851 resultados para Full-time Schools
The vertical profile of aerosol in the planetary boundary layer of the Milan urban area is studied in terms of its development and chemical composition in a high-resolution modelling framework. The period of study spans a week in summer of 2007 (12-18 July), when continuous LIDAR measurements and a limited set of balloon profiles were collected in the frame of the ASI/QUITSAT project. LIDAR observations show a diurnal development of an aerosol plume that lifts early morning surface emissions to the top of the boundary layer, reaching maximum concentration around midday. Mountain breeze from Alps clean the bottom of the aerosol layer, typically leaving a residual layer at around 1500-2000 m which may survive for several days. During the last two days under analysis, a dust layer transported from Sahara reaches the upper layers of Milan area and affects the aerosol vertical distribution in the boundary layer. Simulation from the MM5/CHIMERE modelling system, carried out at 1 km horizontal resolution, qualitatively reproduced the general features of the Milan aerosol layer observed with LIDAR, including the rise and fall of the aersol plume, the residual layer in altitude and the Saharan dust event. The simulation highlighted the importance of nitrates and secondary organics in its composition. Several sensitivity tests showed that main driving factors leading to the dominance of nitrates in the plume are temperature and gas absorption process. A modelling study turn to the analysis of the vertical aerosol profiles distribution and knowledge of the characterization of the PM at a site near the city of Milan is performed using a model system composed by a meteorological model MM5 (V3-6), the mesoscale model from PSU/NCAR and a Chemical Transport Model (CTM) CHIMERE to simulate the vertical aerosol profile. LiDAR continuous observations and balloon profiles collected during two intensive campaigns in summer 2007 and in winter 2008 in the frame of the ASI/QUITSAT project have been used to perform comparisons in order to evaluate the ability of the aerosol chemistry transport model CHIMERE to simulate the aerosols dynamics and compositions in this area. The comparisons of model aerosols with measurements are carried out over a full time period between 12 July 2007 and 18 July 2007. The comparisons demonstrate the ability of the model to reproduce correctly the aerosol vertical distributions and their temporal variability. As detected by the LiDAR, the model during the period considered, predicts a diurnal development of a plume during the morning and a clearing during the afternoon, typically the plume reaches the top of the boundary layer around mid day, in this time CHIMERE produces highest concentrations in the upper levels as detected by LiDAR. The model, moreover can reproduce LiDAR observes enhancement aerosols concentrations above the boundary layer, attributing the phenomena to dust out intrusion. Another important information from the model analysis regard the composition , it predicts that a large part of the plume is composed by nitrate, in particular during 13 and 16 July 2007 , pointing to the model tendency to overestimates the nitrous component in the particular matter vertical structure . Sensitivity study carried out in this work show that there are a combination of different factor which determine the major nitrous composition of the “plume” observed and in particular humidity temperature and the absorption phenomena are the mainly candidate to explain the principal difference in composition simulated in the period object of this study , in particular , the CHIMERE model seems to be mostly sensitive to the absorption process.
Introduzione. La movimentazione manuale di carichi è stata recentemente proposta come un possibile determinante del distacco di retina. Al fine di confortare quest’ipotesi, sono stati analizzati i tassi di incidenza di distacco di retina regmatogeno (DRR) idiopatico, trattato chirurgicamente, tra i residenti in Toscana addetti ad attività lavorative manuali, non manuali e casalinghe. Metodi. Le schede di dimissione ospedaliera (SDO) della Toscana contengono anche informazioni codificate sulla categoria generica di impiego. Sono stati utilizzati i dati di tutti i pazienti residenti in Toscana con una SDO emessa da un qualsiasi ospedale italiano nel periodo 1997-2009, con diagnosi principale di DRR (ICD-9: 361,0-361,07 e 361,9) e con DRG 36 (“interventi sulla retina”). Dopo l’eliminazione dei soggetti che non soddisfacevano i criteri di eligibilità, è stato deciso di restringere la popolazione in studio ai soggetti di età 25-59 anni, successivamente classificati in addetti ad attività lavorative manuali, non manuali o casalinghe. Risultati. Sono stati identificati 1.946 casi. Tra gli uomini, gli addetti ad attività lavorative manuali hanno riportato un tasso di incidenza standardizzato per età 1,8 volte più alto rispetto agli addetti ad attività lavorative non manuali (17,4 [IC95%, 16,1–18,7] vs. 9,8 [IC95%, 8,8–10,8]). Tra le donne, i tassi di incidenza standardizzati per età erano 1,9 volte più alti negli addetti ad attività lavorative manuali (11,1 [IC95%, 9,8–12,3]) e 1,7 volte più alti nelle casalinghe (9,5 [IC95%, 8,3–10,8]) rispetto agli addetti ad attività lavorative non manuali (5,7 [IC95%, 4,8–6,6]). Conclusioni. Lo studio mette in evidenza come gli addetti ad attività lavorative manuali siano maggiormente affetti da DRR idiopatico rispetto agli addetti ad attività lavorative non manuali. Questi risultati supportano l’ipotesi che la movimentazione manuale di carichi, che difficilmente può ritrovarsi come compito di attività lavorative non manuali, possa avere un ruolo causale nella genesi della patologia.
