829 resultados para Graduate students -- Attitudes
Nuestro propósito es explorar el aprendizaje autónomo del alumnado de Educación Superior y argumentar como este método de trabajo debe ser incorporado a las nuevas metodologías didácticas del profesorado a fin de contribuir a la formación de profesionales más independientes, autónomos y generadores de conocimiento a lo largo de la vida. Además nos gustaría abrir el debate, hasta el momento tan particularista, de la semipresencialidad en la Universidad pues cada vez es mayor el número de alumnos/as que reingresan a la Universidad una vez que están desempeñando un rol como profesionales en activo. Este regreso pretende mejorar, ampliar y/o actualizar su formación, lo cual es positivo pero implica que han de compatibilizar trabajo y estudios y esa realidad crea nuevas demandas a las Universidades que no siempre saben asumir
Hi ha dos tipus d'interrogants que ens plantegem en aquesta presentació: En primer lloc exposem un seguit de realitats que afecten directament al disseny de la nostra assignatura: els professors assumim habilitats apreses en tècniques de treball dels nostres estudiants: treball en equip, presentacions, debats.... Els uns i els altres entenem el mateix, del què i el com s'ha de treballar? Ho comprovarem. Alhora, ens preguntarem si els estudiants assumim habilitats tecnològiques del professorat? Moodle, wikis, Twitter, xats..... tots entenem el mateix i els fem servir de la mateixa manera? Fixem-nos en les dues perspectives, la del professor i la de l'estudiant, tant referent a dinamiques com a recursos, i ens adonarem que cal tenir en compte tant la una com l'altra. Aquestes reflexions afecten al plantejament de l'assignatura i ens deixen clar que hi ha molta feina a fer per trobar les respostes (conèixer als estudiants que tenim a les aules, explicar convenientment el que esperem dels estudiants, com plantegem l'assignatura i com l'avaluarem... ) No ens referim exclusivament a tenir un pla docent detallat a la maxima expresió, sinó que ens referim a reconèixer el com, el quan i el que expliquem als nostres estudiants, de manera que les regles del joc quedin enteses de la mateixa manera per una part i per l'altra. A partir d'aquí, i com a segon interrogant, ens plantejarem l'estructura que combina la part presencial i la part no presencial de l'assignatura: Quines són les activitats de les que puc treure més rendiment en la part presencial de l'assignatura i quines en la part no presencial? Quant temps i com calcular-lo, cal invertir en les activitats, tant per part dels estudiants com per part del professorat? Com podem avaluar una activitat que ha estat realitzada en part presencial i en part no presencial
El treball parteix d'una enquesta realitzada a tots els estudiants de primer de grau de la Universitat de Lleida en finalitzar el Programa d'Acollida que aquesta institució ofereix. Els objectius de l'enquesta són avaluar la funcionalitat del programa d'acollida, a fi d'introduir-hi millores, i també relacionar diverses variables com el grau de motivació inicial dels estudiants, la seva percepció de la utilitat del programa i l'expectativa del seu èxit en els estudis acabats de començar. El treball conclou que aquestes variables estan relacionades estretament i proposa millores a realitzar quant al programa, elements a introduir i la seva extensió en el temps
Partint de que els alumnes que arriben a l'EPS ja han assolit la decisió prèvia de seguir estudis tècnics, i després del primer semestre d'haver iniciat els seus estudis, els proposem una reflexió sobre els seus estudis i la possibilitat d'exposar les seves il·lusions i desencisaments respecte al que n'esperaven de la universitat. Aprofitem per a remarca-els-hi la disponibilitat dels processos que ha organitzat el Centre per a facilitar-els-hi la seva integració als estudis. Aquesta part del procés s'inicia amb l'oportunitat de respondre una enquesta preparada per a fer el seguiment de la seva inserció universitària amb preguntes de resposta oberta que al mateix temps d'ajudar a la verificació del funcionament de les diferents activitats de suport que els dóna l'escola, serveixen de invitació a la reflexió tant per als alumnes matriculats per primera vegada com per als professors i equip de direcció de l'Escola Politècnica Superior de la Universitat de Girona a qui es fan arribar els resultats de les valoracions de l'enquesta
A partir del ejemplo de las asociaciones de estudiantes de Derecho de la Universidad Laval en Québec (Canadá), se pretende reflexionar sobre las virtudes didácticas de algunas de las actividades que estas asociaciones ofrecen y que resultan especialmente enriquecedoras, no sólo por su fondo sino en particular por su forma y estructura, para los futuros juristas, permitiéndoles adquirir e implementar competencias prácticas que no siempre pueden trabajarse con la intensidad adecuada desde aulas y seminarios reglados mediante los instrumentos de enseñanza tradicionales
