935 resultados para Lotus-japonicus
三峡库区一些污染严重的工业企业是当地主要的点源污染源,对周围植物群落产生了巨大危害,而植物是生态系统赖以存在的基础,它的生长发育直接影响到生态系统的结构及其正常功能的实现。本研究按照与点源污染源的距离为梯度,通过在三峡库区兴山县白沙河磷化工厂周围布设了32个植物群落固定样地,并以点源污染无法影响到的植物群落为对照,进行样地的野外群落学调查;在每个样地取不同种植物叶片100克左右和样地0~20cm土壤500克,以石灰滤纸法同步进行大气氟化物的取样。样品带回室内应用氟离子选择电极法,测定大气氟化物含量、植物叶片氟的累积量和土壤水溶性氟的含量。同时在野外调查时使用PAM2100叶绿素荧光仪测定植物最大光化学效率即Fv/Fm的值。通过野外调查试验和相关的室内分析,研究了(1):点源污染对三峡库区陆生植物群落组成和物种多样性的影响;(2):点源污染中的主要污染物对植物及土壤环境的影响;(3):不同物种叶片最大光化学效率Fv/Fm对污染胁迫响应的差异。结果如下: 点源污染对植物群落物种丰富度以及Pielou均匀度指数均有不同程度的影响,对于群落结构相对简单的马尾松林和柏木林的不利影响更为显著。相对于污染区来说,对照区中物种重要值的集中程度有所下降。许多物种的重要值在污染区与对照区有明显的变化。马尾松(Pinus massoniana)、檵木(Loropetalum chinense )、铁仔(Myrsine africana)、卷柏(Selaginella tamariscina )等对照区重要值较污染区为高,黄檀(Dalbergia hupeana )、菱叶海桐(Pittosporum truncatum)、君迁子(Diospyros lotus)等污染区的重要值较对照区为高。群落中有些物种比如柏木(Cupressus funebris)的天然更新也受到污染的影响。 污染区土壤pH值大多低于对照区,但是与离污染源距离的相关性不强。污染区有些物种比如马尾松、柏木等叶片中的全氟含量与大气中氟化物的含量和土壤水溶性氟含量明显正相关。但是另外有些物种氟的累积量受点源污染的影响不显著,比如菱叶海桐、翅柃(Eurya alata)等在污染严重的样地内生存状况仍然很好。 在距离点源污染近的样地内,大多数物种的最大光化学效率Fv/Fm的值显著下降。栓皮栎(Quercus variabilis)、马尾松和柏木等的Fv/Fm值与距污染源的距离呈明显的正相关,都是随着离污染源越来越近而逐渐降低。根据污染区相对对照区Fv/Fm值下降幅度的不同,把植物划分为三种类型:对污染敏感型如柏木、铁仔、檵木等,中等敏感型如油桐(Vernicia fordii)、香叶树(Lindera communis)和不敏感型如山胡椒(Lindera glauca)和 蝴蝶花(Iris japonica)等。
The effects of temperature and relative humidity on the rate of drying of split open fish and salted fish in a tunnel dryer have been studied at a constant air velocity. By a judicious combination of these two, the rate of drying could be considerably accelerated, 10 to 12 hours only being required for drying to moisture levels below 30% in the case of mackerel, lactarius, otolithes and kilimeen (Nemipterus japonicus)
Adults of Penaeus japonicus (Bate) and juveniles of P. canaliculatus (Olivier) were recorded for the first time from the coastal and estuarine regions of Goa respectively. Their presence in Goa waters suggests that both the species have a wide distribution along the west coast of India. The available data from the neighboring states suggest that both the species are distributed in deeper waters and are caught during or immediately after the southwest monsoon. Hence, it may be possible to tap these valuable resources from Goa waters if the fishing operation is extended to depths beyond those presently fished and fishing is carried out during the SW monsoon season.
This investigation was carried out from June ‘89 to May ‘90 and focuses on the occurrence and abundance of Acetes shrimps in the Kutubdia channel. The shrimps of the genus Acetes occurred throughout the year in the area of investigation. Acetes showed a bimodal peak in occurrence, one in late monsoon season (August - September) and other in pre-monsoon season (February - March). But the maximum number of Acetes shrimps was recorded in March (462 individuals/haul). The Acetes population of this channel was dominated by four species, Acetes erythraeus (38.50%), A. indicus (32.98%), A. chinensis (4.48%) and A. japonicus (3.32%).
