280 resultados para Individuality.


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The ideal of Waldorf Education, since the opening of the first school in 1919, was based on innovative principles for a humanized society. Among those principles, there was the attendance of all children without distinction, which is exactly the main idea of the inclusive school. Waldorf pedagogy defends that under the right pedagogical action and care with the individual development, anyone can develop, regardless of their disability. This statem ent highlights the main objective of this methodology, that is the human development, aligned to another fundamental guideline of inclusive education. Accordingly, the hypothesis of this work is that Waldorf education promotes inclusive schooling contexts, attending diversity and valuing differences. The general objective of this study is: analyze Waldorf Education to verify if it promotes inclusive contexts. And the specific objetives were: identify elements in this practice that favors diversity attend; analyze the practice of a Waldorf school, considering documentation, structure, and conception of managers, teachers and parents. The study was based on quantitative and qualitative research approach, and the data was collected trough observation of teaching practices in a classroom where a disabled student was present, as well as through documentation and observation of the school environment. Furthermore, in order to verify the understanding of parents (71 individuals) and teachers (18 individuals) on inclusion, a specific questionnaire was developed for each of these two groups. For the records, a diary and an observation script were used. It was concluded that Waldorf methodology provides all the necessary conditions to inclusion, mainly due to it's enhancement of individuality, didactic organization and it's roots in social relations


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The central objective of research in Information Retrieval (IR) is to discover new techniques to retrieve relevant information in order to satisfy an Information Need. The Information Need is satisfied when relevant information can be provided to the user. In IR, relevance is a fundamental concept which has changed over time, from popular to personal, i.e., what was considered relevant before was information for the whole population, but what is considered relevant now is specific information for each user. Hence, there is a need to connect the behavior of the system to the condition of a particular person and his social context; thereby an interdisciplinary sector called Human-Centered Computing was born. For the modern search engine, the information extracted for the individual user is crucial. According to the Personalized Search (PS), two different techniques are necessary to personalize a search: contextualization (interconnected conditions that occur in an activity), and individualization (characteristics that distinguish an individual). This movement of focus to the individual's need undermines the rigid linearity of the classical model overtaken the ``berry picking'' model which explains that the terms change thanks to the informational feedback received from the search activity introducing the concept of evolution of search terms. The development of Information Foraging theory, which observed the correlations between animal foraging and human information foraging, also contributed to this transformation through attempts to optimize the cost-benefit ratio. This thesis arose from the need to satisfy human individuality when searching for information, and it develops a synergistic collaboration between the frontiers of technological innovation and the recent advances in IR. The search method developed exploits what is relevant for the user by changing radically the way in which an Information Need is expressed, because now it is expressed through the generation of the query and its own context. As a matter of fact the method was born under the pretense to improve the quality of search by rewriting the query based on the contexts automatically generated from a local knowledge base. Furthermore, the idea of optimizing each IR system has led to develop it as a middleware of interaction between the user and the IR system. Thereby the system has just two possible actions: rewriting the query, and reordering the result. Equivalent actions to the approach was described from the PS that generally exploits information derived from analysis of user behavior, while the proposed approach exploits knowledge provided by the user. The thesis went further to generate a novel method for an assessment procedure, according to the "Cranfield paradigm", in order to evaluate this type of IR systems. The results achieved are interesting considering both the effectiveness achieved and the innovative approach undertaken together with the several applications inspired using a local knowledge base.


