950 resultados para Envelhecimento acelerado
Nessa pesquisa foi avaliada a utilização do sal de tetrazólio para determinar a maturidade fisiológica das sementes de milho. As sementes utilizadas foram dos híbridos Pioneer 4285 e Dow 2B587, semeadas em 03/10/2014 e 05/12/2014 respectivamente, e colhidas a partir dos 40 dias após o florescimento (DAF), com intervalos de 4 dias até os 68 DAF. As sementes colhidas foram avaliadas quanto à viabilidade e ao vigor (testes de germinação, de emergência da plântula, de condutividade elétrica, de envelhecimento acelerado e determinações do comprimento da plântula). Os parâmetros utilizados para determinar o ponto de maturidade fisiológica das sementes foram a camada preta, a linha de leite, a massa de matéria seca, o teor de água e a avaliação dos tecidos da semente utilizando o sal de tetrazólio, utilizando o método descrito para avaliar a viabilidade, complementado pela avaliação da atividade das células da chalaza e da zona de transferência do endosperma para o embrião. Para as sementes de milho dos dois híbridos a germinação foi superior a 95% e não houve diferença entre as épocas de colheita, somente nas últimas colheitas das sementes do híbrido Dow 2B587 houve redução da germinação e do vigor. O ponto de maturidade fisiológica (PM) foi identificado aos 56 DAF para as sementes de milho do híbrido P4285 e aos 48 DAF para as do híbrido Dow 2B587 e correspondeu ao estádio 4 da linha de leite e ao máximo de acúmulo da matéria seca. O máximo de vigor foi detectado por meio do resultado do teste de envelhecimento acelerado oito dias antes do (PM) para os dois híbridos. A atividade das células do endosperma está relacionada com os demais indicadores do PM (linha de leite, camada preta, massa de matéria seca e teor de água). O transporte de fotoassimilados da planta mãe para a semente cessa no ponto de maturidade fisiológica da semente, desativando o transporte no qual atuam as células da chalaza e da região basal do endosperma. A utilização do sal de tetrazólio possibilita identificar a morte das células da região basal do endosperma, uma vez que a partir desse momento não há mais a reação dessas células com o sal de tetrazólio, indicando que não têm atividade celular. Dessa forma, é possível caracterizar o ponto de maturidade fisiológica da semente de milho, por meio da atividade do sal de tetrazólio; essa caracterização é confirmada pela expressão das enzimas CAT e MDH.
The evaluation of seed vigor is an important factor for detection of lots of high quality seeds, so that development of procedures to evaluate the physiological potential has been an important tool in quality control programs seeds. In this sense the study aimed to adapt the methodologies of accelerated aging, electrical conductivity and potassium leaching to evaluate Moringa oleifera seed vigor LAM.. Therefore, four lots of moringa seeds were subjected to the germination tests, seedling emergence, speed of emergence index, emergence first count, length and dry mass of seedlings and cold test for their physiological characterization, in addition to accelerated aging, electrical conductivity and potassium leaching. The experimental design was completely randomized with four replications of 50 seeds and the means compared by Tukey test at 5% probability. For accelerated aging the periods were studied aging 12, 24 and 72 hours at 40, 42 and 45°C. For the electrical conductivity test was used to a temperature of 25°C for periods of 4, 8, 12, 16 and 24 hours of immersion in 75 to 125 mL of distilled water, using 25 to 50 seeds, and for potassium leaching test samples were used 25 to 50 seeds, placed in plastic cups containing 70 and 100 mL of distilled water at 25°C for periods of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 hours. From the results obtained, it can be inferred that the methods best fit for the accelerated aging test Moringa seeds were a temperature of 40°C for 12 to 72 hours, 42°C 72 hours 45°C 24 hours . In the electrical conductivity test Moringa seeds, the combination of 50 seeds in 75 mL distilled water for a period of immersion of 4 hours and 50 seeds in 125 mL of 4 hours were efficient for the differentiation of lots of Moringa seeds as to vigor and for potassium leaching test moringa seeds, the combination of 50 seeds in 100mL of distilled water allowed the separation of lots of four levels of vigor, at 2 hours of immersion, showing promise in evaluate the quality of moringa seeds.
