993 resultados para Germano-Canadiens


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Within the spokes model of Chen and Riordan (2007) that allowsfor non-localized competition among arbitrary numbers of media outlets, we quantify the effect of concentration of ownership on qualityand bias of media content. A main result shows that too few commercial outlets, or better, too few separate owners of commercial outlets can lead to substantial bias in equilibrium. Increasing the number of outlets (commercial and non-commercial) tends to bring down this bias; but the strongest effect occurs when the number of owners is increased. Allowing for free entry provides lower bounds on fixed costs above which substantial commercial bias occurs in equilibrium.


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Larvae, pupae and adults of the piazurine weevil Pseudopiazurus papayanus (Marshall, 1922) are associated with Carica papaya Linnaeus,1753 (Caricaceae). The larval and pupal stages are described and illustrated. The sexual differences in the last abdominal segments of the pupae are also illustrated.


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The swimming behavior exhibited by specimens of L. fasciatus and O. uniformis was analyzed frame-by-frame with video observation recorded with a digital camera, attached to a stereomicroscope. Adults of O. uniformis, an aquatic insect, swim with all three pairs of legs. During the process of swimming the majority of the abdomen and rostrum remain submerged, part of the fore and hind tibiae remain above the surface, while the mid tibiae remain submerged. The mesothoracic legs, during the power-stroke stage, provide the greatest thrust while the metathoracic legs provide the least forward propulsion. The prothoracic legs, extended forward, help to direct the swimming. The semi-aquatic specie L. fasciatus shows the same swimming style as O. uniformis, that is, with movement of all the three pairs of legs; the mesothoracic legs are responsible for the main propulsion. The insect body remains on the water surface during the process of swimming, while the legs remain submerged. Both species complete a swimming cycle in 0.33 and 0.32 seconds, respectively, with an average speed of 1.38 cm/s and a maximum and minimum swimming duration time of 11.15 and 5.05 minutes, respectively, for L. fasciatus. The swimming behavior exhibited by O. uniformis and L. fasciatus corresponds to the style known as a breast strokelike maneuver. This is the first record of this kind of swimming for both species here observed and increases to seven the number of genera of Curculionidae exhibiting this behavior.


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We show that every finite N-player normal form game possesses a correlated equilibrium with a precise lower bound on the number of outcomes to which it assigns zero probability. In particular, the largest games with a unique fully supported correlated equilibrium are two-player games; moreover, the lower bound grows exponentially in the number of players N.


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Equivalence classes of normal form games are defined using the geometryof correspondences of standard equilibiurm concepts like correlated, Nash,and robust equilibrium or risk dominance and rationalizability. Resultingequivalence classes are fully characterized and compared across differentequilibrium concepts for 2 x 2 games. It is argued that the procedure canlead to broad and game-theoretically meaningful distinctions of games aswell as to alternative ways of viewing and testing equilibrium concepts.Larger games are also briefly considered.


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For the first time, we identified the insect herbivore that induces one of the most conspicuous galls on the leaves of Caryocar brasiliense Camb. (Caryocaraceae), a widespread, typical cerrado woody plant of large economic importance. The gall inducing organism is a new and undescribed species of Eurytoma sp. (Hymenoptera, Eurytomidae). Furthermore, we recorded its spatial distribution within C. brasiliense trees. More Eurytoma galls were found on the eastern tree slope, followed the southern and northern slopes. More galls were found in the interior of the tree crown, i.e., on the proximal portion of the stems compared to the terminal portion. At the leaf level, more galls were found on the median region compared to the distal or proximal, perhaps due to the lower trichome density found in there. Leaf colonization by Eurytoma sp. may initiate at the leaf margin but after colonization reaches 50% the central portion starts to be colonized.


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Morphological aspects of the male and female genitalia and their associated sclerites, abdominal tergite and sternite 8, are described, illustrated and discussed for seven species of Heilus Kuschel 1955 of tribe and subtribe Hylobiini-Hylobiina. The seven species are H. faldermanni (Boheman, 1836); H. fasciculatus (Boheman, 1843); H. freyreissi (Boheman, 1836); H. myops (Boheman, 1836); H. pupillatus (Olivier, 1790); H. rufescens (Boheman, 1836) and H. tuberculosus (Perty, 1832).


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The elytro-tergal stridulatory organ that occurs in Bondarius Rosado-Neto, 2006 a genus of the tribe Sternechini (Curculionidae, Molytinae) is described and illustrated. The stridulatory apparatus is present both in male and female and is composed by the file, a narrow elevated carina which is transversely multistriate located at the apical third of the internal side near the suture of left elytron, and by the plectrum, a narrow striate area located transversely at the dorso-apical margin of the abdominal tergite 7.


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We model the market for news as a two-sided market where newspapers sell news to readers who value accuracy and sell space to advertisers who value advert-receptive readers. We show that monopolistic newspapers under-report or bias news that sufficiently reduces advertiser profits. Newspaper competition generally reduces the impact of advertising. In fact, as the size of advertising grows, newspapers may paradoxically reduce advertiser bias, due to increasing competition for readers. However, advertisers can counter this effect of competition by committing to news-sensitive cut-off strategies, potentially inducing as much under-reporting as in the monopoly case.