La esencia de la filosofía académica abanderada por el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) se fundamenta en el trabajo personal del estudiante guiado por el docente investigador con el objetivo de cimentar la producción e investigación a través de la autogestión e independencia. La figura de una entidad que permita seguir desarrollando las habilidades y herramientas aprendidas en un escenario laboral se erige como elemento innovador para cumplir estos objetivos y construir una conciencia de constante formación profesional. Esta figura que complementa los nuevos valores del EEES está compuesta por las emergentes Junior Empresas, formadas por estudiantes universitarios y titulados recientes que buscan su integración en el mercado laboral auto gestionando un modelo empresarial básico que está amparado por la Universidad
Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo identificar los procesos de cambio que se producen en el alumnado, en una salida a terreno de dos días. Para ello, se realizo un seguimiento de observación no participante, a dos curso de grado de primaria, en el que se realizo un estudio etnográfico, tanto de alumnos como docentes. Después del análisis de los datos se pudo concluir que esta actividad promueve a través de los espacios vividos, (I) un mayor vínculo entre el alumnado y entre el alumnado y los docentes, (II) las actividades realizadas por los alumnos evidencian un desarrollo de autogestión de su aprendizaje, (III) El tiempo, se dilata en cuanto a los períodos dedicados a las actividades que realizan los alumnos, esto permite que emerja eficazmente la auto-gestión del aprendizaje por parte del alumnado
RESUMO: As teorias psicológicas da moralidade dividem-se na conceptualização da motivação moral, o tema desta dissertação. Os modelos construtivistas, apoiados na epistemologia genética, privilegiam a cognição como factor determinante mas, as teorias que enfatizam o funcionamento individual admitem que as emoções e a identidade interferem na tendência de cada pessoa agir moralmente. Particularmente apoiados na segunda perspectiva, testámos um modelo preditor da motivação moral com três variáveis, identidade, identidade moral e integridade, todas avaliadas por medidas psicométricas, em duas amostras. A primeira era composta por 320 estudantes do 12º ano de uma escola do concelho de Lisboa, com idades compreendidas entre 18 e 20 anos (M=18,22; Dp=0,49), 108 masculinos e 194 femininos e a segunda era composta por 174 sujeitos, estudantes finalistas de cursos profissionais de uma escola do concelho de Lisboa frequentada por alunos provenientes de ambientes sociais caracterizados pelo stresse sócio-económico e familiar, e até, em bastantes casos, que já tinham participado em actos ilegais relacionados com furto, vandalismo, tráfico de drogas, e agressões, com idades compreendidas entre 18 e 22 anos (M=18,98; Dp=1,075), 104 masculinos e 70 femininos. A primeira amostra foi considerada normativa e a segunda de risco psicossocial. Para avaliar a motivação moral foi construída uma medida que incluiu dois aspectos: a consciência moral, relativa à avaliação objectiva e subjectiva que os indivíduos fazem das situações morais que através de processos de análise de conteúdo foi distinguida em três categorias exclusivas: não transgressão, transgressão relativizada e transgressão; e a autoatribuição de emoções que indica a probabilidade objectiva dos indivíduos cometerem acções morais. Foi verificada a existência de diferenças individuais em ambas as medidas da motivação moral e, também, a existência de diferenças na atribuição de emoções em função da consciência moral: os sujeitos da categoria transgressão apresentaram atribuições mais negativas do que os sujeitos de transgressão relativizada e estes, por sua vez, apresentaram atribuições mais negativas que os sujeitos da categoria não transgressão. Estes resultados confirmam o papel da identidade na motivação moral. A análise da predição confirmou que a integridade, a identidade e a identidade moral, em ordem decrescente de capacidade explicativa, constituem factores preditores tanto da consciência moral como da auto-atribuição de emoções. ABSTRACT: Moral motivation, the subject of this thesis, is differently viewed by several psychological perspectives. Constructivist models supported by genetic epistemology define cognition as the determinant factor while theories that emphasize individual functioning admit that emotions and identity have a central role in the way that persons could morally act. Particularly supported in this second approach we tested a predictive model of moral motivation with three variables, identity, moral identity and integrity, all evaluated by psychometric scales, in two samples. The first sample had 320 graduate high school students with age between 18 and 20 (M=18,22; SD=0,49), 108 male and 194 female and the second sample had 174 graduate