973 resultados para Diamond-like Carbon


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El ensamblado de nanotubos de carbono (CNT) como una fibra macroscópica en la cual están orientados preferentemente paralelos entre sí y al eje de la fibra, ha dado como resultado un nuevo tipo de fibra de altas prestaciones derivadas de la explotación eficiente de las propiedades axiales de los CNTs, y que tiene un gran número de aplicaciones potenciales. Fibras continuas de CNTs se produjeron en el Instituto IMDEA Materiales mediante el proceso de hilado directo durante la reacción de síntesis por deposición química de vapores. Uno de los objetivos de esta tesis es el estudio de la estructura de estas fibras mediante técnicas del estado del arte de difracción de rayos X de sincrotrón y la elaboración de un modelo estructural de dicho material. Mediciones texturales de adsorción de gases, análisis de micrografías de electrones y dispersión de rayos X de ángulo alto y bajo (WAXS/SAXS) indican que el material tiene una estructura mesoporosa con una distribución de tamaño de poros ancha derivada del amplio rango de separaciones entre manojos de CNTs, así como una superficie específica de 170m2/g. Los valores de dimensión fractal obtenidos mediante SAXS y análisis Barrett-Joyner-Halenda (BJH) de mediciones texturales coinciden en 2.4 y 2.5, respectivamente, resaltando el carácter de red de la estructura de dichas fibras. La estructura mesoporosa y tipo hilo de las fibra de CNT es accesible a la infiltración de moléculas externas (líquidos o polímeros). En este trabajo se estudian los cambios en la estructura multiescala de las fibras de CNTs al interactuar con líquidos y polímeros. Los efectos de la densificación en la estructura de fibras secas de CNT son estudiados mediante WAXS/SAXS. El tratamiento de densificación junta los manojos de la fibra (los poros disminuyen de tamaño), resultando en un incremento de la densidad de la fibra. Sin embargo, los dominios estructurales correspondientes a la transferencia de esfuerzo mecánica y carga eléctrica en los nanotubos no son afectados durante este proceso de densificación; como consecuencia no se produce un efecto sustancial en las propiedades mecánicas y eléctricas. Mediciones de SAXS and fibra de CNT antes y después de infiltración de líquidos confirman la penetración de una gran cantidad de líquidos que llena los poros internos de la fibra pero no se intercalan entre capas de nanotubos adyacentes. La infiltración de cadenas poliméricas de bajo peso molecular tiende a expandir los manojos en la fibra e incrementar el ángulo de apertura de los poros. Los resultados de SAXS indican que la estructura interna de la fibra en términos de la organización de las capas de tubos y su orientación no es afectada cuando las muestras consisten en fibras infiltradas con polímeros de alto peso molecular. La cristalización de varios polímeros semicristalinos es acelerada por la presencia de fibras de CNTs alineados y produce el crecimiento de una capa transcristalina normal a la superficie de la fibra. Esto es observado directamente mediante microscopía óptica polarizada, y detectado mediante calorimetría DSC. Las lamelas en la capa transcristalina tienen orientación de la cadena polimérica paralela a la fibra y por lo tanto a los nanotubos, de acuerdo con los patrones de WAXS. Esta orientación preferencial se sugiere como parte de la fuerza impulsora en la nucleación. La nucleación del dominio cristalino polimérico en la superficie de los CNT no es epitaxial. Ocurre sin haber correspondencia entre las estructuras cristalinas del polímero y los nanotubos. Estas observaciones contribuyen a la compresión del fenómeno de nucleación en CNTs y otros nanocarbonos, y sientan las bases para el desarrollo de composites poliméricos de gran escala basados en fibra larga de CNTs alineados. ABSTRACT The assembly of carbon nanotubes into a macroscopic fibre material where they are preferentially aligned parallel to each other and to the fibre axis has resulted in a new class of high-performance fibres, which efficiently exploits the axial properties of the building blocks and has numerous applications. Long, continuous CNT fibres were produced in IMDEA Materials Institute by direct fibre spinning from a chemical vapour deposition reaction. These fibres have a complex hierarchical structure covering multiple length scales. One objective of this thesis is to reveal this structure by means of state-of-the-art techniques such as synchrotron X-ray diffraction, and to build a model to link the fibre structural elements. Texture and gas absorption measurements, using electron microscopy, wide angle and small angle X-ray scattering (WAXS/SAXS), and pore size distribution analysis by Barrett-Joyner-Halenda (BJH), indicate that the material has a mesoporous structure with a wide pore size distribution arising from the range of fibre bundle separation, and a high surface area _170m2/g. Fractal dimension values of 2.4_2.5 obtained from the SAXS and BJH measurements highlight the network structure of the fibre. Mesoporous and yarn-like structure of CNT fibres make them accessible to the infiltration of foreign molecules (liquid or polymer). This work studies multiscale structural changes when CNT fibres interact with liquids and polymers. The effects of densification on the structure of dry CNT fibres were measured by WAXS/SAXS. The densification treatment brings the fibre bundles closer (pores become smaller), leading to an increase in fibre density. However, structural domains made of the load and charge carrying nanotubes are not affected; consequently, it has no substantial effect on mechanical and electrical properties. SAXS measurements on the CNT fibres before and after liquid infiltration imply that most liquids are able to fill the internal pores but not to intercalate between nanotubes. Successful infiltration of low molecular weight polymer chains tends to expand the fibre bundles and increases the pore-opening angle. SAXS results indicate that the inner structure of the fibre, in terms of the nanotube layer arrangement and the fibre alignment, are not largely affected when infiltrated with polymers of relatively high molecular weight. The crystallisation of a variety of semicrystalline polymers is accelerated by the presence of aligned fibres of CNTs and results in the growth of a transcrystalline layer perpendicular to the fibre surface. This can be observed directly under polarised optical microscope, and detected by the exothermic peaks during differential scanning calorimetry. The discussion on the driving forces for the enhanced nucleation points out the preferential chain orientation of polymer lamella with the chain axis parallel to the fibre and thus to the nanotubes, which is confirmed by two-dimensional WAXS patterns. A non-epitaxial polymer crystal growth habit at the CNT-polymer interface is proposed, which is independent of lattice matching between the polymer and nanotubes. These findings contribute to the discussion on polymer nucleation on CNTs and other nanocarbons, and their implication for the development of large polymer composites based on long and aligned fibres of CNTs.


