378 resultados para Diaspora indienne
In this study, we establish a relation between the representation of space in Muñiz’s essays and the construction of the essayist’s complex identity which combines Spanish, Jewish and Mexican traits. We concentrate on Angelina Muñiz’s essays Las raíces y las ramas (1993) and El canto del peregrino (1999). Methodologically, we rely on Maingueneau’s concept of ‘scenography’, according to which the text stages its own situation of enunciation. Our starting point is the triple Spanish-Jewish-Mexican identity of the essayist. Our research question is about how the essayist deals with the space corresponding to respectively the Spanish and Mexican part of her identity. Secondly, we analyse the representation in the essays of a space corresponding to her Jewish roots. We find that Muñiz’s vision of space is not static; the essayist’s vision on space is dynamic, open, free and characterized by a constant free movement across national borders. Similar to the concept of space of the ‘diaspora’, her vision is constructed without the limitations imposed by national borderlines or geographical distances.
This article compares experiences of shared schooling in societies with 2 distinctive traits: first, a history of intercommunity conflict and isolation; and second, a segregated school system. Drawing on Parekh’s (2006) reconceptualisation of multiculturalism, this article analyses issues arising from experiences of intercommunity contact in shared schools in Quebec and Northern Ireland—in one case, bringing Anglophones and Francophones together and, in the other, Protestants and Catholics. Research data from both contexts is drawn upon to reflect on how this experience is lived. The metaphor of a journey is used to capture what it represents for those involved. A need to clarify, recognize, and exploit the potential of shared schooling for the transformation of divided societies is identified.
In the areas adjacent to the drowned Pleistocene continent of Sunda – present-day Mainland and Island SE Asia – the Austronesian Hypothesis of a diaspora of rice cultivators from Taiwan ∼4200 years ago has often been linked with the start of farming. Mounting evidence suggests that these developments should not be conflated and that alternative explanations should be considered, including indigenous inception of complex patterns of plant food production and early exchange of plants, animals, technology and genes. We review evidence for widespread forest disturbance in the Early Holocene which may accompany the beginnings of complex food-production. Although often insubstantial, evidence for incipient and developing management of rainforest vegetation and of developing complex relationships with plants is present, and early enough to suggest that during the Early to mid-Holocene this vast region was marked by different approaches to plant food production. The trajectory of the increasingly complex relationships between people and their food organisms was strongly locally contingent and in many cases did not result in the development of agricultural systems that were recognisable as such at the time of early European encounters. Diverse resource management economies in the Sunda and neighbouring regions appear to have accompanied rather than replaced a reliance on hunting and gathering. This, together with evidence for Early Holocene interaction between these neighbours, gives cause for us to question some authors continued adherence to a singular narrative of the Austronesian Hypothesis and the ‘Neolithisation’ of this part of the world. It also leads us to suggest that the forests of this vast region are, to an extent, a cultural artefact.
According to Deleuze and Guattari (1987) ‘de-territorialization’ is followed by a moment of re-territorialization. This moment, however, has to be regarded as a continuing educational process that becomes a different spatial site of social practices. It is argued in this chapter that regional, local as well as global identification override national and mono-ethno cultural identities, while shaping particular notions of gendered belonging and creating specific diasporic practices. Based on a sample of interviews with professional and academic South Asian British citizens in London, in Leicester, and in a number of Northern English cities gendered and generational patterns in terms of local diasporic identities are explored. Apart from multiple cultural belonging, foremost, territorial bonds and notions of group loyalty collapse at a point where temporary migration and settlement alternate in individual biographies.