Seit Jahren werden Diskussionen über Erfolgskontrolle in der kommunalen Wirtschaftsförderung geführt. Im Vordergrund steht dabei die Suche nach Indikatoren und Verfahren, die es den kommunalen Wirtschaftsförderungen ermöglichen sollen, Erfolge zu messen. rnDa die Wirtschaftsförderung zu den freiwilligen Leistungen einer Gemeinde zählt, erhöht sich der Druck der Rechtfertigung gegenüber der Öffentlichkeit oder der Politik, das gilt insbesondere in Zeiten knapper öffentlicher Haushalte. Firmenansiedlungen, eine positive wirtschaftliche Entwicklung oder eine geringe Arbeitslosenquote sind sowohl im öffentlichen Bewusstsein als auch in der Politik wesentliche Kriterien einer erfolgreichen Wirtschaftsförderung. Sich ständig ändernde Rahmenbedingungen im wirtschaftsstrukturellen Gefüge haben dazu geführt, dass diese klassischen Nachweise von Erfolg immer seltener als solche präsentiert werden können. Erfolge sollten dennoch gemessen werden, um Maßnahmen und Instrumente einer kommunalen Wirtschaftsförderung zu überprüfen und gegebenenfalls an die geänderten Bedingungen anzupassen. rnEs ist schon mehr als 30 Jahre her, als in den 1970er Jahren die Suche nach Methoden und Verfahren der Erfolgskontrolle in der öffentlichen Verwaltung begann. Erfolge von kommunaler Wirtschaftsförderung können nicht einfach und ausschließlich an den markantesten wirtschaftlichen Ziffern der Kommune gemessen werden, z. B. der Zahl der sozialversicherungspflichtigen Arbeitsplätze. Seit Jahren wird um einen Lösungsweg bei der Durchführung von Erfolgskontrolle in der kommunalen Wirtschaftsförderung gerungen, abschließend wurde jedoch noch kein vollends befriedigend praktikabler Weg gefunden. Zu hinterfragen ist vor dem Hintergrund, inwiefern die vier Elemente einer Erfolgskontrolle, nämlich die Zielerreichungs-, Vollzugs-, Bedingungs- und Wirkungskontrolle, tatsächlich und hinreichend zum Einsatz kommen können.rnDie vorliegenden empirischen Untersuchungen beleuchten nun das Thema aus Sicht der kommunalen Wirtschaftsförderer und liefern Ergebnisse, die zu einem veränderten Bewusstsein gegenüber der Durchführung von Erfolgskontrolle in der kommunalen Wirtschaftsförderung führen müssten. Unabhängig von der Organisationsform und der Größe einer kommunalen Wirtschaftsförderung lässt sich empirisch nachweisen, dass der Anspruch, den der Begriff der Erfolgskontrolle in seiner gängigen Beschreibung erhebt, nicht hinreichend von einer kommunalen Wirtschaftsförderung erfüllt werden kann. rnMit Hilfe des neu entwickelten Prozesses einer modifizierten Erfolgskontrolle wird in vorliegender Arbeit ein idealtypischer Ablauf für eine kommunale Wirtschaftsförderung dargestellt. Der neue Ansatz einer modifizierten Erfolgskontrolle ist eine konsequente Reduzierung der Anforderungen auf das Praktikable und führt dazu, dass Erfolge der kommunalen Wirtschaftsförderung dargestellt werden können, ohne dass das Verfahren mehr Fragen offen lässt, als es beantwortet. Durch die modifizierte Erfolgskontrolle können die spezifischen Erfolge einer kommunalen Wirtschaftsförderung dargestellt und dokumentiert werden. rnEine modifizierte Erfolgskontrolle kann zweierlei: Sie ist eine Hilfestellung für die politisch Verantwortlichen bei der Erkenntnis, dass eine Notwendigkeit nach konkreten und der Ist-Situation sowie den Randbedingungen angepassten Zielformulierungen besteht. Sie bietet aber auch eine Möglichkeit, dass die kommunalen Wirtschaftsförderungseinrichtungen dem in der öffentlichen Diskussion formulierten Anspruch nach Erfolgskontrolle mit einem hohen Grad an Praktikabilität gerecht werden können. rnBevor also viele kommunale Wirtschaftsförderungen durch die fragwürdige Forderung an eine Erfolgskontrolle aufgrund der zu hohen Anforderungen an Methodik, Zeit und Personal aufgeben, sollte ihnen die Konzentration auf das Praktikable wieder Anreiz sein, eine modifizierte Erfolgskontrolle nach dem neuen Prozessschema in Angriff zu nehmen. rnrn
