974 resultados para Fashion blogs
Esta exposición pretende ser una introducción al estudio de un amplio, complejo y dinámico conjunto de nociones, técnicas y prácticas sociales, que gira en torno a la blogosfera, “un vigoroso subespacio de comunicación en Internet”, tal como lo denomina Sáez Vacas en esta misma revista. El objetivo no es tanto ser exhaustivo en el tratamiento, como dar a conocer al lector los distintos conceptos y fenómenos involucrados en la génesis de este peculiar universo, cuyo origen podemos situar en un metafórico Blog Bang. Hablaremos de los blogs (weblogs o bitácoras), su origen, caracterización, clasificación y cuantificación, de la tecnología que los rodea y de conceptos relacionados, tales como los wikis, el socialware, la blogocultura y la web semántica. This essay is designed as an introduction to the study of a broad, complex and dynamic set of notions, techniques and social practices revolving around the blogosphere –“an intense communication subspace on the Internet”, as defined by Saéz Vacas in this magazine. The aim of this article is not to exhaustively cover the topic, but rather, to introduce the reader to the different concepts and phenomena involved in the genesis of this peculiar universe, whose origin lies in the metaphoric Blog Bang. We will touch on blogs (weblogs and bitcores), their origin, nature, classification and quantification, the technology that surrounds them, and other related concepts like wikis, socialware, blogculture and web semantics.
El artículo afronta el análisis de ciertos aspectos sociales y "culturales" del fenómeno blog; y lo hace con la ayuda metodológica de un modelo, el Nuevo Entorno Tecnosocial (NET) y el enfoque sociotécnico de dos "blogólogos", estudiosos de la nueva realidad de la Red (Universal Digital). Tras repasar algunas definiciones, se destacan los aspectos principales de una posible cultura blog emergente y se relacionan con las propiedades del NET. Inmediatamente después de un breve paréntesis práctico dedicado a las personas que se adentran por vez primera en la blogosfera, se presentan algunas reflexiones acerca de los blogs como evolución de las comunidades virtuales y los cambios experimentados por los habitantes de la infociudad que nace inmersa en el NET, para terminar con la inquietante cuestión de si entre esos cambios no se incluirá también una gradual transformación de la estructura y forma de la inteligencia humana
This article analyses a number of social and cultural aspects of the blog phenomenon with the methodological aid of a complexity model, the New Techno-social Environment (hereinafter also referred to by its Spanish acronym, NET, or Nuevo Entorno Tecnosocial) together with the socio-technical approach of the two blogologist authors. Both authors are researchers interested in the new reality of the Digital Universal Network (DUN). After a review of some basic definitions, the article moves on to highlight some key characteristics of an emerging blog culture and relates them to the properties of the NET. Then, after a brief practical parenthesis for people entering the blogosphere for the first time, we present some reflections on blogs as an evolution of virtual communities and on the changes experienced by the inhabitants of the infocity emerging from within the NET. The article concludes with a somewhat disturbing question; whether among these changes there might not be a gradual transformation of the structure and form of human intelligence.
La implementación exitosa de herramientas colaborativas en las empresas exige de los empleados un comportamiento colaborativo adecuado. Este trabajo presenta una caracterización del compotamiento colaborativo a través del uso de blogs corporativos,identificando sus antecedentes y analizando la influencia relativa de éstos en el comportamiento colaborativo de 86 empleados del departamento de Sistemas de Información de una gran empresa industrial localizada en España. Los resultados indican que entre los antecedentes identificados, el altruismo,los objetos comunes y la confianza mutua predicen positivamente el comportamiento colaborativo,mientras que el sentdio de pertenecencia a una comunidad,la reputación y la reciprocidad no lo hacen.
In order to improve collaboration within working teams, several collaborative tools are being deployed in most of the modern organizations; for this improvement to occur, employees also have to perform an appropriate collaborative behavior. The objective of this exploratory study is to measure and characterize this collaborative behavior taking into account several factors. In order to assess predictive ability for the research model, we have developed a theoretical model, which has been validated with data from 86 employees from the department of Information Systems of a large industrial company based in Spain. Findings from the results show that altruism, common objectives and mutual trust positively predict collaborative behavior, while the sense of belonging to a community, reputation and reciprocity do not.