The evaluation of seed vigor is an important factor for detection of lots of high quality seeds, so that development of procedures to evaluate the physiological potential has been an important tool in quality control programs seeds. In this sense the study aimed to adapt the methodologies of accelerated aging, electrical conductivity and potassium leaching to evaluate Moringa oleifera seed vigor LAM.. Therefore, four lots of moringa seeds were subjected to the germination tests, seedling emergence, speed of emergence index, emergence first count, length and dry mass of seedlings and cold test for their physiological characterization, in addition to accelerated aging, electrical conductivity and potassium leaching. The experimental design was completely randomized with four replications of 50 seeds and the means compared by Tukey test at 5% probability. For accelerated aging the periods were studied aging 12, 24 and 72 hours at 40, 42 and 45°C. For the electrical conductivity test was used to a temperature of 25°C for periods of 4, 8, 12, 16 and 24 hours of immersion in 75 to 125 mL of distilled water, using 25 to 50 seeds, and for potassium leaching test samples were used 25 to 50 seeds, placed in plastic cups containing 70 and 100 mL of distilled water at 25°C for periods of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 hours. From the results obtained, it can be inferred that the methods best fit for the accelerated aging test Moringa seeds were a temperature of 40°C for 12 to 72 hours, 42°C 72 hours 45°C 24 hours . In the electrical conductivity test Moringa seeds, the combination of 50 seeds in 75 mL distilled water for a period of immersion of 4 hours and 50 seeds in 125 mL of 4 hours were efficient for the differentiation of lots of Moringa seeds as to vigor and for potassium leaching test moringa seeds, the combination of 50 seeds in 100mL of distilled water allowed the separation of lots of four levels of vigor, at 2 hours of immersion, showing promise in evaluate the quality of moringa seeds.
Molybdenum is one of the essential micronutrients for soybeans, acting directly on nitrogen metabolism as enzyme cofactor of nitrogenase. Usually, this nutrient is supplied to the plants through seed treatment or foliar application. The aim of this study was to evaluate the molybdenum effects by foliar in the physiological potential of soybean seeds and verify its interference in the enzyme activities involved in nitrogen metabolism. Soybean seeds of BMX Turbo cultivar were used, produced in Erechim, RS, harvest 2013, from plants treated with the following Mo concentrations: 0; 25; 50 and 75 g ha-1, supplied through two commercial products (Biomol and Molybdate) and stored during 0 and 6 months in uncontrolled conditions. The first experiment was conducted in Seedtes Seed Analysis Laboratory in Pato Branco, PR. The used design was completely randomized in a factorial analysis 4 x 2 x 2 with four replications each. The physiological potential of the seeds was evaluated by the germination test, seedling growth, accelerated aging and emergence on the soil. The second experiment was conducted in a greenhouse, where the seeds derived from treatments with different concentrations of Mo: 0; 25; 50 and 75 g ha-1 supplied through two commercial products (Biomol and Molybdate) were grown in vases. The used design was completely randomized in a factorial analysis 4 x 2 with four replications. Evaluations were performed when the plants reached the R1 phenological stage concerning the nodulation, dry matter of root and shoot of the plants and the determination of the activity of the enzymes glutamine synthetase and glutamate synthetase and the content of total soluble proteins. The data were submitted to variance analysis and when significant they were assessed by Tukey’s test for comparison of products and seed storage and with regression study to the concentrations at 5% probability. Analyses were performed using SISVAR statistical software. The soybean seed storage under uncontrolled conditions affected the seed vigour produced with Mo, regardless of the commercial product used during production. The application of Mo through foliar positively influences the production of soya beans which presented increasing responses in the germination and vigour with the application of Mo above 25 g ha-1 . The enrichment of Mo through foliar did not affect the nodulation of plants of the next generation, however, the use of Mo above 25 g ha-1 provided an increase in the activity of enzymes involved in nitrogen metabolism as well as on the total protein content.