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Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank EPSRC (EP/ K018345/1) and Royal Society-NSFC International Exchange Scheme for providing financial support to this research.


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PII is a protein allosteric effector in Escherichia coli and other bacteria that indirectly regulates glutamine synthetase at the transcriptional and post-translational levels in response to nitrogen availability. Data supporting the notion that plants have a nitrogen regulatory system(s) includes previous studies showing that the levels of mRNA for plant nitrogen assimilatory genes such as glutamine synthetase (GLN) and asparagine synthetase (ASN) are modulated by carbon and organic nitrogen metabolites. Here, we have characterized a PII homolog (GLB1) in two higher plants, Arabidopsis thaliana and Ricinus communis (Castor bean). Each plant PII-like protein has high overall identity to E. coli PII (50%). Western blot analyses reveal that the plant PII-like protein is a nuclear-encoded chloroplast protein. The PII-like protein of plants appears to be regulated at the transcriptional level in that levels of GLB1 mRNA are affected by light and metabolites. To initiate studies of the in vivo function of the Arabidopsis PII-like protein, we have constructed transgenic lines in which PII expression is uncoupled from its native regulation. Analyses of these transgenic plants support the notion that the plant PII-like protein may serve as part of a complex signal transduction network involved in perceiving the status of carbon and organic nitrogen. Thus, the PII protein found in archaea, bacteria, and now in higher eukaryotes (plants) is one of the most widespread regulatory proteins known, providing evidence for an ancestral metabolic regulatory mechanism that may have existed before the divergence of these three domains of life.


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The genes rbcS and rbcL encode, respectively, the small and large subunits of the photosynthetic carbon dioxide fixation enzyme ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase. There is a single rbcL gene in each chloroplast chromosome; a family of rbcS genes is located in the nuclear genome. These two genes are not expressed in mesophyll cells but are in adjacent bundle-sheath cells of leaves of the C4 plant Zea mays. Two regions of the maize gene rbcS-m3 are required for suppressing expression in mesophyll cells. One region is just beyond the translation termination site in the 3′ region, and the other is several hundred base pairs upstream of the transcription start site. A binding site for a protein with limited homology to the viral, yeast, and mammalian transcription repressor-activator YY1 (Yin-Yang I), has now been identified in the 3′ region. A maize gene for a protein with zinc fingers homologous to those of YY1 has been isolated, characterized, and expressed in Escherichia coli. The gene is designated trm1 (transcription repressor-maize 1). The protein TRM1 binds to the YY1-like site and, in addition, TRM1 binds to two sequence regions in the 5′ region of the gene that have no homology to the YY1 site. Mutagenesis or deletion of any of these three sequences eliminates repression of rbcS-m3 reporter genes in mesophyll cells.