O presente trabalho inscreve-se no domínio da etnomusicologia, resulta da realização de trabalho de campo multissituado e propõe-se compreender a comunidade católica damanense residente em Damão (Índia) e no Reino Unido partindo do estudo da música adotada e praticada pelos seus membros. O repertório performativo analisado neste trabalho inclui música (religiosa e secular) e dança entendidas pelos damanenses como herdadas do antigo colonizador, música e dança anglo-saxónica e de Bollywood transmitida pelos meios de comunicação de massa atuais e, ainda, aquela que é veicularmente considerada pelos damanenses católicos como “a música damanense” ou “a música original de Damão” e à qual é aqui dado um enfoque especial: o mandó. Argumento que a compreensão deste repertório e dos diferentes significados de que se reveste nos permite também compreender a própria damanidade, cuja performance é caracterizada pelos mesmos princípios que definem a da música. Permite-nos, igualmente, entender o modo como os damanenses católicos vivem a sua condição de integração na Índia enquanto comunidade pós-colonial não-independente. Este trabalho procura contribuir, portanto, para a inscrição da realidade dos territórios poscoloniais integrados no quadro da teoria do poscolonialismo e reflete sobre o protagonismo da música na construção de lugares de memória e de imaginação tanto no território de origem (Damão) como na diáspora (Reino Unido).
The main goal of this thesis is to analyse tourism as a contributor to sustainable development, from a supply and demand perspective, in Timor-Leste, a destination not only “young” but also framed in an early stage of touristic development. From the supply side, studies 1 and 2 present a literature review on the concept of sustainable development, in small islands destinations, its weaknesses and vulnerabilities, and whose attractiveness lies in an integrated set of natural resources (attractive beaches, biodiversity, the coral triangle, a rich fauna and flora), its geographic location, tropical climate, socio cultural tradition and a Luso-Timorense cultural mix, that can meet the needs of important segments of the tourist demand. In these studies, the focus is on the residents’ attitudes in relation to sustainable development and, in particular, on the perceptions of local leaders about the importance of the operationalization of the concept. As Timor-Leste is a “young” destination, it is travel industry is still faced with several problems in order to be able to satisfy the demand and to meet the tourists’ motivations, preferences and requirements. In this perspective, the study 3 examines diaspora tourism, while a niche market, allowing for not only the entry of Timor-Leste in the international tourism market, but also an articulation between the people of Timor-Leste in the diasporas and the development of sustainable tourism . In general, the results show that the development of sustainable tourism cannot be successfully implemented without the involvement of all stakeholders such as residents, public sector (local government, policy makers, planners), private sector (tourism operators), and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that include civil society, religious institutions, the academic community (the supply side), and Timorese diasporas tourists as consumers (the demand side).
Tese de doutoramento, Antropologia (Antropologia da Etnicidade e do Político), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, 2014
Tese de doutoramento, Antropologia (Antropologia da Religião e do Simbólico), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, 2014
This paper examines the politics and poetics of identity construction and articulation among guiqiao (Returned Overseas Chinese) through a case study of a postage stamp exhibition put up jointly by an ordinary guiqiao and an official huaqiao (Overseas Chinese) museum in Quanzhou, China. Two conflicting meaning systems are identified in this exhibition. On the surface and mainly through words, it promulgates a highly clichéd China-centred discourse of huaqiao as patriotic subjects, legitimated by the authority of an official museum. Simultaneously, it articulates implicitly a “trans-local diasporic subjectivity” conveyed by the imagery of stamps and constituted by constant interactions between the materiality of stamps and the bodily experience of stamp collectors beyond the museum. This study contributes to the study of guiqiao, and of Chinese diaspora in general, in two ways. First, it complicates the conventional understanding of guiqiao identity by pinpointing contested negotiations between the state from above and guiqiao from below, involving simultaneously conflicts and compromises. Secondly, it brings to light the important role of body, affect and materiality in the construction and articulation of guiqiao identities, paving the way for integrating museum and migration studies with the potential to re-conceptualize transnational mobilities in the Chinese context and beyond.