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Until now, therapeutic vaccination of cancer patients has mainly relied on rather few T cell epitopes processed from structurally normal shared tumor antigens and presented by frequent HLA alleles. So far the design of these studies has not addressed the individuality of tumor-host interactions, which are not only determined by the antigenic tumor phenotype or the natural HLA polymorphism, but also by the individual T cell repertoire. The procedure described herein was developed to identify the preferential targets of the individual repertoire from a panel of known shared tumor-associated antigens. Lymphocytes were isolated from the peripheral blood of cancer patients or healthy donors and stimulated twice with autologous mRNA-transfected FastDC (Dauer et al., J Immunol. 170:4069, 2003). FastDC were generated from blood monocytes and separately transfected via lipofection with in vitro transcribed mRNAs encoding the panel antigens. Responder lymphocytes were tested on day 12 in a 20-hour IFN-g ELISPOT assay for recognition of 293T cells co-transfected pairwise with plasmids encoding the stimulation antigens and the respective individual’s HLA class I alleles. In a first step, stimulation parameters were optimized for the detection of anti-HCMV pp65 responses. A maximum amplification of pp65-specific CD8+ T cell responses was obtained at a rather low IL-2 concentration (25 IU/ml) and at a minimum APC-to-effector ratio of 1:10. Addition of IL-4, IL-7 or IL-15 did not substantially improve the stimulatory potential. The test was applied to the human melanoma models D05 and MZ2, in both of which multiple T cell-defined antigens had previously been identified by expression screening. Blood lymphocytes were stimulated in parallel with autologous tumor cells and with mRNA-transfected FastDC. In D05, T cell reactivities against three out of eleven epitopes induced by stimulation with tumor cells were also found after stimulation with mRNA-transfected FastDC. Two further T cell target epitopes were identified with mRNA but not with tumor cell stimulation. In MZ2, T cell responses against five distinct epitopes were detected on day 12 after stimulation with mRNA transfectants. The same responses were detectable after stimulation with tumor cells only on day 32. mRNA stimulations against 21 tumor-associated antigens in addition to HCMV pp65 were performed in four healthy individuals. In all cases, CD8+ T cells against HCMV pp65 could be expanded. Among tumor-associated antigens, only reactivity against Melan-A/MART-1 in association with HLA-A*0201 was detectable in one of the donors. The vaccination of patients with targets a priori known to be recognized by their T cell repertoire may help to improve the outcome of therapeutic vaccination.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Zielstrukturen autologer, tumorreaktiver CD8+ T-Zellen im Modell des Melanompatienten D41 charakterisiert, der im metastasierten Stadium nach Vakzinierung mit autologen dendritischen Zellen und bestrahlten Tumorzellen eine dauerhafte komplette Remission erreichte (O´Rourke et al., Melanoma Res. 17:316, 2007). Aus kryokonservierten Blutlymphozyten verschiedener Zeitpunkte wurden durch Stimulation mit autologen Tumorzellen (D41-MEL) in unabhängigen gemischten Lymphozyten-/Tumorzell-Kulturen (MLTCs) tumorreaktive CD8+ T-Zellen angereichert. Als Erstes wurde überprüft, ob sie gegen bekannte Melanomantigene in Assoziation mit den HLA-Klasse I-Allelen des Patienten gerichtet waren. Dabei zeigten sich Reaktivitäten gegen das melanosomale Differenzierungsantigen Melan-A mit HLA-A*0201 und darüber hinaus gegen die Cancer/Testis-Antigene (CTA) MAGE-A3 und MAGE-A6 mit HLA-A*0101, sowie NY-ESO-1, MAGE-A4 und MAGE-A10 mit HLA-A*0201. In einem zweiten Schritt wurde mit T-Zell-Klonen aus D41-MLTC 2, die keines dieser Antigene erkannten, eine cDNA-Expressionsbank von D41-MEL gescreent. Dies führte zur Klonierung einer für TSPY 1 (testis-specific protein Y-encoded 1) kodierenden cDNA mit einem der T-Zell-Klone. Er erkannte mit hoher Affinität die synthetischen TSPY 1-Peptide LLDDIMAEV (Aminosäurepositionen 66-73) und LLLDDIMAEV (Aminosäurepositionen 65-73) in Assoziation mit HLA-A*0201. Serologische Immunantworten gegen das als CTA einzustufende TSPY 1 sind bekannt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde erstmals eine T-Zell-Antwort gegen TSPY 1 nachgewiesen. TSPY 1 trägt mutmaßlich zu Entstehung des Gonadoblastoms bei, seine Expression wurde jedoch z.B. auch in Seminomen, Leberzellkarzinomen und Melanomen nachgewiesen. Die Expression von TSPY 1 in der Zelllinie D41-MEL-Zellen war sehr heterogen. Einzelne Klone der Linie exprimierten TSPY 1 auf stabil hohem, andere Klone auf ebenso stabil intermediärem bzw. nicht detektierbarem Niveau. Die Expression und die Erkennung durch TSPY 1-reaktive T-Zell-Klone wurde durch die demethylierende Substanz 5-Aza-2´-deoxycytidine gesteigert. Dies spricht für eine Promotor-Hypermethylierung als Ursache fehlender bzw. niedriger Expression, wie dies für verschiedene CTA zutrifft. Die im Blut des Patienten D41 detektierbare antitumorale T-Zell-Reaktivität war bereits vor der Vakzinierung mit Tumorzellen nachweisbar und hatte sich somit spontan entwickelt. Ihre Individualität war vorgegeben durch das Antigenexpressionsmuster der D41-Tumorzellen, sowie durch den HLA-Phänotyp und mutmaßlich auch das T-Zellrepertoire des Patienten. Die detaillierte Analyse komplexer antitumoraler T-Zellantworten legt den Grundstein für eine Immuntherapie, die sich auf das tatsächliche Potential des individuellen T-Zellsystems stützen kann.