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A gene encoding a product with substantial similarity to ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RubisCO) was identified in the preliminary genome sequence of the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum. A highly similar gene was subsequently isolated and sequenced from Chlorobium limicola f.sp. thiosulfatophilum strain Tassajara. Analysis of these amino acid sequences indicated that they lacked several conserved RubisCO active site residues. The Chlorobium RubisCO-like proteins are most closely related to deduced sequences in Bacillus subtilis and Archaeoglobus fulgidus, which also lack some typical RubisCO active site residues. When the C. tepidum gene encoding the RubisCO-like protein was disrupted, the resulting mutant strain displayed a pleiotropic phenotype with defects in photopigment content, photoautotrophic growth and carbon fixation rates, and sulfur metabolism. Most important, the mutant strain showed substantially enhanced accumulation of two oxidative stress proteins. These results indicated that the C. tepidum RubisCO-like protein might be involved in oxidative stress responses and/or sulfur metabolism. This protein might be an evolutional link to bona fide RubisCO and could serve as an important tool to analyze how the RubisCO active site developed.


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Recent improvements in our understanding of the dynamics of soil carbon have shown that 20–40% of the approximately 1,500 Pg of C stored as organic matter in the upper meter of soils has turnover times of centuries or less. This fast-cycling organic matter is largely comprised of undecomposed plant material and hydrolyzable components associated with mineral surfaces. Turnover times of fast-cycling carbon vary with climate and vegetation, and range from <20 years at low latitudes to >60 years at high latitudes. The amount and turnover time of C in passive soil carbon pools (organic matter strongly stabilized on mineral surfaces with turnover times of millennia and longer) depend on factors like soil maturity and mineralogy, which, in turn, reflect long-term climate conditions. Transient sources or sinks in terrestrial carbon pools result from the time lag between photosynthetic uptake of CO2 by plants and the subsequent return of C to the atmosphere through plant, heterotrophic, and microbial respiration. Differential responses of primary production and respiration to climate change or ecosystem fertilization have the potential to cause significant interrannual to decadal imbalances in terrestrial C storage and release. Rates of carbon storage and release in recently disturbed ecosystems can be much larger than rates in more mature ecosystems. Changes in disturbance frequency and regime resulting from future climate change may be more important than equilibrium responses in determining the carbon balance of terrestrial ecosystems.


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Fiber cell initiation in the epidermal cells of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) ovules represents a unique example of trichome development in higher plants. Little is known about the molecular and metabolic mechanisms controlling this process. Here we report a comparative analysis of a fiberless seed (fls) mutant (lacking fibers) and a normal (FLS) mutant to better understand the initial cytological events in fiber development and to analyze the metabolic changes that are associated with the loss of a major sink for sucrose during cellulose biosynthesis in the mutant seeds. On the day of anthesis (0 DAA), the mutant ovular epidermal cells lacked the typical bud-like projections that are seen in FLS ovules and are required for commitment to the fiber development pathway. Cell-specific gene expression analyses at 0 DAA showed that sucrose synthase (SuSy) RNA and protein were undetectable in fls ovules but were in abundant, steady-state levels in initiating fiber cells of the FLS ovules. Tissue-level analyses of developing seeds 15 to 35 DAA revealed an altered temporal pattern of SuSy expression in the mutant relative to the normal genotype. Whether the altered programming of SuSy expression is the cause or the result of the mutation is unknown. The developing seeds of the fls mutant have also shown several correlated changes that represent altered carbon partitioning in seed coats and cotyledons as compared with the FLS genotype.


