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The high affinity receptor for human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) consists of a cytokine-specific alpha-subunit (hGMR alpha) and a common signal-transducing beta-subunit (hpc) that is shared with the interleukin-3 and -5 receptors, We have previously identified a constitutively active extracellular point mutant of hpc, I374N, that can confer factor independence on murine FDC-P1 cells but not BAF-B03 or CTLL-2 cells (Jenkins, B. J., D'Andrea, R. J., and Gonda, T. J. (1995) EMBO J. 14, 4276-4287), This restricted activity suggested the involvement of cell type-specific signaling molecules in the activation of this mutant. We report here that one such molecule is the mouse GMR alpha (mGMR alpha) subunit, since introduction of mGMR alpha, but not hGMR alpha, into BAF-B03 or CTLL-2 cells expressing the I374N mutant conferred factor independence, Experiments utilizing mouse/human chimeric GMR alpha subunits indicated that the species specificity lies in the extracellular domain of GMRa. Importantly, the requirement for mGMR alpha correlated with the ability of I374N (but not wild-type hpc) to constitutively associate with mGMRa. Expression of I374N in human factor-dependent UT7 cells also led to factor-independent proliferation, with concomitant up-regulation of hGMR alpha surface expression. Taken together, these findings suggest a critical role for association with GMR alpha in the constitutive activity of I374N.
MiAMP1 is a recently discovered 76 amino acid residue, highly basic protein from the nut kernel of:Macadamia integrifolia which possesses no sequence homology to any known protein and inhibits the growth of several microbial plant pathogens in vitro while having no effect on mammalian or plant cells. It is considered to be a potentially useful tool for the genetic engineering of disease resistance in transgenic crop plants and for the design of new fungicides. The three-dimensional structure of MiAMP1 was determined through homonuclear and heteronuclear (N-15) 2D NMR spectroscopy and subsequent simulated annealing calculations with the ultimate aim of understanding the structure-activity relationships of the protein. MiAMP1 is made up of eight beta-strands which are arranged in two Greek key motifs. These Greek key motifs associate to form a Greek key beta-barrel. This structure is unique amongst plant antimicrobial proteins and forms a new class which we term the beta-barrelins. Interestingly, the structure of MiAMP1 bears remarkable similarity to a yeast killer toxin from Williopsis mrakii. This toxin acts by inhibiting beta-glucan synthesis and thereby cell wall construction in sensitive strains of yeast. The structural similarity of MiAMP1 and WmKT, which originate from plant and fungal phyla respectively, may reflect a similar mode of action. (C) 1999 Academic Press.
We describe the isolation and characterisation of two putatively new acetylcholinesterase genes from the African cattle ticks Boophilus decoloratus and Rhipicephalus appendiculatus. The nucleotide sequences of these genes had 93% homology to each other and 95% and 91% identity, respectively, to the acetylcholinesterase gene from an Australian strain of another cattle tick, Boophilus microplus. Translation of the nucleotide sequences revealed putative amino acids that are essential for acetylcholinesterase activity: the active site serine, and the histidine and glutamate residues that associate with this serine to form the catalytic triad. All known acetylcholinesterases have three sets of cysteines that form disulfide bonds; however, the acetylcholinesterase genes of these three species of ticks encode only two sets of cysteines. Acetylcholinesterases of B. microplus from South Africa, Zimbabwe, Kenya and Mexico had 98-99% identity with acetylcholinesterase from B. microplus from Australia, whereas acetylcholinesterase from B. microplus from Indonesia was identical to that from Australia. Preliminary phylogenetic analyses surprisingly indicate that the acetylcholinesterases of ticks are closer phylogenetically to acetylcholinesterases of vertebrates than they are to those of other arthropods. (C) 1999 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Attitudes to the fundamental economic institutions of capitalism, private ownership of productive property, markets as arenas for securing economic outcomes, and working class rights to associate and to strike, are key dimensions of class consciousness. This paper investigates how class location shapes these attitudes in combination with other factors like employment sector and trade union membership. Using data from the 1995 National Social Science Survey, the paper finds systematic class variation on attitudes to economic institutions that is consistent with respondents endorsing or rejecting class-specific strategies of interest realisation according to their own class circumstances. On some attitudes, class structural effects are additionally moderated by organisational norms associated with public sector employment and mediated by the impact of trade union membership.