Darbhanga district in North Bihar is characterised by thick alluvial soil, moderately good rainfall, high humidity, ample sunshine and numerous water resources in the form of perennial rivers, tributaries, streams, lakes, ponds, pools and puddles. The aquacrops of this district include several species of commercially important fishes, aquatic cash crops such as makhana (Euryale ferox), singhara (Trapa spp.), lotus, lilly, Khubi etc. and molluscs. This paper highlights the commercial significance of these aquacrops and offers suggestions for their sustained development.
被子植物成熟的种子一般不合有叶绿素,但是莲(Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.)的胚芽却具有鲜明的绿色,本文较详细地研究了莲胚芽不同于一般被子植物叶组织的色素和光台系统组成,并通过对莲胚芽成熟发育过程中的叶绿素合成和光合系统发育进行分析,探讨了莲胚芽光合特性形成的原因,最后对莲胚芽在黑暗中萌发能发育并建成光合系统的现象进行了研究,主要的结果如下: 1,莲胚芽不仅含有叶绿素和光合系统,而且其色素和光台系统组成均与莲叶以及其它被子植物的叶组织不同。莲胚芽的Chla/b值约为0.8左右,远远低于正常高等植物的Chla/b值(~3):莲胚芽的色素组成中不含有β-胡萝卜素;莲胚芽的光合系统没有电子传递活性,快速荧光动力学测定结果表明莲胚芽只有较高的固定荧光F。没有可变荧光Fv;原位低温荧光光谱检测表明莲胚芽只在679nm处有一个荧光发射主峰,没有正常的PSII和PSI荧光发射峰(683nm、692nm和730nm);部分变性的叶绿素蛋白复合物凝胶电泳分析结果表明莲胚芽叶绿体类囊体膜上只存在LHCII 一种叶绿素蛋白复合物(其中单体和二聚体形式的LHCII均有发现);Western Blots检测结果表明莲胚芽的LHCII组成比较单一,同时确证了莲胚芽不含有PSI的核心和天线蛋白组分。莲胚芽LHCII和莲叶LHCII在SDS-PAGE图谱上迁移距离相同,但是光谱分析表明二者不仅在Chla、Chlb的相对含量上不同,而且在叶绿素分子与蛋白的结合状态上也存在差异,这些差异主要是由一部分Chla分子造成的,Chlb分子在二者中的结合状态则比较~致。 2,对莲胚芽成熟过程中的光合系统发育进行研究,结果表明这个过程可以分为建成期(0-20天)、稳定期(20-30天)和降解期(30—40天)三个阶段。在建成期和稳定期内,莲胚芽外面的包被物可能不是完全遮光的,所以莲胚芽能感受到环境光信号,其叶绿素合成已经光合系统建成集中在此阶段内进行:在莲’胚芽成熟后期,莲胚芽外面的包被组织开始木质化,光信号无法再穿透它们,莲胚芽的光合系统发育进入降解期,叶绿素合成停止,己建成的光合系统开始降解,到莲胚芽成熟时,除LHCIl外,光合系统其余的叶绿素蛋白复合物都被降解了,所以莲胚芽具有不同于一般祓子植物叶组织的色素和光合系统组成。对莲胚芽的成熟发育过程进行遮光处理,结果发现遮光发育的莲胚芽发生明显黄化,这表明莲胚芽的叶绿素合成也离不开光照,在莲总基因组中检测不到编码DPOR的三个基因的同源序列,确证了莲胚芽不具有在黑暗中合成叶绿素的能力。 3,在黑暗中萌发生长的莲胚芽能够在相当长的时间内保持其叶绿素稳定,特别是Chla的含量在暗生长10天以内基本没有变化;原位低温荧光光谱检测表明暗萌发过程中莲苗有PSII和PSI的荧光发射峰形成,暗生长10天左右的莲苗具有比较明显的光合系统荧光发射峰,但是与自然光照下的发育过程相比,暗萌发莲苗的光合系统荧光发射峰出现较慢,而且PSI的荧光发射相对较弱;暗萌发莲苗在转绿以及冻融过程中的原位低温荧光光谱变化表明莲苗在黑暗中建成的光合系统不完善并且不稳定;对莲胚芽、暗萌发莲苗以及莲叶的叶绿体吸收光谱进行比较,结果显示暗萌发莲苗的叶绿体发育阶段介于莲胚芽和莲叶之间;叶绿素蛋白复合物凝胶电泳分离,SDS-PAGE,Western Blots免疫检测、以及叶绿素荧光诱导动力学结果均确证暗萌发莲苗有光合系统的发育,特别是PSI的出现;对暗萌发莲苗的光化学活性进行分析,结果表明暗中建成的PSII和PSI均具有电子传递活性:但是放氧复合物的发育不完全,对莲胚芽暗萌发过程光合系统建成的原因进行分析,推测叶绿素可能起了至关重要的作用,光对于莲胚芽萌发过程中的光合系统发育来说可能并不是必需的。
The geographic and bathymetric distribution of the shrimps Penaeus indicus, Metapenaeus monoceros, P. japonicus and P. monodon along the coast of Mozambique are given. Biological data of the main species P. indicus and M. monoceros are presented.