The most common method of achieve the required fire resistance is by the use of passive fire protection systems, being intumescent coatings the fire protection material frequently used. These are usually considered thin film coatings as they are applied with a dry film thickness (DFT) between 0.3-3 [mm]. The required DFT is obtained by experimental fire resistance tests performed to assess the contribution of this reactive fire protection material to the steel member fire resistance. This tests are done after dry coating and a short time period of atmospheric conditioning, at constant temperature and humidity. As the coatings formulation is mainly made from polymeric basis compounds, it is expected that the environmental factors, such temperature, humidity and UV radiation (UVA and UVB) significantly affect the intumescent coating fire protection performance and its durability. This work presents a research study about the effects of aging on the fire protection performance of intumescent coatings. A commercial water based coating is submitted to an accelerated aging cycle, using a QUV Accelerated Weathering Tester. This tests aim to simulate 10 years of the coating natural aging. The coating durability is tested comparing the fire protection of small steel samples submitted to a radiant heat flux exposure from a cone calorimeter. In total, 28 tests were performed on intumescent coating protected steel specimens, of which 14 specimens were tested before the hydrothermal aging test and other 14 after accelerated aging. The experimental tests results of the steel temperature evolution shows that increasing the intumescent dry coating film thickness, the fire resistance time increases. After the accelerated aging cycles, the coating lose their ability to expand, resulting in an increase of the steel temperature of approximately 200 [ºC], compared to the samples without aging.
The advantages of the use of vegetable fibers on the synthetic fibers, such as glass fibers, in the reinforcements in composites are: low cost, low density, good tenacity, good thermal properties and reduced use of instruments for their treatment or processing. However, problems related to poor performance of some mechanical natural fibers, have hindered its direct use in structural elements. In this sense, the emergence of alternative materials such as hybrids composites, involving natural and synthetic fibers, has been encouraged by seeking to improve the performance of structural composites based only on natural fibers. The differences between the physical, chemical and mechanical properties of these fibers, especially facing the adverse environmental conditions such as the presence of moisture and ultraviolet radiation, is also becoming a concern in the final response of these composites. This piece of research presents a comparative study of the strength and stiffness between two composite, both of ortoftalic polyester matrix, one reinforced with fibers of glass-E (CV) and other hybrid reinforced with natural fibers of curauá and fiberglass-E (CH). All the comparative study is based on the influence of exposure to UV rays and steam heated water in composites, simulating the aging environment. The conditions for the tests are accelerated through the use of the aging chamber. The composites will be evaluated through tests of uniaxial static mechanical traction and bending on three points. The composite of glass fiber and hybrid manufacturing industry are using the rolling manual (hand lay-up) and have been developed in the form of composites. All were designed to meet possible structural applications such as tanks and pipes. The reinforcements used in composites were in the forms of short fiber glass-E quilts (450g/m2 - 5cm) of continuous wires and fuses (whose title was of 0.9 dtex) for the curauá fibers. The results clearly show the influence of aging on the environmental mechanical performance of the composite CV and CH. The issues concerning the final characteristics of the fracture for all types of cargoes studied were also analyzed
There are a number of damaging mechanisms that various materials can suffer in service. However, when working with polymer composite materials, this is something that requires analysis, especially when exposed to adverse environmental conditions. Thus, the objective of the present thesis is the study of the direct influence of environmental aging and the form of hybridization of the reinforcement woven on the structural stability, surfacedegradation and fracture process of polymer composites laminates. For this, the development of two polymer composite laminates was necessary, where one of them was reinforced with a bi-directional woven with hybrid strandsofkevlar-49/glass-Efibers, and the other also with a bi-directionalwoven, however with weft and warpformed of alternating strandsof Kevlar-49 fibers and glass-E fiber The reinforcementwoven are industrially manufactured. Both laminates use a polyester resin as a matrixand are made up of four layers each. All laminates were industrially prepared by the hand lay-up method of manufacturing. To do this, test specimens were manufactured of the respective laminates and submitted to environmental aging accelerated through the aging chamber. They were exposed to alternating cycles of UV