The Sm/Lsm proteins associate with small nuclear RNA to form the core of small nuclear ribonucleoproteins, required for processes as diverse as pre-mRNA splicing, mRNA degradation and telomere formation. The Lsm proteins from archaea are likely to represent the ancestral Sm/Lsm domain. Here, we present the crystal structure of the Lsm alpha protein from the thermophilic archaeon Methanobacterium thermoautrophicum at 2.0 Angstrom resolution. The Lsm alpha protein crystallizes as a heptameric ring comprised of seven identical subunits interacting via beta -strand pairing and hydrophobic interactions. The heptamer can be viewed as a propeller-like structure in which each blade consists of a seven-stranded antiparallel beta -sheet formed from neighbouring subunits. There are seven slots on the inner surface of the heptamer ring, each of which is lined by Asp, Asn and Arg residues that are highly conserved in the Sm/Lsm sequences. These conserved slots are likely to form the RNA-binding site. In archaea, the gene encoding Lsm alpha is located next to the L37e ribosomal protein gene in a putative operon, suggesting a role for the Lsm alpha complex in ribosome function or biogenesis. (C) 2001 Academic Press.
In the non-color-word Stroop task, university students' response latencies were longer for low-frequency than for higher frequency target words. Visual identity primes facilitated color naming in groups reading the prime silently or processing it semantically (Experiment 1) but did not when participants generated a rhyme of the prime (Experiment 3). With auditory identity primes, generating an associate or a rhyme of the prime produced interference (Experiments 2 and 3). Color-naming latencies were longer for nonwords than for words (Experiment 4). There was a small long-term repetition benefit in color naming for low-frequency words that had been presented in the lexical decision task (Experiment 5). Facilitation of word recognition speeds color naming except when phonological activation of the base word increases response competition.
The specific identity of endosymbiotic dinoflagellates (Symbiodinium spp.) from most zooxanthellate corals is unknown. In a survey of symbiotic cnidarians from the southern Great Barrier Reef (GBR), 23 symbiont types were identified from 86 host species representing 40 genera. A majority (>85%) of these symbionts belong to a single phylogenetic clade or subgenus (C) composed of closely related (as assessed by sequence data from the internal transcribed spacer region and the ribosomal large subunit gene), yet ecologically and physiologically distinct, types. A few prevalent symbiont types, or generalists, dominate the coral community of the southern GBR, whereas many rare and/or specific symbionts, or specialists, are found uniquely within certain host taxa. The comparison of symbiont diversity between southern GBR and Caribbean reefs shows an inverse relationship between coral diversity and symbiont diversity, perhaps as a consequence of more-rapid diversification of Caribbean symbionts. Among clade C types, generalists C1 and C3 are common to both Caribbean and southern GBR symbiont assemblages, whereas the rest are regionally endemic. Possibly because of environmental changes in the Caribbean after geographic isolation through the Quaternary period, a high proportion of Caribbean fauna associate with symbiont taxa from two other distantly related Symbiodinium clades (A and B) that rarely occur in Pacific hosts. The resilience of Porites spp. and the resistance of Montipora digitata to thermal stress and bleaching are partially explained by their association with a thermally tolerant symbiont type, whereas the indiscriminant widespread bleaching and death among certain Pacific corals, during El Nino Southern Oscillation events, are influenced by associations with symbionts possessing higher sensitivity to thermal stress.
