955 resultados para Home economics extension workers


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Nos. 1- comprise the service's 1st Annual report of cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics, 1914/15.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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O objetivo deste artigo é discutir quais caminhos ou descaminhos estão sendo percorridos nos processos de capacitação rural de extensionistas e agricultores de algumas localidades do interior do Estado de São Paulo. Para tanto, a pesquisa aqui relatada teve como pressuposto analisar as práticas pedagógicas e os processos de comunicação que ocorrem durante as capacitações formativas entre extensionistas e agricultores, bem como entre formadores e extensionistas. Buscou-se, ainda, identificar as influências da comunicação nos processos de ensino e aprendizagem, a fim de se repensar práticas relativas à comunicação que devem ser utilizadas nos processos de ensino-aprendizagem. Para tanto, o método de coleta de dados foi o estudo de caso com viés fenomenológico. Os dados anunciam a necessidade da formação continuada com orientação de profissionais da pedagogia a fim de que mudanças efetivas possam ser realizadas.


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Treball final de carrera. Consisteix en la creació d'un portal web que permet als usuaris que s'hi registrin gestionar la seva economia domèstica a base de registrar i classificar les seves despeses i ingressos


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Este texto recrea en forma de juego la idea de que la mujer se encuentra en un continuo de vida-trabajo. No existe "el ángel del hogar" y, por lo tanto, no hay representación de las tareas domésticas, pero éstas son un continuo que estructuran la vida de "b", ya que exigen un constante cuidado y orden. La teórica independencia de la mujer respecto a lo doméstico y el ser autónoma le han hecho adoptar el trabajo como forma de vida. Esta contribución cuestiona el concepto de trabajo y pone en evidencia las carencias de los términos "flexibilidad", "autonomía", "individualidad", etc.


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This study compares the direct and indirect costs of conservative and minimally invasive treatment for undisplaced scaphoid fractures. Costs data concerning groups of non-operated and operated patients were analysed. Direct costs were higher in operated patients. Although highly variable, indirect costs were significantly smaller in operated patients and the total costs were higher in non-operated patients. In conclusion, operative treatment of scaphoid fractures is initially more expensive than conservative treatment but markedly decreases the work compensation costs.


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Aquest treball és un recull de les principals aportacions que diferents autors realitzen en torn del crèdit durant l’alta edat moderna a Catalunya, en especial al món agrari. Aquests són dos segles d’endeutament creixent on diferents despeses que durant els segles anteriors estaven previstes per l’economia familiar esdevenen motiu de crisis. Una característica clau d’aquest període també és la creixent diferenciació social i els canvis en el model productiu pagès que aquest procés va comportar.


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The home is an important societal arena for upbringing and learning. A child can experience a feeling of participation in the household he or she belongs to very early in life. In this manner, the home environment constitutes an essential foundation for instruction in the subject of Home Economics. At school, Home Economics pupils should fulfill the intentions that school curriculum has for the subject, that is to say develop the knowledge, skills, and values that allow pupils to be able to take responsibility for their health, finances, comfort, and safety in their close environment. The purpose of this study is twofold. Firstly, the study aims to examine what knowledge and attitudes children and teenagers have acquired from their home environment, close environment, as well as school. Secondly, the study aims to evaluate the effects of instruction in Home Economics, at the 7th grade level, as regards diet and health, consumption and private finances, as well as household and the environment. The study’s methodological foundation focuses on pupils’ understanding of the surrounding world. A phenomenographical approach to the research phenomenon basis itself on the supposition that knowledge is fixed in human beings’ consciousness and experiences. Furthermore, the study stresses individual variations in conjunction with the experienced phenomenon. The empirical portion of the study is based on semistructured interviews of 30 pupils divided into two reference groups. The pupils were interviewed before instruction in the subject of Home Economics started and upon completing instruction. The interview data was analyzed and interpreted in accordance with the “multistage model”. The study results show that upbringing in the home environment is determinative as pertains to understanding of the socio-cultural household environment. Mealtime traditions, for example, are deeply ingrained but nonetheless influenced by lifestyle changes. The study shows that a didactic challenge exists to draw attention to the consequences of poor mealtime habits and stress for everyone raising or educating children and teenagers. Despite good knowledge of what a healthy diet is, the majority of pupils choose fast-food and junk-food when they eat out to save time and money. Studies of pupils’ preparedness for consumption show that a purposeful upbringing in the home in combination with relevant instruction in Home Economics, results in knowledgeable consumers. This study also shows that upbringing in the home environment and instruction in Home Economics requires an intense and conscious focus on the consequences of a household not run in accordance with nature, where the household lifestyle is nonsustainable. Pupils’ understanding is often based on the disregarding of the survival perspective for a comfort perspective. Parents and Home Economics teachers should be able to bring up and teach children and teenagers in a manner that allows children and teenagers to take responsibility for their health, private finances, as well as comfort and safety in the close environment. The method is conscious nurturing and instruction.