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This article focuses on the “social side” of pseudonymity—on how writers and readers compete to influence the critical destiny of a pseudonymous work. By analyzing pseudonymity and attribution in both the specific context of Voltaire’s 1760 staging of the play, Le café ou l’écossaise, and in larger debates in the emerging fields of anonymity, pseudonymity, and attribution studies, I hope to show how literary scholars at present can address the individuality of each pseudonymous case while not letting go of trans-historical, general problems of anonymous strategies. Voltaire’s use of multiple pseudonyms before and after releasing L’Ecossaise, a comédie sérieuse in which Voltaire attacks his enemy Elie-Cathérine Fréron, supports his philosophe friends at a crucial moment in history, and exemplifies his emerging taste for serious comedy and British drama calls into question traditional takes on pseudonymity, anonymity, and attribution by refusing to fit into the binary arguments of anonymous vs. attributed and authorial intent vs. the reader’s control.


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Individual recognition systems require the sender to be individually distinctive and the receiver to be able to perceive differences between individuals and react accordingly. Many studies have demonstrated that acoustic signals of almost any species contain individualized information. However, fewer studies have tested experimentally if those signals are used for individual recognition by potential receivers. While laboratory studies using zebra finches have shown that fledglings recognize their parents by their “distance call”, mutual recognition using the same call type has not been demonstrated yet. In a laboratory study with zebra finches, we first quantified between-individual acoustic variation in distance calls of fledglings. In a second step, we tested recognition of fledgling calls by parents using playback experiments. With a discriminant function analysis, we show that individuals are highly distinctive and most measured parameters show very high potential to encode for individuality. The response pattern of zebra finch parents shows that they do react to calls of fledglings, however they do not distinguish between own and unfamiliar offspring, despite individual distinctiveness. This finding is interesting in light of the observation of a high percentage of misdirected feedings in our communal breeding aviaries. Our results demonstrate the importance of adopting a receiver's perspective and suggest that variation in fledgling contact calls might not be used in individual recognition of offspring.


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In writing “Not in the Legends”, one of the images and concepts which constantly returned was that of pilgrimage. I began to write these poems while studying abroad in London, after having passed the previous semester in France and travelling around Europe. There was something in the repetition of sightseeing— walking six miles in Luxembourg to see the grave of General Patton, taking photographs of the apartment where Sylvia Plath ended her life, bowing before the bones of saints, searching through Père Lachaise for the grave of Théodore Gericault— which struck me as numinous and morbid. At the same time, I came to love living abroad and I grew discontent with both remaining and returning. I wanted the opportunity to live everywhere all the time and not have to choose between home and away. Returning from abroad, I turned my attention to the landscape of my native country. I found in the New England pilgrims a narrative of people who had left their home in search of growth and freedom. In these journeys I began to appreciate the significance of place and tried to understand what it meant to move from one place to another, how one chose a home, and why people searched for meaning in specific locations. The processes of moving from student to worker and from childhood to adulthood have weighed on me. I began to see these transitions towards maturity as travels to a different land. Memory and nostalgia are their own types of pilgrimage in their attempts to return to lost places, as is the reading of literature. These pilgrimages, real and metaphorical, form the thematic core of the collection. I read the work of many poets who came before me, returning to the places where the Canon was forged. Those poets have a large presence in the work I produced. I wondered how I, as a young poet, could earn my own place in the tradition and sought models in much the same way a painter studies the brushstrokes of a master. In the process, I have tried to uncover what it means to be a poet. Is it something like being a saint? Is it something like being a colonist? Or is to be the one who goes in search of saints and colonists? In trying to measure my own life and work based on the precedent, I have questioned what role era and generation have on the formation of identity. I focused my reading heavily on the early years of English poetry, trying to find the essence of the time when the language first achieved the transcendence of verse. In following the development of English poetry through Coleridge, John Berryman, and Allison Titus, I have explored the progression of those basic virtues in changing contexts. Those bearings, applied to my modern context, helped to shape the poetry I produced. Many of the poems in “Not in the Legends” are based on my own personal experience. In my recollections I have tried to interrogate nostalgia rather than falling into mere reminiscence. Rather than allowing myself poems of love and longing, I have tried to find the meaning of those emotions. A dominant conflict exists between adventure and comfort which mirrors the central engagement with the nature of being “here” or “there”. It is found in scenes of domesticity and wilderness as I attempt to understand my own simultaneous desire for both. For example, in “Canned Mangoes…” the intrusion of nature, even in a context as innocuous as a poem by Sir Walter Raleigh, unravels ordinary comforts of the domestic sphere. The character of “The Boy” from Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot proved such an interesting subject for me because he is one who can transcend the normal boundaries of time and place. The title suggests connections to both place and time. “Legends” features the dual meaning of both myths and the keys to maps. To propose something “Not in the Legends” is to find something which has no precedent in our histories and our geographies, something beyond our field of knowledge and wholly new. One possible interpretation I devised was that each new generation lives a novel existence, the future being the true locus of that which is beyond our understanding. The title comes from Keats’ “Hyperion, a Fragment”, and details the aftermath of the Titanomachy. The Titans, having fallen to the Olympians, are a representation of the passing of one generation for the next. Their dejection is expressed by Saturn, who laments: Not in my own sad breast, Which is its own great judge and searcher out, Can I find reason why ye should be thus: Not in the legends of the first of days… (129-132) The emotions of the conquered Titans are unique and without antecedent. They are experiencing feelings which surpass all others in history. In this, they are the equivalent of the poet who feels that his or her own sufferings are special. In contrast are Whitman’s lines from “Song of Myself” which serve as an epigraph to this collection. He contends for a sense of continuity across time, a realization that youth, age, pleasure, and suffering have always existed and will always exist. Whitman finds consolation in this unity, accepting that kinship with past generations is more important that his own individuality. These opposing views offer two methods of presenting the self in history. The instinct of poetry suggests election. The poet writes because he feels his experiences are special, or because he believes he can serve as a synecdoche for everyone. I have fought this instinct by trying to contextualize myself in history. These poems serve as an attempt at prosopography with my own narrative a piece of the whole. Because the earth abides forever, our new stories get printed over the locations of the old and every place becomes a palimpsest of lives and acts. In this collection I have tried to untangle some of those layers, especially my own, to better understand the sprawling legend of history.


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Ibrahim Kemura. The Muslim Cultural-Educational Society Narodna uzdanica from 1923/4 to 1941 One of the features of the cultural history of the Bosniacs between the two world wars (1918-1941) was a cultural and educational society named Narodna uzdanica, which was a significant institutional and cultural-intellectual centre of the Bosniac people in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Narodna uzdanica expressed the aspirations and needs of the Bosniac citizens who were its main support and axis and was aimed at fulfilling their interests. This was reflected in an ideological-cultural orientation towards the West and the adoption of positive western achievements while at the same time stressing its Slavic origins and individuality, the education of young people and the formation of a European-type civic intelligentsia, adaptation to life in capitalist society, the development of modern trade and crafts, the emancipation of women, and cultural education based on European values. Thus conceived, the programme enjoyed the support of a wider circle of members, the reading public and the cultural consumers of those particular elements such as education and economic prosperity which it sought to achieve. The political involvement of Narodna uzdanica and its use as a platform for the leading Bosniac political party Jugoslovenska muslimanska organizacija (JMO - Yugoslav Muslim Organisation) which had founded the society, played a significant role in the socio-political life and development of Bosniacs. The opposition to the ruling regime, often expressed through close cooperation with similar Croat organisations and through the pro-Croat attitude of some of the society's leading figures, offered both the regime and Narodna uzdanica's political adversaries grounds for describing it as separatist and Croat and served as a pretext for repressive measures to hinder its normal operations. This research proved these accusations to be groundless, showing that the pro-Croat orientation was primarily political and cultural and that throughout its existence Narodna uzdanica was active in the cultural and educational renaissance of Bosniacs, helping to strengthen their national identity.


