989 resultados para Merian, Maria


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Respiration and ammonium excretion rates at different oxygen partial pressure were measured for calanoid copepods and euphausiids from the Eastern Tropical South Pacific and the Eastern Tropical North Atlantic. All specimens used for experiments were caught in the upper 400 m of the water column and only animals appearing unharmed and fit were used for experiments. Specimens were sorted, identified and transferred into aquaria with filtered, well-oxygenated seawater immediately after the catch and maintained for 1 to 13 hours prior to physiological experiments at the respective experimental temperature. Maintenance and physiological experiments were conducted in darkness in temperature-controlled incubators at 11, 13 or 23 degree C (±1). Before and during experiments, animals were not fed. Respiration and ammonium excretion rate measurements (both in µmol h-1 gDW-1) at varying oxygen concentrations were conducted in 12 to 60 mL gas-tight glass bottles. These were equipped with oxygen microsensors (ø 3 mm, PreSens Precision Sensing GmbH, Regensburg, Germany) attached to the inner wall of the bottles to monitor oxygen concentrations non-invasively. Read-out of oxygen concentrations was conducted using multi-channel fiber optic oxygen transmitters (Oxy-4 and Oxy-10 mini, PreSens Precision Sensing GmbH, Regensburg, Germany) that were connected via optical fibers to the outside of the bottles directly above the oxygen microsensor spots. Measurements were started at pre-adjusted oxygen and carbon dioxide levels. For this, seawater stocks with adjusted pO2 and pCO2 were prepared by equilibrating 3 to 4 L of filtered (0.2 µm filter Whatman GFF filter) and UV - sterilized (Aqua Cristal UV C 5 Watt, JBL GmbH & Co. KG, Neuhofen, Germany) water with premixed gases (certified gas mixtures from Air Liquide) for 4 hours at the respective experimental temperature. pCO2 levels were chosen to mimic the environmental pCO2 in the ETSP OMZ or the ETNA OMZ. Experimental runs were conducted with 11 to 15 trial incubations (1 or 2 animals per incubation bottle and three different treatment levels) and three animal-free control incubations (one per experimental treatment). During each run, experimental treatments comprised 100% air saturation as well as one reduced air saturation level with and without CO2. Oxygen concentrations in the incubation bottles were recorded every 5 min using the fiber-optic microsensor system and data recording for respiration rate determination was started immediately after all animals were transferred. Respiration rates were calculated from the slope of oxygen decrease over selected time intervals. Chosen time intervals were 20 to 105 min long. No respiration rate was calculated for the first 20 to 60 min after animal transfer to avoid the impact of enhanced activity of the animal or changes in the bottle water temperature during initial handling on the respiration rates and oxygen readings. Respiration rates were obtained over a maximum of 16 hours incubation time and slopes were linear at normoxia to mild hypoxia. Respiration rates in animal-free control bottles were used to correct for microbial activity. These rates were < 2% of animal respiration rates at normoxia. Samples for the measurement of ammonium concentrations were taken after 2 to 10 hours incubation time. Ammonium concentration was determined fluorimetrically (Holmes et al., 1999). Ammonium excretion was calculated as the concentration difference between incubation and animal-free control bottles. Some specimens died during the respiration and excretion rate measurements, as indicated by a cessation of respiration. No excretion rate measurements were conducted in this case, but the oxygen level at which the animal died was noted.


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Methane hydrate is an ice-like substance that is stable at high-pressure and low temperature in continental margin sediments. Since the discovery of a large number of gas flares at the landward termination of the gas hydrate stability zone off Svalbard, there has been concern that warming bottom waters have started to dissociate large amounts of gas hydrate and that the resulting methane release may possibly accelerate global warming. Here, we can corroborate that hydrates play a role in the observed seepage of gas, but we present evidence that seepage off Svalbard has been ongoing for at least three thousand years and that seasonal fluctuations of 1-2°C in the bottom-water temperature cause periodic gas hydrate formation and dissociation, which focus seepage at the observed sites.


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With an extension of > 40 km**2 the recently discovered Campeche cold-water coral province located at the northeastern rim of the Campeche Bank in the southern Gulf of Mexico belongs to the largest coherent cold-water coral areas discovered so far. The Campeche province consists of numerous 20-40 m-high elongated coral mounds that are developed in intermediate water depths of 500 to 600 m. The mounds are colonized by a vivid cold-water coral ecosystem that covers the upper flanks and summits. The rich coral community is dominated by the framework-building Scleractinia Enallopsammia profunda and Lophelia pertusa, while the associated benthic megafauna shows a rather scarce occurrence. The recent environmental setting is characterized by a high surface water production caused by a local upwelling center and a dynamic bottom-water regime comprising vigorous bottom currents, obvious temporal variability, and strong density contrasts, which all together provide optimal conditions for the growth of cold-water corals. This setting - potentially supported by the diel vertical migration of zooplankton in the Campeche area - controls the delivering of food particles to the corals. The Campeche cold-water coral province is, thus, an excellent example highlighting the importance of the oceanographic setting in securing the food supply for the development of large and vivid cold-water coral ecosystems.