radiation and moisture (heated steam) for a standard defined period. At the end of the exposure period the specimens were subjected to mechanical tests of uniaxial tensile and bending in three points and to the characterizationsof the fracture and surface deterioration. In addition, they were submitted to a structural degradation assessment by the measurement of mass variation technique (MMVT) and the measurement of thickness variation technique (MTVT), this last technique being developed in this thesis. At the end of the analysis it was observed that the form of hybridization of the reinforcement woven and the aging process directly influence with losses or gain in mechanical properties, with losses in the structural degradation and in the formation and propagation of damage mechanism of the developedcomposite laminates
The growing demand in the use of composite materials necessitates a better understanding of its behavior related to many conditions of loading and service, as well as under several ways of connections involved in mechanisms of structural projects. Within these project conditions are highlighted the presence of geometrical discontinuities in the area of cross and longitudinal sections of structural elements and environmental conditions of work like UV radiation, moisture, heat, leading to a decrease in final mechanical response of the material. In this sense, this thesis aims to develop studies detailed (experimental and semi-empirical models) the effects caused by the presence of geometric discontinuity, more specifically, a central hole in the longitudinal section (with reduced cross section) and the influence of accelerated environmental aging on the mechanical properties and fracture mechanism of FGRP composite laminates under the action of uniaxial tensile loads. Studies on morphological behavior and structural degradation of composite laminates are performed by macroscopic and microscopic analysis of affected surfaces, in addition to evaluation by the Measurement technique for mass variation (TMVM). The accelerated environmental aging conditions are simulated by aging chamber. To study the simultaneous influence of aging/geometric discontinuity in the mechanical properties of composite laminates, a semiempirical model is proposed and called IE/FCPM Model. For the stress concentration due to the central hole, an analisys by failures criteria were performed by Average-Stress Criterion (ASC) and Point-Stress Criterion (PSC). Two polymeric composite laminates, manufactured industrially were studied: the first is only reinforced by short mats of fiberglass-E (LM) and the second where the reinforced by glass fiber/E comes in the form of bidirectional fabric (LT). In the conception configurations of laminates the anisotropy is crucial to the final mechanical response of the same. Finally, a comparative study of all parameters was performed for a better understanding of the results. How conclusive study, the characteristics of the final fracture of the laminate under all conditions that they were subjected, were analyzed. These analyzes were made at the macroscopic level (scanner) microscope (optical and scanning electron). At the end of the analyzes, it was observed that the degradation process occurs similarly for each composite researched, however, the LM composite compared to composite LT (configurations LT 0/90º and LT ±45º) proved to be more susceptible to loss of mechanical properties in both regarding with the central hole as well to accelerated environmental aging
Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear)
The utilization of synthetic fibers for plastic reinforcement is more and more frequent and this growing interest requires that their mechanic behavior under the most variable conditions of structural applications be known. The use of such materials in the open and exposed to the elements is one of them. In this case, it becomes extremely necessary to study their mechanical properties (strength, stiffness) and the mechanism of fracture by which the environment aging them out. In order to do that, the material must be submitted to hot steam and ultraviolet radiation exposure cycles, according to periods of time determined by the norms. This study proposal deals with the investigation of accelerated environmental aging in two laminated polymeric composites reinforced by hybrid woven made up of synthetic fibers. The configurations of the laminated composites are defined as: one laminate reinforced with hybrid woven of glass fibers/E and Kevlar fibers/49 (LHVK) and the other laminate is reinforced with hybrid tissue of glass fibers/E and of carbon fibers AS4 (LHVC). The woven are plane and bidirectional. Both laminates are impregnated with a thermofix resin called Derakane 470-300 Epoxy Vinyl-Ester and they form a total of four layers. The laminates were industrially manufactured and were made through the process of hand-lay-up. Comparative analyses were carried out between their mechanical properties by submitting specimen to uniaxial loading tractions and three-point flexion. The specimen were tested both from their original state, that is, without being environmentally aging out, and after environmental aging. This last state was reached by using the environmental aging chamber
