921 resultados para Inheritance of regularity


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La division cellulaire est un processus fondamental des êtres vivants. À chaque division cellulaire, le matériel génétique d'une cellule mère est dupliqué et ségrégé pour produire deux cellules filles identiques; un processus nommé la mitose. Tout d'abord, la cellule doit condenser le matériel génétique pour être en mesure de séparer mécaniquement et également le matériel génétique. Une erreur dans le niveau de compaction ou dans la dynamique de la mitose occasionne une transmission inégale du matériel génétique. Il est suggéré dans la littérature que ces phénomènes pourraient causé la transformation des cellules cancéreuses. Par contre, le mécanisme moléculaire générant la coordination des changements de haut niveau de la condensation des chromosomes est encore incompris. Dans les dernières décennies, plusieurs approches expérimentales ont identifié quelques protéines conservées dans ce processus. Pour déterminer le rôle de ces facteurs dans la compaction des chromosomes, j'ai effectué un criblage par ARNi couplé à de l'imagerie à haute-résolution en temps réel chez l'embryon de C. elegans. Grâce à cette technique, j'ai découvert sept nouvelles protéines requises pour l'assemblage des chromosomes mitotiques, incluant la Ribonucléotide réductase (RNR) et Topoisomérase II (topo-II). Dans cette thèse, je décrirai le rôle structural de topo-II dans l'assemblage des chromosomes mitotiques et ces mécanismes moléculaires. Lors de la condensation des chromosomes, topo-II agit indépendamment comme un facteur d'assemblage local menant par la suite à la formation d'un axe de condensation tout au long du chromosome. Cette localisation est à l'opposé de la position des autres facteurs connus qui sont impliqués dans la condensation des chromosomes. Ceci représente un nouveau mécanisme pour l'assemblage des chromosomes chez C. elegans. De plus, j'ai découvert un rôle non-enzymatique à la protéine RNR lors de l'assemblage des chromosomes. Lors de ce processus, RNR est impliqué dans la stabilité des nucléosomes et alors, permet la compaction de haut niveau de la chromatine. Dans cette thèse, je rapporte également des résultats préliminaires concernant d'autres nouveaux facteurs découverts lors du criblage ARNi. Le plus important est que mon analyse révèle que la déplétion des nouvelles protéines montre des phénotypes distincts, indiquant la fonction de celles-ci lors de l'assemblage des chromosomes. Somme toute, je conclus que les chromosomes en métaphase sont assemblés par trois protéines ayant des activités différentes d'échafaudage: topoisomérase II, les complexes condensines et les protéines centromériques. En conclusion, ces études prouvent le mécanisme moléculaire de certaines protéines qui contribuent à la formation des chromosomes mitotiques.


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Phosphate (Pi) is one among the most important essential residues in maintenance and inheritance of life, with far diverse physiological role as structural, functional and energy transduction. Phosphate accumulation in wastewaters containing run off of fertilizers and industrial discharges is a global problem that results in algal blooms in bays, lakes and waterways. Currently available methods for removing phosphates from wastewater are based primarily on polyP accumulation by the activated sludge bacteria. PolyP plays a critical role in several environmental and biotechnological problems. Possible relation of interaction between polyP accumulation phenomenon, the low biomass, low Pi uptake, and varying results obtained in response to the impact of sodium chloride, pH, temperature, various inorganic salts and additional carbon sources studied, are all intriguing observations in the present investigation. The results of the present study have evidenced very clearly the scope for potential strains of bacteria from both sea water and marine sediments which could be exploited both for Pi removal in wastewater released by industries and intensive aquaculture practices in to the aquatic environment as well as to harness the potential strains for industrial production of polyP which was wide range of applications.


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We consider a first order implicit time stepping procedure (Euler scheme) for the non-stationary Stokes equations in smoothly bounded domains of R3. Using energy estimates we can prove optimal convergence properties in the Sobolev spaces Hm(G) (m = 0;1;2) uniformly in time, provided that the solution of the Stokes equations has a certain degree of regularity. For the solution of the resulting Stokes resolvent boundary value problems we use a representation in form of hydrodynamical volume and boundary layer potentials, where the unknown source densities of the latter can be determined from uniquely solvable boundary integral equations’ systems. For the numerical computation of the potentials and the solution of the boundary integral equations a boundary element method of collocation type is used. Some simulations of a model problem are carried out and illustrate the efficiency of the method.


