405 resultados para Monastic dominion


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Percy Carruthers Band was born on November 27, 1892 in Toronto, Ontario to Charles Walter Band, a grain merchant and Jessie Camp Shaw Band. He graduated from Upper Canada College and became a broker. He worked at the Dominion Bank and then at Maple Leaf Milling Company. He was stationed at Port Colborne for a while. Before leaving for the front, he was with Bankers Bond Company of Toronto and is also listed as working with the firm of Bailey, Wood and Cross. Lieutenant Band received a Certificate of Military Qualifications on Dec. 24th, 1914. He received his Certificate of Military Instruction on Nov. 30, 1915. He received these certificates while with the 48th Regiment (Highlanders). He enlisted in 1914 and went overseas in August of 1915 as an officer in the 35th Battalion. By August 26, 1915, he is listed as being with the 23rd Reserve Battalion. A year later, in August of 1916 Lieutenant Band arrived in France and was posted to the 2nd Battalion – “The Second Iron”. In 1916, Band was the victim of shell shock received during a charge. He was wounded in April of 1917 at Vimy Ridge yet he remained on duty. At this time he received a gunshot wound to his right jaw. He earned a promotion to Captain on September 16th, 1917. He was wounded again in November of 1917 at Passchendaele where he suffered a gunshot wound to the ear. For his courage and determination Percy Band received the Military Cross on February 18, 1918. He led his company under difficult circumstances even though he was wounded. He was awarded a bar to the Military Cross for gallantry during a successful attack on two villages on December 2nd, 1918. During this attack he led his company against enemy machine guns. It is said that he displayed exceptional leadership qualities and skill during this time. On the 30th of August in 1918, he made a daring reconnaissance to the front under heavy fire in an attack on Upton Wood. He was also commended on his gallantry during attacks on Cagnicourt and the Canal du Nord in September of 1918. He was awarded the second bar to the Military Cross on February 1, 1919. The award of the Croix de Guerre was conferred on Captain Percy Carruthers Band by the President of the French Republic on December 15th, 1918 for distinguished service rendered during the course of the campaign. His general demobilization took place on April 25, 1919. Percy Band married Margaret Julia Woodruff on November 25, 1919, and they had three children: Charles Woodruff Band (1921), Margaret Elizabeth Band (1924) and Robert DeVeaux Woodruff Band (1927). After the war, Mr. Band was a manager at Geo. Weston Bread and Cakes Limited, St. Catharines. Percy Band was also an avid collector. His collections included antique toys and art. He died suddenly on May 19, 1961. The Toronto Telegram published this about him: “Captain Percy Carruthers Band, M.C. with two Bars, Croix de Guerre with Palm – was an officer whose buoyant spirit and gallantry mirrored the vibrant soul of the Battalion. Blythe of heart, yet endowed with a fine sense of responsibility, he gave inspired leadership of No. 3 Company.”


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"Thèse présentée à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de Docteur en droit (LL.D.)"


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En 1993, l’église du monastère Humor et six autres églises du nord de la Moldavie (Roumanie) ont été classifiés comme patrimoine de l'UNESCO, en particulier en raison de leurs caractéristiques iconographiques et architecturales uniques. Construit au seizième siècle, le monastère Humor est devenu un riche centre religieux et culturel sous le patronage du prince Petru Rares de Moldavie. Ce centre a encouragé les innovations architecturales ecclésiales, ainsi qu’un programme très prolifique de fresques, extérieures et intérieures, exprimant une créativité au-delà du canon de la peinture de l'époque. La présente thèse est concentrée sur ces innovations architecturales et iconographiques, comprises à la lumière du contexte historique de ce moment unique dans l'histoire de la Moldavie, dans le siècle qui suivit la chute de Constantinople (1453). Tandis que la première partie de la thèse est concentrée sur ces circonstances historiques, et plus précisément sur l'impact du patronage du Prince Rares, la deuxième partie de la recherche est concentrée sur l'analyse des sources littéraires et de la théologie d’une série unique de fresques, placé dans la gropnita (chambre funéraire) de l’église monastique d’Humor, évoquant la vie de la Mère de Dieu. La série est un exemple extraordinaire d’interaction des textes, le Protévangile de Jacques et le Synaxarion, avec l'iconographie. Une attention particulière à l'iconographie du monastère Humor démontre le besoin de la corrélation entre texte et icône d'une part, ainsi que la nécessité d’une corrélation entre les études théologiques, l'art et l’histoire d’autre part. Un autre avantage de la recherche est de contribuer à une appréciation plus riche des trésors culturels et religieux des communautés chrétiennes de l'Europe de l'Est aux points de vue religieux et culturel, en réponse à leur reconnaissance comme patrimoine de l’UNESCO.


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Si l’idée de doter le Québec de sa propre constitution semble avoir été promue dès 1858 par Joseph-Charles Taché qui proposa l’adoption pour chaque province « d’une constitution écrite, comportant pour la législature l’obligation d’y obéir sous peine de voir ses actes frappés de nullité par un tribunal créé ad hoc »1, la province de Québec entre dans le « Dominion » du Canada sans être dotée de sa propre constitution.


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‘‘Transgression in Matthew Lewis’s The Monk and the Fragmentation of the Self’’ est une examination des différentes étapes à travers lesquelles la conscience humaine évolue et les comportements que chaque étape génère. Cette étude porte une attention particulière aux mécanismes de conversion du bien en mal et les motifs qui nourrissent cette conversion. La thèse se concentre dans un premier temps sur la souillure spirituelle comme l’étape qui précède la manifestation concrète du mal. Elle explore dans un deuxième temps le parallèle entre la conscience de la vertu et la conscience de la méchanceté. Dans un troisième temps, elle examine le caractère indéfini et confus de l’identité des personnages de ce roman. Principalement, cette étude démontre que le système patriarcal oppressif ainsi que la joie du pouvoir de ces personnages sont les causes qui expliquent leurs caractères fragmentés. Pour ce fait, cette thèse explore les mécanismes du pouvoir en relation avec le discours, la connaissance et le corps. Le premier chapitre porte sur le cheminement de la sainteté vers la malédiction. Il examine de près la croissance du mal dans la conscience d'Ambrosio en commençant par la souillure jusqu’à l'acte final du péché menant ainsi à sa destruction. Dans ce chapitre, j’analyse le pouvoir irrésistible que détient Matilda sur la conscience d’Ambrosio. J’expose aussi les façons dont ces deux personnes interagissent. En examinant la fragmentation et la duplicité d'Ambrosio avec Matilda, mon chapitre propose une réflexion sur la façon dont la nature fragmentée du discours monastique se négocie avec le désir inné de l'humain pour les plaisirs mondains. Le deuxième chapitre examine l’échec qu’éprouve le personnage religieux à maintenir son autorité et son statut à cause de son manque d’expérience. Cette perte d’autorité et de statut est expliquée par l’incapacité du personnage à discipliner son corps subjugué. J'examine le renversement du pouvoir pastoral qui avait Ambrosio pour le compte du personnage transgressif féminin. Enfin, je présente le corps comme étant un lieu d’inconfort menant à déstabiliser « les relations de pouvoir ». Le troisième chapitre étudie la perte de sécurité dans la société patriarcale et ses répercussions sur les relations humaines. Il examine alors les impacts de l’effondrement du système hiérarchique sur le genre et ses performances. Ce chapitre met en lumière les corruptions spirituelles, sexuelles et sociales. En effet, le jumelage de différents personnages a permis d’identifier clairement ces corruptions. J’explore également le rétablissement de la justice sociale lorsque les personnages corrompus se sont offert une chance de se découvrir soi-même sans pour autant échapper à la peine à la fin de leurs vies.


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El ensayo examina el proceso judicial de una monja en Cuenca, a inicios del siglo XVIII, que buscaba regresar a la ""vida mundana"" y anular su profesión y hábito. Este caso permite mostrar la mentalidad barroca, acercarse a la construcción cultural del cuerpo y a la situación de las mujeres. A partir de los fragmentos disponibles del juicio, el artículo sugiere que Martina Catalina de Barzallo reivindicó el retomo a la vida mundana y el rechazo a las prácticas coercitivas propias de la vida monástica.


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The formation of Christendom – of Europe – was associated with a standardized worldview expressing dominion over the natural world. While some sections of medieval society, specifically monasteries and the aristocratic class, appear to have developed this paradigm, there is also evidence for heterogeneity in practice and belief. Zooarchaeologists have accumulated vast quantities of data from medieval contexts which has enabled the ecological signatures of specific social groups to be identified, and how these developed from the latter centuries of the first millennium ad. It is possible from this to consider whether trends in animal exploitation can be associated with the Christian world view of dominion, and with the very idea of what it meant to be Christian. This may enable zooarchaeologists to situate the ecological trends of the Middle Ages within the context of Europeanization, and the consolidation of a Christian society.


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In much of the English-speaking world the lawn is the most common of all garden features. For arguably a millennium it has played a significant role in the landscape and during that period it has been inextricably linked with grasses. Nevertheless other plant species have accompanied the grasses and also been used in creating lawns. From medieval wildflowers to Victorian weeds, the plants that challenge the formal concept of the perfect lawn have journeyed with it but have until recently remained only small players within the dominion of grass. By the beginning of the 21st century, with a new environmental ethos permeating the garden, the long journey of the grassy lawn and its plant companions has led to the grass monoculture being heretically rethought: by removing both the monoculture and the grass.


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Biała Góra 3 is a small settlement founded in the late twelfth or early thirteenth century AD in the disputed Christian borderlands of Northern Europe. The incorporation of Pomerania into the Polish state in the tenth century was followed by a process of colonisation across the lower Vistula valley, which then stalled before resuming in the thirteenth century under the Teutonic Order. Biała Góra 3 is unusual in falling between the two expansionist phases and provides detailed insight into the ethnicity and economy of this borderland community. Pottery and metalwork show strong links with both Pomeranian and German colonists, and caches of bricks and roof tiles indicate durable buildings of the kind associated with the monastic and military orders. Evidence for the presence of merchants suggests Biała Góra 3 was one of many outposts in the commercial network that shadowed the Crusades.


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Stable isotope ratios (δ13C and δ15N) were measured in human burials from the post-medieval (16th–18th c. AD) Carmelite friary burial grounds at Aalst, a town in Flanders, Belgium. Dietary patterns of 39 adult individuals were analyzed, from a mixed monastic and lay population buried in three different locations, reflecting groups with differing social status. The data show significant variation in the consumption of perhaps meat, but certainly also marine protein between females and males. This result represents a remarkable continuity with medieval dietary patterns, suggesting that the social and economic changes of the early modern period had a limited effect on everyday life. When both sexes were examined together, individuals buried in the cloister garth consumed significantly less marine protein compared to people buried in the church, likely reflecting social stratification. No statistical differences were observed between isotopic values from the church and the cloister alley, suggesting a similarly diverse diet of the monastic part of the buried population and that of the richer lay population. Finally, the hypothesis that diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH) is linked to a diet rich in animal protein was tested. No systematic or statistically significant differences between pathological and non-pathological bones from the same individuals affected with DISH were observed, and no statistical differences were found between individuals with DISH and individuals without DISH