students of vocational courses in high school of a risk social and familiar environment, many of them had already done illegal acts such as stealing, vandalism, drug traffic and aggressions; they had ages between 18 and 22 (M=18,98; SD=1,08), 104 male and 70 female. The first sample was considered normative and the second one was classified as psychosocial risk. To evaluate moral motivation we developed a measure that assesses two aspects: moral conscience, who includes both objective and subjective evaluation of moral situations that was distinguished in three exclusive categories by procedures of content analysis: non-transgression, justifiable transgression and transgression; and self-attribution of emotion that indicates the likelihood of committing moral actions. We observed individual differences in both measurements of moral motivation and also verified differences in emotional attribution on the basis of moral conscience: the individuals of transgression category presented more negative attributions than those of justifiable transgression and in turn the latter presented more negative attributions than individuals of non-transgression category. These results confirm the role of identity in moral motivation. The predictor analysis confirmed integrity, identity and moral identity, in descending order of explanatory power, as predictive variables of moral consciousness and self-attribution of emotions.
RESUMO: Quando se fala em inclusão escolar torna-se primordial estudar as interacções que se estabelecem entre os alunos numa sala de aula, sendo essencial que estes tenham atitudes positivas nessas interacções (Roldão, 2007). Estas atitudes não aparecem subitamente numa criança, pelo que as atitudes demonstradas pelas escolas, pelos professores e pelos pais, são factores que influenciam as atitudes dos alunos perante os seus pares com deficiência. Objectivo: O presente estudo pretende analisar as atitudes dos alunos ditos “normais” face à inclusão dos seus pares com deficiência nas aulas de Educação Física, verificando se estas atitudes variam consoante o ciclo de escolaridade. Método: Participaram neste estudo 520 alunos que frequentam o 2º ciclo, 3º ciclo e secundário, com idades compreendidas entre os 10 e os 20 anos. O instrumento utilizado foi o questionário AID – EF (Leitão, 2011), para análise das atitudes dos alunos face à inclusão de alunos com deficiência nas suas aulas de Educação Física (EF). Resultados: Na globalidade, as atitudes dos alunos ditos “normais” face à inclusão dos seus pares deficientes nas aulas de EF, não variam consoante no ciclo de escolaridade (p=0,074). Ainda assim, nas seguintes variáveis verificou-se que: o grupo de alunos que frequenta o secundário manifesta significativamente atitudes mais positivas face aos inconvenientes da inclusão, em relação aos outros ciclos de escolaridade (p<0,001); quanto às atitudes dos alunos face à inter-ajuda / cooperação entre alunos com e sem deficiência, constatou-se que os alunos do secundário apresentam significativamente atitudes mais positivas (p<0,001); no que respeita às percepções dos alunos face às atitudes dos professores em relação à inclusão, verificou-se que existem diferenças significativas nos três ciclos de escolaridade, sendo que o 2º ciclo apresenta atitudes mais positivas, seguido do 3º ciclo e por fim o secundário (p<0,001); verificou-se ainda, que os alunos do 2º ciclo apresentam significativamente atitudes menos positivas face às atitudes que os seus pais têm em relação à inclusão de alunos com deficiência nas aulas de EF (p=0,002). Conclusões: Este estudo revela que na generalidade os alunos têm tendência para demonstrar atitudes positivas em relação à inclusão de alunos com deficiência nas aulas de EF, contudo ainda longe do esperado e desejado, sendo urgente e necessário que ocorra uma revolução de valores e atitudes na comunidade escolar.ABSTRACT: When it comes to school inclusion it becomes essential to study the interactions that take place among students in a classroom, it is essential that they have positive attitudes in these interactions (Roldão, 2007). These attitudes do not appear suddenly in a child, so the attitudes demonstrated by schools, teachers and parents, are factors that influence the attitudes of students towards peers with disabilities. Objective: This study aims to analyze the attitudes of students said "normal" face to the inclusion of peers with disabilities in physical education classes, ensuring that these attitudes vary according to the school cycle. Method: This study is based on 520 students that attend the 2nd cycle, 3rd cycle and secondary, ages between 10 and 20 years old. The instrument used was a questionnaire AID - EF (Leitão, 2011), to analyze the students attitudes towards the inclusion of students with disabilities in their physical education classes (EF). Results: Overall, the attitudes of students said "normal" face to the inclusion of peers with