255 resultados para Macaca thibetana
The masticatory apparatus for two endemic species of golden monkey in China, Rhinopithecus bieti and Rhinopithecus roxellana, were compared with those of macaques, Macaca and leaf monkeys, Presbytis. Multivariate analyses demonstrated that the two golden monkey species are distinct. Interspecies allometric analyses revealed that golden monkeys differ in their masticatory apparatus from both macaques and leaf monkeys. The prominent symphysial fusion, corpus, and sagittal condylar dimension of R. roxellana may produce efficient biting force on the incisal and posterior canine teeth, with the heavy reaction force barn on the temporomandibular joint. However, the well-developed bizygamatic width and mandibular height in R. bieti suggest that posterior canine function is similarly prominent in R. roxellana, while incisal function is not. (C) 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Phylogenetic relationships of six species of Ochotona were investigated using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction-site analysis. The phylogenetic tree constructed using PAUP was based on 62 phylogenetically informative sites with O. erythrotis designated as an outgroup. Two clades were evident. One contained O. curzoniae, O. huangensis, and O. thibetana. in the second, O. daurica was a sister taxon of O. cansus. The five species appear to come from different maternal lineages. The branching structure of the tree and sequence divergence confirm that huangensis and cansus are distinct species, and that mol-osa is a synonym of O. cansus rather than O. thibetana. Divergence time, estimated from genetic distances, indicates that the ancestors of the two maternal lineages diverged ca. 6.5 x 10(6) years ago. O. curzoniae diverged from O. huangensis, and O. daurica diverged from O. cansus, at about the same time (ca. 3.4 x 10(6) years ago). These data suggest a period of rapid radiation of the genus Ochotona in China, perhaps during the late Pliocene. These calculations correspond roughly to tectonic events and environmental changes in China throughout this period, and appear to be substantiated by the fossil record.
酪氨酸酶是黑色素合成当中的关键酶。人酪氨酸酶基因包括5个外显子,在染色体11q14-q21位置上占据了约50kb长的区域。对人类眼皮肤型白化病(Oculocutaneous albinism, OCA)的许多研究表明,该病主要是由于酪氨酸酶基因的突变引起的。昆明动物研究所白化猴研究小组数十年来一直从事白化猕猴的培育和研究工作,目前饲养着2只白化猕猴和它们的后代,这提供了我们研究猕猴白化分子机制目的条件。为了弄清猕猴白化病的分子机制,我们根据人酪氨酸酶基因序列设计了5对PCR引物扩增相应的5个外显子,序列分析表明,白化猕猴珍珍酪氨酸酶基因第184个密码子第2位置(外显子1的核苷酸位置551)处发生一个C→A的无义突变,使编码丝氨酸(Ser)的密码子变成了一个终止密码,这样后面1038bp的核苷酸片段(346个氨基酸残基)被截断,导致酪氨酸酶翻译不完全,迄今为止,并没有发现合成黑色素的第二条生化途径,因此由于该酶不能行使正常功能而将导致黑色素不能正常表达。这可能是导致该例猕猴白化病的原因。为了解酪氨酸酶基因序列变异的规律及其与功能的关系,探讨该基因作为系统发育研究中遗传标记的有效性,我们测定了黑猩猩(Pan troglodytes)、倭黑猩猩(Pan paniscus)、大猩猩(Gorilla gorilla)、猩猩(Pongo pygmaeus)、长臂猿(Hylobates lar)、食蟹猴(Macaca fascicularis)、狒狒(Simia cynocephalus)、猕猴(Macaca mulatta)、熊猴(Macaca assamensis)、菲氏叶猴(Presbytis p. crepusculus)、白臀叶猴(Pygathrix nemaeus)、滇金丝猴(Rhinopithecus r. bieti)和蛛猴(Ateles paniscus)13个灵长类中代表种的酪氨酸酶基因全部5个外显子的DNA序列。