976 resultados para Dynamical variables


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Identification of dominant modes is an important step in studying linearly vibrating systems, including flow-induced vibrations. In the presence of uncertainty, when some of the system parameters and the external excitation are modeled as random quantities, this step becomes more difficult. This work is aimed at giving a systematic treatment to this end. The ability to capture the time averaged kinetic energy is chosen as the primary criterion for selection of modes. Accordingly, a methodology is proposed based on the overlap of probability density functions (pdf) of the natural and excitation frequencies, proximity of the natural frequencies of the mean or baseline system, modal participation factor, and stochastic variation of mode shapes in terms of the modes of the baseline system - termed here as statistical modal overlapping. The probabilistic descriptors of the natural frequencies and mode shapes are found by solving a random eigenvalue problem. Three distinct vibration scenarios are considered: (i) undamped arid damped free vibrations of a bladed disk assembly, (ii) forced vibration of a building, and (iii) flutter of a bridge model. Through numerical studies, it is observed that the proposed methodology gives an accurate selection of modes. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents the development and application of a stochastic dynamic programming model with fuzzy state variables for irrigation of multiple crops. A fuzzy stochastic dynamic programming (FSDP) model is developed in which the reservoir storage and soil moisture of the crops are considered as fuzzy numbers, and the reservoir inflow is considered as a stochastic variable. The model is formulated with an objective of minimizing crop yield deficits, resulting in optimal water allocations to the crops by maintaining storage continuity and soil moisture balance. The standard fuzzy arithmetic method is used to solve all arithmetic equations with fuzzy numbers, and the fuzzy ranking method is used to compare two or more fuzzy numbers. The reservoir operation model is integrated with a daily-based water allocation model, which results in daily temporal variations of allocated water, soil moisture, and crop deficits. A case study of an existing Bhadra reservoir in Karnataka, India, is chosen for the model application. The FSDP is a more realistic model because it considers the uncertainty in discretization of state variables. The results obtained using the FSDP model are found to be more acceptable for the case study than those of the classical stochastic dynamic model and the standard operating model, in terms of 10-day releases from the reservoir and evapotranspiration deficit. (C) 2015 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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The cybernetic modeling framework for the growth of microorganisms provides for an elegant methodology to account for the unknown regulatory phenomena through the use of cybernetic variables for enzyme induction and activity. In this paper, we revisit the assumption of limited resources for enzyme induction (Sigma u(i) = 1) used in the cybernetic modeling framework by presenting a methodology for inferring the individual cybernetic variables u(i) from experimental data. We use this methodology to infer u(i) during the simultaneous consumption of glycerol and lactose by Escherichia coli and then model the fitness trade-offs involved in the recently discovered predictive regulation strategy of microorganisms.


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A method to weakly correct the solutions of stochastically driven nonlinear dynamical systems, herein numerically approximated through the Eule-Maruyama (EM) time-marching map, is proposed. An essential feature of the method is a change of measures that aims at rendering the EM-approximated solution measurable with respect to the filtration generated by an appropriately defined error process. Using Ito's formula and adopting a Monte Carlo (MC) setup, it is shown that the correction term may be additively applied to the realizations of the numerically integrated trajectories. Numerical evidence, presently gathered via applications of the proposed method to a few nonlinear mechanical oscillators and a semi-discrete form of a 1-D Burger's equation, lends credence to the remarkably improved numerical accuracy of the corrected solutions even with relatively large time step sizes. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We propose the generation of Standard Model fermion hierarchy by the extension of renormalizable SO(10) GUT with O(N (g) ) family gauge symmetry. In this scenario, Higgs representations of SO(10) also carry family indices and are called Yukawons. Vacuum expectation values of these Yukawon fields break GUT and family symmetry and generate MSSM Yukawa couplings dynamically. We have demonstrated this idea using Higgs irrep, ignoring the contribution of 1 2 0-plet which is, however, required for complete fitting of fermion mass-mixing data. The effective MSSM matter fermion couplings to the light Higgs pair are determined by the null eigenvectors of the MSSM-type Higgs doublet superfield mass matrix . A consistency condition on the doublet (1,2,+/- 1]) mass matrix ( 0) is required to keep one pair of Higgs doublets light in the effective MSSM. We show that the Yukawa structure generated by null eigenvectors of are of generic kind required by the MSSM. A hidden sector with a pair of (S (a b) ; I center dot (a b) ) fields breaks supersymmetry and facilitates 0. SUSY breaking is communicated via supergravity. In this scenario, matter fermion Yukawa couplings are reduced from 15 to just 3 parameters in MSGUT with three generations.