Die großen christlichen Kirchen in Deutschland befinden sich in einem strukturellen Umbruch, der sich zunehmend auf die Pastoral der örtlichen Pfarreien und Kirchengemeinden auswirkt. Durch die Einführung von Verfahren aus dem New Public Management erhoffen sich Kirchenleitungen beider Konfessionen eine innerkirchliche Personalentwicklung, die vor allem das hauptberufliche Seelsorgepersonal neu motivieren soll. Insbesondere in der katholischen Kirche soll so - in Verbindung mit einem möglichst missionarisch wirksamen Neuaufbruch - die Transformation der ehemals volkskirchlich geprägten Pfarrgemeinden in eine sich neu abzeichnende Sozialgestalt von Kirche als Netzwerk größerer pastoraler Einheiten unterstützt werden. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht an der interdisziplinären Schnittstelle von Organisationforschung und praktischer Theologie, inwieweit die Einführung von Zielvereinbarungsgesprächen (ZVG) führungsverantwortliche Priester in der Wahrnehmung ihrer Leitungsaufgabe stärkt. Über 300 leitende Priester aus den Erzbistümern Freiburg und Paderborn hatten an der empirischen Studie mit zwei Messzeitpunkten teilgenommen. 73 Priester waren an beiden Messzeitpunkten A (2007) und B (2008) beteiligt. Unmittelbar nach dem Zeitpunkt A besuchten die befragten Priester der Erzdiözese Freiburg eine ZVG-Einführungsschulung, der sich eine einjährige Gesprächspraxis anschloss. Die in der Erzdiözese Paderborn befragten Priester bildeten die Vergleichsgruppe (ohne entsprechendes Treatment).rn rnWesentliches Ergebnis der Studie sind empirische Hinweise auf signifikante Zusammenhänge zwischen dem priesterlichem Leitungsselbstverständnis, der ZVG-Umsetzung und der Einschätzung der eigenen Führungsqualität.rnrnIn den Selbsteinschätzungen der leitenden Priester (z.B. im Hinblick auf Leitungszufriedenheit, Bedeutung bzw. Gelingen von einzelnen Leitungs- und Gesprächsaspekten, etc.) zeigten sich zum Zeitpunkt A im Vergleich zwischen beiden Diözesen nur geringe Unterschiede. Dies gilt auch für die in A erfolgte Auswertung offener Fragen zum priesterlichen Selbstverständnis, welches als leitungs-amtliche Handlungs- und Objektorientierung in beiden Diözesen am wenigsten stark ausgeprägt war.Zum Zeitpunkt B verdeutlichte die Untersuchung des Tätigkeitsfelds Gemeindeleitung, dass dessen Bedeutung in Freiburg größer war als in Paderborn. Der hierfür erbrachte Kraft- bzw. Zeitaufwand war in Freiburg jedoch niedriger als in Paderborn, was als eine Frucht der verbindlichen ZVG-Einführung in Freiburg interpretiert werden kann. Deutlich wird auch, dass Priester, die der ZVG-Einführung eine hohe Bedeutung beimessen, mit ihren Mitarbeitern viele Gespräche planen. Weil Folgegespräche zum Zeitpunkt B im gleichen Umfang wie schon zum Zeitpunkt A geplant wurden, müssen die konkreten Gesprächserfahrungen in der A-Phase hinreichend positiv gewesen sein. Die Umsetzung zum Zeitpunkt B war jedoch nicht in dem zum Zeitpunkt A geplanten Maß erfolgt, was sich mit Prioritätsverschiebungen erklären lässt. Interessanterweise korreliert die Anzahl der geführten Zielvereinbarungsgespräche mit dem Dienst- und Lebensalter der Priester. Erfahrene Priester, die sich auf eine Mitarbeiterführung durch Zielvereinbarung einlassen, machen demnach gute Erfahrungen mit diesem Personalentwicklungsinstrument. rnrnInsgesamt können die Ergebnisse der Studie zu einer weiteren Kultivierung der Zielvereinbarungsgespräche im kirchlichen Dienst ermutigen. Bistümern, die noch keine Zielvereinbarungsgespräche eingeführt haben, kann eine Implementierung angeraten werden. rn