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The evolution of boundedly rational rules for playing normal form games is studied within stationary environments ofstochastically changing games. Rules are viewed as algorithms prescribing strategies for the different normal formgames that arise. It is shown that many of the folk results of evolutionary game theory typically obtained witha fixed game and fixed strategies carry over to the present case. The results are also related to recent experimentson rules and games.


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We obtained the first data on spatial distribution of a spherical galling insect (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae) at the Caryocar brasiliense Camb. (Caryocaraceae) tree level. This work was developed in two pastures in Montes Claros, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The areas studied were: pasture 1 (in activity) and pasture 2 (abandoned pasture = savanna in recovery). We evaluated the distribution of spherical galls in: foliage orientation (slope), among leaves (border and interior of the tree crown), among leaflets (right, central, left), distal, median, and proximal as well as border, central area, and adjacent to the mid leaf vein of the leaflet, and difference between areas in 10 infested trees per area. The smaller number of spherical gall/leaflet was observed in pasture 1 than in pasture 2. More spherical galls were found on the northern in pasture 1, but in the pasture 2, the lower spherical galls were observed on the northeast than other slopes. The average number of spherical galls did not differ statistically among the three leaflets of C. brasiliense in pasture 2. However, in pasture 1, we observed highest number of spherical galls in the central leaflet. More spherical galls were found in the border than interior of the tree crown. The average number of spherical galls did not differ statistically among the longitudinal region on leaflet of C. brasiliense. The spherical gall insect preferred to colonize the leaf margin than the central portion or near mid vein on transversal regions on a leaflet.


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Within a simple model of non-localized, Hotelling-type competitionamong arbitrary numbers of media outlets we characterize qualityand content of media under different ownership structures. Assumingadvertising-sponsored, profit-maximizing outlets, we show that (i) topicssensitive to advertisers can be underreported (self-censored) by alloutlets in the market, (ii) self-censorship increases with the concentrationof ownership, (iii) adding outlets, while keeping the number ofowners fixed, may even increase self-censorship; the latter result relieson consumers' most preferred outlets being potentially owned by thesame media companies. We argue that externalities resulting fromself-censorship could be empirically large.


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The plastron theory was tested in adults of Neochetina eichhorniae Warner, 1970, through the analysis of the structure that coats these insects' integument and also through submersion laboratorial experiments. The tegument processes were recognized in three types: agglutinated scales with large perforations, plumose scales of varied sizes and shapes, and hairs. The experiments were carried out on 264 adult individuals which were kept submerged at different time intervals (n = 11) and in two types of treatment, natural non-aerated water and previously boiled water, with four repetitions for each treatment. The tests showed a maximum mortality after 24 hours of immersion in the previously boiled water treatment. The survival of the adults was negative and significantly correlated with the types of treatment employed and within the different time intervals. The values of oxygen dissolved in water (mg/l) differed significantly within the types of treatment employed. They were positively correlated with the survival of the adults in the two types of treatment, although more markedly in the treatment with previously boiled water. The mortality of adults after 24 hours of submersion in the treatment with previously boiled water may be associated with the physical-chemical conditions of the non-tested water in this study, such as low surface tension and concentration of solutes. These results suggest plastron functionality in the adults of this species.


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Os contos tradicionais ou “estórias”, são narrativas de pequenas dimensões que remontam uma civilização milenar e, pela sua natureza consuetudinária, se fazem presentes em quase todas as culturas e civilizações do globo terrestre, conservando invariavelmente os mesmos propósitos e objectivos socio educacional e espiritual para que são criadas, sendo direccionadas especialmente às crianças, adolescentes e jovens. As personagens, o enredo, o fantástico, o maravilhoso, bem como os ambientes em que as acções se desenrolam, retratam a vivência e a experiência humanas do quotidiano, focando vários aspetos dos destinos do homem, seguindo-se-lhes quase sempre uma moral da história que é anunciada na parte final.No caso concreto de Cabo Verde, podemos afirmar que no período anterior à existência da televisão, em que raras vezes se falava de filmes, telenovelas, desenhos animados, entre outros programas de diversão difundidos por este importante meio de comunicação social, os contos tradicionais – contados, sobretudo, à boca da noite, serviam de recurso para entretenimento, passatempo e ocupação dos tempos livres dos nossos jovens, velhos e crianças que os apreciavam não só pela sua natureza lúdico-fantástica, mas também pelo seu pendor pedagógico e as lições de moral subjacentes a cada um deles – como aliás dilucidado nas obras Chiquinho, de Baltazar Lopes, e Ilha Fantástica, de Germano Almeida, dois exímios escritores cabo-verdianos, onde são mencionados Nha Rosa Calita e Nhô Quirino como grandes contadores de estórias, as quais, no dizer dos seus ouvintes, continham ensinamentos cheios de lições de moral e valores que abriam entendimento às coisas da vida.Deste modo, dentre as várias tradições orais cabo-verdianas, encontraremos nos contos tradicionais, um material importante na formação da identidade do homem cabo-verdiano, sem obliterar o preponderante papel dos contadores, recitadores ou “botadores” de estórias na descrição e dramatização de todos os elementos que as envolvem, enfatizando os exórdios, “feresimentus” e a bendita moral da estória mui ansiosamente aguardada pelos ouvintes, como toque final que determina o triunfo do bem sobre o mal.