901 resultados para Human identification


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Elucidating the relevant genomic changes mediating development and evolution of prostate cancer is paramount for effective diagnosis and therapy. A putative dominant-acting nude mouse prostatic carcinoma tumor-inducing gene, PTI-1, has been cloned that is expressed in patient-derived human prostatic carcinomas but not in benign prostatic hypertrophy or normal prostate tissue. PTI-1 was detected by cotransfecting human prostate carcinoma DNA into CREF-Trans 6 cells, inducing tumors in nude mice, and isolating genes displaying increased expression in tumor-derived cells by using differential RNA display (DD). Screening a human prostatic carcinoma (LNCaP) cDNA library with a 214-bp DNA fragment found by DD permitted the cloning of a full-length 2.0-kb PTI-1 cDNA. Sequence analysis indicates that PTI-1 is a gene containing a 630-bp 5' sequence and a 3' sequence homologous to a truncated and mutated form of human elongation factor 1 alpha. In vitro translation demonstrates that the PTI-1 cDNA encodes a predominant approximately 46-kDa protein. Probing Northern blots with a DNA fragment corresponding to the 5' region of PTI-1 identifies multiple PTI-1 transcripts in RNAs from human carcinoma cell lines derived from the prostate, lung, breast, and colon. In contrast, PTI-1 RNA is not detected in human melanoma, neuroblastoma, osteosarcoma, normal cerebellum, or glioblastoma multiforme cell lines. By using a pair of primers recognizing a 280-bp region within the 630-bp 5' PTI-1 sequence, reverse transcription-PCR detects PTI-1 expression in patient-derived prostate carcinomas but not in normal prostate or benign hypertrophic prostate tissue. In contrast, reverse transcription-PCR detects prostate-specific antigen expression in all of the prostate tissues. These results indicate that PTI-1 may be a member of a class of oncogenes that could affect protein translation and contribute to carcinoma development in human prostate and other tissues. The approaches used, rapid expression cloning with the CREF-Trans 6 system and the DD strategy, should prove widely applicable for identifying and cloning additional human oncogenes.


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Granzyme B serine protease is found in the granules of activated cytotoxic T cells and in natural and lymphokine-activated killer cells. This protease plays a critical role in the rapid induction of target cell DNA fragmentation. The DNA regulatory elements that are responsible for the specificity of granzyme B gene transcription in activated T-cells reside between nt -148 and +60 (relative to the transcription start point at +1) of the human granzyme B gene promoter. This region contains binding sites for the transcription factors Ikaros, CBF, Ets, and AP-1. Mutational analysis of the human granzyme B promoter reveals that the Ikaros binding site (-143 to -114) and the AP-1/CBF binding site (-103 to -77) are essential for the activation of transcription in phytohemagglutinin-activated peripheral blood lymphocytes, whereas mutation of the Ets binding site does not affect promoter activity in these cells.


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Compensatory ventilatory responses to increased inspiratory loading are essential for adequate breathing regulation in a number of pulmonary diseases; however, the human brain sites mediating such responses are unknown. Midsagittal and axial images were acquired in 11 healthy volunteers during unloaded and loaded (30 cmH2O; 1 cmH2O = 98 Pa) inspiratory breathing, by using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) strategies (1.5-tesla MR; repetition time, 72 msec; echo time, 45 msec; flip angle, 30 degrees; field of view, 26 cm; slice thickness, 5 mm; number of excitations, 1; matrix, 128 x 256). Digital image subtractions and region of interest analyses revealed significantly increased fMRI signal intensity in discrete areas of the ventral and dorsal pons, interpeduncular nucleus, basal forebrain, putamen, and cerebellar regions. Upon load withdrawal, certain regions displayed a rapid fMRI signal off-transient, while in others, a slower fMRI signal decay emerged. Sustained loading elicited slow decreases in fMRI signal across activated regions, while second application of an identical load resulted in smaller signal increases compared to initial signal responses (P < 0.001). A moderate inspiratory load is associated with consistent regional activation of discrete brain locations; certain of these regions have been implicated in mediation of loaded breathing in animal models. We speculate that temporal changes in fMRI signal may indicate respiratory after-discharge and/or habituation phenomena.