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El interés de este trabajo de grado es conocer el papel que tuvieron los instrumentos y los Estados en el proceso de toma de decisión al interior de la OEA para la aprobación del mandato de la MAPP/OEA en el año 2004. Los instrumentos como fuente de normatividad y de legitimización de las gestiones adelantadas por la organización y el rol activo que tomaron gobiernos como el mexicano, panameño y argentino entre otros, fueron claves para dar aprobación a la propuesta presentada por el gobierno Uribe en el año 2003. Finalmente, se hace una revisión de la teoría neoliberal institucional y del concepto de régimen con el fin de dar una explicación teórica a la actuación de la OEA y de los regímenes internacionales en el tema de la creación de una misión especial en Colombia.


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Introducción: La valvuloplastía aórtica con balón (VAB) es el procedimiento de elección para el manejo de La estenosis valvular aórtica en pediatría. La mortalidad y la supervivencia libre de reintervenciones no han sido evaluadas en Colombia. Objetivo: Determinar la sobrevida global y los factores asociados de reintervención valvular aórtica (RVA) en los pacientes tratados con VAB en la Fundación Cardio infantil – Instituto de Cardiología entre febrero del 2005 y marzo del 2013. Métodos: estudio estudio analítico de cohorte Resultados: Se evaluaron 69 VAB. La edad promedio de realización fue de 74,89 meses. La relación hombre: mujer de 4:1. Un 30,5% de los pacientes tenían malformaciones cardiacas asociadas. Se presentaron complicaciones en 13% de las VAB. La presión sistólica del ventrículo izquierdo presento una reducción promedio de un 63,6%. Se siguieron el 81,2% de las VAB, encontrando a los 9 años de seguimiento, supervivencia de 89,2% y necesidad de RVA en 14,2% de las VAB, siendo más frecuentes en VAB con gradiente post-VAB mayor de 35 mmhg (p= 0.005), con un RR de 6.6. Los otros factores no mostraron relaciones estadísticamente significativas (edad, morfología valvular, malformaciones asociadas, insuficiencia aórtica post-VAB). Conclusiones: La VAB es eficaz en el manejo de la EVA congénita, con una mortalidad y supervivencia libre de RVA similares a las encontradas en estudios previamente publicados. El gradiente post VAB mayor de 35 mm hg fue el único factor de riesgo que se correlacionó con la supervivencia libre de RVA.


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The aim of this study was to test whether resistance of clones of Theobroma cacao ( cocoa) varied between isolates of Moniliophthora (formerly Crinipellis) perniciosa, the cause of witches' broom disease. Developing buds of vegetatively propagated T. cacao grown in greenhouses in the UK were inoculated with 16 000 spores of M. perniciosa per meristem in water, under conditions where water condensed on the inoculated shoot for at least 12 h after inoculation. The proportion of successful inoculations varied between clones and was inversely correlated with time to symptom production or broom formation. A specific interaction was demonstrated among three single-spore isolates of M. perniciosa and the clone Scavina 6 (SCA 6) and a variety of susceptible clones. Isolates Castenhal-I and APC3 were equally likely to infect SCA 6 and the other clones, but isolate Gran Couva A9 never infected SCA 6, although it was as virulent on the other clones. The interaction was maintained when the wetness period was extended to 70 h. Offspring of SCA 6 x Amelonado matings were all susceptible to both Castenhal-I and GC-A5, with no evidence of greater variability in susceptibility to GC-A5 than Castanhal-I. This suggests recessive inheritance of a single homozygous factor conferring resistance to GC-A5, from SCA 6. The progenies were slightly more susceptible to Castanhal-I than GC-A5. The implications for managing the disease are discussed.


