204 resultados para Mogi-Guacu


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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El objetivo de ese trabajo de finalización de curso es dar a conocer el trabajo de la Institución de Incentivo à Criança e ao Adolescente (ICA) de la ciudad de Mogi Mirim, São Paulo, através de un gran reportaje para revista especializada en educación. El producto también se expone en la arte-educación, la herramienta principal de trabajo de la institución, y lo que es Tercer Sector, que el ICA se inserta. Através de entrevistas, encuestas y la experiencia, se buscó poner en práctica las técnicas periodistas que se aprendió a lo largo del curso de graduación y llevar al lector un informe claro y completo, lo que contribuye a la comprensión de los temas tratados


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas) - FCAV


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The student residence is a subject widely discussed throughout Brazil. Academics across the country needing assistance. The evasion in universities is still large. IBGE data show that the most needy students coming from public schools, have attended higher education in private universities through programs that facilitate their entry, but still, has made difficult their permanence. The place of living variable, before access to the university, is the most important determinant in academic life, as many move from their family background to enter university. The city of Mogi das Cruzes, strongly presents the problem in question, mainly concerning student housing, where despite a high housing stock and the rest of the country, these are not available to students in general, much less needy because not with the presence of specific houses, and when yes, these are very distant and / or have poor conditions, and a high cost, fully weakening these students to remain in the city. So, is based on this student body and student assistance mainly in affirmative action that include programs in academic life, but do not guarantee its permanence, the present work aims to propose a new proposed student accommodation, which through programs, spaces and actions, consistent with the integrated academic life services, can provide a financial support of these needy students in relation to the costs of their stays at the university, and also benefit the university, since it does not invest in the project without a guaranteed return


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The landuse is usually an human phenomenon that occurs over the years, due to population increase. The territorial knowledge is needed, and is the first step for environmental planning to implement conservation practices on agricultural production system. This study aimed to develop thematic maps as: hydrography, soil, slope, land use, and subbasins to obtain the main geomorphic morphometric data (physical) of the Córrego Rico Watershed. The techniques of remote sensing and geographic information system were used to elaborate the maps and for calculating the geomorphological data, as area, altitude and length of the drainage net, which were submitted to multivariate statistics. The Córrego Rico Watershed has an area of 563 km2 . The predominant slopes were 3-8%, with 55.3% of the total area; and the main use was sugar cane. The soils that predominate in the area are Oxisols towards the Mogi-Guaçú river mouth and Ultisols at the upstream of the basin.


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The root growth is genetically controlled. There is variability among cultivars and soil factors such as toxicant Al and low contents of Ca and Mg can harm it. The objective of this study was to evaluate the root growth and the shoot growth of millet cultivars in response to liming. The experiment was carried out in pots with 13 dm3 of soil, in greenhouse conditions until 62 days after the emergence of the plants. The used experimental design was completely randomized, in a 2x4 factorial scheme, that is to say,two painço cultivars (AL Mogi e AL Tibagi), and four level of calcareous (0,0; 0,83, 1,67 e 3,34 g dm-3 ), with four replications. Liming promotes increase of the root system and of the aerial parts of the cultivars. The AL Tibagi cultivar presents a root system more tolerant to the low saturation by bases in comparison to the AL Mogi, however, the maximum root growth was occurred in saturations at around 64%. Millet cultivars in high acidity conditions reduce root diameter at the expense of the growth in length.


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Information on improved cultivars of fall panicum and cultural practices concerning its cultivation is scarce in Brazil. So, the objectives of this research work were to evaluate root length and the mineral nutrition of fall panicum plants as influenced by liming in an acidic soil. The experiment was conducted in vases containing 13 dm3 of soil under greenhouse conditions up to 44 days after seedling emergence. The experimental units were distributed inside the green house according to a completely random design in a 2 X 4 factorial scheme, that is, two fall panicum cultivars (‘AL Mogi’ and ‘AL Tibagi’) and four doses (0.0, 1.67, 2.91, and 4.15 t ha-1 ). The experimental units were replicated 4 times. ‘AL Tibagi’ plants root system showed more tolerance to soil conditions of low base saturation. That cultivar also absorbed more efficiently P, N, Ca, Mg, and K from the acidic soil. Liming brought about increments of P, N, Ca, Mg, and S absorption by the fall panicum cultivars.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Microbiologia Aplicada) - IBRC


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Microbiologia Aplicada) - IBRC


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The composition of the ant fauna was examined in public squares of three municipalities that compose the hydrographic basin of the Upper Tiete River: Biritiba Mirim, Salesopolis, and Mogi das Cruzes. Richness, frequency of occurrence, similarity, and influence of seasons on the species composition were examined. The method was standardized as sampling units consisted of a set of three baits arranged in a triangle with vertices two meters apart. Sardines in oil were used as attractant. A total of 86 species was collected. Myrmicinae and Pheidole were the richest subfamily and genus, respectively. Eighty species were collected in Mogi das Cruzes, 49 in Salesopolis, and 45 in Biritiba Mirim, with 34 species common to the three areas. The ordination analysis (NMDS) revealed the presence of two distinct communities: one in Mogi das Cruzes and another in Biritiba Mirim-Salesopolis. These data were supported by the dendogram based on the Bray-Curtis dissimilarity index. This result might be associated with the distinct geographic and demographic characteristics of the areas. Regarding seasonality, the composition of the fauna of Mogi das Cruzes is independent of the season of the year, unlike the observed in Biritiba Mirim and Salesopolis.