Esta pesquisa está inserida em um contexto de crescente participação feminina no mercado de trabalho, especialmente com relação à ascensão da mulher a cargos estratégicos, além de um processo acelerado de envelhecimento populacional, constituindo uma das mais significativas transformações dos últimos anos. A participação feminina em cargos executivos e o processo de envelhecimento são tópicos pouco abordados na literatura acadêmica, tanto isolados quanto inter-relacionados, o que justifica a originalidade deste trabalho. Essas transformações coincidem ainda com o fato de que é a primeira vez que mulheres envelhecem em cargos executivos. Portanto, esta pesquisa tem por objetivo explorar como as mulheres executivas experimentam o processo de envelhecimento. A discussão se mostra relevante na medida em que esta mulher está inserida em um contexto organizacional de dominação masculina, predominantemente jovem, onde se espera que a mulher não ocupe cargos estratégicos. A pesquisa tem como base a perspectiva teórica do construcionismo social de Berger e Luckman (1999) e a abordagem metodológica qualitativa fundamentada nos dados (grounded theory), com base na perspectiva interacionista simbólica de Charmaz (2009). Os dados foram obtidos de 58 entrevistas com mulheres de 40 anos ou mais de idade que ocupam ou ocuparam posição executiva em organizações no Brasil. A pesquisa conclui que, por serem consideradas profissionais mais velhas antes do que os homens e devido aos estigmas associados à idade, as mulheres tendem a omitir o envelhecimento e buscar formas de não o aparentar no ambiente de trabalho. A teoria substantiva apresenta que o envelhecimento é compreendido a partir das noções de morte física, social e executiva e que o renascimento simbólico é uma forma de lidar com as concepções de mortes que persistem no imaginário das mulheres executivas. A teoria é provisória e contingente e reflete a interpretação de uma pesquisadora em particular. Espera-se que ela amplie o campo de estudos da Administração e estimule pesquisadores na continuidade da investigação acerca do envelhecimento de mulheres executivas.
Assistimos a um acelerado processo de envelhecimento demográfico. A população está cada vez mais envelhecida, surgindo a necessidade de promover e incentivar o Envelhecimento Ativo. Este é contínuo, difere de pessoa para pessoa, podendo ser compreendido e influenciado por diversos fatores. As alterações familiares levam a uma reorganização na própria visão do indivíduo ao longo da sua trajetória de vida. O objetivo deste estudo é compreender de que modo as trajetórias familiares influenciam o envelhecimento ativo. A metodologia utilizada foi qualitativa e a recolha de dados obteve-se através de entrevistas semiestruturadas. Foram selecionados 4 sujeitos, 2 homens e 2 mulheres, entre os 70 e os 77 anos, residentes em meio rural e urbano. A análise incidiu sobre as trajetórias familiares ao longo da infância, juventude, idade adulta e pós-reforma. Os resultados constatam que, na infância, a família foi um suporte sólido. Apesar da educação rígida típica da época, os progenitores incentivaram a escolaridade e autonomia dos sujeitos. Na juventude, o fenómeno da emigração esteve presente, tendo sido uma etapa marcada pela falta de liberdade, pela diferença de género e entrada no mundo laboral. Na fase adulta, todos namoraram, primando o respeito, casaram e constituíram família. Nesta fase, também marcada por algumas perdas, todos eles se mantiveram ativos profissionalmente e ao nível do lazer. A entrada na reforma foi vivida com naturalidade, sem implicações familiares, continuando ativos. As conclusões revelam que a família foi importante em todo o ciclo vital, destacando-se a relação mantida com os seus ascendentes, descendentes e cônjuges.
En el Banco y Laboratorio de Semillas del Programa Recursos Genéticos Nicaragüenses (REGEN) se estableció un experimento en el periodo comprendido entre octubre de 1994 y marzo de 1995, con el objetivo de determinar el efecto de tres condiciones ambientales (cuarto frío, cuarto seco y ambiente) sobre cuatro lotes de semillas certificada de maíz, tomando como referencia la prueba de germinación estándar y de envejecimiento acelerado a los 10, 100 y 143 días después del almacenamiento. La germinación de la semilla sometida a prueba estándares y condiciones de estrés (germinación envejecida) se diferenciaron estadísticamente, así como los ambientes y cultivares evaluados en los tres períodos de almacenamiento. Los mayores porcentajes de germinación de los cultivares evaluados se obtuvieron en los ambientes fríos y secos. Asimismo, los mayores porcentajes de germinación iniciales lo presentaron los cultivares H-5 y NB-6, seguido de los cultivares NB-12. En lo que respecta a la germinación estándar, los menores porcentajes de germinación se obtuvieron en el segundo período de almacenamiento (68 % y 83 %) y entre 16 % y 78 % para la germinación con la prueba envejecida. A los 100 días de almacenar las semillas en la prueba de envejecimiento acelerado la variedad NB-6 presentó un 16 % de germinación (ambiente) y 47.5% a los 143 días de almacenamiento (cuarto frío). Al final del período la germinación (semillas envejecidas) aumentó positivamente quedando el siguiente orden: NB-12 B (78 %), H-5 (71 %), NB-12 A (64.5 %) y NB-6 (52.5 %).