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This paper surveys numerical techniques for the regularization of descriptor (generalized state-space) systems by proportional and derivative feedback. We review generalizations of controllability and observability to descriptor systems along with definitions of regularity and index in terms of the Weierstraß canonical form. Three condensed forms display the controllability and observability properties of a descriptor system. The condensed forms are obtained through orthogonal equivalence transformations and rank decisions, so they may be computed by numerically stable algorithms. In addition, the condensed forms display whether a descriptor system is regularizable, i.e., when the system pencil can be made to be regular by derivative and/or proportional output feedback, and, if so, what index can be achieved. Also included is a a new characterization of descriptor systems that can be made to be regular with index 1 by proportional and derivative output feedback.


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O trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a importância da fiscalização do serviço público como instrumento de gestão e política pública. Para tanto, propõe-se estudar o Sistema de Transporte Coletivo Urbano da Cidade de São Paulo, a partir do modelo instituído através da Lei nº 13.241/01, assim como toda a estrutura jurídica e elementos característicos presentes nessa forma de delegação. Sem a preocupação de esgotar o tema, com base na doutrina, o trabalho pretende abordar os principais conceitos que envolvem a prestação de serviços públicos, o dever legal de fiscalização e a estrutura legal da prestação dos serviços de transporte coletivo. E, a partir disso, verificar se o sistema de transporte municipal possui instrumentos jurídicos adequados á fiscalização dos serviços delegados. Além disso, busca-se avaliar se isso é suficiente para a prestação de um “serviço adequado”, ou seja, se os instrumentos de fiscalização utilizados, por si só, são efetivamente capazes de garantir as condições de regularidade, continuidade, eficiência, segurança, atualidade, generalidade, cortesia na prestação e modicidade das tarifas, conforme preceitua a lei. Em síntese, entende-se que o ordenamento jurídico dispõe de diversos mecanismos que permitem a fiscalização dos serviços públicos. Ademais, que encontra-se juridicamente adequado o modelo de fiscalização adotado pelo Município de São Paulo, para o sistema de transporte público. Todavia, apesar de ser correto, o modelo ainda necessita de melhorias, tanto no que diz respeito às obrigações estabelecidas nos contratos de concessão e permissão em vigor (e respectivos regulamentos, como é o caso do RESAM – Regulamento de Sanções e Multas), quanto na sua operação e, principalmente, na sua fiscalização. Por fim, o trabalho aponta que, tanto a regulação, quanto a fiscalização ou até mesmo a gestão, quando realizadas de forma inadequada, fomentam a prestação de um serviço público com má qualidade, ou seja, inferior à esperada pela população.


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Os objetivos deste trabalho foram determinar a herança da resistência ao complexo de enfezamento em milho e determinar as melhores fontes de resistência entre as linhagens estudadas. Foram realizadas as análises dialélica e médias de gerações em linhagens de milho. Para a análise dialélica, foram cruzadas 12 linhagens de milho, em dialélico parcial. Para análises de médias de gerações, foram cruzadas três linhagens resistentes e quatro suscetíveis, para a obtenção das gerações F1, F2, RCP R e RCP S. Os trabalhos foram conduzidos em Jaboticabal, SP. A incidência de enfezamento foi avaliada no estádio fenológico R3. Efeitos significativos quanto à capacidade geral de combinação e capacidade específica de combinação foram obtidos, o que indicou que, no controle do caráter enfezamentos, estão envolvidos tanto os efeitos aditivos quanto os de dominância. Análises de médias de gerações mostraram a presença de poucos genes envolvidos com o controle da resistência, com predominância de efeitos aditivos, o que permite a seleção de genótipos resistentes. As linhagens L02, L03 e L05 poderão ser utilizadas como fontes de resistência, em futuras combinações híbridas.


