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Employing Bak’s dimension theory, we investigate the nonstable quadratic K-group K1,2n(A, ) = G2n(A, )/E2n(A, ), n 3, where G2n(A, ) denotes the general quadratic group of rank n over a form ring (A, ) and E2n(A, ) its elementary subgroup. Considering form rings as a category with dimension in the sense of Bak, we obtain a dimension filtration G2n(A, ) G2n0(A, ) G2n1(A, ) E2n(A, ) of the general quadratic group G2n(A, ) such that G2n(A, )/G2n0(A, ) is Abelian, G2n0(A, ) G2n1(A, ) is a descending central series, and G2nd(A)(A, ) = E2n(A, ) whenever d(A) = (Bass–Serre dimension of A) is finite. In particular K1,2n(A, ) is solvable when d(A) <.


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Genome-scale metabolic models promise important insights into cell function. However, the definition of pathways and functional network modules within these models, and in the biochemical literature in general, is often based on intuitive reasoning. Although mathematical methods have been proposed to identify modules, which are defined as groups of reactions with correlated fluxes, there is a need for experimental verification. We show here that multivariate statistical analysis of the NMR-derived intra- and extracellular metabolite profiles of single-gene deletion mutants in specific metabolic pathways in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae identified outliers whose profiles were markedly different from those of the other mutants in their respective pathways. Application of flux coupling analysis to a metabolic model of this yeast showed that the deleted gene in an outlying mutant encoded an enzyme that was not part of the same functional network module as the other enzymes in the pathway. We suggest that metabolomic methods such as this, which do not require any knowledge of how a gene deletion might perturb the metabolic network, provide an empirical method for validating and ultimately refining the predicted network structure.


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This article presents an educational experiment carried out in the Primary School Teaching Degree at the University of Barcelona. Specifically, the article analyses the application of the “Work Corners” approach in a core subject. In a three-year action research process, trainers put into practice an innovation which enabled them to boost cooperative work and reflexive learning among trainees. Firstly, the theoretical model underpinning the project and guiding many of the actions carried out by the training team is presented. After providing detailed information on the practical development of the experiment, the data-gathering process and its results are shown. Various information-gathering strategies were used in assessing the project, such as a questionnaire, participant observation, and teachers’ diaries. The results demonstrate, amongst other things, that “work corners” offer viable and appropriate educational conditions for the articulation of theoretical and practical knowledge, for building professional knowledge, and therefore, the beginnings of a reflexive teaching practice.


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We consider the class of crossed products of noetherian domains with universal enveloping algebras of Lie algebras. For algebras from this class we give a sufficient condition for the existence of projective non-free modules. This class includes Weyl algebras and universal envelopings of Lie algebras, for which this question, known as noncommutative Serre's problem, was extensively studied before. It turns out that the method of lifting of non-trivial stably free modules from simple Ore extensions can be applied to crossed products after an appropriate choice of filtration. The motivating examples of crossed products are provided by the class of RIT algebras, originating in non-equilibrium physics.


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The implementation of effective time analysis methods fast and accurately in the era of digital manufacturing has become a significant challenge for aerospace manufacturers hoping to build and maintain a competitive advantage. This paper proposes a structure oriented, knowledge-based approach for intelligent time analysis of aircraft assembly processes within a digital manufacturing framework. A knowledge system is developed so that the design knowledge can be intelligently retrieved for implementing assembly time analysis automatically. A time estimation method based on MOST, is reviewed and employed. Knowledge capture, transfer and storage within the digital manufacturing environment are extensively discussed. Configured plantypes, GUIs and functional modules are designed and developed for the automated time analysis. An exemplar study using an aircraft panel assembly from a regional jet is also presented. Although the method currently focuses on aircraft assembly, it can also be well utilized in other industry sectors, such as transportation, automobile and shipbuilding. The main contribution of the work is to present a methodology that facilitates the integration of time analysis with design and manufacturing using a digital manufacturing platform solution.


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P>Seven cases were discussed by an expert panel at the 2009 Annual Scientific Meeting of the British Society of Haematology. These cases are presented in a similar format to that adopted for the meeting. There was an initial discussion of the presenting morphology, generation of differential diagnoses and then, following display of further presenting and diagnostic information, each case was concluded with provision of a final diagnosis.


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Suppose C is a bounded chain complex of finitely generated free modules over the Laurent polynomial ring L = R[x,x -1]. Then C is R-finitely dominated, i.e. homotopy equivalent over R to a bounded chain complex of finitely generated projective R-modules if and only if the two chain complexes C ? L R((x)) and C ? L R((x -1)) are acyclic, as has been proved by Ranicki (A. Ranicki, Finite domination and Novikov rings, Topology 34(3) (1995), 619–632). Here R((x)) = R[[x]][x -1] and R((x -1)) = R[[x -1]][x] are rings of the formal Laurent series, also known as Novikov rings. In this paper, we prove a generalisation of this criterion which allows us to detect finite domination of bounded below chain complexes of projective modules over Laurent rings in several indeterminates.


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A dynamic global security-aware synthesis flow using the SystemC language is presented. SystemC security models are first specified at the system or behavioural level using a library of SystemC behavioural descriptions which provide for the reuse and extension of security modules. At the core of the system is incorporated a global security-aware scheduling algorithm which allows for scheduling to a mixture of components of varying security level. The output from the scheduler is translated into annotated nets which are subsequently passed to allocation, optimisation and mapping tools for mapping into circuits. The synthesised circuits incorporate asynchronous secure power-balanced and fault-protected components. Results show that the approach offers robust implementations and efficient security/area trade-offs leading to significant improvements in turnover.