296 resultados para INTERATIVIDADE


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Ao conceber esta obra, Evaldo Aparecido de Abreu levou em conta o decreto que instituiu o Sistema Brasileiro de TV Digital (SBTVD), que lista entre os objetivos da tecnologia propiciar a criação de rede universal de educação a distância. Ele estudou as atividades que deve desempenhar o profissional responsável por adequar material didático impresso, como livros e apostilas, em material audiovisual, mais especificamente para explorar a interatividade da TV. De todo o processo, o livro analisa a etapa da transformação do conteúdo pedagógico em produto audiovisual, chamado de design instrucional. E destaca o papel que o coordenador geral dessa atividade deve desempenhar. A obra levanta questões como as características tecnológicas da TV digital e do middleware Ginga, o software promotor da interatividade, e discute métodos de adaptação do material didático para a TV digital. Inclui ainda reflexões sobre a importância da interatividade no desenvolvimento de projetos educacionais e sobre como estes podem contribuir para a melhoria da educação brasileira.


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A autora procura discutir as consequências de a cultura juvenil ser hoje o ingrediente fundamental da comunicação digital, e os efeitos desta cultura sobre o comportamento dos jovens e sobre o próprio conceito de juventude. Ela enfatiza que nas últimas décadas tal conceito passou definir, mais do que uma faixa etária, uma espécie de mercadoria, oferecida, para qualquer interessado, na mídia, em academias de ginástica, casas de shows, shopping centers e nos mais variados espaços urbanos. A pesquisadora analisa o comportamento de várias gerações de jovens, especialmente depois da Segunda Guerra Mundial, a partir da consolidação da TV e de mídias voltadas especificamente para esse público, como os suplementos teen. E mostra que as novas tecnologias digitais - com sua portabilidade, mobilidade e interatividade - estão trazendo novos cenários, novas conformações da vida social, múltiplas configurações de tempo e desenhando espaços antes inimagináveis, ocupados principalmente pelos jovens. Trata-se de uma geração extremamente conectada e rebelde à sua maneira contra os valores tradicionais, que está desenvolvendo um novo estilo e um novo modo de entender o processo comunicativo, com grande dinamismo. No entanto, trata-se também de uma geração que não consegue fugir do aspecto mais perverso das tecnologias digitais, pois estas, ao evoluírem e se transformarem praticamente a cada dia e quase sempre a reboque do mercado, exigem seguidas adaptações, que os jovens nem sempre conseguem acompanhar de forma rápida e sistemática, de modo a ficarem imunes a frustrações.


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O livro trata da utilização da Televisão Digital na Educação, mais especificamente do uso do t-learning na Educação a Distância (EaD), discutindo as possibilidades de avanço e os limites estruturais da modalidade. Para o autor, o t-learning aplicado ao EaD poderia, se bem trabalhado, ensejar uma inclusão cidadã por meio de uma educação inovadora, com base em Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação inclusive já disponíveis na sociedade brasileira. O principal foco de análise do trabalho são as alternativas criadas pela TV Digital interativa (TVDi), uma mídia inovadora capaz de canalizar diversas convergências - tecnológica, de processos e de conteúdos -, e com enorme potencial para dar suporte a ambientes colaborativos de ensino-aprendizagem, abrindo fronteiras para a real universalização da educação. Segundo o autor, o emprego da TVDi no EaD poderia provocar mudanças até na atitude em geral passiva do aluno-telespectador, dando lugar a um aluno interagente ou interator, apto a se apropriar da interatividade possível por meio do canal de retorno, e de se posicionar de forma ativa e crítica diante de uma grade de multiprogramação


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This article aims to contribute to the process of inclusion of students with disabilities in regular schools by reporting the results of a survey that aimed to verify whether Learning Objects (LO) are efficient tools in constructing teaching and learning of subject content within the inclusive education context. Participant, tutor and trainer experiences of a distance learning Ministry of Education (MEC) course on Assistive Technology were analyzed. The course was offered to public schools teachers from all over the country. The course activities were recorded in a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) called TelEduc, along with group reports of course participants. Three categories were selected for data analysis: a) interactivity and feedback from the team trainer; b) applicability of the content covered in the course, and c) new learning. The results showed that LO can promote the learning of subject content. Having been designed as educational resources to support teaching and learning, they can enhance educational inclusion of people with disabilities. As for the process of distance formation for teachers, the course contributed to consolidating sound and efficient training of participants by providing: a closer encounter with the world of technology, the possibility of integration of technology in the classroom; conducting theoretical and practical studies, appreciation of diversity and all students' potential; innovations in strategies and learning resources and reflective action.


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Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC


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This paper presents a proposal for the teaching of cataloguing, emphasizing the problem-solving methodology. The proposal was designed for the distance-based continuing education of the professional cataloguer. It takes into account the challenges inherent to the development of interactive and inter-disciplinary tasks, as well as the development of directed self-education and critical consciousness of that professional, inasmuch as he becomes an active subject, manager of his/her own education.