El presente trabajo se realizó en Geneticos Nicaraguenses (REGEN) adscrito Nacional Agraria a finales de 1995 con el la Prueba de Envejecimiento Acelerado (PEA) el Programa a la Universidad propósito de utilizar de semillas como una herramienta más para evaluar vigor, atributo relacionado con la emergencia en campo y la almacenabilidad de las mismas. El estudio se realizó con seis variedades (dos mejoradas modernas y cuatro locales o tradicionales) sometidas a condiciones de envejecimiento acelerado a fin de diferenciar los genotipos en base a su comportamiento después de la prueba mencionada. Se evaluaron en laboratorio y en campo en un diseño completamente al azar, las variables siguientes: Germinación estándar. número de plantas emergidas. velocidad de emergencia, materia seca de plántulas y de raíces. Del análisis de los resultados se llego a las conclusiones siguientes: 1) De manera general. la PA permitió hacer una diferenciación entre los materiales estudiados: las variedades locales mostraron un comportamiento superior con relación a las mejoradas. 2) La variedad local "Chile" se vio menos afectada por la PEA considerándose como un material muy vigoroso y con alto potencial de almacenamiento. ) La reducción de la terminación inicial de las variedades locales después de la PEA fue hasta un 24%. en cambio para las mejoradas fue mayor de un 48%. 4)Las variables materia seca de plántula y de raíz no permitieron valorar objetivamente la calidad de las semillas debido a las variaciones observadas. 5) Al correlacionar los resultados de la Prueba de Germinación Estándar y de la PEA con la emergencia en campo, la primera mostró un mayor coeficiente de correlación (0.98 **)con relación a la segunda prueba (0.82*). 6) A fin de mejorar la metodología de la PEA se recomienda, para llegar a conclusiones más definitivas, uniformizar ciertos parámetros de las semillas de los materiales genéticos sujetos a estudio como son: Calidad fisiológica Inicial, contenido de humedad Inicial, condiciones previas de almacenamiento, color de testa, rugosidad etc.
Resumen: Los materiales plásticos utilizados en la industria del embalaje y transporte de mercaderías familiares e industriales, presentan numerosas ventajas que los han puesto en su lugar durante los últimos 50 años. En la actualidad, son miles de millones de toneladas anuales de bolsas o embalajes de polietileno, las que diariamente se producen, se usan, se recuperan (en muy pequeña parte) y son finalmente dispuestas, quemadas o literalmente arrojadas al medio ambiente. La alta estabilidad química o la muy baja tasa de degradación, hace que estos residuos perduren en el medio - en la mayoría de los casos por más de 100 años- dependiendo las condiciones ambientales locales. Hace pocos años, se adaptaron conocimientos científicos a esta problemática, y de ello nacieron dos formas de atacar la eliminación del plástico como desecho (más allá del reciclado y uso racional): por un lado, la utilización de bioplásticos con propiedades biodegradables; y por otro, el agregado de aditivos pro-degradantes a plásticos convencionales. El presente trabajo, tiene por objeto tomar a esta última herramienta, sobre la cual se han comenzado a estudiar los mecanismos químicos por los cuales cumplen su función, evaluándolos en distintas condiciones aceleradas de laboratorio. De esta manera, se caracterizaron velocidades de degradación abiótica mediante envejecimientos acelerados con radiación ultravioleta y térmica, para films de polietileno aditivados con un compuesto oxodegradante comercial. Se estudiaron distintas concentraciones de aditivo en el polímero, en función del tiempo de envejecimiento. Las caracterizaciones incluyeron análisis mecánico, análisis térmico diferencial, espectroscopía de absorción infrarroja y de Absorción Atómica.