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Nitrogen fixation data from the cruise number MSM18/5 with research vessel "Maria S. Merian" from 22.08.-20.09.2011 (from Walvis Bay to Walvis Bay) in front of Angola and northern Namibia. Samples taken by CTD- rosette sampler from different depths and incubated in glass bottles (535 ml) at light intensities that resemble the in situ light intensities of the sampling depth after 15N2 gas was injected to the sample. After the incubation time of 6 hours, the complete bottle content was filtered onto a pre-combusted Whatman GF/F filter. Filters were frozen, transported to the institute on dry ice and measured in a mass spectrometer for Delta 15N. The principle of the method was described by Montoya et al. (1996) and calculation was done according to their spread sheet. From the data of the single depths, the nitrogen fixation per square meter within the upper 40 m of the water column was calculated. The methods are described in detail in a paper submitted by Wasmund et al. in 2014 to be printed in 2015. Some results are surprisingly below zero. This occurs if the Delta 15N of the blank is higher than the measurement after incubation. It indicates that no nitrogen fixation occurred. Due to natural variability, the variability of the nitrogen fixation data is high. In an overall estimate, also over several cruises, negative and positive values compensate more or less, suggesting that nitrogen fixation is insignificant in the waters in front of northern Namibia and southern Angola.


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Nitrogen fixation data from the cruise number MSM17/3 with research vessel "Maria S. Merian" from 30.01.-10.02.2011 (= "leg a" from Walvis Bay to Walvis Bay) in front of Namibia. Samples taken by CTD- rosette sampler from different depths and incubated in glass bottles (535 ml) at light intensities that resemble the in situ light intensities of the sampling depth after 15N2 gas was injected to the sample. After the incubation time of 6-8 hours, the complete bottle content was filtered onto a pre-combusted Whatman GF/F filter. Filters were frozen, transported to the institute on dry ice and measured in a mass spectrometer for Delta 15N. The principle of the method was described by Montoya et al. (1996) and calculation was done according to their spread sheet. From the data of the single depths, the nitrogen fixation per square meter within the upper 40 m of the water column was calculated. The methods are described in detail in a paper submitted by Wasmund et al. in 2014 to be printed in 2015. Some results are surprisingly below zero. This occurs if the Delta 15N of the blank is higher than the measurement after incubation. It indicates that no nitrogen fixation occurred. Due to natural variability, the variability of the nitrogen fixation data is high. In an overall estimate, also over several cruises, negative and positive values compensate more or less, suggesting that nitrogen fixation is insignificant in the waters in front of northern Namibia and southern Angola.


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Nitrogen fixation data from the cruise number MSM18/4 with research vessel "Maria S. Merian" from 24.07.-20.08.2011 (from Libreville to Walvis Bay) in front of Angola and northern Namibia. Samples taken by CTD- rosette sampler from different depths and incubated in glass bottles (535 ml) at light intensities that resemble the in situ light intensities of the sampling depth after Delta 15 N2 gas was injected to the sample. After the incubation time of 6 hours, the complete bottle content was filtered onto a pre-combusted Whatman GF/F filter. Filters were frozen, transported to the institute on dry ice and measured in a mass spectrometer for Delta15N. The principle of the method was described by Montoya et al. (1996) and calculation was done according to their spread sheet. From the data of the single depths, the nitrogen fixation per square meter within the upper 40 m of the water column was calculated. The methods are described in detail in a paper submitted by Wasmund et al. in 2014 to be printed in 2015. Some results are surprisingly below zero. This occurs if the Delta15N of the blank is higher than the measurement after incubation. It indicates that no nitrogen fixation occurred. Due to natural variability, the variability of the nitrogen fixation data is high. In an overall estimate, also over several cruises, negative and positive values compensate more or less, suggesting that nitrogen fixation is insignificant in the waters in front of northern Namibia and southern Angola.


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Samples were taken along a transect in the North Atlantic Ocean from 66°139.27'N; 29°136.65'W to 34°124.87'N; 28°128.90'W during the VISION cruise (diVersIty, Structure and functION) MSM03/01 on board the research vessel Maria S. Merian from September 21 to September 30, 2006. Along this transect, each station was sampled at 12 depths, from 10m down to 250m or 500m. Samples were collected with a rosette of 20-l Niskin bottles mounted on a conductivity-temperature-density profiler. Water samples for nutrients analysis were filtered directly after sampling through 0.45-µm in-line filters attached to a 60-ml pre-cleaned syringe into two 12-ml polystyrole tubes. Samples were stored at 4°C (dissolved silicate) or 80°C (ammonium, phosphate, nitrate and nitrite) The samples were spectrophotometrically measured with a continuous-flow analyzer using standard AA3 methods (Seal Analytical, Norderstedt, Germany) using a variant of the method of Grasshoff et al. (1983).