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Background Recent work on the complexity of life highlights the roles played by evolutionary forces at different levels of individuality. One of the central puzzles in explaining transitions in individuality for entities ranging from complex cells, to multicellular organisms and societies, is how different autonomous units relinquish control over their functions to others in the group. In addition to the necessity of reducing conflict over effecting specialized tasks, differentiating groups must control the exploitation of the commons, or else be out-competed by more fit groups. Results We propose that two forms of conflict – access to resources within groups and representation in germ line – may be resolved in tandem through individual and group-level selective effects. Specifically, we employ an optimization model to show the conditions under which different within-group social behaviors (cooperators producing a public good or cheaters exploiting the public good) may be selected to disperse, thereby not affecting the commons and functioning as germ line. We find that partial or complete dispersal specialization of cheaters is a general outcome. The propensity for cheaters to disperse is highest with intermediate benefit:cost ratios of cooperative acts and with high relatedness. An examination of a range of real biological systems tends to support our theory, although additional study is required to provide robust tests. Conclusion We suggest that trait linkage between dispersal and cheating should be operative regardless of whether groups ever achieve higher levels of individuality, because individual selection will always tend to increase exploitation, and stronger group structure will tend to increase overall cooperation through kin selected benefits. Cheater specialization as dispersers offers simultaneous solutions to the evolution of cooperation in social groups and the origin of specialization of germ and soma in multicellular organisms.


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The reproducibility of metabolite content determined by MR spectroscopy (MRS) is usually at best a few percent for the prominent singlets. When studying low-concentration metabolites, like phenylalanine (Phe), where tissue content can be <100 micromol/kg, better reproducibility is paramount-particularly in view of using MRS results for potential individual treatment advice. An optimized, targeted spectroscopy method was established at 1.5T and reproducibility was established in 21 patients with phenylketonuria (PKU) where three spectra were recorded in each of three independent sessions, two of which were in immediate succession to minimize physiologic variation. Intersession variation was found to be only 7 micromol/kg Phe for back-to-back repetition of sessions, in close agreement with the variation of 16 micromol/kg observed for single spectra within a session. Analysis of variance proved the individuality of the blood/brain Phe ratio-though this ratio seems to be influenced by physiologic factors that are not stable in time. The excellent reproducibility was achieved through optimization of various factors, including signal-to-noise ratio, repositioning, and prescan calibrations, but also by enforcing as much prior information as possible (e.g., lineshape and phase from reference scans, constant prior-knowledge-locked baseline). While the application of maximum general prior knowledge is a general method to reduce fluctuations, one should remember that it may introduce systematic errors.


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The proposed paper will present first results of a research project investigating how nursing homes in Switzerland deal with migrant elders who are in intensive need of care. Focusing on the end-of-life in institutional care settings, the intention is to explore the dimensions of ‘doing death’ in Swiss nursing homes when the elderly involved are of migrant background. The focus is laid on the co-construction of end of life in interactions between residents of migrant background and professional carers involved (often of migrant background themselves), and will thereby focus on processes of ‘doing diversity’ while ‘doing death’. To do so, we chose an ethnographic approach focusing on the participant observation of everyday practices of ‘doing death’ and ‘death work’ and on interviewing staff, residents and their relatives. Caring for ageing migrants at the end of their lives is studied in different types of assisted living at the end of life: The field of research was entered by studying a group specific department for residents of so-called ‘Mediterranean’ background. It was contrasted by a department stressing the individuality of each resident but including a considerable number of residents with migrant background. We are interested in how (and if at all) specific forms of ‘doing community’ within different types of departments may also lead to specific ways of ‘doing death’, which aim at a stronger embeddedness of dying trajectories in social relations of reciprocity and exchange. Furthermore, migrant ‘doing death’ is expected to be particularly negotiable since the potential diversities of symbolic reference systems and daily practices are widened. If the respective resident is limited in his/her capacities to play an active part in negotiating about ‘good care’ and ‘good dying’ – either due to language competences, which would be migrant specific, or due to degenerative diseases, which is not migrant specific – the field of negotiations will be left up to the professionals within the organization (and to the relatives, which are, however, not constantly present). Strategies of stereotyping the ‘other’ as well as driving nurses, caring aides and other professionals of migrant background into roles of ‘cultural experts’ or ‘transcultural translators’ are expected to be common in such situations. However, the task of negotiating what would be a ‘good dying’ and what measures are appropriate is always at stake in contemporary heterogeneous societies. Therefore we would argue that studying dying processes involving migrant residents is looking at paradigmatic manifestations of doing death in recent contexts of reflexive modernity.


