1000 resultados para Estresse psicológico em cuidadores de idosos


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Os transtornos globais do desenvolvimento (TGD) caracterizam-se pelo comprometimento severo em três áreas do desenvolvimento: habilidade de interação social recíproca, habilidade de comunicação, e presença de comportamentos, interesses e atividades estereotipadas (DSM – IV –TR, 2002). As características próprias do comportamento, somadas á severidade do transtorno podem constituir estressores em potencial para familiares e/ou cuidadores. A análise da literatura revelou que esse tema tem sido abordado com base, principalmente, em modelos de déficit, os quais focalizam, predominantemente, a psicopatologia familiar. O modelo biopsicossocial da adaptação à doença crônica de Bradford (1997) pode ser útil na compreensão dos transtornos do desenvolvimento, pois chama a atenção para a interação entre alguns fatores: crenças sobre saúde, apoio social, padrões de interação e comunicação familiar e estratégias de coping. Este estudo investiga as possíveis relações entre auto-eficácia materna e estresse em mães e indivíduos portadores de TGD, tendo como hipótese a correlação negativa entre as variáveis. Participaram deste estudo 30 mães com filhos portadores de TGD, com idades variando entre 30 a 56 anos, cujos filhos tinham diagnóstico de TGD e idades que variam de 12 a 30 anos. Também foram examinadas a visão materna acerca do suporte social recebido, preocupações e dificuldades para lidar com o filho, estratégias de coping, crenças e relacionamento entre os membros da família. Os resultados revelam altos níveis de estresse materno e altos níveis de auto-eficácia materna, porém não foi encontrada correlação entre estes. A análise qualitativa das entrevistas revelou, entre outros aspectos, que a qualidade do relacionamento familiar, rede de apoio social e estratégias de coping são mediadores do efeito TGD sobre o estresse materno. Os dados corroboram as premissas do metamodelo de adaptação familiar à doença crônica ao demonstrar que a presença de um membro com TGD na família não representa necessariamente um evento adverso para as mães, desde que exista uma mediação por parte do suporte social, percepção e identificação dos recursos intra e extrafamiliares, estratégias afetivas de coping e qualidade oferecida pelos sistemas de saúde, sendo particularmente importante, a qualidade das relações familiares.


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This study aimed to validate the technology at Bed Bath System, in view of bedridden elderly and their caregivers, with a view to transforming the conventional paradigm regarding the practice of bodily hygiene held in bath chairs adapted in long-stay institutions for the elderly. This is an experimental study involving 51 (fifty one) elderly and 17 (seventeen) caregivers of three long-stay institutions for the elderly of the city of João Pessoa. For data collection, applied initially to cognitive assessment scale Mini Mental State Examination, with the aim of tracking the subject group of elderly cognitively able to participate in the study. In the second phase, to measure the percentage of agreement and disagreement about the attributes of the subjects of the shower chair and adapted the system for bed bath, used a questionnaire with closed questions, Likert scale model of four (4) points, with a good reliability index (0.728), estimated by alpha conbrach, evidenced by the Wilcoxon test a significant difference (P<0.05) between the responses of seniors and caregivers about the attributes involving technology system in bath bed and bath chair adapted, confirming the perspective of the subjects that the two systems differ significantly. However, the system bed bath got greater degree of agreement for their use, characterizing this system is a technology that makes the differential bed bath pleasurable action, quality and humanized


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This study aimed to analyze stress on nursing staff of intensive care at the Teaching Hospital Onofre Lopes. The study sample consisted of thirty-eight (38) nursing professionals, including technicians and nurses working in the ICU of the hospital Data were collected between September to November 2011 in two stages.The first was the application of the Lipp Stress Symptoms Inventory (LSSI), which allowed us to measure the stress phase in which each team member was. After that, data were tabulated in Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and analyzed according to the 2010 inventory guidelines proposed by the author. After this analysis it was possible to complete the second phase of the research, which consisted of a semi-structured interview designed for those workers who were in the second phase of stress, resistance. Data analysis was based on Bardin 2004 content analysis, enabling the creation of categories based on grouping the ideas present in the interviewees' statements. It was found that the study population was mostly female (78.9%) aged from 30 to 39 years (50%), married (52.3%) and with dual-employment (65.7%). The most predominant phase, according to the Lipp inventory, was the stress resistance, present in 44.7% of the team and having as most predominant physical symptoms the constant feeling of physical exhaustion, verified in 16.8% of the participants, and psychological, the excessive irritability and emotional sensitivity in 26.3%. Regarding the qualitative data it was possible to establish three categories and four subcategories, with the following categories: the stressors of the workplace, overwork and the interpersonal relationships of the nursing staff in the ICU. And as subcategories: Routine care in the ICU; Pressures and Individual Charges; double journey: professional reflections on daily life, the night shift nursing staff and the body suffers, the manifestations of stress; deficient communication between team members. Thus, this study allowed the visualization of the stress phenomenon on nursing staff of the Teaching Hospital Onofre Lopes as a kaleidoscope of thoughts, feelings and experiences perceived by these professionals in different areas of their lives. It was also verified that the strengthening of the stress theme among nursing professionals need to be exploited and stimulated in several nursing areas of discussion so these workers are encouraged to take better care of themselves so they can take care of others health