The study presented in this paper aims to provide a description of telecommunication blogs as a genre. Lexical phrases are analysed in order to reach conclusions regarding the nature of the language in these texts and the extent to which the results obtained are comparable with other written or conversational discourse types. Although the departing hypothesis is that the articles in blogs are basically transactional and their main objective is to transfer information, the conclusions point to interaction as a distinctive characteristic of this type of discourse and also to a more careful organization in the comments to the blogs entries than originally expected. RESUMEN. Este trabajo presenta una descripción de los blogs de Telecomunicación como género. A través del análisis de frases léxicas se llega a conclusiones sobre algunas de las características que definen la lengua que se usa en este tipo de textos y se comparan los resultados obtenidos con otros previos sobre el discurso escrito y el conversacional. Aunque la hipótesis de partida es que los artículos de los blogs son básicamente transaccionales, donde el principal objetivo es transmitir información, los resultados llevan a conclusiones sobre la importancia de la interacción en este tipo de discurso y también apuntan a una mayor organización de la esperable en las entradas de los comentarios al artículo principal del blog.
Teniendo en cuenta que no hay nada que se escape de la moda 1, y extendiendonos más allá de esta manida discusión sobre intersecciones formales, esta investigación propone la pasarela como un lugar real de mediación entre moda y arquitectura. Asumiendo esta condición, la pasarela encarna nuevos modos de producción apropiándose de su espacio y estructura, y convierténdose en una máquina capaz de generar múltiples y más bien infinitos significados. La moda es sin duda un proyecto creativo, que ha venido utilizando la pasarela como un marco para la reordenación de su narrativa visual, renovándose asi mismo como fenómeno social. Este proyecto de investigación plantea, que contrariamente las tipologías actuales de las pasarelas no nos facilitan la comprensión de una colección – que suele ser el objetivo principal. Presentan en cambio un entorno en el que se acoplan diferentes formatos visuales, -con varias capas-, conviéndolo en una compleja construcción y provocando nunerosas fricciones con el espacio-tiempo-acción durante el proceso de creación de otros territorios. Partiendo de la idea de la pasarela como un sistema, en el que sus numerosas variables pueden producir diversas combinaciones, esta investigación plantea la hipótesis por la cual un nuevo sistema de pasarela se estaría formando enteramente con capas de información. Este escenario nos conduciría a la inmersión final de la moda en los tejidos de la virtualidad. Si bien el debate sobre la relevancia de los desfiles de moda se ha vuelto más evidente hoy en día, esta investigación especula con la posibilidad del pensamiento arquitectónico y como este puede introducir metodologías de análisis en el marco de estos desfiles de moda, proponiendo una lectura de la pasarela como un sistema de procedimientos específicos inherente a los proyectos/procesos de la arquitectura. Este enfoque enlaza ambas prácticas en un territorio común donde el espacio, el diseño, el comportamiento, el movimiento, y los cuerpos son ordenados/organizados en la creación de estas nuevas posibilidades visuales, y donde las interacciones activan la generación de la novedad y los mensajes. PALABRAS CLAVES moda, sistema, virtual, información, arquitectura Considering that there is nothing left untouched by fashion2, and going beyond the already exhausted discussion about formal intersections, this research introduces the catwalk as the real arena of mediation between fashion and architecture. By assuming this condition, the catwalk embodies new modes of production that appropriates its space and turns it into a machine for generating multiple if not infinite meanings. Fashion, as a creative project, has utilized the catwalk as a frame for rearranging its visual narrative and renewing itself as social phenomena. This research disputes, however, that the current typologies of catwalks do not facilitate the understanding of the collection – as its primary goal - but, instead, present an environment composed of multi-layered visual formats, becoming a complex construct that collides space-time-action in the creation of other territories. Departing from the analysis of the catwalk as a system and how its many variables can produce diverse combinations, this research presents the hypothesis that a new system is being formed entirely built out of information. Such scenario indicates fashion´s final immersion into the fabrics of virtuality. While the discussion about the relevance of fashion shows has become more evident today, this research serves as an introductory speculation on how architectural thinking can introduce methodologies of analysis within the framework of the fashion shows, by proposing a reading of the catwalk as a system through specific procedures that are inherent to architectural projects. Such approach intertwines both practices into a common territory where space, design, behaviour, movement, and bodies are organized for the creation of visual possibilities, and where interactions are triggered in the making of novelty and messages. KEYWORDS fashion, system, virtual, information, architectural
This paper describes a framework for annotation on travel blogs based on subjectivity (FATS). The framework has the capability to auto-annotate -sentence by sentence- sections from blogs (posts) about travelling in the Spanish language. FATS is used in this experiment to annotate com- ponents from travel blogs in order to create a corpus of 300 annotated posts. Each subjective element in a sentence is annotated as positive or negative as appropriate. Currently correct annotations add up to about 95 per cent in our subset of the travel domain. By means of an iterative process of annotation we can create a subjectively annotated domain specific corpus.