The authors report on bilateral simultaneous knee arthroplasty in a 40-year-old male patient with haemophilia A, high inhibitor titre and an aneurysma spurium of the right popliteal artery. Both knees showed a fixed flexion deformity of 20 degrees. To build up haemostasis, treatment with activated prothrombin complex concentrate (APCC) and recombinant activated factor seven (rFVIIa) was initiated preoperatively. A tourniquet was used on both sides during the operation and factor VIII (FVIII) was administered to further correct coagulopathy. On the eleventh postoperative day the patient complained of increasing pain and pressure in the right knee. An ultrasound suggested aneurysm, which was confirmed by substraction angiography. Under the protection of rFVIIa the aneurysm could be coiled and further rehabilitation was uneventful. At one year post-op the patient presented a range of motion of 90/5/0 degrees for both knees and had returned to full time office work. This case indicates that haemophiliacs with high antibody titre and destruction of both knees can be operated on in one session in order to diminish the operative risk of two consecutive surgical procedures, thus allowing an effective rehabilitation programme. Because of the significant frequency of popliteal aneurysms, preoperative angiography is recommended.
STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective case review. OBJECTIVES: In the present study, the neurological outcome, retirement and prognostic factors of patients with spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality (SCIWORA) were evaluated. SETTING: Swiss national work accident insurance database. METHODS: The medical histories of 32 patients who were insured by the Swiss Accident Insurance Fund (SUVA) and had SCIWORA between 1995 and 2004 were evaluated thoroughly. Moreover, all available magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans were evaluated. RESULTS: At the last follow-up, none of the patients had complete spinal cord injury, only 4 patients had severe deficits and 12 patients had normal motor and sensory function in the neurological examination. However, only 7 out of 32 patients had returned to full-time work and 10 out of 32 patients were fully retired. Both the presence of spinal cord change (ρ=0.51) and higher maximum spinal cord compression (ρ=0.57) in MRI scan correlated with the likelihood for retirement; older age (ρ=0.38) and physical load of work (ρ=0.4) correlated with retirement to a lesser extent. CONCLUSION: Although the neurological outcome of SCIWORA is mostly good, the retirement rate is high. Presence of spinal cord change and severity of cord compression are the best predictors for the degree of retirement.
The present study investigated short-term effects of daily social exclusion at work on various indicators of sleep quality and tested the mediating role of work-related worries using a time-based diary study with ambulatory assessments of sleep quality. Ninety full-time employees participated in a 2-week data collection. Multilevel analyses revealed that daily workplace social exclusion and work-related worries were positively related to sleep fragmentation in the following night. Daily social exclusion, however, was unrelated to sleep onset latency, sleep efficiency and self-reported sleep quality. Moreover, worries did not mediate the effect of social exclusion at work on sleep fragmentation. Theoretical and practical implications of the results are discussed.