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Introduction: This study is part of some activities developed in a school library in Marília - SP. Objective: To approach the voice pad use in historical narratives. Methodology: The book chosen by the storyteller for this experiment was “A Menina do Narizinho Arrebitado” written by Monteiro Lobato, the first Brazilian book to gain an interactive version for the pad device. Results: It was observe in that activity like a digital device excites children, being a new way to interaction with stories. With features enticing and easier to use, the tablets provide the reading levels of dynamism and interactivity so far unthinkable. Conclusions: With the results of this research, it is concluded that audiovisual resources allow interaction and dynamism, providing enthusiasm to the listeners; being a pleasurable and diverse action that enables the professional to use new tools to stimulate the taste to hear and share stories as well as to attend a school library.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This artistic-scientific process aims to innovate the concept of Interactive Comics by adding them into the concept of RPG games and Single-Adventures. To make it properly done, there will be some issues about Interactivity, history of the Comic Strip and Mangas, and their techniques of use. Also, there will be other issues involving Electronic Comics and Interactive Comics, in addition to the concept of the RPG games and Single-Adventures, so that the reader of this paper could understand the practical result of every issue combined into one. The identification of these issues is made from a bibliographic and iconographic research, and it will also be displayed throughout the content. Some decisions will be thrown along this paper for the reader to decide and, therefore, understand the Interactivity process in a better way. The combined issues’ result will be presented in my interactive website, http://a3studios.com.br/iss/home (address not final) or http://amstarproductions.net (final address), where the readers will have to experience the “Play&Read” phenomenon. Furthermore, this work is inserted in the line of the research Artistic Processes and Procedures of the Department of Fine Arts from the Art Institute of UNESP, whose methodology used was the Freinet Educational Cybernetics, developed in the research group Media Arts and Videoclip leaded by the leading advisor for this Final Course Work. The result and discussion of artistic and scientific research were reported in monographs such as this that I present, with the following versions: PDF version for dissemination in the virtual repository of the Institute of Arts’ Library; hardcover version for physical collection at the Library of Institute of Arts; The Printed Version for the board of examiners; and an appropriated template version for submission to International Scientific Congress in the area of Arts.


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In recent decades the rise of the tools of information and communication technology (ICT) has been notorious. Currently ICTs are an important educational tool and is associated with the development of teaching methods courses in basic and higher education. Given the influence that these tools are currently engaged in several sectors, this project aimed to assess the frequency and manifestations of ICT that have been employed in the teaching of histology in the Schools of Dentistry of São Paulo. The virtual page of 43 Higher Education Institutions (HEI) was analyzed to search for links to sites of histology. With this assessment only 4 virtual domains were found which was present a narrow range of virtual tools such as hypertext, graphics, quizzes and lessons in electronic formats. Later, by sending a questionnaire to 46 teachers of histology of the Universities of São Paulo, were analyzed for the presence or absence of a site of discipline, mode and frequency of use of ICTs in education, and the value that teacher attaches to these tools. From the responses obtained were concluded that teachers who have websites in general have no interactivite tools and many seem to ignore the real representation of interactivity in teaching and the possibilities of applications of ICTs. However most teachers recognize the importance of education mediated by virtual tools


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The objective of this research is to understand whether the mathematics lessons teachers use ICT and how they see their use. For this, we prepared a questionnaire with four questions for the subjects of our research, which are ex - students of Bachelor in Mathematics FEG / UNESP, in exercise of the profession. The questionnaire data were analyzed following the procedures of phenomenological research. This approach enabled us to draw up three open categories. The first Recourse to boost student learning and school, leads us to interpret that for the interviewees, ICT resources are leading students to do research making them responsible for their learning and providing them with conditions respond the issues raised by the teacher, which generates greater interactivity. The second, Possibility to use software related to mathematical content shows that the subject sees ICT as resources that allow the study of mathematical content, especially geometry and functions, so that student learning is leverage. The third, Obstacles to the use of technology in the classroom shows that even if the subjects recognize the importance of ICT use, they do not use it as often as they would like because of the difficulties that are related to infrastructure and didactic and pedagogical conditions


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A busca de compreensão da complexa dinâmica envolvendo os processos interativos entre professores e alunos tem motivado o desenvolvimento de pesquisas relacionadas a padrões de interação em sala de aula e suas consequências para o no contexto do ensino e da aprendizagem. Este trabalho sistematiza e analisa os conteúdos tratados, bem como as questões levantadas por uma monitora de um Projeto de Extensão em Anatomia Humana e alunos de ensino médio durante as atividades realizadas na bancada do sistema excretor-reprodutor em um laboratório de Anatomia Humana, além de identificar as classes de abordagens comunicativas presentes nessas interações. A ênfase em aspectos morfofisiológicos dos sistemas humanos, assim como a opção por um estilo de trabalho baseado na argumentação retórica, adotado pela monitora, renegou a um segundo plano tanto a interatividade quanto a dialogicidade como padrões de interação neste contexto estudado


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The proposed paper aims to understand and analyze how the sporting television journalism has changed in Brazil, affecting the coverage of major events like the World Cup. The impact of these changes are reflected in the use of interactivity, entertainment and presentation of news, in pictures and on television news programs inserted in Brazilian TV News. Using as an object of study the Central da Copa (presented in 2010), from Globo Television Network the study aims to examine concepts of interactivity, journalistic content and infotainment through Content Analysis and under journalistic theories of optics