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Beta thalassemia arises as a consequence of the reduction (β+, β++, βsilent) or absence (β0) of beta globin chain synthesis and results from a number of mechanisms that lead to genetic defects. The inheritance of beta thalassemia is characterized by the existence of heterozygous individuals, compound heterozygotes, homozygotes and those with coinheritance of beta thalassemia allele and other thalassemias and/or hemoglobin variants. The aim of this study was to perform molecular and laboratory characterization of beta thalassemia in heterozygous and homozygous individuals and in those with coinheritance of S beta thalassemia. A total of 48 individuals were included (35 heterozygotes, 4 homozygotes and 9 S beta thalessemia carriers) referred to the Integrated Laboratory of Clinical Analyses of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) and the Hematology Ambulatory Facility of the Dalton Barbosa Cunha Hemocenter (Hemonorte Natal, Brazil). Peripheral blood samples form each patient underwent the following laboratory examinations: erythrogram, hemoglobin electrophoresis at alkaline pH, measurements of Hb A2, Fetal Hb and serum ferritin. DNA was extracted using the illustra blood genomicPrep Mini Spin Kit and molecular characterization was performed by the PCR/RFLP technique, which involves digestion with specific restriction enzymes for IVS-1 nt 1 (G®A), IVS-1 nt 6 (T®C) and codon 39 (CAG®TAG) mutations. Of the 35 heterozygotes, 37.1% showed IVS-1 nt 6 mutation, 42.9% IVS-1 nt 1 and 20% were carriers of other mutations not identified by the technique used. The four homozygous patients presented with the IVS-1 nt 6 mutation, while 66.7% of the individuals with S beta thalassemia had the IVS-1 nt 1 mutation. Codon 39 was not detected in any of the patients investigated. Of the thallasemic alleles found, 40.4% were IVS- 1 nt 1, 40.4% IVS-1 nt 6 and 19.2% were not identified. Laboratory data showed that the heterozygotes exhibited microcytosis and hypochromia, evidenced by MCV ranging from 57 to 75fL and MCH from 15.9 to 23.6 pg. Hemoglobin A2 varied between 3.7 and 7.2%. The homogygotes also showed reduced MCV and MCH and elevated HbA2.. Comparison of laboratory data between heterozygous individuals with IVS-1 nt 1 and IVS-1 nt 6 mutations showed that heterozygotes for the IVS1-1 mutation had significantly lower mean MCV and MCH (p = 0.023 and 0.007, respectively) and significantly higher hemoglobin A2 (p < 0.001) when compared to heterozygotes for the IVS-1 nt 6 mutation. PCR/RFLP was useful in identifying the presence or absence of IVS-1 nt 6, IVS-1 nt 1 and codon 39 mutations in most of the patients investigated here. This is the first study conducted in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil aimed at identifying beta thalassemia mutations and represents an important contribution to the knowledge regarding the molecular profile of beta thalassemia in our country


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The Capoeira considered as a manifestation of the Popular Culture - inheritance of African peoples - is a cultural and social practice present in Brazil since the colonial time. This study is dedicated to the Capoeira and its masters. We work the Capoeira as a social field through the theoretical perspective of the Sociology of Pierre Bourdieu. We try to apprehend the social construction of the master, the legitimacy of his knowledge, the disputes and the representations that they ve elaborated over the space which was redefined for material and symbolic changes that occurred with the Capoeira through the last decades. The operating notions of social field, habitus, capital and tradition had been pertinent to think the power games , the social relations and the symbolic plots in the Field of Capoeira. From the methodological standpoint, although the interviews with the masters and the direct observation have had a special place in the research, other strategies had been used: researches in newspapers, thematic magazines and periodic, musical compositions and academic works. The performance of the masters in the process of reinvention of traditions has redefined their social place in relation to the previous generations. These are perceived as social actors responsible for the maintenance, dynamicity, affirmation, spreading and expansion of the capoeirístic practice


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Taking the Regular Baptist Churches of Rio Grande do Norte as the research field, this paper seeks to contribute to a new, more appropriate vision of the new picture of the religiosity of the Brazilian Protestantism. Established since 1938, the Regular Baptists Churches have been representing and producing their speech through their 58 churches spread throughout the state, besides a Theological School, two camps, an association (AIBRERN) and a House of Spiritual Assistance to Drug Dependents (CAEDD). A reflection of the symbolic substratum of the spirituality of the group agrees with the external description of its presence in RN. We understand that the Regular Baptists represent yet one more translation of a modern religious speech and that their focus is on the inheritance of a Christian fundamentalism based on the illuminist rationalism. In this way, we observed this group trying to find in its doctrines, practices and rules of conduct a demonstration that the spirit of the post-modernism challenges the group to new dynamics in the conservative model of its spirituality