The increase of the women purchase power has led some companies to adopt strategies of products differentiation as well as to produce specific products to the female public. The auto industry is not immune to this phenomenon, once the women represent, approximately half of the automobile sales in the country. Considering the consumption and the behavior differences between women and men, it has set the following question: are there differences between the choices associated to the automobile by men and the choices associated to the automobile by women? It has been presented to the participants items found in the people`s day-by-day, which are valorized by them, and the participants have been asked to choose and associate these items to the automobile. The results analysis revealed there are more similarities than differences between choices associated to the automobile by men ad choices associated to the automobile by women. The similarity between the choices suggests that the representations, the meanings and values assigned. to the car by men ana women are similar and thus the strategy of product differentiation does not apply to the automotive industry
The diversity and community structures of symbiotic dinoflagellates are described from reef invertebrates in southern and central provinces of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Australia, and Zamami Island, Okinawa, Japan. The symbiont assemblages from region to region were dominated by Clade C Symbiodinium spp. and consisted of numerous host-specific and/or rare types (specialists), and several types common to many hosts (generalists). Prevalence in the host community among certain host-generalist symbionts differed between inshore and offshore environments, across latitudinal (central versus southern GBR) gradients, and over wide geographic ranges (GBR versus Okinawa). One particular symbiont (C3h) from the GBR had a dramatic shift in dominance. Its prevalence ranged from being extremely rare, or absent on high-latitude reefs to dominating the scleractinian diversity on a mid-latitude inshore reef. These changes occurred among coral fauna whose larvae must acquire symbionts from environmental sources (horizontal symbiont acquisition). Such differences did not occur among 'vertical transmitters' such as Porites spp., Montipora spp. and pocilloporids (corals that directly transmit symbionts to their offspring) or among those hosts displaying 'horizontal acquisition', but that associate with specific symbionts. Most host-specialized types were found to be characteristic of a particular geographic region (i.e. Okinawa versus Central GBR versus Southern GBR). The mode of symbiont acquisition may play an important role in how symbiont composition may shift in west Pacific host communities in response to climate change. There is no indication that recent episodes of mass bleaching have provoked changes in host-symbiont combinations from the central GBR.
Smell identification tests may be of routine clinical value in the differential diagnosis of PD but are subject to cultural variation and have not been systematically evaluated in the Brazilian population. We have applied culturally adapted translations of the University of Pennsylvania 40-item smell identification test (UPSIT-40) and the 16-item identification test from Sniffin` Sticks (SS-16) to nondemented Brazilian PD patients and controls. Pearson`s correlation coefficient between the test scores was 0.76 (95% CI 0.70-0.81, n = 204, P < 0.001). To calculate reliability measures for each test we used the diagnosis (either PD or control) as outcome variable for separate logistic regression analyses using the score in the UPSIT-40 or the SS-16 as a covariate. The SS-16 specificity was 89.0% with a sensitivity of 81.1% (106 PD and 118 controls). The UPSIT-40 specificity was 83.5% and its sensitivity 82.1% (95 PD and 109 controls). Regression curves were used to associate an individual`s smell test score with the probability of belonging to the PD, as opposed to the control group. Our data provide support for the use of the UPSIT-40 and SS-16 to help distinguish early PD from controls. (c) 2008 Movement Disorder Society
The compact myelin sheath represents one of the largest expanses of membrane-membrane contact in the body and, in the central nervous system, requires the myelin proteolipid protein (PLP) for assembly, To determine whether the molecular properties of PLP promote membrane adhesion and direct its subcellular localization in the absence of oligodendrocyte-specific targeting mechanisms, PLP was expressed in COS-I fibroblasts, Immunofluorescence staining indicated that PUP was translated effectively, transited the rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus, was delivered to the cell surface, and was endocytosed, In the plasma membrane, the PLP distribution was patchy and only sporadically coincided with sites of membrane-membrane contact between PLP-expressing cells, PLP was not randomly distributed, however, but correlated closely with microfilament locations in leading edge membranes and microvilli, as demonstrated by phalloidin double labeling, Our results indicate that even in non-myelinating cells, PLP can be concentrated in membranes associated with movement and growth, and suggest possible roles for the actin cytoskeleton in PLP localization, As PLP, DM20, and the DM20-like M6 protein all associate with actin-enriched membranes, this may be a common feature of PLP/DM20 gene family members. (C) 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The SH3 domains of src and other nonreceptor tyrosine kinases have been shown to associate with the motif PXXP, where P and X stand for proline and an unspecified amino acid, but a motif that binds to the SH3 domain of myosin has thus far not been characterized. We previously showed that the SH3 domain of Acanthamoeba myosin-IC interacts with the protein Acan125. We now report that the Acan125 protein sequence contains two tandem consensus PXXP motifs near the C terminus. To test for binding, we expressed a polypeptide, AD3p, which includes 344 residues of native C-terminal sequence and a mutant polypeptide, AD3 Delta 977-994p, which lacks the sequence RPKPVPPPRGAKPAPPPR containing both PXXP motifs. The SH3 domain of Acanthamoeba myosin-IC bound AD3p and not AD3 Delta 977-994p, showing that the PXXP motifs are required for SH3 binding. The sequence of Acan125 is related overall to a protein of unknown function coded by Caenorhabditis elegans gene K07G5.1. The K07G5.1 gene product contains a proline-rich segment similar to the SH3 binding motif found in Acan125. The aligned sequences show considerable conservation of leucines and other hydrophobic residues, including the spacing of these residues, which matches a motif for leucine-rich repeats (LRRs). LRR domains have been demonstrated to be sites for ligand binding. Having an LRR domain and an SH3-binding domain, Acan125 and the C. elegans homologue define a novel family of bifunctional binding proteins.