"Slow Fashion" attempts to offset the demand for fast fashion and mass production (Fletcher, 2007). Consumers' response to sustainability-based practices is a limited discourse and studies for slow fashion concept are scarce. This study thus aims to enlighten the subject of how slow fashion concept could improve local economies and how Spanish consumers respond to such initiatives. This paper is based on an exploratory qualitative research for which focus group interviews including three group discussions with Spanish consumers were held. The data was examined by constant comparison analysis to present consumer insights. Moreover, a case study was conducted with a Spanish apparel brand. Saint Brissant was chosen since it manufactures in Spain to (i) ensure its products? high quality and (ii) to empower Spanish economy. This paper provides empirical insights. Even though local manufacturing was perceived to have a higher quality, Spanish consumers? behavioural intentions of using local brands were not high.Self-interest, mainly price and design, was recorded as the most influential purchase criteria. Furthermore, Saint Brissant case demonstrated that local manufacturing could boost local economies by creating workforce. However, governmental subsidies should be rearranged and consumers? perceptions should be improved to support local manufacturers in Spain.
Fashion is one of the most vibrant sectors in Europe and important contributors to the European Union (EU) economy. In particular, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play a major part in European fashion industry (EU 2012). Just like fashion, where people¿s style has inherently meant to be shared as it is foremost a representation of one¿s self-image, social media allow the reflection of ones' personality and emotions. Although fashion practitioners have embraced social media in their marketing activities, it is still relatively few known at an academic level about the specificities of fashion industry when approaching social media marketing (SMM) strategies. This study sets out to explore fashion companies' SMM strategy and its activities. From an exploratory approach, we present case studies of two Spanish SME fashion companies, anonymously named hereafter as Company A and Company B, to deepen our understanding on how fashion brands implement their SMM strategy. Company A offers high-end fashion products while Company B produces medium fashion products. We analyzed the case studies using qualitative (interviews to companies' executives) and a mix of qualitative and quantitative (content analysis of companies' social media platform) methods. Public posts data of both companies' Facebook brand pages were used to perform the content analysis. Our findings through case studies of the two companies reveal that branding-oriented strategic objectives are the main drivers of their SMM implementations. There are significant differences between both companies. The main strategic action employed by Company A is engaging customers to participate into brand's offline social gathering events by inviting them through social media platform, while Company B focuses its effort on posting product promotion related contents and engaging influencers such as fashion bloggers. Our results are expected to serve as a basis of further investigations on how SMM strategy and strategic actions implemented by fashion brands may influence marketing outcomes.
Entender o campo da moda como um universo que reflete atitudes e sentimentos da vida social do homem-comum se constitui a base desta pesquisa. Para compreender melhor de que forma a moda aparece assim configurada, faz-se necessário desvendar os adornos com os quais a mídia da cultura de massa trabalha neste campo. Com a proposta de enxergar como os valores transformadores do campo estão atuantes na mídia, a partir de uma leitura interpretativa, optamos por analisar o enfoque dado pelo caderno Ilustrada da Folha de S. Paulo ao maior evento de moda do Brasil a São Paulo Fashion Week, na sua edição de julho de 2006. Desta forma, apresentamos os aspectos da cultura de massa que estão diretamente relacionados ao campo da moda e de que maneira estes aspectos foram enquadrados nos textos da Folha, no processo de celebração do evento.(AU)
Entender o campo da moda como um universo que reflete atitudes e sentimentos da vida social do homem-comum se constitui a base desta pesquisa. Para compreender melhor de que forma a moda aparece assim configurada, faz-se necessário desvendar os adornos com os quais a mídia da cultura de massa trabalha neste campo. Com a proposta de enxergar como os valores transformadores do campo estão atuantes na mídia, a partir de uma leitura interpretativa, optamos por analisar o enfoque dado pelo caderno Ilustrada da Folha de S. Paulo ao maior evento de moda do Brasil a São Paulo Fashion Week, na sua edição de julho de 2006. Desta forma, apresentamos os aspectos da cultura de massa que estão diretamente relacionados ao campo da moda e de que maneira estes aspectos foram enquadrados nos textos da Folha, no processo de celebração do evento.(AU)
The KARP-1 (Ku86 Autoantigen Related Protein-1) gene, which is expressed from the human Ku86 autoantigen locus, appears to play a role in mammalian DNA double-strand break repair as a regulator of the DNA-dependent protein kinase complex. Here we demonstrate that KARP-1 gene expression is significantly up-regulated following exposure of cells to DNA damage. KARP-1 mRNA induction was completely dependent on the ataxia telangiectasia and p53 gene products, consistent with the presence of a p53 binding site within the second intron of the KARP-1 locus. These observations link ataxia telangiectasia, p53, and KARP-1 in a common pathway.