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The integrase protein of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 is necessary for the stable integration of the viral genome into host DNA. Integrase catalyzes the 3' processing of the linear viral DNA and the subsequent DNA strand transfer reaction that inserts the viral DNA ends into host DNA. Although full-length integrase is required for 3' processing and DNA strand transfer activities in vitro, the central core domain of integrase is sufficient to catalyze an apparent reversal of the DNA strand transfer reaction, termed disintegration. This catalytic core domain, as well as the full-length integrase, has been refractory to structural studies by x-ray crystallography or NMR because of its low solubility and propensity to aggregate. In an attempt to improve protein solubility, we used site-directed mutagenesis to replace hydrophobic residues within the core domain with either alanine or lysine. The single substitution of lysine for phenylalanine at position 185 resulted in a core domain that was highly soluble, monodisperse in solution, and retained catalytic activity. This amino acid change has enabled the catalytic domain of integrase to be crystallized and the structure has been solved to 2.5-A resolution [Dyda, F., Hickman, A. B., Jenkins, T. M., Engelman, A., Craigie, R. & Davies, D. R. (1994) Science 266, 1981-1986]. Systematic replacement of hydrophobic residues may be a useful strategy to improve the solubility of other proteins to facilitate structural and biochemical studies.


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A detailed structure-function analysis of human interleukin 5 (hIL5) has been performed. The hIL5 receptor is composed of two different polypeptide chains, the alpha and beta subunits. The alpha subunit alone is sufficient for ligand binding, but association with the beta subunit leads to a 2- to 3-fold increase in binding affinity. The beta chain is shared with the receptors for IL3 and granulocyte/macrophage-colony-stimulating factor--hence the descriptor beta C (C for common). All hIL5 mutants were analyzed in a solid-phase binding assay for hIL5R alpha interaction and in a proliferation assay using IL5-dependent cell lines for receptor-complex activation. Most residues affecting binding to the receptor alpha subunit were clustered in a loop connecting beta-strand 1 and helix B (mutants H38A, K39A, and H41A), in beta-strand 2 (E89A and R91A; weaker effect for E90A) and close to the C terminus (T109A, E110A, W111S, and I112A). Mutations at one position, E13 (Glu13), caused a reduced activation of the hIL5 receptor complex. In the case of E13Q, only 0.05% bioactivity was detected on a hIL5-responsive subclone of the mouse promyelocytic cell line FDC-P1. Moreover, on hIL5-responsive TF1 cells, the same mutant was completely inactive and proved to have antagonistic properties. Interactions of this mutant with both receptor subunits were nevertheless indistinguishable from those of nonmutated hIL5 by crosslinking and Scatchard plot analysis of transfected COS-1 cells.