disabilities in PE classes, do not vary depending on the cycle of education (p = 0.074). Still, the following variables showed that: the group of students attending secondary, manifested significantly more positive attitudes to the disadvantages of including, in relation to other cycles of education (p <0.001). As for the attitudes of students towards interSupport / cooperation between students with and without disabilities, it was found that secondary school students have significantly more positive attitudes (p <0.001), with regard to students perceptions in relation to teachers attitudes regarding inclusion, it was found that there are significant differences in the three cycles of education, 2nd cycle students present more positive attitudes, followed by 3th cycle students and then secondary students (p <0.001)it was also found that students from the 2nd cycle have significantly less positive attitudes compared with those of their parents have in relation to the inclusion of students with disabilities in PE classes ( p = 0.002). Conclusions: This study shows that in general students tend to show positive attitudes towards the inclusion of students with disabilities in PE classes, but is still far from the expected and desired, it is urgent and necessary that we have a revolution of values and attitudes in school community.
With increasing calls for global health research there is growing concern regarding the ethical challenges encountered by researchers from high-income countries (HICs) working in low or middle-income countries (LMICs). There is a dearth of literature on how to address these challenges in practice. In this article, we conduct a critical analysis of three case studies of research conducted in LMICs.We apply emerging ethical guidelines and principles specific to global health research and offer practical strategies that researchers ought to consider. We present case studies in which Canadian health professional students conducted a health promotion project in a community in Honduras; a research capacity-building program in South Africa, in which Canadian students also worked alongside LMIC partners; and a community-university partnered research capacity-building program in which Ecuadorean graduate students, some working alongside Canadian students, conducted community-based health research projects in Ecuadorean communities.We examine each case, identifying ethical issues that emerged and how new ethical paradigms being promoted could be concretely applied.We conclude that research ethics boards should focus not only on protecting individual integrity and human dignity in health studies but also on beneficence and non-maleficence at the community level, explicitly considering social justice issues and local capacity-building imperatives.We conclude that researchers from HICs interested in global health research must work with LMIC partners to implement collaborative processes for assuring ethical research that respects local knowledge, cultural factors, the social determination of health, community participation and partnership, and making social accountability a paramount concern.
With increasing calls for global health research there is growing concern regarding the ethical challenges encountered by researchers from high-income countries (HICs) working in low or middle-income countries (LMICs). There is a dearth of literature on how to address these challenges in practice. In this article, we conduct a critical analysis of three case studies of research conducted in LMICs.We apply emerging ethical guidelines and principles specific to global health research and offer practical strategies that researchers ought to consider. We present case studies in which Canadian health professional students conducted a health promotion project in a community in Honduras; a research capacity-building program in South Africa, in which Canadian students also worked alongside LMIC partners; and a community-university partnered research capacity-building program in which Ecuadorean graduate students, some working alongside Canadian students, conducted community-based health research projects in Ecuadorean communities.We examine each case, identifying ethical issues that emerged and how new ethical paradigms being promoted could be concretely applied.We conclude that research ethics boards should focus not only on protecting individual integrity and human dignity in health studies but also on beneficence and non-maleficence at the community level, explicitly considering social justice issues and local capacity-building imperatives.We conclude that researchers from HICs interested in global health research must work with LMIC partners to implement collaborative processes for assuring ethical research that respects local knowledge, cultural factors, the social determination of health, community participation and partnership, and making social accountability a paramount concern.