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The blattisociid mite Lasioseius floridensis Berlese was found associated with the broad mite, Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks), on gerbera leaves in Mogi das Cruzes, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Blattisociid mites are not common on aerial plant parts, except under high air humidity levels. Some Lasioseius species have been mentioned as effective control agents of rice pest mites, but nothing is known about the biology of L. floridensis. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether the observed co-occurrence of L. floridensis and P. latus was just occasional or whether the latter could be important as food source for the former, assumed by laboratory evaluation of the ability of the predator to maintain itself, reproduce and develop on that prey. Biological parameters of L. floridensis were compared when exposed to P. latus and to other items as food. The study showed that mating is a pre-requisite for L. floridensis to oviposit and that oviposition rate was much higher on the soil nematode Rhabditella axei (Cobbold) (Rhabditidae) than on P. latus. Ovipositon on the acarid mite Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Schrank) was about the same as on P. latus, but it was nearly zero when the predator was fed the fungi Aspergillus flavus Link or Penicillium sp., or cattail (Typha sp.) pollen. Survivorship was higher in the presence of pollen and lower in the presence of A. flavus or Penicillium sp. than in the absence of those types of food. Life table parameters indicated that the predator performed much better on R. axei than on P. latus. To evaluate the potential effect of L. floridensis as predator of P. latus, complementary studies are warranted to determine the frequency of migration of L. floridensis to aerial plant parts, when predation on P. latus could occur.


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In the present paper, we report on the molecular interaction and photochemistry of TiO2 nanoparticles (NPs) and cytochrome c systems for understanding the effects of supramolecular organization and electron transfer by using two TiO2 structures: P25 TiO2 NPs and titanate nanotubes. The adsorption and reduction of cytochrome c heme iron promoted by photo-excited TiO2, arranged as P25 TiO2 NPs and as nanotubes, were characterized using electronic absorption spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, and atomic force microscopy. In an aqueous buffered suspension (pH 8.0), the mass of cytochrome c adsorbed on the P25 TiO2 NP surface was 2.3 fold lower (0.75 mu g m(-2)) than that adsorbed on the titanate nanotubes (1.75 mu g m(-2)). Probably due to the high coverage of titanate nanotubes by adsorbed cytochrome c, the low amount of soluble remaining protein was not as efficiently photo-reduced by this nanostructure as it was by the P25 TiO2 NPs. Cytochrome c, which desorbed from both titanium materials, did not exhibit changes in its redox properties. In the presence of the TiO2 NPs, the photo-induced electron transfer from water to soluble cytochrome c heme iron was corroborated by the following findings: (i) identification by EPR of the hydroxyl radical production during the irradiation of an aqueous suspension of TiO2 NPs, (ii) impairment of a cytochrome c reduction by photo-excited TiO2 in the presence of dioxane, which affects the dielectric constant of the water, and (iii) change in the rate of TiO2-promoted cytochrome c reduction when water was replaced with D2O. The TiO2-promoted photo-reduction of cytochrome c was reverted by peroxides. Cytochrome c incorporated in the titanate nanotubes was also reversibly reduced under irradiation, as confirmed by EPR and UV-visible spectroscopy.


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A citricultura apresenta vários problemas fitossanitários, dentre os quais a mancha-preta dos citros (Guignardia citricarpa). O controle desta doença baseia-se no emprego de práticas culturais e no uso de fungicidas. Avaliou-se o efeito do manejo do mato em conjunto com o químico no controle da doença. Os experimentos foram instalados em pomares de laranjeiras-doces, nos municípios de Matão, Rio Claro e Mogi Guaçu, no Estado de São Paulo. No manejo do mato, comparou-se o uso isolado de roçadeira ecológica com o conjugado rastelo mecânico e trincha, aos 35 dias, após 2/3 de pétalas caídas. No controle químico, foram realizadas duas pulverizações com fungicida protetor e de 2 a 5 pulverizações da mistura de produto sistêmico com protetor, aos 45 dias, após 2/3 de pétalas caídas, em intervalos de aplicação de 35 dias. Em todas as aplicações, foi adicionado óleo mineral emulsionável (0,25%). Avaliou-se a área abaixo da curva de progresso da incidência e severidade da doença, com os dados de cinco avaliações realizadas quinzenalmente, a partir da maturidade fisiológica dos frutos. Em todas as áreas, o uso do controle químico, associado com o manejo do mato, reduziu a intensidade da doença.