In order to maintain a productive workforce, organizations must acknowledge that many employees, particularly nurse aides, perform full-time care giving, both on and off the job. Competing demands between work and family can affect job performance, quality of care and bring on burnout.
The teaching of economics in Hungary has changed fundamentally since the 1980s for two main reasons. Firstly, the transformation towards a market economy has changed the needs of students, and secondly, there has been a move to harmonise Hungarian methods of teaching with Western ones. The number of institutions involved in economics education has increased substantially to meet new demand and these institutions offer a wide range of programs, though the topics covered tend to be more practically based than previously. A survey of students set out to evaluate economics as a profession by investigating social esteem, financial compensation, career prospects, and mobility within the profession. Amongst full-time students there was a strong correlation between the parents' background and the students' career prospects. Full-time students were more optimistic than part-time students, although the latter had a higher opinion of the academic level of their educational establishments. A second survey, this time of economics teachers, revealed the disturbing fact that teachers rated themselves in the last but one position according to social esteem and felt that society had a poor opinion of them. Fifty percent expressed a desire to leave the profession and 70% supplemented their income with work outside their school, rarely within the domain of economics. The final part of the research analysed the situation in private educational institutions, nothing that unemployment retraining grants offered by the Ministry of Labour have created an incentive for private entrepreneurs to organise courses and that the quality of these courses varies considerably.
This project set out to investigate the effects of the recent massive social transitions in Eastern Europe on the everyday social lives of the inhabitants of three very different nations: Georgia, Russia and Hungary. It focused in particular on the availability and nature of the support networks available to three different segments of each of the societies (manual workers, students and entrepreneurs) and the impact of network participation on psychological and physical well-being. The group set four specific questions to investigate: the part played by individual psychological beliefs in the formation and maintenance of social networks and the consequent formation of trusting relations; the implication of the size and quality of these networks for mental health; the nature of the social groups inhabited by the respondents and the implication of their work schedule and daily routines on the maintenance of a social and family life; and an analysis of how cultures vary in their social networks and intimacy. Three different methods were used to examine social support and its implications: structured questionnaires, semi-structured short interviews and a media analysis of newspaper materials. The questionnaires were administered to 150 participants in each country, equally divided between students studying full time, manual workers employed in factories, and business people (small kiosk owners, whose work and life style differs considerably from that of the manual workers). The questionnaires investigated various predictors of social support including the locus of control, relationship beliefs, individualism-collectivism and egalitarianism, demographic variables (age, gender and occupation), social support, both in general and in relation to significant events that have occurred since the transition from communism. Those with an internal locus of control were more likely to report a higher level of social support, as were collectivists, while age too was a significant predictor, with younger respondents enjoying higher levels of support, regardless of the measures of support employed. Respondents across the cultures referred to a decline of social support and the group also found a direct correlation between social support and mental health outcomes. All 450 respondents were interviewed on their general responses to changes in their lives since the fall of communism and the effects of their work lives on their social lives and the home environment. The interviews revealed considerable variations in the way in which work-life offered opportunities for a broader social life and also provided a hindrance to the development of fulfilling relationships. Many of the work experiences discussed were culture specific, with work having a particularly negative impact on the social life of Russian entrepreneurs but being seen much more positively in Georgia. This may reflect the nature of support offered in a society as overall support levels were lowest in Russia, meaning that social support may be of particular importance there. The way in cultural values and norms about personal relationships are transmitted in a culture is a critical issue for social psychologists and the group examined newspaper articles in those newspapers read by the respondents in each of the three countries. These revealed a number of different themes. The concept of a divided society and its implications for personal relationships was clearest in Russian and Hungary, where widely-read newspapers dwelt on the contrast between "new Russians/Hungarians" and the older, poorer ones and extended considerable sympathy to those suffering from neglect in institutions. Magyar Nemzet, a paper widely read by Hungarian students reflects the generally more pessimistic tone about personal relationships in Russia and Hungary and gave a particularly detailed analysis of the implications this holds for human relations in a modern society. In Georgia, however, the tone of the newspapers is more positive, stressing greater social cohesion. Part of this cohesion is framed in the context of religion, with the church appealing to a broader egalitarianism, whereas in less egalitarian Hungary appeals by the Church are centred more on the nuclear family and its need for expansion in both size and influence. The division between the sexes was another prominent issue in Hungary and Russia, while the theme of generational conflict also emerged in Hungarian and Georgian papers, although with some understanding of "young people today". The team's original expectation that the different newspapers read by the different groups of respondents would present differing images of personal relationships was not fulfilled, as despite variations in style, they found little clear "ideological targeting" of any particular readership. They conclude that the vast majority of respondents recognised that the social transition from communism has had a significant impact on the well-being of social relationships and that this is a pertinent issue for all segments of society. While the group see the data collected as a source to be worked on for some time in the future, their initial impressions include the following. Social support is clearly an important concern across all three countries. All respondents (including the students) lament the time taken up by their heavy work schedules and value their social networks and family ties in particular. The level of social support differs across the countries investigated, with Georgian apparently enjoying significantly higher levels of social support. The analysis produced an image of a relatively cohesive and egalitarian society in which even the group most often seen as distant from the general population, business people, is supported by a strong social network. In contrast, the support networks available to the Russian respondents seem particularly weak and reflect a general sense of division and alienation within the culture as a whole. The implications of low levels of social support may vary across countries. While Russians reported the lowest level of mental health problems, the link between social support and mental health may be strongest in that country. In contrast, in Hungary it is the link between fatalism and mental health problems which is particularly strong, while in Georgia the strongest correlation was between mental health and marital quality, emphasising the significance of the marital relationship in that country.
In Western societies the increase in female employment (especially among married women) is seen as having brought about the crisis of the traditional model of the family, reinforcing the position of the "modern" model - the egalitarian family with two working spouses and a "dual-career" family. In contrast, the transitional situation in the post-communist countries during the 1990s is producing a crisis of the family with two working spouses (the basic type of the communist period) and leading to new power relations within the family. While the growth of dual-earner households in this century has implied modification of family models towards greater symmetry of responsibility for breadwinning and homemaking, there is considerable evidence that women's increased employment does not necessarily lead to a more egalitarian approach to gender roles within the family. The group set out to investigate the economic situation of families and economic power within the fame as a crucial factor in the transformation of families with two working spouses in order to reveal the specific patterns of gender contracts and power relations within the family that are emerging in response to the current political and economic transformation. They opted for a comparative approach, selecting the Czech Republic as a country where the very similar tendencies of a few years ago (almost 100% of women employed and the family as a realm of considerable private freedom where both women's and men's gender identities and the traditional distribution of family responsibilities were largely preserved) are combined with a very different experience in terms of economic inequalities during the 1990s to that of Russia. In the first stage of the study they surveyed 300 married couples (150 in each country) on the question of breadwinning. They then carried out in-depth interviews with 10 couples from each country (selected from among the educated layers of the population), focusing on the process of the social construction of gender, using breadwinning and homemaking as gender boundaries which distinguish men from women. By analysing changes in social position and the type of interpersonal interaction of spouses they distinguished two main types of family contracts: the neo-traditional "communal sharing" (with male breadwinner, traditional distribution of family chores and negotiated family power) and the modern one based on negotiated agreement. The most important pre-conditions of husband-wife agreement about breadwinning seemed to imply their overall gender ideology rather than the economic and/or family circumstances. In general, wives were more likely to express egalitarian views, supporting the blurring or even elimination of many gender boundaries. Husbands, on the other hand, more often gave responses calling for the continued maintenance of gender boundaries. The analysis showed that breadwinning is still an important gender boundary in these cultures, one that is assumed unless it is explicitly questioned and that is seen as part of what makes a man a "real man". The majority of respondents seemed to be committed to egalitarian ideology on gender roles and the distribution of family tasks, including decision making, but this is contradicted by the persistent idea of the husband as the breadwinner. This contradiction is more characteristic of the Russian situation than of the Czech. The quantitative study showed a difference in prevailing family models between the two countries, with a clearer shift towards the traditional family contract in the Russian