829 resultados para Isopahkala-Bouret, Ulpukka: Joy and struggle for renewal
Resumen del autor. Este art??culo pertenece al monogr??fico 'John Elliott: su pensamiento y su influencia'
Contiene quince historias de alta calidad literaria con distintos niveles de lectura. Los ejercicios han sido especialmente diseñados para animar a: pensar, contar acerca de la historia, manejar las nuevas palabras de vocabulario, identificar los elementos narrativos, saber leer críticamente.
El autor subraya la importancia de comenzar con materiales concretos y manipulables, antes de pasar a materiales más simbólicos. Su enseñanza se basa en la comprensión actual del alumno, en lugar de en su rendimiento. Ofrece una gran cantidad de actividades y juegos numéricos con una gran variedad de materiales, incluyendo regletas de Cuisenaire y los dominós de las etapas más tempranas. A medida que los alumnos progresan se introducen razonamientos más complejos. Proporciona métodos muy claros para las áreas donde muchos niños tienen grandes dificultades con el concepto de número. Incluye Un CD-ROM que contiene todos los recursos que se describen en el texto, una versión imprimible de la guía y una lista de actividades para los padres.
The main thesis of this paper is that Freire’s original experience in Angicos anticipated a grand design for social transformation of educational systems. As such it brought together two key concepts that formulated the basis of his educational system: popular culture as an counter-hegemonic project and popular education, more particularly what was later called citizen schools or public popular education as keystone of his new educational system. I use the term Paulo Freire System to show that his original attempts were not only to challenge pedagogical the prevailing banking education system that was so pervasive in Brazil and Latin American at the time. In challenging the hegemony of banking education, its narrative, theoretical foundations, epistemology and methodology, Freire and his team sought to create a new system that could replace the old one. They saw banking education not only as obsolete in terms of modernization of systems but also oppressive in gnoseological, epistemological and political terms. In the conclusion of this paper I will discuss the twins obsessions of Freire, already present in the Angicos experience and that will stay with him throughout his life: the relationship between democracy, citizenship and education, and education as a postcolonial ethical act of social transformation. I would like to emphasize therefore that the Paulo Freire system, as conceived in the Angicos experience and its aftermath was a much larger and comprehensive system that originally considered, even by his critics.