基于这些序列,用简约法构建了分子系统树。结果表明,人猿超科与旧大陆猴各自形成一单系群。人猿超科各物种和旧大陆猴有明显分化,人与大猩猩的关系比人与黑猩猩的关系近。酪氨酸酶基因在解决灵长类系统发育关系上是一个较有用的基因。为了进一步了解中国猕猴(Macaca mulatta)的亚种分化和不同地理群体间的基因流状况,我们测定了来自中云南、广西、福建、海南、浙江、河南、湖南、湖北、安徽、四川、贵州和越南猕猴共96只个体和一只外群食蟹猴的线粒体DNA控制区576bp的DNA序列,基于这些序列,运用距离法对中国恒河猴的分子进行和遗传多样性进行了分析,我们的研究结果显示,云南、四川和湖南猕猴群体与其它群体存在显著分析,海南群体内遗传多样性最低、四川、广西、浙江、福建和越南群体内遗传多样性较丰富。中国猕猴的分化可能存在三条路线。中国猕猴的遗传多样性较丰富。
三重基序蛋白TRIM5α(Tripartite motif protein 5 alpha)是哺乳动物细胞中一种重要的限制因子,广泛分布于各种哺乳动物细胞中。人类TRIM5α mRNA 广泛表达于人类各个组织中,并且I 型干扰素IFN-α/β/γ 均能与TRIM5α 基因启动子的ISRE 元件结合,上调TRIM5α mRNA 的表达。恒河猴(Macaca mulatta)TRIM5α 是恒河猴体内重要的限制因子。目前对恒河猴尤其是中国恒河猴TRIM5α 的组织分布以及在受到外界刺激时TRIM5α mRNA 表达量的变化研究还未见报道。本论文通过从中国恒河猴各组织中提取总RNA,以β-actin 基因作为内参照,通过逆转录PCR 检测各组织中TRIM5α mRNA 的表达。我们选择用HIV-GFP-VSVG 感染、用佛波脂(Phorbol myfismte acetate, PMA)+离子霉素(Ionomycin, Ion),CD28 抗体+CD49d 抗体分别共刺激恒河猴PBMC,研究不同刺激对中国恒河猴TRIM5α mRNA 表达量的影响。研究发现:TRIM5α mRNA 广泛表达于恒河猴各组织中,在免疫系统和泌尿生殖系统各组织,如腹淋巴结、睾丸和附睾中表达量最高,而在神经系统各组织如大脑、脊髓中表达量比较少,在其他各组织中未见明显的表达差异。此外HIV-GFP-VSVG 感染、PMA+ Ion 与CD28 抗体+CD49d 抗体分别共刺激PBMC 均能促进PBMC TRIM5α mRNA 表达量的上调。 TRIM5α 作为恒河猴体内的最主要的限制HIV-1 感染的限制因子,除了可能通过促进HIV-1 的脱壳和阻止整合前复合物PIC(pre-integration complex)入核,恒河猴TRIM5α 还能限制HIV-1 病毒颗粒的产生。在这个过程中B30.2 结构域是非必需的,而B-box2 和Coiled-Coil 结构域起着决定性的作用。因为鹰猴(Aotes trivirgatus)TRIMCyp(omTRIMCyp) 蛋白和北平顶猴(Macaca leouina) TRIMCyp(npmTRIMCyp)蛋白的B-box2 和Coiled-Coil 结构域与恒河猴TRIM5α 的B-box2 和Coiled-Coil 具有很高的同源性,我们希望了解鹰猴TRIMCyp 蛋白和北平顶猴TRIMCyp 蛋白对HIV-1 病毒颗粒的产生是否有限制作用。本论文主要通过将质粒pNL4.3 分别与质粒pLPCX 、pLPCX-npmTRIMCyp-HA 、 pLPCX-omTRIMCyp-HA和pLPCX-rhTRIM5α-HA共转染293T细胞,通过western blot 检测细胞内Gag 蛋白和TRIM5 蛋白的表达情况,研究omTRIMCyp 蛋白和 npmTRIMCyp 蛋白对HIV-1 病毒颗粒产生的限制作用。结果表明:北平顶猴 TRIMCyp 蛋白、鹰猴TRIMCyp 蛋白都能不同程度的促进HIV-1 病毒Gag 蛋白的降解。
与啮齿类动物相比,猕猴(Macaca mulatta)在遗传和生理上与人类更接近, 因此猕猴胚胎干细胞具有重要的研究价值,不仅是研究发育生物学基础理论的良 好材料,而且可为细胞替代性治疗提供很好的同种异体移植模型。猕猴胚胎干细 胞常规培养于小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞(mouse embryonic fibroblast, MEF)上,这极 大地限制了对猕猴胚胎干细胞的研究和应用,因此,需要建立猕猴胚胎干细胞的 无饲养层培养体系。 本文以猕猴胚胎干细胞系IVF3.2(本实验室自主分离建系,来源于猕猴体 外受精胚胎)为研究对象,研究了在以Matrigel (growth factor reduced, BD)作为 胞外基质,以MEF 条件培养基为培养基,以trypsin 消化传代的无饲养层培养体 系中,猕猴胚胎干细胞的生长及分化能力,并比较了猕猴胚胎干细胞IVF3.2 在 无饲养层和有饲养层两种不同培养条件下的细胞周期分布及冻存复苏效率。主要 结论如下:1)经过鉴定,在本研究建立的无饲养层培养体系中,猕猴胚胎干细 胞IVF3.2 能够保持胚胎干细胞的两个基本特征,即分化的多能性和自我更新的 无限增殖能力;2)两种培养体系下的IVF3.2 的细胞周期分布没有显著差异,均 具有胚胎干细胞独特的细胞周期结构之一,即大部分细胞处于S 期(>50%的细 胞);3)无饲养层培养的IVF3.2 冻存后能高效复苏,采用常规慢速冷冻法冻存 无饲养层培养的IVF3.2,复苏后的细胞存活率高达83%,明显高于常规培养的 IVF3.2 的冻存效率。
I.四种猕猴属(Macaca)动物精母细胞联会复合体的比较研究 本工作采用去污剂微铺展--硝酸银染色技术比较研究了熊猴、平顶猴、藏酋猴、恒河猴及其亚种毛耳猴的精母细胞联会复合体(SC)核型和SC的结构、形态及其在减数分裂过程的行为。结果表明:1.这几种动物的SC核型及SC的发育过程基本一致。粗线期SC的相对长度和臂比与体细胞染色体的相对长度和臂比具有较好的吻合性。SC的形成开始于线期,成熟于粗线期,解体于双线期。2.在减数分裂前期,性染色体轴表现强烈的嗜银性,配对明显落后于常染色体。根据性染色体的形态和行为,可分为五种类型。此外,本文还对XY染色体的同源性和侧轴加粗等现象进行了讨论。II.食蟹猴(M.fascicularis)和熊猴(M.assamensis)杂种(F1)的细胞遗传学研究 本工作采用染色体显带、组织学观察以及低渗铺张--硝酸银染色等方法较为详细地研究了食蟹猴和熊猴种间杂种(F1)体细胞染色体的G带、C带、Ag-NOR、精母细胞联会复合体的结构、形态和行为以及精子发生。结果表明,①杂种亲本的染色体级具有高度的同源性;②杂种的精子发生过程完全正常;③食蟹猴和熊猴的种间生殖屏障可能主要是生态隔离。此外,本文还对食蟹猴和熊猴染色体高度同源的原因、二者的分类地位以及杂种细胞中Ag-NOR的多态性等问题进行了分析和讨论。
一些特殊的环境因素如:丰富环境、应激等能够对脑的某些高级认知功能产生广泛的影响。单胺类神经递质系统对脑的高级认知功能也起着重要的作用。我们在前人的工作基础上,通过实验进一步探讨了丰富环境、束缚应激及社会等级与抑郁症、焦虑症的关系,以及去甲肾上腺素β 受体系统与吗啡诱导的条件化环境线索记忆的获得和提取之间的关系。我们首先假设在未成年小鼠每天接受束缚应激刺激之后饲养于丰富环境中可能也会减轻小鼠慢性束缚应激导致的焦虑样或抑郁样的行为。经过14 天和28 天两个周期的环境处理,结合每天4 小时和8 小时的束缚应激和每天16 小时的丰富环境饲养,利用动物行为学方法检测小鼠焦虑样或抑郁样的行为。实验结果表明:(1)慢性束缚应激抑制了未成年小鼠体重的增加,丰富环境可能也是抑制体重增加的因素之一;(2)在强迫游泳测试中,慢性束缚应激可减轻未成年小鼠抑郁样的行为,但是丰富环境能够抑制束缚应激引起的未成年小鼠抑郁样的行为的降低,即丰富环境加重了其抑郁样的行为;(3)在黑白箱测试中,丰富环境能够提高未成年小鼠自发探索活动能力,但是对束缚应激引起焦虑样行为的降低没有影响。我们的第二个实验假设高等非人灵长类动物猕猴(Macaca mulatta)天然的社会等级关系产生的抑郁样的个体能够更好的模拟人类社群中自然形成的抑郁症的发病与病征,因此可能成为研究人群中自然状态下产生的抑郁症潜在的更为有效的实验动物模型。我们对几个猕猴群体的不同结构组成(性别、年龄、数量等)进行观察分析,首先筛选出抑郁样的猕猴个体,进而探讨在不同结构组成的猕猴群体中产生抑郁样个体的情况。结果表明:(1)社会等级地位高低与猕猴抑郁发病密切相关即最低地位的个体产生抑郁样个体的可能性最大;(2)猕猴群体密度增加,产生抑郁样个体的几率有增高的趋势;(3)在猕猴群体中产生雌性抑郁样个体几率有高于雄性的趋势;(4)抑郁样个体的产生可能与猕猴的年龄、群体性别构成等因素相关性不高。根据以往的研究发现阻断肾上腺素β受体干预环境条件化线索相关记忆的再巩固能够加快成瘾记忆的消退,却很少涉及β受体对这种记忆的获得和提取的影响。因此,我们利用小鼠吗啡诱导的条件化位置偏好模型和药理学方法探讨了β受体拮抗剂心得安对吗啡相关的环境条件化记忆的获得和提取的影响。实验结果表明:β受体不参与吗啡诱导环境线索记忆的获得,但可能加强记忆的提取,提示激活β受体可能加快对吗啡依赖条件化环境线索相关记忆的消退。
Phylogenetic relationships of six species of Ochotona were investigated using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction-site analysis. The phylogenetic tree constructed using PAUP was based on 62 phylogenetically informative sites with O. erythrotis designated as an outgroup. Two clades were evident. One contained O. curzoniae, O. huangensis, and O. thibetana. in the second, O. daurica was a sister taxon of O. cansus. The five species appear to come from different maternal lineages. The branching structure of the tree and sequence divergence confirm that huangensis and cansus are distinct species, and that mol-osa is a synonym of O. cansus rather than O. thibetana. Divergence time, estimated from genetic distances, indicates that the ancestors of the two maternal lineages diverged ca. 6.5 x 10(6) years ago. O. curzoniae diverged from O. huangensis, and O. daurica diverged from O. cansus, at about the same time (ca. 3.4 x 10(6) years ago). These data suggest a period of rapid radiation of the genus Ochotona in China, perhaps during the late Pliocene. These calculations correspond roughly to tectonic events and environmental changes in China throughout this period, and appear to be substantiated by the fossil record.