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Helicobacter pylori è un batterio Gram-negativo in grado di colonizzare la mucosa gastrica umana e persistere per l'intero arco della vita dell'ospite. E' associato a patologie gastrointestinali, quali gastrite cronica, ulcere gastriche e duodenali, adenocarcinomi e linfomi gastrici. Si tratta di uno dei patogeni più diffusi, presente in circa metà della popolazione mondiale, e il solo che si è adattato a vivere nell'ambiente ostile dello stomaco umano. Molteplici sono i fattori di virulenza che permettono al batterio la colonizzazione della nicchia gastrica e contribuiscono, anche attraverso l' induzione di una risposta infiammatoria, a profonde modificazioni dell' omeostasi gastrica. Queste ultime si associano, ad esempio, all'iperproduzione di fattori proinfiammatori, ad alterazioni sia della regolazione della secrezione acida gastrica sia del ciclo cellulare e della morte cellulare programmata (apoptosi) delle cellule epiteliali gastriche, a disordini nel metabolismo del ferro e a carenze di elementi essenziali. Studi sulla diversità genetica di H. pylori osservata in ceppi isolati da varie regioni del mondo, dimostrano che tale batterio ha avuto una coevoluzione col genere umano attraverso la storia, ed è verosimile che H. pylori sia stato un costituente del microbiota gastrico per almeno 50.000 anni. Scopo della tesi è stato quello di identificare e caratterizzare proteine importanti per la colonizzazione e l'adattamento di H. pylori alla nicchia gastrica. In particolare gli sforzi si sono concentrati su due proteine periplasmatiche, la prima coinvolta nella difesa antiossidante (l'enzima catalasi-like, HP0485), e la seconda nel trasporto di nutrienti presenti nell'ambiente dello stomaco all'interno della cellula (la componente solubile di un ABC transporter, HP0298). La strategia utilizzata prevede un'analisi bioinformatica preliminare, l'ottenimento del gene per amplificazione, mediante PCR, dal genoma dell'organismo, la costruzione di un vettore per il clonaggio, l'espressione eterologa in E. coli e la successiva purificazione. La proteina così ottenuta viene caratterizzata mediante diverse tecniche, quali spettroscopia UV, dicroismo circolare, gel filtrazione analitica, spettrometria di massa. Il capitolo 1 contiene un'introduzione generale sul batterio, il capitolo 2 e il capitolo 3 descrivono gli studi relativi alle due proteine e sono entrambi suddivisi in un abstract iniziale, un'introduzione, la presentazione dei risultati, la discussione di questi ultimi, i materiali e i metodi utilizzati. La catalasi-like (HP0485) è una proteina periplasmatica con struttura monomerica, appartenente ad una famiglia di enzimi a funzione per la maggior parte sconosciuta, ma evolutivamente correlati alla ben nota catalasi, attore fondamentale nella difesa di H. pylori, grazie alla sua azione specifica di rimozione dell'acqua ossigenata. HP0485, pur conservando il fold catalasico e il legame al cofattore eme, non può compiere la reazione di dismutazione dell'acqua ossigenata; possiede invece un'attività perossidasica ad ampio spettro, essendo in grado di accoppiare la riduzione del perossido di idrogeno all'ossidazione di diversi substrati. Come la catalasi, lavora ad alte concentrazioni di aqua ossigenata e non arriva a saturazione a concentrazioni molto elevate di questo substrato (200 mM); la velocità di reazione catalizzata rimane lineare anche a questi valori, aspetto che la differenzia dalle perossidasi che vengono in genere inattivate da concentrazioni di perossido di idrogeno superiori a 10-50 mM. Queste caratteristiche di versatilità e robustezza suggeriscono che la catalasi-like abbia un ruolo di scavenger dell'acqua ossigenata e probabilmente anche un'altra funzione connessa al suo secondo substrato, ossia l'ossidazione di composti nello spazio periplasmatico cellulare. Oltre alla caratterizzazione dell'attività è descritta anche la presenza di un ponte disolfuro, conservato nelle catalasi-like periplasmatiche, con un ruolo nell'assemblaggio dell'eme per ottenere un enzima attivo e funzionale. La proteina periplasmatica HP0298, componente di un sistema di trasporto ABC, è classificata come trasportatore di dipeptidi e appartiene a una famiglia di proteine in grado di legare diversi substrati, tra cui di- e oligopeptidi, nichel, eme, glutatione. Benchè tutte associate a trasportatori di membrana batterici, queste proteine presentano un dominio di legame al substrato che risulta essere conservato nei domini extracellulari di recettori specifici di mammifero e uomo. Un esempio sono i recettori ionotropici e metabotropici del sistema nervoso. Per caratterizzare questa proteina è stato messo a punto un protocollo di ligand-fishing accoppiato alla spettrometria di massa. La proteina purificata, avente un tag di istidine, è stata incubata con un estratto cellulare di H. pylori per poter interagire con il suo substrato specifico all'interno dell'ambiente naturale in cui avviene il legame. Il complesso proteina-ligando è stato poi purificato per cromatografia di affinità e analizzato mediante HPLC-MS. L'identificazione dei picchi differenziali tra campioni con la proteina e 5 campioni di controllo ha portato alla caratterizzazione di pentapeptidi particolarmente ricchi in aminoacidi idrofobici e con almeno un residuo carico negativamente. Considerando che H. pylori necessita di alcuni aminoacidi essenziali, per la maggior parte idrofobici, e che lo stomaco umano è particolarmente ricco di peptidi prodotti dalla digestione delle proteine introdotte con il cibo, il ruolo fisiologico di HP0298 potrebbe essere l'internalizzazione di peptidi, con caratteristiche specifiche di lunghezza e composizione, che sono naturalmente presenti nella nicchia gastrica.


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Cross-species comparative genomics is a powerful strategy for identifying functional regulatory elements within noncoding DNA. In this paper, comparative analysis of human and mouse intronic sequences in the breast cancer susceptibility gene (BRCA1) revealed two evolutionarily conserved noncoding sequences (CNS) in intron 2, 5 kb downstream of the core BRCA1 promoter. The functionality of these elements was examined using homologous-recombination-based mutagenesis of reporter gene-tagged cosmids incorporating these regions and flanking sequences from the BRCA1 locus. This showed that CNS-1 and CNS-2 have differential transcriptional regulatory activity in epithelial cell lines. Mutation of CNS-1 significantly reduced reporter gene expression to 30% of control levels. Conversely mutation of CNS-2 increased expression to 200% of control levels. Regulation is at the level of transcription and shows promoter specificity. Both elements also specifically bind nuclear proteins in vitro. These studies demonstrate that the combination of comparative genomics and functional analysis is a successful strategy to identify novel regulatory elements and provide the first direct evidence that conserved noncoding sequences in BRCA1 regulate gene expression. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Purple acid phosphatases are a family of binuclear metallohydrolases that have been identified in plants, animals and fungi. Only one isoform of similar to 35 kDa has been isolated from animals, where it is associated with bone resorption and microbial killing through its phosphatase activity, and hydroxyl radical production, respectively. Using the sensitive PSI-BLAST search method, sequences representing new purple acid phosphatase-like proteins have been identified in mammals, insects and nematodes. These new putative isoforms are closely related to the similar to 55 kDa purple acid phosphatase characterized from plants. Secondary structure prediction of the new human isoform further confirms its similarity to a purple acid phosphatase from the red kidney bean. A structural model for the human enzyme was constructed based on the red kidney bean purple acid phosphatase structure. This model shows that the catalytic centre observed in other purple acid phosphatases is also present in this new isoform. These observations suggest that the sequences identified in this study represent a novel subfamily of plant-like purple acid phosphatases in animals and humans. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Nesfatin-1 is a recently identified anorexigenic peptide derived from its precursor protein, nonesterified fatty acid/nucleobindin 2 (NUCB2). Although the hypothalamus is pivotal for the maintenance of energy homeostasis, adipose tissue plays an important role in the integration of metabolic activity and energy balance by communicating with peripheral organs and the brain via adipokines. Currently no data exist on nesfatin-1 expression, regulation, and secretion in adipose tissue. We therefore investigated NUCB2/nesfatin-1 gene and protein expression in human and murine adipose tissue depots. Additionally, the effects of insulin, dexamethasone, and inflammatory cytokines and the impact of food deprivation and obesity on nesfatin-1 expression were studied by quantitative RT-PCR and Western blotting. We present data showing NUCB2 mRNA (P < 0.001), nesfatin-1 intracellular protein (P < 0.001), and secretion (P < 0.01) were significantly higher in sc adipose tissue compared with other depots. Also, nesfatin-1 protein expression was significantly increased in high-fat-fed mice (P < 0.01) and reduced under food deprivation (P < 0.01) compared with controls. Stimulation of sc adipose tissue explants with inflammatory cytokines (TNFa and IL-6), insulin, and dexamethasone resulted in a marked increase in intracellular nesfatin-1 levels. Furthermore, we present evidence that the secretion of nesfatin-1 into the culture media was dramatically increased during the differentiation of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes into adipocytes (P < 0.001) and after treatments with TNF-a, IL-6, insulin, and dexamethasone (P < 0.01). In addition, circulating nesfatin-1 levels were higher in high-fat-fed mice (P < 0.05) and showed positive correlation with body mass index in human. We report that nesfatin-1 is a novel depot specific adipokine preferentially produced by sc tissue, with obesity- and food deprivation-regulated expression.