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This dissertation presents and discusses the results of an applied research on the accessibility of residents in a Long Term Care Institution (LTCIs) in the city of Natal- RN. The main objective of this research is to suggest projectual improvements that maximize the accessibility in a LTCIs of Natal-RN, considering the aspects of mobility, safety, comfort and independence of elderly residents. Moreover, one should consider the specific characteristics of the user population, capabilities and limitations of the biological process of aging, which causes damage to the neurological system, musculoskeletal and cardiovascular and progressively affects on visual acuity, balance and locomotion of elderly people. This research has a qualitative approach and divided into four phases: exploratory, bibliographical and documentary research, mapping of the LTCIs of Natal-RN, case study. The phase of the mapping presented an overview of accessibility on LTCIs of Natal-RN. The institution of the case study was defined based on the overall assessment of accessibility and ergonomics criteria, preceded by an application of an Ergonomic Work Analysis to understand the accessibility of the elderly people. Interactional and observational methods were used to collect field data. To this end, an intense process of social construction was conducted, involving the elderly residents, caregivers, health professionals and general servants and LTCIs´ managers. It was found that the NBR 9050 is not comprehensive to solve the diversity of accessibility problems found in LTCIs. All LTCIs investigated were in disconformity to the NBR 9050. In the case study, it was found that the inappropriate design hinders the daily activities of the elderly people and is a source of risk of accidents. The environment, facilities and lack of assistive technologies hinder the autonomy of the elderly people, and this LTCI requires ergonomic intervention to improve the accessibility, autonomy and security of the elderly people


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Objective: Investigating the indicators of stress, anxiety, depression and the cognitive changes in members of the nursing team at Santa Casa de Misericordia de Assis - SP. Methods: 66 nursing professionals participated in the study, evaluated by psychological and cognitive tracking instruments. Results: The stress experience was not homogenous in the nursing team; high scores in the depression tracking were associated to low cognitive scores. Conclusion: Nursing auxiliaries and technicians were affected by stress. Therefore, workers healthcare should be provided for the whole nursing team.


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Introduction: The Frailty Syndrome is characterized by the decrease of energy reserve and the reduced resistance to stressors. Studies indicate that the neuroendocrine markers can be related to the appearance of this syndrome. The main endocrine answer to stress is the increase of cortisol levels. Objective: To analyze the correlation between the frailty syndrome the salivary cortisol in elderly residing in nursing homes. Method: A traversal study was accomplished, in João Pessoa city, PB, with a sample composed by 69 institutionalized elderly. The collected data refer to the frailty phenotype (weight loss, exhaustion, slowness, weakness, and lower level of physical activity) and to salivary cortisol parameters (first measure - 6-7h; second measure - 11-12h; third measure - 16-17h). In the statistical analysis the Pearson s correlation test was used, Chi square Test and Anova and Simple Linear Regression analyses. Results: The sample was composed by 37.7% of men and 62.3% of women, with age average of 77.52 (±7.82). There was a percentile of 45.8% frail elderly. The frail elderly obtained higher cortisol values in the third measure (p=0.04) and the frailty load was significantly associated to the first measure (r=0.25, p=0.04). The simple linear regression analysis presented a determination rate (R2=0.05) between frailty load and first cortisol measure. Conclusion: The largest cortisol values in the morning and before sleeping among the frail elderly supply indications that can have a relationship of cortisol increase levels and the frailty presence in elderly from nursing homes.