Restriction site mapping of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) with 16 restriction endonucleases was used to examine the phylogenetic relationships of Ochotona cansus, O. huangensis, O. thibetana, O. curzoniae and O. erythrotis. A 1-kb length variation between O. erythrotis of subgenus Pika and other four species of subgenus Ochotona was observed, which may be a useful genetic marker for identifying the two subgenera. The phylogenetic tree constructed using PAUP based on 61 phylogenetically informative sites suggests that O. erythrotis diverged first, followed by O. cansus, while O. curzoniae and O. huangensis are sister taxa related to O. thibetana, The results indicate that both O. cansus and O. huangensis should be treated as independent species. If the base substitution rate of pikas mtDNA was 2% per million years, then the divergence time of the two subgenera, Pika and Ochotana, is about 8.8 Ma ago of late Miocence, middle Bao-dian of Chinese mammalian age, and the divergence of the four species in subgenus Ochotona would have occurred about 2.5 - 4.2 Ma ago, Yushean of Chinese mammalian age. This calculation appears to be substantiated by the fossil record.
BACKGROUND: HIV-1 clade C (HIV-C) predominates worldwide, and anti-HIV-C vaccines are urgently needed. Neutralizing antibody (nAb) responses are considered important but have proved difficult to elicit. Although some current immunogens elicit antibodies that neutralize highly neutralization-sensitive (tier 1) HIV strains, most circulating HIVs exhibiting a less sensitive (tier 2) phenotype are not neutralized. Thus, both tier 1 and 2 viruses are needed for vaccine discovery in nonhuman primate models. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We constructed a tier 1 simian-human immunodeficiency virus, SHIV-1157ipEL, by inserting an "early," recently transmitted HIV-C env into the SHIV-1157ipd3N4 backbone [1] encoding a "late" form of the same env, which had evolved in a SHIV-infected rhesus monkey (RM) with AIDS. SHIV-1157ipEL was rapidly passaged to yield SHIV-1157ipEL-p, which remained exclusively R5-tropic and had a tier 1 phenotype, in contrast to "late" SHIV-1157ipd3N4 (tier 2). After 5 weekly low-dose intrarectal exposures, SHIV-1157ipEL-p systemically infected 16 out of 17 RM with high peak viral RNA loads and depleted gut CD4+ T cells. SHIV-1157ipEL-p and SHIV-1157ipd3N4 env genes diverge mostly in V1/V2. Molecular modeling revealed a possible mechanism for the increased neutralization resistance of SHIV-1157ipd3N4 Env: V2 loops hindering access to the CD4 binding site, shown experimentally with nAb b12. Similar mutations have been linked to decreased neutralization sensitivity in HIV-C strains isolated from humans over time, indicating parallel HIV-C Env evolution in humans and RM. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: SHIV-1157ipEL-p, the first tier 1 R5 clade C SHIV, and SHIV-1157ipd3N4, its tier 2 counterpart, represent biologically relevant tools for anti-HIV-C vaccine development in primates.