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Wie leben Menschen? Welche Lebensmittel konsumieren sie? Und: Welches Verständnis von Natur und Ernährungskultur spiegelt sich darin wider? Fragen, denen der vorliegende Beitrag unter der Überschrift "Kulturlandschaft genießen - Natur im Kontext der Ernährungskultur" nachgeht. Besondere Beachtung finden dabei die, durch einen Wandel der Lebensstile implizierten Veränderungen im Alltagshandeln der Bevölkerung Deutschlands. Auch werden Möglichkeiten einer Sensibilisierung für frische, naturbelassene Lebensmittel und deren Qualität erörtert.


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Das Ernährungsverhalten einer Bevölkerung hat einen wesentlichen Einfluss auf das Wohlbefinden, die Gesundheit und Leistungsfähigkeit der Menschen. Ernährungsbedingte, chronische Erkrankungen weisen in den westlichen Industrienationen eine hohe Inzidenz und Prävalenz auf. Präventionsmaßnahmen im Setting Schule sollen das Ernährungsverhalten der Kinder- und Jugendlichen positiv beeinflussen. Gerade in diesem Setting können Personen mit unterschiedlichem sozioökonomischem Status, sowie Personen aus diversen Lebensbereichen angesprochen werden. Der Ernährungsführerschein (EFS) ist eine schulbasierte Primärpräventions-maßnahme, der in der 3. Jahrgangsstufe/Grundschule durchgeführt wird. In 6 – 7 Unterrichtseinheiten erfolgt eine praxisnahe Vermittlung von Grundkenntnissen über Ernährung, Lebensmittel und deren Zubereitung. Der EFS möchte eine Verhaltensänderung der Schulkinder bewirken. Sie erlernen Kompetenzen, damit sie in der Lage sind, sich selbst eine gesunde Mahlzeit zubereiten zu können. Aber kann dieses Projekt eine nachhaltige Verhaltensänderung bewirken? Die folgende Studie mit Mixed-Methods-Ansatz im Explanatory-Sequential-Design versucht genau dieser Frage nachzugehen. Auf eine quantitative Prä- und Postbefragung in 16 Klassen an 12 Grundschulen im Landkreis Marburg Biedenkopf und insgesamt 992 Befragungen folgte eine qualitative Studie mit neun problemzentrierten, leitfadengestützten Interviews. Der EFS zeigt keinen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Veränderung des Ernährungsverhaltens. Positiv zu bewerten ist, dass durch den EFS Alltagskompetenzen bei der Nahrungszubereitung gefördert wurden. Dieser positive Einfluss muss jedoch differenziert betrachtet werden, denn die qualitativen Studie zeigt, dass der EFS sehr gut in Familien aufgenommen wird, die sich bereits mit Ernährungsfragen auseinandersetzen und darauf achten, einen ernährungsphysiologisch günstigen Ernährungsstil zu leben oder anzustreben. In Familien der Billig- und Fleischesser konnte der EFS die Türen nicht öffnen. Aber gerade in diesem Segment wäre eine Veränderung des Essverhaltens induziert. Die Untersuchung ergab, dass der EFS für sich alleine nicht den Anspruch erheben kann, die Ernährungssituation der Kinder und Familien zu verbessern. Aber er bietet ein methodisch-didaktisch gut ausgearbeitetes Konzept und könnte als Baustein in die Entwicklung eines praxisnahen, erlebnisorientierten und ganzheitlichen Ernährungsbildungskonzepts unter Berücksichtigung diverser Settings und Lebenswelten der Kinder und Familien einfließen.


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As we initiate entomological research on potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) in Uganda, there is need to understand farmers’ knowledge of existing insect pest problems and their management practices. Such information is important for designing a suitable intervention and successful integrated pest management (IPM) strategy. A farm household survey using a structured questionnaire was conducted among 204 potato farmers in six districts of Uganda (i.e., Kabale, Kisoro, Mbale, Kapchorwa, Mubende, and Kyegegwa) during August and September 2013. Diseases, insect pests, price fluctuations, and low market prices were the four highest ranked constraints in potato production, in order of decreasing importance. Cutworms (Agrotis spp.), aphids (Myzus persicae (Sulzer)), and potato tuber moth (Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller)) were the three most severe insect pests. Ants (Dorylis orantalis Westwood), whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius)), and leafminer flies (Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard)) were pests of moderate importance. Major yield losses are predominantly due to late blight (Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary) and reached 100% without chemical control in the districts of Kabale, Kisoro, Mbale, and Kapchorwa. On average, farmers had little to moderate knowledge about pest characteristics. The predominant control methods were use of fungicides (72% of respondents) and insecticides (62% of respondents). On average, only 5% of the 204 farmers knew about insect pests and their natural enemies. This lack of knowledge calls for training of both farmers and extension workers in insect pest identification, their biology, and control. Empowering farmers with knowledge about insect pests is essential for the reduction of pesticide misuse and uptake of more environmentally friendly approaches like IPM. Field surveys would need follow-up in order to assess the actual field infestation rates and intensities of each insect pest and compare the results with the responses received from farmers.