953 resultados para Field Theories in Lower Dimensions
Sunflower crop was based, as yet, on high linoleic cultivars, but in the last years request for oil with higher content of oleic acid has increased, due to their dietary characteristics. At the beginning, high oleic cultivars were used to be sown in warm regions, but then the concern about growing it in temperate areas, as the south-east of Buenos Aires Province, was posed. In this region, early sowings are recommended, so that grain filling matches with a period of appropriate hydric and light conditions, as to result in greater yields. However, early sowings are limited by low soil temperature, that delays seedling emergence, resulting in heterogeneous stand establishment. The aim of this work was to evaluate seed performance of four high oleic cultivars in the southern area of Buenos Aires Province, by means of vigor tests and field trials. Germination, cold, tetrazolium viability, tetrazolium viability with cold, accelerated ageing tests and three field sowings at different soil temperatures were performed. Data were analyzed by Anova using generalised linear models, and tests and cultivars were contrasted among themselves. Similar seedling emergence under optimal and suboptimal temperatures for high oleic and high linoleic cultivars was recorded. The success of seedling establishment does not appear to be related to the acidic composition of seeds.
Symmetry group methods are applied to obtain all explicit group-invariant radial solutions to a class of semilinear Schr¨odinger equations in dimensions n = 1. Both focusing and defocusing cases of a power nonlinearity are considered, including the special case of the pseudo-conformal power p = 4/n relevant for critical dynamics. The methods involve, first, reduction of the Schr¨odinger equations to group-invariant semilinear complex 2nd order ordinary differential equations (ODEs) with respect to an optimal set of one-dimensional point symmetry groups, and second, use of inherited symmetries, hidden symmetries, and conditional symmetries to solve each ODE by quadratures. Through Noether’s theorem, all conservation laws arising from these point symmetry groups are listed. Some group-invariant solutions are found to exist for values of n other than just positive integers, and in such cases an alternative two-dimensional form of the Schr¨odinger equations involving an extra modulation term with a parameter m = 2−n = 0 is discussed.
This dissertation examines different aspects involved in the formation of psychologists’ expert opinion in the Portuguese criminal justice system, more precisely, as this opinion is reflected in assessment reports. The present dissertation is comprised of three qualitative studies, the first sought to provide a general portrait of a sample of 106 forensic psychological reports as to their overall quality as measured in terms of relevance and coherence. Results show that the formal markers of quality are present in the sample analysed, a certain number of weaknesses have been observed, notably concerning the internal coherence of the reports as well as the relevance of the information reported on. The second study explored the opinions of 17 Portuguese judges and state prosecutors concerning the use they make of this type of forensic report. It appears that they consider these reports to be useful and very credible, specially so when they have been produced under the auspices of the National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, which is the state forensic institution. Furthermore, it appears that judges and prosecutors were particularly interested in data that allowed for a personalised portrait of the assessee. The third study sought to better comprehend the conceptual bases on which psychologists construct their reports. To this end, an exploratory study was undertaken with a sample of key-actors; the analysis of their interviews shows that they define their judicial mandate as well as the basic concepts that are associated to this mandate in different ways. A theoretical framework provided by an implicit theories model was used to help understand these results.
This is a sequel to our earlier work on the modulated logistic map. Here, we first show that the map comes under the universality class of Feigenbaum. We then give evidence for the fact that our model can generate strange attractors in the unit square for an uncountable number of parameter values in the range μ∞<μ<1. Numerical plots of the attractor for several values of μ are given and the self-similar structure is explicity shown in one case. The fractal and information dimensions of the attractors for many values of μ are shown to be greater than one and the variation in their structure is analysed using the two Lyapunov exponents of the system. Our results suggest that the map can be considered as an analogue of the logistic map in two dimensions and may be useful in describing certain higher dimensional chaotic phenomena.
Self-sustained time-dependent current oscillations under dc voltage bias have been observed in recent experiments on n-doped semiconductor superlattices with sequential resonant tunneling. The current oscillations are caused by the motion and recycling of the domain wall separating low- and high-electric-field regions of the superlattice, as the analysis of a discrete drift model shows and experimental evidence supports. Numerical simulation shows that different nonlinear dynamical regimes of the domain wall appear when an external microwave signal is superimposed on the dc bias and its driving frequency and driving amplitude vary. On the frequency-amplitude parameter plane, there are regions of entrainment and quasiperiodicity forming Arnold tongues. Chaos is demonstrated to appear at the boundaries of the tongues and in the regions where they overlap. Coexistence of up to four electric-field domains randomly nucleated in space is detected under ac+dc driving.
Femtosecond pump/probe multiphoton ionization experiments on Na_2 molecules are performed. The dependence of the total Na^+_2 ion signal on the delay time and the intensity of the femtosecond laser pulses is studied in detail. It is observed that molecular vibrational wavepacket motion in different electronic states dominates the time dependence of the ion signal. For higher laser intensities the relative contributions from the A ^1 \summe^+_u and the 2 ^1 \produkt__g states change dramatically, indicating the increasing importance of a two-electron versus a one-electron process. For even stronger fields (10 ^12 W/ cm²) a vibrational wavepacket in the electronic ground state X ^1 \summe^+_g is formed and its dynamics is also observed in the transient Na^+_2 signal. Time-dependent quantum calculations are presented. The theoretical results agree well with the experiment.