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The airway epithelium is the first point of contact in the lung for inhaled material, including infectious pathogens and particulate matter, and protects against toxicity from these substances by trapping and clearance via the mucociliary escalator, presence of a protective barrier with tight junctions and initiation of a local inflammatory response. The inflammatory response involves recruitment of phagocytic cells to neutralise and remove and invading materials and is oftern modelled using rodents. However, development of valid in vitro airway epithelial models is of great importance due to the restrictions on animal studies for cosmetic compound testing implicit in the 7th amendment to the European Union Cosmetics Directive. Further, rodent innate immune responses have fundamental differences to human. Pulmonary endothelial cells and leukocytes are also involved in the innate response initiated during pulmonary inflammation. Co-culture models of the airways, in particular where epithelial cells are cultured at air liquid interface with the presence of tight junctions and differentiated mucociliary cells, offer a solution to this problem. Ideally validated models will allow for detection of early biomarkers of response to exposure and investigation into inflammatory response during exposure. This thesis describes the approaches taken towards developing an in vitro epithelial/endothelial cell model of the human airways and identification biomarkers of response to exposure to xenobiotics. The model comprised normal human primary microvascular endothelial cells and the bronchial epithelial cell line BEAS-2B or normal human bronchial epithelial cells. BEAS-2B were chosen as their characterisation at air liquid interface is limited but they are robust in culture, thereby predicted to provide a more reliable test system. Proteomics analysis was undertaken on challenged cells to investigate biomarkers of exposure. BEAS-2B morphology was characterised at air liquid interface compared with normal human bronchial epithelial cells. The results indicate that BEAS-2B cells at an air liquid interface form tight junctions as shown by expression of the tight junction protein zonula occludens-1. To this author’s knowledge this is the first time this result has been reported. The inflammatory response of BEAS-2B (measured as secretion of the inflammatory mediators interleukin-8 and -6) air liquid interface mono-cultures to Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide or particulate matter (fine and ultrafine titanium dioxide) was comparable to published data for epithelial cells. Cells were also exposed to polymers of “commercial interest” which were in the nanoparticle range (and referred to particles hereafter). BEAS-2B mono-cultures showed an increased secretion of inflammatory mediators after challenge. Inclusion of microvascular endothelial cells resulted in protection against LPS- and particle- induced epithelial toxicity, measured as cell viability and inflammatory response, indicating the importance of co-cultures for investigations into toxicity. Two-dimensional proteomic analysis of lysates from particle-challenged cells failed to identify biomarkers of toxicity due to assay interference and experimental variability. Separately, decreased plasma concentrations of serine protease inhibitors, and the negative acute phase proteins transthyretin, histidine-rich glycoprotein and alpha2-HS glycoprotein were identified as potential biomarkers of methyl methacrylate/ethyl methacrylate/butylacrylate treatment in rats.


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Homology modelling was used to generate three-dimensional structures of the nucleotide-binding domains (NBDs) of human ABCB1 and ABCG2. Interactions between a series of steroidal ligands and transporter NBDs were investigated using an in silico docking approach. C-terminal ABCB1 NBD (ABCB1 NBD2) was predicted to bind steroids within a cavity formed partly by the P-Loop, Tyr1044 and Ile1050. The P-Loop within ABCG2 NBD was also predicted to be involved in steroid binding. No overlap between ATP- and RU-486-binding sites was predicted in either NBD, though overlaps between ATP- and steroid-binding sites were predicted in the vicinity of the P-Loop in both nucleotide-binding domains.


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Миглена Г. Кирилова-Донева - Едномерен експеримент на релаксация беше извършен с 14 образци от човешка пъпна фасция. Механичното поведение на фасцията по време на релаксация беше моделирано прилагайки нелинейната теория на Максвел-Гуревич-Рабинович. Параметрите на модела за изследваните образци бяха определени и стойностите им бяха сравнени в зависимост от посоката на натоварване на образците по време на експеримента. Установено бе, че стойностите на началния вискозитет ∗η0 и на параметъра ∗m, който се влияе от скоростта на деформация на материала се изменят в много широки граници не само за образци от различни донори, но и за образци от един донор. В резултат от прилагането на модела бе изчислено изменението на вискозитета и вискозната деформация на материала по време на релаксацията. Бе показано, че изменението на вискозитета и вискозната деформация зависи от посоката на натоварване на образците.