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En el trabajo se pretende analizar las principales categorías sobre las que se fundamenta la modernidad, a través del pensamiento de Kant. El núcleo del proyecto moderno es la idea de universalidad, individualidad y autonomía, que junto a la distinción entre hombre y Naturaleza y su interrelación, dan origen a la perspectiva de la razón emancipadora. Los debates filosóficos de la época incorporaron una mirada sobre los problemas sociales y resultan de singular importancia para demostrar que el Trabajo Social en su origen tuvo un claro carácter antimoderno. Las primeras organizaciones donde encontramos los antecedentes de la profesión avanzan con un carácter conservador, mediado por una alianza entre burguesía, iglesia y estado, aceptando el modo capitalista de producción y de pensar a través de prácticas tutelares, disciplinarias y moralizantes que aún perduran en la actualidad y que se alejan del pensamiento originario de Kant.


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En estas sociedades occidentales modernas, deviene como “normal" y cotidiano la uniformización de los sujetos; resultando valores cada vez más preciados y exigidos la hegemonía en pensamiento, acción y sensación. En este sentido, y para el logro de tal emprendimiento, se entiende que han ido cambiando a lo largo de estos últimos tres siglos las formas de requerir tal hegemonía, no así la esencia de la misma, orientando a los seres en su individualidad y colectivamente hacia una hegemonía del deber ser. Se considera en este trabajo a la educación formal como uno de los pilares en los que se ha sostenido la formación de los sujetos sociales modernos. Será en base a las demarcaciones propias del disciplinamiento y la normalización adquirida a través de la currícula educativa que se delimiten marginalidades entre lo que se es y lo que se espera de cada sujeto.


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Elísabeth de Austria (1837-1898) no pudo escapar a su destino de emperatriz y reina, pero eso no la detuvo en la búsqueda de la libertad que anhelaba y que desató la crítica de la sociedad vienesa. La artifícialidad y los intereses cortesanos tan diferentes a los suyos, hicieron que escapara cada vez más lejos y durante más tiempo. A los 22 años, seis después de su matrimonio, luego de haber dado a luz al heredero, y por una serie de desavenencias con su marido, comenzó la búsqueda de su individualidad y ya no se detuvo. Madeira, Corfú, Venecia, las termas de Austria y Alemania, su amada Hungría, las ruinas de Grecia y la pasión por los lugares que vieron al legendario Aquiles la llevaron de uno a otro lado. La escritura de sus poemas comenzó cuando ya casi contaba 50 años, y por cuatro años consecutivos llevó un Diario Poético que quedó inconcluso cuando su hijo fue encontrado muerto en Mayerling. Son poemas que denuncian la caducidad de la monarquía, la corrupción de la corte, la falta de amor y comprensión, y que logran su efecto cuando Elísabeth describe los lugares que la conectan con la naturaleza del mundo.


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La cuestión de la interpretación de Aristóteles por parte de la Academia alemana del siglo XIX es de interés tanto para filósofos como para economistas. Esto se debe a que el pensamiento clásico constituyó una cuestión de discusión e inspiración para el Idealismo, el Hegelianismo, el Historicismo y los economistas históricos alemanes (comenzando por Roscher) y su oponente austríaco, Carl Menger, fundador de la Escuela Austríaca de Economía. De este modo la filosofía antigua permaneció vigente. Al evaluar esta recepción, en este trabajo se muestra que el debate sobre entidades colectivas versus individualidad encuentra allí una base, y el individualismo metodológico, una justificación. Esto resulta útil aún hoy en el siglo veintiuno, en que presenciamos una crisis de la corriente principal de la economía.