This edited collection provides ideas and support for ways of 'bringing poetry alive' in the classroom at Key Stages 1,2 and 3, drawing on what is known to work and also exploring fresh thinking. It is designed to help both new and experienced teachers approach poetry teaching with greater imagination and confidence. The book is edited and introduced by Michael Lockwood and features chapters by experts who have taught poetry in different settings for many years, including contributions from poets Michael Rosen and James Carter. Professor Morag Styles of Cambridge University has provided a Preface. All the contributors have a connection with the University of Reading as lecturers, external examiners, current or former graduate students. The book includes the following sections: Introduction: Developments in Poetry Teaching 1: Reflections on Being Children’s Laureate – Michael Rosen 2: Teaching Poetry in the Early Years - Margaret Perkins 3: Actual Poems, Possible Responses - Prue Goodwin 4: Making Poetry - Catriona Nicholson 5: The role of the poet in primary schools -James Carter 6: Cross-Curricular Poetry Writing - Eileen Hyder 7: Teaching Poetry to Teenagers - Lionel Warner 8: Watching the Words: Drama and Poems - Andy Kempe 9: Literary Reading - Andy Goodwyn The book is intended for teacher educators,teachers and trainee teachers working with children aged 5 to 14 years.
Gamow's explanation of the exponential decay law uses complex 'eigenvalues' and exponentially growing 'eigenfunctions'. This raises the question, how Gamow's description fits into the quantum mechanical description of nature, which is based on real eigenvalues and square integrable wavefunctions. Observing that the time evolution of any wavefunction is given by its expansion in generalized eigenfunctions, we shall answer this question in the most straightforward manner, which at the same time is accessible to graduate students and specialists. Moreover, the presentation can well be used in physics lectures to students.
This paper considers the attitudes of students in Years 11, 12 and 13 towards French and, in particular, how they view the reasons behind their level of achievement. It reports findings from a small-scale pilot study, conducted in four schools and colleges, involving 83 students in Year 11, 26 in Year 12 and 14 in Year 13. The findings indicate that French is perceived by many Year 11 students to be difficult and uninteresting. These students, furthermore, do not consider that French is of much benefit in terms of their future career. The data suggest that there is a tendency among students in all three year groups to attribute their lack of success in French to their own low ability and to the difficulty of tasks set, which, it is argued, may affect their levels of motivation in a negative way. Few students in the study have any insight into the importance of learning strategies in overcoming difficulties experienced in language learning. Students' attitudes are then discussed in relation to learning strategy training. It is argued that if learners are encouraged to explore the possibility that their achievement in French may be related to the efficacy of the learning strategies they use, rather than to factors such as low ability or task difficulty, their self-concept, motivation and language learning achievements can be enhanced. A brief outline is given of a planned research project which proposes to address these issues further.
Even though English should mainly be used in the EFL-classroom according to the Swedish national curriculum, some recent scholars have argued that a judicious use of the students’ L1 by the teachers in some particular situations may benefit the learning environment there. From this context, this thesis examines what research says about in what particular situations the L1 is used by teachers in upper secondary EFL-classrooms as well as the teachers’ and the students’ attitudes towards this practice. The method used was a systematic literature review, where seven articles from all across the globe were analyzed, compared and synthesized. The results show that the L1 was mainly used by the teachers when managing discipline, when explaining grammar and when teaching vocabulary. However, the articles did not conclude how the L1 could be used strategically by the teachers. Concerning the teachers’ and students’ attitudes, the majority of these were positive towards L1 use by the teacher in the above mentioned situations. However, the teachers were not aware of how the L1 could be used by them in a judicious and a strategic way. Lastly, it can be concluded that more research is needed on how the L1 can be used more strategically by the teachers as well as on the students’ perspective on this.