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Introdução: Vem sendo crescente o número de pesquisas que buscam o entendimento das relações entre os desfechos adversos à saúde e as concentrações do cortisol salivar, o qual é um marcador de estresse biológico. O cortisol parece seguir dois estágios de resposta: em situações de baixo/moderado estresse ocorre ativação do eixo Hipotálamo-Pituitária-Adrenal, aumentando o nível do cortisol, entretanto, quando o estresse persiste, o eixo HPA parece tornar-se hipoativo. A sintomatologia depressiva parece ter relação com as concentrações do cortisol, no entanto, essa relação é controversa na literatura. Objetivo: Analisar a relação entre sintomatologia depressiva e concentrações do cortisol em uma amostra de idosos do Nordeste brasileiro, residentes na comunidade. Métodos: Estudo observacional analítico, de caráter transversal, em uma amostra de 256 idosos (≥ 65 anos), residentes na comunidade. A sintomatologia depressiva foi avaliada pela versão brasileira da Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression Scale (≥ 16) e as concentrações do cortisol através da coleta salivar (ao acordar, 30 minutos após acordar, 60 minutos após acordar, às 15 horas e antes de dormir), além de medidas compostas. Como co-variáveis foram avaliadas condições sociodemográficas e de saúde. Para análise das medidas do cortisol entre idosos com e sem presença da sintomatologia depressiva, e entre os sexos, foi realizado o teste t de Student. Para verificar as diferenças entre as medidas do cortisol em cada curva foi utilizada a Análise de Variância (ANOVA) de medidas repetidas, com teste post-hoc de Bonferroni. Resultados: Houve diferença significativa para a medida de cortisol salivar ao acordar, entre os idosos com presença e ausência da sintomatologia depressiva (p=0,04). Não houve significância em relação ao sexo. Na análise entre as medidas de cada curva, foi observado que nos idosos com sintomatologia depressiva a 1ª medida não teve diferença significativa em relação à 2ª e 3ª medidas. Além disso, não houve diferença significativa da 4ª medida em relação à 5ª, demonstrando um maior nível noturno de cortisol para os idosos com sintomatologia depressiva, sem declínio, com aspecto plano da curva. Conclusão: Parece existir relação entre sintomatologia depressiva e hipocortisolismo. Entretanto, no Brasil, as condições adversas de vida podem levar ao estresse crônico e serem fatores fortes suficientes para sobrepor maiores diferenças que pudessem existir em relação à presença da sintomatologia depressiva


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Famílias que estimulam comportamentos socialmente habilidosos parecem favorecer o desenvolvimento social de seus filhos. Assim, intervir no relacionamento dos pais parece ser uma saída para minimizar indicativos de problemas de comportamento. Para uma efetiva intervenção é recomendado especificar as demandas das pessoas que procuram por atendimento, seja através da caracterização do repertório de pais e cuidadores, seja da caracterização das dificuldades e/ou habilidades das crianças e/ou adolescentes. O objetivo da pesquisa foi o de caracterizar, através de uma Entrevista Clínica Semiestruturada, queixas e dificuldades de 59 pais/cuidadores que buscaram atendimento psicológico em um Centro de Psicologia Aplicada. Os resultados principais são: a) queixas de problemas externalizantes, tais como agressividade, desobediência e birras; b) dificuldades dos pais/cuidadores quanto às habilidades envolvidas no estabelecer limites (bater e não ter consistência) e na comunicação. Discute-se a interdependência entre os comportamentos dos adultos e crianças/adolescentes e repercussões para futuras intervenções.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Urinary incontinence (UI) is a geriatric syndrome that is especially prevalent in institutionalized individuals, and that causes economic and social impacts derived from treatment costs and overload of caregiver. UI also entails physical consequences to the health of the elderly, such as urinary tract infections or pressure ulcers, among other health problems. However, the existing national research on this condition is still scarce and comprises serious methodological biases. Therefore, the objective of this study is to determine the prevalence of urinary incontinence and associated factors in institutionalized elderly. A cross-sectional study is presented herein, conducted between October and December, 2013 and carried out in 10 nursing homes in the city of Natal (Northeast Brazil). UI was verified through the program Minimum Data Set version 3.0, which was also used to assess fecal incontinence, urinary devices and UI control programs. Data collection included sociodemographic information, UI characterization, as well as variables related to the institution itself and to health conditions (comorbidities, medication, pelvic floor surgery, Barthel Index for functional capacity and Pfeiffer test for cognitive status). Bivariate analysis was performed using the Chi-Square Test (or Fisher‟s Exact Test) and the Linear Chi-Square Test, calculating the prevalence ratio with 95% confidence interval. Variables with p value under 0.20 were included in the multivariate analysis, which was performed using the Stepwise Forward logistic regression. The inclusion of variables in the final model depended on the likelihood ratio test, absence of multicollinearity and on the Hosmer-Lemeshow test. A statistical significance level of 0.05 was considered. Six (1.8%) hospitalized elderly, one individual in palliative care (0.3%) and one (0.3%) individual under the age of 60 were excluded from the study. The final sample consisted of 321 elderly, mostly females, with a mean age of 81.5 years. The prevalence of UI was 59.43% and the final model revealed statistically a significant association between UI and white race, physical inactivity, stroke, mobility constraints and cognitive decline. The most frequent UI type was functional UI due to physical or cognitive disability, and incontinence control measures were applied only to a minority of residents (approximately 8%). It is concluded that UI is a health issue that affects more than half of the institutionalized elderly, and is associated with white race, physical inactivity, stroke and other geriatric syndromes such as immobility and cognitive disability. Most of these associated factors are modifiable and therefore the findings of this study highlight the importance of UI prevention and treatment in nursing homes, which include general measures, such as physical and psychosocial activities, and specific measures, such as prompted voiding


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC