954 resultados para Missouri. State Tax Commission (1945- )
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Includes index.
In February of 1968 a cooperative research project by the Iowa State Highway Commission (Project No. HR-136) and the University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa was initiated in order to determine experimentally the creep and shrinkage characteristics of lightweight-aggregate concrete used in the State of Iowa. This report is concerned with Phase 1 of the Project as described in the Prospectus for the project submitted in November of 1967: "The State Highway Commission is planning to conduct pilot studies in prestressed-lightweight structures fabricated with materials that are proposed for use in bridge structures in the near future. Thus, Phase will have as its immediate objective, investigating the materials to be used in the above mentioned pilot studies. (1) The work described in this report was also carried out in conjunction with a second cooperative project: "Time-Dependent Camber and Deflection of Non-Composite and Composite Lightweight-Prestressed Concrete Beams" (Project No. HR-137).
Each year the South Carolina State Hospital Commission submits an annual report to the General Assembly that contains the agency's mission, objectives to accomplish the mission, and performance measures that show the degree to which objectives are being met.
Each year the South Carolina State Hospital Commission submits an annual report to the General Assembly that contains the agency's mission, objectives to accomplish the mission, and performance measures that show the degree to which objectives are being met.
On the back of the growing capacity of networked digital information technologies to process and visualise large amounts of information in a timely, efficient and user-driven manner we have seen an increasing demand for better access to and re-use of public sector information (PSI). The story is not a new one. Share knowledge and together we can do great things; limit access and we reduce the potential for opportunity. The two volumes of this book seek to explain and analyse this global shift in the way we manage public sector information. In doing so they collect and present papers, reports and submissions on the topic by leading authors and institutions from across the world. These in turn provide people tasked with mapping out and implementing information policy with reference material and practical guidance. Volume 1 draws together papers on the topic by policymakers, academics and practitioners while Volume 2 presents a selection of the key reports and submissions that have been published over the last few years.
Olivier Cortens The Law Against War is a comprehensive, meticulously-researched study of contemporary international law governing the use of armed force in international relations. As a translated and updated version of a 2008 book published in French, it offers valuable insights into the positivist methodology that underpins much of the European scholarship of international law. Corten undertakes a rigorous analysis of state practice from 1945 onwards, with a view to clarifying the current meaning and scope of international laws prohibition on the use of force. His central argument is that the majority of states remain attached to a strict interpretation of this rule. For Corten, state practice indicates that the doctrines of anticipatory self-defence, pre-emptive force and humanitarian intervention have no basis in contemporary international law. His overall position accords with a traditional, restrictive view of the circumstances in which states are permitted to use force...
Esta tese abordou como temas centrais a capacidade de extrao tributria e os conflitos distributivos inerentes ao efetivo exerccio da coleta de tributos pelo Estado. Nosso objetivo foi analisar os processos por trs das disputas em torno da tributao no Novo Desenvolvimentismo no Brasil (governos Luiz Incio Lula da Silva, 2003-2010) e na Argentina (governos Nstor Kirchner, 2003-2007, e Cristina Fernndez de Kirchner, 2007-2011), identificando os legados das trajetrias institucionais prvias sobre a formulao de suas agendas tributrias, bem como as estratgias empreendidas pelas coalizes governantes e opositoras para a promoo de mudanas nas instituies tributria. Para tanto, focalizamos o estudo dos conflitos em torno da CPMF, no Brasil, e das retenes s exportaes, na Argentina. Sustentamos que a formao de coalizes desenvolvimentistas explica a formatao de consensos em torno do fortalecimento da capacidade de extrao tributria e, por conseguinte, da capacidade de investir e de efetuar gastos sociais. As diferenas observadas nas capacidades extrativas no Brasil e na Argentina se explicam, fundamentalmente, pela construo de um duradouro consenso em torno do desenvolvimentismo, no Brasil, em contraste com a trajetria de marcada por disputas em torno das estratgias de desenvolvimento na Argentina. Ademais, a formao de coalizes de sustentao a determinadas agendas tributrias deve ser entendida no marco das disputas em torno da distribuio dos custos e dos benefcios decorrentes dessas polticas. Por isso, fez-se necessrio analisar a articulao das elites econmicas dos dois pases na defesa dos seus interesses: embora suas elites empresariais (industriais ou agropecurias) apresentassem dificuldades histricas na articulao de ao coletiva em favor de agendas positivas, elas foram capazes de articularem suas aes em torno de interesses negativos, objetivando obstaculizar polticas tributrias que fossem de encontro aos seus interesses.
O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de discutir os fundamentos que possibilitam um novo relacionamento entre Estado e Cidado em torno da tributao, superando um ambiente de litigiosidade necessria. Para tanto, em uma perspectiva instrumental, se vale da democracia participativa e deliberativa para fundamentar maior participao do cidado em torno da tributao e criao e reinveno de novos espaos em que se possa realizar um dilogo entre ambos, antes de se procurar uma via litigiosa. O trabalho se vale, tambm, da descrio de fenmenos da realidade que possibilitam o relacionamento baseado na cooperao. Finaliza por reconhecer que a participao do cidado na tributao ainda incipiente, embora j d sinais de seu surgimento.
This audit report by the South Carolina State Election Commission for the 2010 general election in McCormick County provides 5 reports generated by the iVotronic voting machines and Unity election system, including comparisons of number of ballots, number of votes for each candidate, and Personal Electronic Ballot devices used.
The South Carolina State Ethics Commission reports to the Office of State Budget its annual accountability report that includes an organization chart, comparative summary of statistics, and report of programs of the Ethics Commission.
Tax evasion and fraud threaten the economic and social objectives of modern tax systems, precluding the state funding for the satisfaction of collective needs and the fair distribution of wealth, being a violation of basic principles and values of our society. In tax law, to give tax administration the necessary powers to supervise and control the information provided by taxpayers and combat tax evasion and fraud, over the last years the grounds for a derogation of bank secrecy without judicial authorization have been extended, which raises some constitutional compatibility issues. Similarly, this tendency of making this legal regime more flexible and increasing automatic exchange of information has been followed by the European Union and the international community. Banking secrecy, as a professional secrecy, is an instrument to protect the right to privacy but also appears as an anti-abuse and repressive mechanism of evasive and fraudulent behaviors. Because of the conflict of interests will always be necessary to make a practical agreement between them, ensuring the legality and the due guarantees of the taxpayers but also an effective way to combat tax evasion and fraud. Bank secrecy cannot be one method to, behind the right to privacy, taxpayers practice illegal activities. But the practice of these irregular conducts also does not justify a total annihilation of the right to banking secrecy, uncovering all documents and bank informations. Although considering the legislative changes, the administrative derogation of bank secrecy will always be what the tax administration does of it.
Ce mmoire cherche comprendre un paradoxe : les tats-providence les plus gnreux, faonns par des partis sociaux-dmocrates, sont financs par des taxes beaucoup plus rgressives que les tats-providence les moins gnreux o les partis de droite, plus souvent au pouvoir, mettent en place une taxation plus progressive. Pour comprendre ce paradoxe, ce mmoire dbute en analysant les pressions induites par la mondialisation des capitaux sur la taxation. Ensuite, le mmoire explore les causes institutionnelles des rgimes fiscaux en effectuant une revue de la littrature analytique. Ces contraintes institutionnelles et fonctionnelles sur le comportement et les prfrences des acteurs politiques permettent de dfinir trois idaux-types de rgimes fiscaux. Ces idaux-types cadrent avec la typologie des rgimes dtat-providence dEsping-Andersen. En regroupant des typologies sur les rgimes fiscaux et les rgimes dtat-providence, ce mmoire souligne que le financement des politiques publiques reprsente une composante cruciale de lconomie politique de ltat-providence.
La modificacin a la Constitucin Poltica de Colombia, que agreg el criterio de sostenibilidad fiscal, que tendr que ser aplicado en todas las actuaciones del Estado, se implement como forma de aplacar el gasto del Estado con miras a lograr dos objetivos que son: el de mantener el estado de la deuda pblica a topes manejables, es decir, reducir la deuda y poder tener una estabilidad macroeconmica; segn el gobierno nacional con estos dos pilares se asegurar un clima estable para la inversin extranjera en el territorio nacional augurando un auge econmico sostenido y el bienestar general de los nacionales a futuro. En la presente monografa se realiza un anlisis juicioso de dicho criterio, sus motivaciones econmicas, la forma de su aprobacin en el congreso de la repblica y el papel del Estado colombiano en la formulacin del acto legislativo, as como las consecuencias que se suscitan en este una vez aprobado el criterio de sostenibilidad fiscal. En el transcurso de la monografa se podr entender que es el criterio de sostenibilidad fiscal consecuencia de un proceso de globalizacin econmica y una medida que inserta a la economa colombiana en esa tendencia mundial de libre flujo de bienes, capitales y servicios, que ha demostrado slo beneficiar a grandes emporios econmicos, multinacionales, transnacionales y sectores productivos de pases potencias en detrimento de sectores econmicos de los otros pases, se concluye as que el criterio de sostenibilidad fiscal no es una buena decisin e implica un cambio fundamental del modelo de Estado que hace colapsar la economa nacional y de paso se da un golpe de gracia al cumplimiento de derechos fundamentales.