African green monkeys (AGM) and other natural hosts for simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) do not develop an AIDS-like disease following SIV infection. To evaluate differences in the role of SIV-specific adaptive immune responses between natural and nonnatural hosts, we used SIV(agmVer90) to infect vervet AGM and pigtailed macaques (PTM). This infection results in robust viral replication in both vervet AGM and pigtailed macaques (PTM) but only induces AIDS in the latter species. We delayed the development of adaptive immune responses through combined administration of anti-CD8 and anti-CD20 lymphocyte-depleting antibodies during primary infection of PTM (n = 4) and AGM (n = 4), and compared these animals to historical controls infected with the same virus. Lymphocyte depletion resulted in a 1-log increase in primary viremia and a 4-log increase in post-acute viremia in PTM. Three of the four PTM had to be euthanized within 6 weeks of inoculation due to massive CMV reactivation and disease. In contrast, all four lymphocyte-depleted AGM remained healthy. The lymphocyte-depleted AGM showed only a trend toward a prolongation in peak viremia but the groups were indistinguishable during chronic infection. These data show that adaptive immune responses are critical for controlling disease progression in pathogenic SIV infection in PTM. However, the maintenance of a disease-free course of SIV infection in AGM likely depends on a number of mechanisms including non-adaptive immune mechanisms.
The mammalian odorant receptor (OR) repertoire is an attractive model to study evolution, because ORs have been subjected to rapid evolution between species, presumably caused by changes of the olfactory system to adapt to the environment. However, functional assessment of ORs in related species remains largely untested. Here we investigated the functional properties of primate and rodent ORs to determine how well evolutionary distance predicts functional characteristics. Using human and mouse ORs with previously identified ligands, we cloned 18 OR orthologs from chimpanzee and rhesus macaque and 17 mouse-rat orthologous pairs that are broadly representative of the OR repertoire. We functionally characterized the in vitro responses of ORs to a wide panel of odors and found similar ligand selectivity but dramatic differences in response magnitude. 87% of human-primate orthologs and 94% of mouse-rat orthologs showed differences in receptor potency (EC50) and/or efficacy (dynamic range) to an individual ligand. Notably dN/dS ratio, an indication of selective pressure during evolution, does not predict functional similarities between orthologs. Additionally, we found that orthologs responded to a common ligand 82% of the time, while human OR paralogs of the same subfamily responded to the common ligand only 33% of the time. Our results suggest that, while OR orthologs tend to show conserved ligand selectivity, their potency and/or efficacy dynamically change during evolution, even in closely related species. These functional changes in orthologs provide a platform for examining how the evolution of ORs can meet species-specific demands.
Fatty acids in milk reflect the interplay between species-specific physiological mechanisms and maternal diet. Anthropoid primates (apes, Old and New World monkeys) vary in patterns of growth and development and dietary strategies. Milk fatty acid profiles also are predicted to vary widely. This study investigates milk fatty acid composition of five wild anthropoids (Alouatta palliata, Callithrix jacchus, Gorilla beringei beringei, Leontopithecus rosalia, Macaca sinica) to test the null hypothesis of a generalized anthropoid milk fatty acid composition. Milk from New and Old World monkeys had significantly more 8:0 and 10:0 than milk from apes. The leaf eating species G. b. beringei and A. paliatta had a significantly higher proportion of milk 18:3n-3, a fatty acid found primarily in plant lipids. Mean percent composition of 22:6n-3 was significantly different among monkeys and apes, but was similar to the lowest reported values for human milk. Mountain gorillas were unique among anthropoids in the high proportion of milk 20:4n-6. This seems to be unrelated to requirements of a larger brain and may instead reflect species-specific metabolic processes or an unknown source of this fatty acid in the mountain gorilla diet.
Dental microwear researchers consider exogenous grit or dust to be an important cause of microscopic wear on primate teeth. No study to date has examined the accumulation of such abrasives on foods eaten by primates in the forest. This investigation introduces a method to collect dust at various heights in the canopy. Results from dust collection studies conducted at the primate research stations at Ketambe in Indonesia, and Hacienda La Pacifica in Costa Rica indicate that 1) grit collects throughout the canopy in both open country and tropical rain forest environments; and 2) the sizes and concentrations of dust particles accumulated over a fixed period of time differ depending on site location and season of investigation. These results may hold important implications for the interpretation of microwear on primate teeth.