From November 18th to December 17th 1982, the SRTM "Sebastopolsky Rybak" carried out research cruises on the Sofala Bank in the area between 16°20'S and parallel 19°40'S. The authors analyze data collected on biological characteristics, sexual maturity and localization of Penaeus indicus, Metapenaeus monoceros, Penaeus japonicus, Penaeus monodon and Penaeus latisulcatus.
This work deals with adsorption of salt and expulsion of moisture in Synagris japonicus, Sciaenids sp. and Lactarius lactarius during prolonged salting. The fish used in this study were procured fresh and handled immediately. They were gutted, gilled, cleaned well and salted. Results indicated that larger salt proportions and higher temperature of salting both accelerate the rates of absorption of salt and shedding of moisture by fish muscle during salt curing.
Standing stock of three principal demersal fishes of the inshore waters off Mangalore was assessed. The assessment was based on fortnightly samplings conducted in an area extending over ca 850 km². The data gathered was computed employing Alverson's methods. The standing stock of Nemipterus japonicus, Saurida tumbil and Grammoplites scaber indicates that this area supports good quantities of these fishes and if properly exploited, will sustain a profitable demersal fishery.
Oil Sardine (Sardinella longiceps), mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta), cat fish (Arius sp.), threadfin bream (Nemipterus japonicus) and ribbon fish (Trichurus sp.) were frozen in glazed/unglazed blocks, packed in expanded polystyrene (EPS) insulated plywood boxes with and without additional ice and despatched in uninsulated parcel vans of trains from Cochin to Calcutta. The consignments reached the destination in excellent condition and were readily disposed off.
Minced fish prepared from threadfin bream (Nemipterus japonicus) was frozen as blocks, packed in polythene lined waxed cartons and stored at -23°C. The changes taking place during storage were followed. There was good correlation between the organoleptic quality, extractability of protein, cook drip loss and weight loss on thawing. The frozen minced fish was acceptable up to 28 weeks under frozen storage.
Cutlets have been prepared from the minces of lizard fish (Saurida tumbil), threadfin bream (Nemipterus japonicus), jew fish (Johnius dussumieri) and miscellaneous fish. The storage characteristics of cutlet (both raw and flash fried) at 4°C, -8°C and -20°C were studied. Cutlets prepared from the minced lizard fish showed the highest acceptability. Flash fried cutlets were found to be superior in quality compared to raw cutlets. The raw cutlet had storage life of 6 days, 11 weeks and 19 weeks at 4°C, -8°C and -20°C respectively and flash fried cutlets had a shelf life of 22 weeks at -20°C.
This paper reports the results of a preliminary study on the biochemical composition and nutritional charactersitics of fish solubles from oil sardines (Sardinella longiceps) and white tailed pink perch (Nemipterus japonicus). The nutritional quality of sardine solubles has been evaluated by feeding trials using albino rats also. The studies have shown that compared to a control group of rats whose diet had casein as the sole source of protein, a group of rats in whose diet dried sardine solubles replaced half of the casein, had a noticeably higher growth rate. This higher growth rate was not prominent in the early stages of growth (4-7 weeks). But, during later stages (7-10 weeks), solubles incorporated diet supported a distinctly higher growth rate. This effect was more pronounced in female rats (17% over the control group) compared to the male rats (4% over the control group). Fish solubles are found to be poor sources of essential amino acids. Thus, the observed increase in growth rate is higher than the rate expected from the amino acid make up. This probably supports the view expressed by workers elsewhere that fish solubles contain some unidentified growth factors.
An improved technique for the preparation of fish sausage (Nemipterus japonicus) over the conventional method (90°degree C for 1 h) has been evolved by processing at a temperature of 115.6°degree C (4.5 kg) for 20 min. The overall quality characteristics of fish sausage, particularly its colour, texture and appearance remained unchanged and the product was in good condition up to 9 days at ambient temperature in contrast to the shelf life of 3 days by conventional method. The design of the equipment used for the processing of fish sausage and the method of operation are described. The keeping quality of the product from an organoleptic stand point was also studied