848 resultados para Industrial Marketing Management


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Este estudio analiza la existencia de conceptos y estrategias comunitarias en relación de cómo una empresa en el sector de servicios sociales y salud entienden las estrategias de mercadeo y la influencia en el desempeño que pueden tener en su relación con el entorno. Para esto, se utilizo un enfoque de estudio de caso seleccionando un caso representativo con una empresa dentro del sector. Se definieron proposiciones y protocolos. Varias fuentes de evidencia fueron utilizadas como documentos, reportes de desempeño financiero y otra información de diferentes sectores relacionados; los mismos fueron analizados en el marco de la evidencia lógica. Se concluye que la empresa en el sector de servicios sociales y salud no utilizan conceptos ni estrategias comunitarias y que se podrían beneficiar del uso apropiado de estrategias comunitarias en su relación con la comunidad.


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El presente trabajo de investigación fue realizado con el propósito de modelar el proceso de percepción de marca a partir del análisis de los componentes provenientes de la marca “Bodytech”, esto con el fin de simular el proceso de percepción de marca y evaluar la efectividad de la misma. El proceso que se modela es el de percepción – razonamiento – acción y se hace con el fin de evaluar los gastos en cada uno de los “componentes” que antes mencionaron Para realizar el análisis se hizo uso de un sistema de simulación basada en agentes, el cual recibe valores de diferentes variables analizadas por medio de tres herramientas: (1) un diagrama de grupos poblacionales, (2) un diagrama de desagregación de los núcleos temáticos de la marca y (3) las conclusiones obtenidas de una entrevista que se realizó a los responsables de gestionar la marca. Dicho proceso se lleva a cabo con el fin de poder determinar los valores relacionados al gasto en cada uno de los núcleos temáticos que llevan al sistema a evaluar la percepción de marca y la efectividad de estos gastos. Posteriormente, basados en los resultados del sistema de simulación, se obtiene un escenario que puede ser entendido y parcialmente predicho que le permitirán a Bodytech tener una herramienta de valoración de percepción de su marca.


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Customer loyalty is fundamental to the profitability and survival of e-tailers. Yet research on antecedents of e-loyalty is relatively limited. This study contributes to the literature by investigating the effect of motives for online shopping on e-satisfaction and e-loyalty. A structural equations model is developed and tested through data from an online survey involving 797 customers of two UK-based e-tailers focussing on hedonic products. The results suggest that convenience, variety seeking, and social interaction help predict e-satisfaction, and that social interaction is the only shopping motive examined with a direct relationship to e-loyalty. Data also show that e-satisfaction is a strong determinant of e-loyalty. These findings are discussed in the light of previous research and avenues of future research are proposed.


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Although brand equity is an important source of competitive advantage online, previous conceptualisations and measures overlook the unique characteristics of the internet that render consumers co-creators of brand value. In view of this, a threephased research programme was undertaken to identify the facets of online retail/service (ORS) brand equity and then develop and validate a scale for its measurement. ORS brand equity was found to be a second order construct with five correlated yet distinct dimensions: emotional connection, online experience, responsive service nature, trust, and fulfilment. A series of tests showed that the ensuing 12-item scale has strong psychometric properties. The implications of this research for marketing researchers and practitioners are discussed.


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This paper investigates the impact of price consciousness, perceived risk, and ethical obligation on attitude and intention towards counterfeit products. Data were collected from a sample of 200 respondents via an online questionnaire. A conceptual model was derived and tested via structural equation modelling in the contexts of symbolic and experiential counterfeit products. Findings show differences in the factors (and weight thereof) impacting attitude and purchase intention in the two product contexts. Specifically, ethical obligation and perceived risk are found to be significant predictors of attitude towards both symbolic and counterfeit products, while price consciousness is found to predict only attitude towards experiential products, but not purchase intention in either counterfeit product context.


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Electronic word of mouth (eWoM) has been adopted by Internet users as a way of communicating their consumption preferences and experiences. Consumers are able to reach out to others, unknown to them, and have online conversations that can influence their behaviour. Organisations need to understand how to respond to these brand-related conversations conducted via social media. By looking through the lens of social capital, this paper contributes to social media and social capital research by studying the perceptions that 44 social media users have of companies that interact with them online. The users value social networks and support as part of their online relationships. However, several new value categories are identified when compared to previous research. Further research is required to investigate possible segmentation approaches and alternative methodological choices.


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More than thirty years ago, Wind's seminal review of research in market segmentation culminated with a research agenda for the subject area. In the intervening period, research has focused on the development of segmentation bases and models, segmentation research techniques and the identification of statistically sound solutions. Practical questions about implementation and the integration of segmentation into marketing strategy have received less attention, even though practitioners are known to struggle with the actual practice of segmentation. This special issue is motivated by this tension between theory and practice, which has shaped and continues to influence the research priorities for the field. Although many years may have elapsed since Wind's original research agenda, pressing questions about effectiveness and productivity apparently remain; namely: (i) concerns about the link between segmentation and performance, and its measurement; and (ii) the notion that productivity improvements arising from segmentation are only achievable if the segmentation process is effectively implemented. There were central themes to the call for papers for this special issue, which aims to develop our understanding of segmentation value, productivity and strategies, and managerial issues and implementation.


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Despite an extensive market segmentation literature, applied academic studies which bridge segmentation theory and practice remain a priority for researchers. The need for studies which examine the segmentation implementation barriers faced by organisations is particularly acute. We explore segmentation implementation through the eyes of a European utilities business, by following its progress through a major segmentation project. The study reveals the character and impact of implementation barriers occurring at different stages in the segmentation process. By classifying the barriers, we develop implementation "rules" for practitioners which are designed to minimise their occurrence and impact. We further contribute to the literature by developing a deeper understanding of the mechanisms through which these implementation rules can be applied.


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Over the past decade, the independent sales contractor (ISC) has emerged as both an important distribution channel and a management challenge. This study makes two contributions to this evolving field. First, it explores the interrelations of the psychological contract with sales performance, voluntary turnover and organisational advocacy of ISCs, which have hitherto been largely unexplored. Second, it examines differences between high- and low-performing sales contractors on these linkages, due to findings in the literature that a small number of sales contractors often achieve a majority of sales. Based on survey data as well as 7 years of contractor-level data related to sales performance and voluntary turnover (n = 189), results indicate that psychological contract fulfilment and perceived dependency are important determinants of subsequent sales performance, voluntary turnover and organisational advocacy, with significant differences reported between high- and low-performing ISCs. A notable finding pertinent for sales managers responsible for managing ISCs is that high-performing sales contractors are motivated by psychological contract fulfilment and a low perception of dependency, while low-performing sales contractors are more likely to act as advocates for the firm due to perceived dependency, but may concurrently engage in organisational advocacy as a means to leave the firm.