In this PhD by Publication I revisit and contextualize art works and essays I have collaboratively created under the name Flow Motion between 2004-13, in order to generate new insights on the contributions they have made to diverse and emerging fields of contemporary arts practice/research, including digital, virtual, sonic and interdisciplinary art. The works discussed comprise the digital multimedia installation and sound art performance Astro Black Morphologies/Astro Dub Morphologies (2004-5), the sound installation and performance Invisible (2006-7), the web art archive and performance presentation project promised lands (2008-10), and two related texts, Astro Black Morphologies: Music and Science Lovers (2004) and Music and Migration (2013). I show how these works map new thematic constellations around questions of space and diaspora, music and cosmology, invisibility and spectrality, the body and perception. I also show how the works generate new connections between and across contemporary avant-garde, experimental and popular music, and visual art and cinema traditions. I describe the methodological design, approaches and processes through which the works were produced, with an emphasis on transversality, deconstruction and contemporary black music forms as key tools in my collaborative artistic and textual practice. I discuss how, through the development of methods of data translation and transformation, and distinctive visual approaches for the re-elaboration of archival material, the works produced multiple readings of scientific narratives, digital X-ray data derived from astronomical research on black holes and dark energy, and musical, photographic and textual material related to historical and contemporary accounts of migration. I also elaborate on the relation between difference and repetition, the concepts of multiplicity and translation, and the processes of collective creation which characterize my/Flow Motion’s work. The art works and essays I engage with in this commentary produce an idea of contemporary art as the result of a fluid, open and mutating assemblage of diverse and hybrid methods and mediums, and as an embodiment of a cross-cultural, transversal and transdisciplinary knowledge shaped by research, process, creative dialogues, collaborative practice and collective signature.
En Suisse, comme dans de nombreux pays européens, l'exigence d'une représentation musulmane impose une forme d'inscription dans l'espace public d'acteurs emblématiques de l'islam. Cette contribution entend éclairer les différentes contraintes institutionnelles qui poussent les musulmans à s'inscrire différemment dans l'espace public. On distingue d'une part, une tendance s'efforçant d'apparaître dans l'espace public comme une structure confessionnelle garant de la communitas islamica. Elle est composée de communautés de la diaspora qui ont obtenu des accords auprès de la Confédération et de communautés qui se fédèrent au niveau cantonal pour constituer une représentation auprès des autorités de régulation religieuse. D'autre part, des acteurs parviennent à imposer leurs exigences d'un homo islamicus idéalisé en s'inscrivant pleinement dans l'espace médiatique au risque de prétériter la « représentation » chèrement acquise par des acteurs institutionnels
La dialectique entre radiodiffusion et histoire des relations culturelles internationales est un domaine largement inexploré. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'analyser le rôle de la Société suisse de radiodiffusion (SSR), société privée qui exerce jusqu'en 1983 le monopole sur l'ensemble des stations de radio suisses, dans l'intensification des relations culturelles internationales de la Confédération. Pour examiner cette dimension des activités de la SSR, je me suis prioritairement penchée sur l'étude de la radio internationale helvétique, dénommée alors « Service suisse d'ondes courtes » (SOC). A l'instar de plusieurs organismes similaires à l'étranger, le SOC remplit dès ses débuts une double mission : resserrer les liens avec la diaspora et faire rayonner le pays hors des frontières nationales. Cette recherche met sur le devant de la scène un acteur médiatique aujourd'hui totalement oublié, le Service suisse d'ondes courtes. Par rapport à l'historiographie des radios internationales, elle mêle approche institutionnelle et, dans la mesure des sources disponibles, l'analyse de la programmation. Elle complète aussi l'histoire de la diplomatie culturelle suisse en rappelant la place du service public audiovisuel parmi les institutions chargées de promouvoir le pays à l'étranger. Pour finir, cette étude constitue également un apport à l'histoire des organisations internationales liées à la radiodiffusion (UIR, UIT). L'analyse du volet international des activités de la SSR a permis de dépasser la seule notion de « puissance » qui a été jusqu'à ces dernières années au coeur des ouvrages dévolus aux radios internationales. L'objectif poursuivi par la SSR ne réside pas tellement dans la diplomatie d'influence (l'exercice d'un « soft power »), qui tend à imposer ses valeurs et un mode de vie, mais plutôt dans la volonté de faire comprendre et reconnaître la culture politique de la Suisse dans le but de renforcer et pérenniser la place de celle-ci dans le concert des nations. Dans cette perspective, la culture devient un moyen utilisé pour transmettre à l'étranger une représentation valorisante du pays, une image de marque (une forme de « Nation Branding » avant l'heure) également utile au secteur touristique et à l'industrie d'exportation. Le Service suisse d'ondes courtes fait ainsi avant tout des relations publiques, un avant-goût de ce que les Américains appelleront dans les années 1960 la « public diplomacy »