholamban (PLB) mRNA in rat myocardium. Male 30-day-old Wistar rats were fed a standard (control) or high-fat diet (obese) for 15 weeks. Obesity was defined as increased percent of body fat in carcass. The mRNA expression of Ca2+-related genes in the left ventricle was measured by RT-PCR. Compared with control rats, the obese rats had increased percent of body fat, area under the curve for glucose, and leptin and insulin plasma concentrations. Obesity also caused an increase in the levels of SERCA2a, RyR2 and PLB mRNA (P < 0.05) but did not modify the mRNA levels of Cacna1c and NCX. These findings show that obesity induced by high-fat diet causes cardiac upregulation of Ca2+ transport_related genes in the sarcoplasmic reticulum.


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The objectives of the present study were to identify the cis-elements of the promoter absolutely required for the efficient rat NHE3 gene transcription and to locate positive and negative regulatory elements in the 5&#8217;-flanking sequence (5&#8217;FS), which might modulate the gene expression in proximal tubules, and to compare this result to those reported for intestinal cell lines. We analyzed the promoter activity of different 5&#8217;FS segments of the rat NHE3 gene, in the OKP renal proximal tubule cell line by measuring the activity of the reporter gene luciferase. Because the segment spanning the first 157 bp of 5&#8217;FS was the most active it was studied in more detail by sequential deletions, point mutations, and gel shift assays. The essential elements for gene transcription are in the region -85 to -33, where we can identify consensual binding sites for Sp1 and EGR-1, which are relevant to NHE3 gene basal transcription. Although a low level of transcription is still possible when the first 25 bp of the 5&#8217;FS are used as promoter, efficient transcription only occurs with 44 bp of 5&#8217;FS. There are negative regulatory elements in the segments spanning -1196 to -889 and -467 to -152, and positive enhancers between -889 and -479 bp of 5&#8217;FS. Transcription factors in the OKP cell nuclear extract efficiently bound to DNA elements of rat NHE3 promoter as demonstrated by gel shift assays, suggesting a high level of similarity between transcription factors of both species, including Sp1 and EGR-1.


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Ouabain, an endogenous digitalis compound, has been detected in nanomolar concentrations in the plasma of several mammals and is associated with the development of hypertension. In addition, plasma ouabain is increased in several hypertension models, and the acute or chronic administration of ouabain increases blood pressure in rodents. These results suggest a possible association between ouabain and the genesis or development and maintenance of arterial hypertension. One explanation for this association is that ouabain binds to the &#945;-subunit of the Na+ pump, inhibiting its activity. Inhibition of this pump increases intracellular Na+, which reduces the activity of the sarcolemmal Na+/Ca2+ exchanger and thereby reduces Ca2+ extrusion. Consequently, intracellular Ca2+ increases and is taken up by the sarcoplasmic reticulum, which, upon activation, releases more calcium and increases the vascular smooth muscle tone. In fact, acute treatment with ouabain enhances the vascular reactivity to vasopressor agents, increases the release of norepinephrine from the perivascular adrenergic nerve endings and promotes increases in the activity of endothelial angiotensin-converting enzyme and the local synthesis of angiotensin II in the tail vascular bed. Additionally, the hypertension induced by ouabain has been associated with central mechanisms that increase sympathetic tone, subsequent to the activation of the cerebral renin-angiotensin system. Thus, the association with peripheral mechanisms and central mechanisms, mainly involving the renin-angiotensin system, may contribute to the acute effects of ouabain-induced elevation of arterial blood pressure.


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Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) remains one of the major causes of infection in the intensive care unit (ICU) and is associated with the length of hospital stay, duration of mechanical ventilation, and use of broad-spectrum antibiotics. We compared the frequency of VAP 10 months prior to (pre-intervention group) and 13 months after (post-intervention group) initiation of the use of a heat and moisture exchanger (HME) filter. This is a study with prospective before-and-after design performed in the ICU in a tertiary university hospital. Three hundred and fourteen patients were admitted to the ICU under mechanical ventilation, 168 of whom were included in group HH (heated humidifier) and 146 in group HME. The frequency of VAP per 1000 ventilator-days was similar for both the HH and HME groups (18.7 vs 17.4, respectively; P = 0.97). Duration of mechanical ventilation (11 vs 12 days, respectively; P = 0.48) and length of ICU stay (11 vs 12 days, respectively; P = 0.39) did not differ between the HH and HME groups. The chance of developing VAP was higher in patients with a longer ICU stay and longer duration of mechanical ventilation. This finding was similar when adjusted for the use of HME. The use of HME in intensive care did not reduce the incidence of VAP, the duration of mechanical ventilation, or the length of stay in the ICU in the study population.


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A method to synthesize ethyl β-á´-glucopyranoside (BEG) was searched. Feasibility of different ion exchange resins was examined to purify the product from the synthetic binary solution of BEG and glucose. The target was to produce at least 50 grams of 99 % pure BEG with a scaled up process. Another target was to transfer the batch process into steady-state recycle chromatography process (SSR). BEG was synthesized enzymatically with reverse hydrolysis utilizing β-glucosidase as a catalyst. 65 % of glucose reacted with ethanol into BEG during the synthesis. Different ion exchanger based resins were examined to separate BEG from glucose. Based on batch chromatography experiments the best adsorbent was chosen between styrene based strong acid cation exchange resins (SAC) and acryl based weak acid cation exchange resins (WAC). CA10GC WAC resin in Na+ form was chosen for the further separation studies. To produce greater amounts of the product the batch process was scaled up. The adsorption isotherms for the components were linear. The target purity was possible to reach already in batch without recycle with flowrate and injection size small enough. 99 % pure product was produced with scaled-up batch process. Batch process was transferred to SSR process utilizing the data from design pulse chromatograms and Matlab simulations. The optimal operating conditions for the system were determined. Batch and SSR separation results were compared and by using SSR 98 % pure products were gained with 40 % higher productivity and 40 % lower eluent consumption compared to batch process producing as pure products.


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Guava nectars were formulated for approximately 10, 12, or 14 ºBrix, with 40% guava pulp. Sodium benzoate, 500 mg.kg-1 was used as preservative. The Brix value was adjusted with saturated sucrose syrup. The guava nectar was pasteurized (85 ºC/42 seconds) in tubular heat exchanger and then hot filled in 500 mL white glass bottles. The products were stored either at room temperature (25 ± 5 ºC) or refrigerated (5 ± 2 ºC) under fluorescent light exposure and analyzed on the day after processing (time zero) and also 40, 80, and 120 days of storage. Eight compounds were identified and quantified by Gas Chromatography (GC) -Mass Spectrometry (MS): hexanal, (E)-hex-2-enal, 1-hexenol, (Z)-hex-3-enol, (Z)-hex-3-enyl acetate, phenyl-3-propyl acetate, cinnamyl acetate, and acetic acid. There was no significant effect of thermal treatment on the volatile compound concentrations, except for a significant decrease (p = 0.0001) in hexanal and (Z)-hex-3-enyl acetate (p = 0.0029). As for the storage time, there was a much greater decrease in the esters contents, such as (Z)-hex-3-enyl and phenyl-3-propyl acetates. Cinnamyl acetate had the greatest decrease over storage time. Refrigeration was better than room temperature for guava nectar volatile compounds stability over storage time, mainly for esters compounds, which are important for the product aroma and flavor


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