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We propose a Monte Carlo filter for recursive estimation of diffusive processes that modulate the instantaneous rates of Poisson measurements. A key aspect is the additive update, through a gain-like correction term, empirically approximated from the innovation integral in the time-discretized Kushner-Stratonovich equation. The additive filter-update scheme eliminates the problem of particle collapse encountered in many conventional particle filters. Through a few numerical demonstrations, the versatility of the proposed filter is brought forth.


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Based on the internal variable theory, a viscoelastic constitutive model of a highly deformable continuous medium is proposed. A set of second rank tensorial internal state variables corresponding to Biot's strain is introduced, and a nonlinear evolution


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The frequency characteristics of a VCSEL with a quarter-wave plate (QWP) and an external reflector are investigated with the translation matrix of the vectorial field. Two series of eigenmode with a shift of half the free spectrum range are linearly polarized, respectively, along the neutral axes of QWP. We also numerically explore the polarization self-modulation phenomenon by using a vectorial laser equation and considering the inhomogeneous broadening of the gain medium. If the external cavity is so short that the shift is bigger than the homogeneous broadening, two stable longitudinal modes oscillate, respectively, on the neutral axes of QWP because they consume different carriers. With a long external cavity, the competition of the modes for the common carriers causes the intensity fluctuation of the modes with a period of one round-trip time of the external cavity.


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In order to study the failure of disordered materials, the ensemble evolution of a nonlinear chain model was examined by using a stochastic slice sampling method. The following results were obtained. (1) Sample-specific behavior, i.e. evolutions are different from sample to sample in some cases under the same macroscopic conditions, is observed for various load-sharing rules except in the globally mean field theory. The evolution according to the cluster load-sharing rule, which reflects the interaction between broken clusters, cannot be predicted by a simple criterion from the initial damage pattern and even then is most complicated. (2) A binary failure probability, its transitional region, where globally stable (GS) modes and evolution-induced catastrophic (EIC) modes coexist, and the corresponding scaling laws are fundamental to the failure. There is a sensitive zone in the vicinity of the boundary between the GS and EIC regions in phase space, where a slight stochastic increment in damage can trigger a radical transition from GS to EIC. (3) The distribution of strength is obtained from the binary failure probability. This, like sample-specificity, originates from a trans-scale sensitivity linking meso-scopic and macroscopic phenomena. (4) Strong fluctuations in stress distribution different from that of GS modes may be assumed as a precursor of evolution-induced catastrophe (EIC).


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La leptospirosis es considerada una de las zoonosis más difundidas en el mundo entero. El perro actúa como un potencial diseminador de esta enfermedad ya que mantiene una estrecha relación con el hombre, y al mismo tiempo con otros animales tanto domésticos como salvajes. Con el objetivo de conocer la presencia de leptospirosis canina, se realizó estudio en ocho barrios del distrito dos de la cuidad de Managua entre 8 de septiembre al 9 de diciembre 2007. Se realizó un muestreo de 76 canes, correspondiente al 5% del total de canes en los ocho barrios. Se extrajo 3ml de sangre de la vena safena externa, luego de procesarlas para separar el suero sanguíneo del plasma mediante centrifugación, fueron trasladadas al laboratorio del Centro Veterinario de Diagnóstico e Investigación CEVEDI, UNAN-León, para su análisis mediante los métodos ELISA y MAT. De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos mediante la prueba ELISA un 93.4%, 71 canes, son negativos y un 6.6%, o bien 5 especímenes, son seropositivos a Leptospira spp. Según los resultados de la prueba de micro aglutinación MAT, el 96.1% de la población muestreada es negativa y el 3.9% es positiva a leptospirosis encontrándose los siguientes serovares canico/a, icterohemorragiae, pyrogenes.


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Low-dimensional systems are constructed to investigate dynamics of vortex dislocations in a wake-type shear flow. High-resolution direct numerical simulations are employed to obtain flow snapshots from which the most energetic modes are extracted using proper orthogonal decomposition (POD). The first 10 modes are classified into two groups. One represents the general characteristics of two-dimensional wake-type shear flow, and the other is related to the three-dimensional properties or non-uniform characteristics along the span. Vortex dislocations are generated by these two kinds of coherent structures. The results from the first 20 three-dimensional POD modes show that the low- dimensional systems have captured the basic properties of the wake-type shear flow with vortex dislocation, such as two incommensurable frequencies and their beat frequency.


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To describe the various complex mechanisms of the dissipative dynamical system between waves, currents, and bottoms in the nearshore region that induce typically the wave motion on large-scale variation of ambient currents, a generalized wave action equation for the dissipative dynamical system in the nearshore region is developed by using the mean-flow equations based on the Navier-Stokes equations of viscous fluid, thus raising two new concepts: the vertical velocity wave action and the dissipative wave action, extending the classical concept, wave action, from the ideal averaged flow conservative system into the real averaged flow dissipative system (that is, the generalized conservative system). It will have more applications.