case. The Czechs were more likely to consider their partnerships as based on negotiated agreement, while the Russians saw theirs as based on egalitarian contract, in both cases seeing this as the norm. The majority of couples said they felt satisfied with their marriage, although in both countries wives seemed to be less satisfied. There was however a difference in the issues that aroused dissatisfaction, with Czech women being more sensitive to issues such as self-realisation, personal independence, understanding and recognition in the family, and Russians to issues of love, understanding and recognition. The most disputed area for the majority of families was chores in the home, presumably because in many families both husband and wife were working hard outside the home and because a number of partners had differing views as to the ideal distribution of chores within the family. The distribution of power in the family seems to be linked to the level of well being. The analysis showed that in the dominant democratic model there is still an inverse connection between family leadership and well being: the more prominent the wife's position as head of the family is, the lower the level of family income. This may reflect both the husband's refusal to play the leading role in the family and even his rejection of any involvement in family issues in such a family. The qualitative research revealed that both men and women see the breadwinning role to be an essential part of masculine identity, a role which the female partner would take on temporarily to assist the male but not permanently since this would threaten the gender boundaries and the man's identity. At the same time, few breadwinners expressed a sense of job satisfaction and all considered their choice as imposed on them by the circumstances (i.e. having a family in difficult times). The group feel that family orientation and some loss of personal involvement in their profession is partly reflected in the fact that many of the men felt more comfortable and self-confident at home than at work. Women's work, on the other hand, was largely seen as a source of personal and self-realisation and social life. Eight out of ten of the Russian women interviewed were employed, although only two on a full-time basis, but none saw their jobs as adding substantially to the family budget. Both partners see the most important factor as the wife's wish to work or stay at home, and do not think it wise for the wife to work at the expense of her part of the "family contract", although husbands from the "egalitarian" relationships expressed more willingness to compromise. The analysis showed clearly that wives and husbands did not construct gender boundaries in isolation, with the interviews providing clear evidence of negotiation. At the same time, husbands' interpretations of their wives' employment were less susceptible to the influence of negotiation than were their gender attitudes and norms about breadwinning. One of the most interesting aspects of the spouses' negotiations was the extent to which they disagreed about what they seemed to have agreed upon. Most disagreements about the breadwinning boundaries, however, were over norms and were settled by changes in norms rather than in behavioural interpretation. Changes in norms were often a form of peace offering or were in response in changes in circumstances. The study did show, however, that many of the efforts at cooperation and compensation were more symbolic than real and the group found the plasticity of expressed gender ideology to be one of the most striking findings of their work. They conclude that the shift towards more traditional gednder distributions of incomes and domestic chores does not automatically mean the reestablishment of a patriarchal model of family power. On the contrary, it seems to be a compromise formation, relatively unstable, temporary and containing self-defeating forces as the split between the personal and professional value of work and its social value expressed in a money equivalent cannot be maintained for generations.
OBJECTIVES: Over the past few years, a considerable increase in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) has been observed, particularly in primary care. In contrast little is known about the supply of CAM in Swiss hospitals. This study aims at the investigation of amount and structure of CAM activities of Swiss hospitals. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We designed a cross-sectional survey using a 2-step, questionnaire- based approach acquiring overview information form hospital managers in a first questionnaire leading to detailed information on CAM usage at medical department level (head of department). This second questionnaire provides data of physician-based and non-physician-based CAM supply. RESULTS: The size of hospitals was significantly associated with the provision of CAM. 33% of the hospital managers indicated 1 or more medical doctor (MD) using CAM in their hospital compared to 37% of confirmation on department level (Kappa value 0.5). Mostly different CAM methods were applied. Acupuncture was used most frequently. However only 13 hospitals (11%) occupied more than 3 CAM MDs and only 5 hospitals had more than 2 full-time equivalents for MDs. Furthermore, 74.7% of these personnel resources were dedicated for outpatient care. In terms of CAM methods anthroposophic medicine accounted for more than half of the total personnel costs. On the other hand usage of non-physician based CAM accounted for 41% according to hospital managers compared to 64% of CAM usage according to medical departments (Kappa values 0.31). Reflexology of the foot was used most frequently. CONCLUSION: Total supply of CAM in Swiss hospitals is low and concentrates on few hospitals. Acupuncture is the widest spread discipline but anthroposophic medicine spends the most resources. The study shows that a high patient demand for CAM faces low supply in hospitals.