A multiple regression analysis of the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis dataset shows a response to increased solar activity of a weakening and poleward shift of the subtropical jets. This signal is separable from other influences, such as those of El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), and is very similar to that seen in previous studies using global circulation models (GCMs) of the effects of an increase in solar spectral irradiance. The response to increased stratospheric (volcanic) aerosol is found in the data to be a weakening and equatorward shift of the jets. The GCM studies of the solar influence also showed an impact on tropospheric mean meridional circulation with a weakening and expansion of the tropical Hadley cells and a poleward shift of the Ferrel cells. To understand the mechanisms whereby the changes in solar irradiance affect tropospheric winds and circulation, experiments have been carried out with a simplified global circulation model. The results show that generic heating of the lower stratosphere tends to weaken the subtropical jets and the tropospheric mean meridional circulations. The positions of the jets, and the extent of the Hadley cells, respond to the distribution of the stratospheric heating, with low-latitude heating forcing them to move poleward, and high-latitude or latitudinally uniform heating forcing them equatorward. The patterns of response are similar to those that are found to be a result of the solar or volcanic influences, respectively, in the data analysis. This demonstrates that perturbations to the heat balance of the lower stratosphere, such as those brought about by solar or volcanic activity, can produce changes in the mean tropospheric circulation, even without any direct forcing below the tropopause.
Long-term indicators of soil fertility were assessed by measuring grain yield, soil organic carbon (SOC) and soil Olsen phosphorous for a P-deficient soil. In one set of treatments, goat manure was applied annually for 13 years at 0, 5 and 10 t ha(-1), and intercrops of sorghum/cowpea, millet/green gram and maize/pigeonpea were grown. Yield depended on rainfall and trends with time were not identifiable. Manure caused an upward trend in SOC, but 10 t ha(-1) manure did not give significantly more SOC than 5 t ha(-1). Only 10 t ha(-1) manure increased Olsen P. Measurements of both SOC and Olsen P are recommended. In another set of treatments, manure was applied for four years; the residual effect lasted another seven to eight years when assessed by yield, SOC and Olsen P Treatment with mineral fertilizers provided the same rates of N and P as 5 t hat manure and yields from manure and fertilizer were similar. Fertilizer increased Olsen P but not SOC. Management systems with occasional manure application and intermediate fertilizer applications should be assessed. Inputs and offtakes of C, N and P were measured for three years. Approximately 16, 25 and 11% of C, N and P respectively were stabilized into soil organic matter from 5 t ha(-1) a(-1) manure. The majority of organic P was fixed as soil inorganic P.
We investigate thin films of cylinder-forming diblock copolymer confined between electrically charged parallel plates, using self-consistent-field theory ( SCFT) combined with an exact treatment for linear dielectric materials. Our study focuses on the competition between the surface interactions, which tend to orient cylinder domains parallel to the plates, and the electric field, which favors a perpendicular orientation. The effect of the electric field on the relative stability of the competing morphologies is demonstrated with equilibrium phase diagrams, calculated with the aid of a weak-field approximation. As hoped, modest electric fields are shown to have a significant stabilizing effect on perpendicular cylinders, particularly for thicker films. Our improved SCFT-based treatment removes most of the approximations implemented by previous approaches, thereby managing to resolve outstanding qualitative inconsistencies among different approximation schemes.
For a nonlocally perturbed half- space we consider the scattering of time-harmonic acoustic waves. A second kind boundary integral equation formulation is proposed for the sound-soft case, based on a standard ansatz as a combined single-and double-layer potential but replacing the usual fundamental solution of the Helmholtz equation with an appropriate half- space Green's function. Due to the unboundedness of the surface, the integral operators are noncompact. In contrast to the two-dimensional case, the integral operators are also strongly singular, due to the slow decay at infinity of the fundamental solution of the three-dimensional Helmholtz equation. In the case when the surface is sufficiently smooth ( Lyapunov) we show that the integral operators are nevertheless bounded as operators on L-2(Gamma) and on L-2(Gamma G) boolean AND BC(Gamma) and that the operators depend continuously in norm on the wave number and on G. We further show that for mild roughness, i.e., a surface G which does not differ too much from a plane, the boundary integral equation is uniquely solvable in the space L-2(Gamma) boolean AND BC(Gamma) and the scattering problem has a unique solution which satisfies a limiting absorption principle in the case of real wave number.
A scale-invariant moving finite element method is proposed for the adaptive solution of nonlinear partial differential equations. The mesh movement is based on a finite element discretisation of a scale-invariant conservation principle incorporating a monitor function, while the time discretisation of the resulting system of ordinary differential equations is carried out using a scale-invariant time-stepping which yields uniform local accuracy in time. The accuracy and reliability of the algorithm are successfully tested against exact self-similar solutions where available, and otherwise against a state-of-the-art h-refinement scheme for solutions of a two-dimensional porous medium equation problem with a moving boundary. The monitor functions used are the dependent variable and a monitor related to the surface area of the solution manifold. (c) 2005 IMACS. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.