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Os objetivos deste trabalho foram confirmar a herança da resistência da PI 459025 (Rpp4) à ferrugem-asiática-da-soja e identificar marcadores moleculares do tipo RAPD, ligados a este gene de resistência, em populações de soja. Pelo cruzamento dos genitores contrastantes PI 459025 x Coodetec 208 obteve-se uma população, cujas populações das gerações F2 e F2:3 foram artificialmente infectadas e avaliadas quanto à reação ao fungo Phakopsora pachyrhizi, pelo tipo de lesão (RB - resistente e TAN - suscetível). Com os resultados da avaliação fenotípica, dois bulks foram obtidos com DNA de plantas homozigóticas resistentes e suscetíveis, respectivamente, pela análise de bulks segregantes. de 600 iniciadores RAPD aleatórios, foram identificados três com fragmentos polimórficos entre os bulks e parentais contrastantes quanto à resistência. Pela análise do qui-quadrado, confirmaram-se: a herança monogênica, com dominância completa quanto à resistência ao patógeno, e a segregação 3:1 para a presença de banda dos três marcadores. Os três marcadores são ligados respectivamente a 5,1, 6,3 e 14,7 cM de distância do loco de resistência, em fase de repulsão no grupo de ligação G, o que foi confirmado pela utilização do marcador microssatélite Satt288. Estes marcadores são promissores na seleção assistida para resistência à ferrugem-asiática-da-soja.


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This research was conducted with the aim to study the genetic and pathogenic structure of Ramularia areola isolates collected in Brazil and to characterize the resistance response in cotton plants to ramularia spot. The genetic variability of 28 isolates of R. areola was studied using RAPD markers. The pathogenicity evaluation was realized by the inoculation of 6 isolates on cotton varieties Guazuncho-2 (Gossypium hirsutum) and VH8-4602 (Gossypium barbadense). The inheritance of disease resistance was studied using an artificially inoculated population of F2 individuals derived from the intercross of Guazuncho-2 (susceptible variety) end VH8-4602 (resistant variety), and also the parents and F1 individuals. Molecular polymorphism between the G. hisutum varieties DeltaOpal (suscetible) and CNPA CO-11612 (resistant) was estimated by 118 SSR and 24 AFLP markers. The parental genotypes Guazuncho-2 and VH8-4602 were selected for mapping, and then Recombinant Inbred Lines (RIL´s) derived from this crossing were evaluated with SSR 12 markers. The analysis of population structure of R. areola revealed that the three subpopulations were genetically simillar (Gst=0.18), and the isolates from Goiás and Minas Gerais were more similar to each other (0,92). This probability can be related to the relatively high gene flow among the three subpopulations (Nm=2.20). The isolates R. areola 9.1, from Minas Gerais State and 8.1 and 8.3 from Goiás State were the most aggressive ones to the susceptible variety Guazuncho-2. The variety VH8-4602 presented high level of resistance to ramularia spot. No differential interaction was observed between the pathogens and the analyzed varieties, and the resistance was classified as horizontal. The quantification of disease by number of necrotic lesions and number of spores in individual plants of F1 and F2 generations from the crossing between the varieties Guazuncho-2 and VH8-4602 presented continuous distribution, suggesting polygenic resistance. The resistance is probabilly recessive, since necrotic lesions and sporulation were observed on F1 plants. The molecular polymorphism between DeltaOpal e CNPA CO-11612 lineages was low (6%), then would be difficult to accomplish molecular mapping of disease resistance using this intercross. With the genotyping of the RIL s it was verified that 25% of the markers segregated in the proportions proposed by Mendel s Law and 75% of the studied markers presented segregation distortion in favor to the parental G. hirsutum. Both the low genetic variability of the pathogen and the number of resistance genes suggest that durable genetic resitance may be achieved