The last two decades have seen intense scientific and regulatory interest in the health effects of particulate matter (PM). Influential epidemiological studies that characterize chronic exposure of individuals rely on monitoring data that are sparse in space and time, so they often assign the same exposure to participants in large geographic areas and across time. We estimate monthly PM during 1988-2002 in a large spatial domain for use in studying health effects in the Nurses' Health Study. We develop a conceptually simple spatio-temporal model that uses a rich set of covariates. The model is used to estimate concentrations of PM10 for the full time period and PM2.5 for a subset of the period. For the earlier part of the period, 1988-1998, few PM2.5 monitors were operating, so we develop a simple extension to the model that represents PM2.5 conditionally on PM10 model predictions. In the epidemiological analysis, model predictions of PM10 are more strongly associated with health effects than when using simpler approaches to estimate exposure. Our modeling approach supports the application in estimating both fine-scale and large-scale spatial heterogeneity and capturing space-time interaction through the use of monthly-varying spatial surfaces. At the same time, the model is computationally feasible, implementable with standard software, and readily understandable to the scientific audience. Despite simplifying assumptions, the model has good predictive performance and uncertainty characterization.
OBJECTIVE: To examine variability in outcome and resource use between ICUs. Secondary aims: to assess whether outcome and resource use are related to ICU structure and process, to explore factors associated with efficient resource use. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cohort study, based on the SAPS 3 database in 275 ICUs worldwide. PATIENTS: 16,560 adults. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: Outcome was defined by standardized mortality rate (SMR). Standardized resource use (SRU) was calculated based on length of stay in the ICU, adjusted for severity of acute illness. Each unit was assigned to one of four groups: "most efficient" (SMR and SRU < median); "least efficient" (SMR, SRU > median); "overachieving" (low SMR, high SRU), "underachieving" (high SMR, low SRU). Univariate analysis and stepwise logistic regression were used to test for factors separating "most" from "least efficient" units. Overall median SMR was 1.00 (IQR 0.77-1.28) and SRU 1.07 (0.76-1.58). There were 91 "most efficient", 91 "least efficient", 47 "overachieving", and 46 "underachieving" ICUs. Number of physicians, of full-time specialists, and of nurses per bed, clinical rounds, availability of physicians, presence of emergency department, and geographical region were significant in univariate analysis. In multivariate analysis only interprofessional rounds, emergency department, and geographical region entered the model as significant. CONCLUSIONS: Despite considerable variability in outcome and resource use only few factors of ICU structure and process were associated with efficient use of ICU. This suggests that other confounding factors play an important role.
The Environmental Health (EH) program of Peace Corps (PC) Panama and a non-governmental organization (NGO) Waterlines have been assisting rural communities in Panama gain access to improved water sources through the practice of community management (CM) model and participatory development. Unfortunately, there is little information available on how a water system is functioning once the construction is complete and the volunteer leaves the community. This is a concern when the recent literature suggests that most communities are not able to indefinitely maintain a rural water system (RWS) without some form of external assistance (Sara and Katz, 1997; Newman et al, 2002; Lockwood, 2002, 2003, 2004; IRC, 2003; Schweitzer, 2009). Recognizing this concern, the EH program director encouraged the author to complete a postproject assessment of the past EH water projects. In order to carry out the investigation, an easy to use monitoring and evaluation tool was developed based on literature review and the author’s three years of field experience in rural Panama. The study methodology consists of benchmark scoring systems to rate the following ten indicators: watershed, source capture, transmission line, storage tank, distribution system, system reliability, willingness to pay, accounting/transparency, maintenance, and active water committee members. The assessment of 28 communities across the country revealed that the current state of physical infrastructure, as well as the financial, managerial and technical capabilities of water committees varied significantly depending on the community. While some communities are enjoying continued service and their water committee completing all of its responsibilities, others have seen their water systems fall apart and be abandoned. Overall, the higher score were more prevalent for all ten indicators. However, even the communities with the highest scores requested some form of additional assistance. The conclusion from the assessment suggests that the EH program should incorporate an institutional support mechanism (ISM) to its sector policy in order to systematically provide follow-up support to rural communities in Panama. A full-time circuit rider with flexible funding would be able to provide additional technical support, training and encouragement to those communities in need.