Introduction: Current advances in frame modeling and computer software allow stereotactic procedures to be performed with great accuracy and minimal risk of neural tissue or vascular injury. Case Report: In this report we associate a previously described minimally invasive stereotactic technique with state-of-the-art 3D computer guidance technology to successfully treat a 55-year-old patient with an arachnoidal cyst obstructing the aqueduct of Sylvius. We provide 1 detailed technical information and discuss how this technique deals with previous limitations for stereotactic manipulation of the aqueductal region. We further discuss current advances in neuroendoscopy for treating obstructive hydrocephalus and make comparisons with our proposed technique. Conclusion: We advocate that this technique is not only capable of treating this pathology but it also has the advantages to enable reestablishment of physiological CSF flow thus preventing future brainstem compression by cyst enlargement.
BACKGROUND. Integrins and other adhesion molecules are essential for maintaining the epithelial phenotype. Some studies have reported correlations between abnormalities in their expression and carcinogenesis, but their role in prostate cancer is unclear. Our aim was to study the expression profile of integrins in surgical specimens of prostate cancer and associate their expression patterns with patient outcomes. METHODS. We selected 111 patients with localized prostate cancer who had undergone radical prostatectomy. Of these patients, 60 had no tumor recurrence after a median follow-up of 123 months. Integrin expression was evaluated by immunohistochemistry in a tissue microarray containing two tumor samples per patient. A semiquantitative analysis was employed. We measured the association between the expression of eight integrins and tumor recurrence. RESULTS. Multivariate analysis showed that expression of alpha 3 and alpha 3 beta 1 was related to worse outcome. When alpha 3 expression was strong and alpha 3 beta 1 expression was positive, the odds of recurrence were 3.0- and 2.5-fold higher, respectively. Only 19% and 28% of patients were recurrence-free in a mean period of 123 months of follow up when their tumors showed strong alpha 3 or positive alpha 3 beta 1 immuno-expression, respectively. CONCLUSIONS. We have shown that the expression of integrin alpha 3 beta 1 was independently associated with tumor recurrence after radical prostatectomy, suggesting that this integrin is a potential prognostic marker. Prostate 70: 1189-1195, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The PrP(C) is expressed in several cell types but its physiological function is unknown. Some studies associate the PrP(C) with copper metabolism and the antioxidant activity of SOD. Our hypothesis was that changes in PrP(C) expression lead to abnormal copper regulation and induce SOD downregulation in the vascular wall. Objectives: to study whether the PrP(C) expression undergoes induction by agents that trigger endoplasmic reticulum stress (ERS) and, in this context, to evaluate the SOD activity. Methods: To trigger ERS, in vitro, rabbit aortic smooth muscle cells were challenged for 4, 8 and 18 hours, with angiotensin-II, tunicamycin and 7-ketocholesterol. For in vivo studies rabbit aortic arteries were subjected to injury by balloon catheter. Results: In vitro baseline SOD activity, determined through inhibition of cytochrome-c reduction, was 13.9 +/- 1.2 U/mg protein, angiotensin-II exposed for 8 hours produced an increase in SOD activity, and cellular copper concentration was about 9 times greater only under these conditions. Western blotting analysis for SOD isoenzymes showed an expression profile that was not correlated with the enzymatic activity. PrP(C) expression decreased after exposure to all agents after different incubation periods. RT-PCR assay showed increased mRNA expression for PrP(C) only in cells stimulated for 8 hours with the different stressors. The PrP(C) mRNA expression in rabbit aortic artery fragments, subjected to balloon catheter injury, showed a pronounced increase immediately after overdistension. The results obtained indicated a PrP(C) protection factor during the early part of the ERS exposure period, but did not demonstrate a SOD-like profile for the PrP(C). (C) 2009 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.