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Pseudohyphal differentiation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae was first described as a response of diploid cells to nitrogen limitation. Here we report that haploid and diploid starch-degrading S. cerevisiae strains were able to switch from a yeast form to a filamentous pseudohyphal form in response to carbon limitation in the presence of an ample supply of nitrogen. Two genes, MSS10 and MUC1, were cloned and shown to be involved in pseudohyphal differentiation and invasive growth. The deletion of MSS10 resulted in extremely reduced amounts of pseudohyphal differentiation and invasive growth, whereas the deletion of MUC1 abolished pseudohyphal differentiation and invasive growth completely. Mss10 appears to be a transcriptional activator that responds to nutrient limitation and coregulates the expression of MUC1 and the STA1-3 glucoamylase genes, which are involved in starch degradation. MUC1 encodes a 1367-amino acid protein, containing several serine/threonine-rich repeats. Muc1 is a putative integral membrane-bound protein, similar to mammalian mucin-like membrane proteins that have been implicated to play a role in the ability of cancer cells to invade other tissues.


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The viability of carbon nanofiber (CNF) composites in cement matrices as a self-heating material is reported in this paper. This functional application would allow the use of CNF cement composites as a heating element in buildings, or for deicing pavements of civil engineering transport infrastructures, such as highways or airport runways. Cement pastes with the addition of different CNF dosages (from 0 to 5% by cement mass) have been prepared. Afterwards, tests were run at different fixed voltages (50, 100 and 150V), and the temperature of the specimens was registered. Also the possibility of using a casting method like shotcrete, instead of just pouring the fresh mix into the mild (with no system’s efficiency loss expected) was studied. Temperatures up to 138 °C were registered during shotcrete-5% CNF cement paste tests (showing initial 10 °C/min heating rates). However a minimum voltage was required in order to achieve a proper system functioning.


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The electrical resistivity of carbon fiber reinforced cement composites (CFRCCs) has been widely studied, because of their utility as multifunctional materials. The percolation phenomenon has also been reported and modeled when the electrical behavior of those materials had to be characterized. Amongst the multiple applications of multifunctional cement composites the ability of a CFRCC to act as a strain sensor is attractive. This paper provides experimental data relating self-sensing function and percolation threshold, and studying the effect of fiber aspect ratio on both phenomena. Higher fiber slenderness permitted percolation at lower carbon fiber addition, affected mechanical properties and improved strain-sensing sensitivity of CFRCC, which was also improved if percolation had not been achieved.


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We report a study of synthesising air-stable, nearly monodispersed bimetallic colloids of Co/Pd and Fe/Mo of varying compositions as active catalysts for the growth of carbon nanotubes. Using these catalysts we have investigated the effects of catalyst and substrate on the carbon nanostructures formed in a plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD) process. We will show how it is possible to assess the influence of both the catalyst and the support on the controlled growth of carbon nanotube and nanofiber arrays. The importance of the composition of the catalytic nuclei will be put into perspective with other results from the literature. Furthermore, the influence of other synthetic parameters such as the nature of the nanoparticle catalysts will also be analysed and discussed in detail.


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The electro-oxidation of carbon materials enormously degrades their performance and limits their wider utilization in multiple electrochemical applications. In this work, the positive influence of phosphorus functionalities on the overall electrochemical stability of carbon materials has been demonstrated under different conditions. We show that the extent and selectivity of electroxidation in P-containing carbons are completely different to those observed in conventional carbons without P. The electro-oxidation of P-containing carbons involves the active participation of phosphorus surface groups, which are gradually transformed at high potentials from less-to more-oxidized species to slow down the introduction of oxygen groups on the carbon surface (oxidation) and the subsequent generation of (C*OOH)-like unstable promoters of electro-gasification. The highest-oxidized P groups (–C–O–P-like species) seem to distribute the gained oxygen to neighboring carbon sites, which finally suffer oxidation and/or gasification. So it is thought that P-groups could act as mediators of carbon oxidation although including various steps and intermediates compared to electroxidation in P-free materials.


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Functionalized carbon nanotubes (CNTs) using three aminobenzene acids with different functional groups (carboxylic, sulphonic, phosphonic) in para position have been synthesized through potentiodynamic treatment in acid media under oxidative conditions. A noticeable increase in the capacitance for the functionalized carbon nanotubes mainly due to redox processes points out the formation of an electroactive polymer thin film on the CNTs surface along with covalently bonded functionalities. The CNTs functionalized using aminobenzoic acid rendered the highest capacitance values and surface nitrogen content, while the presence of sulfur and/or phosphorus groups in the aminobenzene structure yielded a lower functionalization degree. The oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) activity of the functionalized samples was similar to that of the parent CNTs, independently of the functional group present in the aminobenzene acid. Interestingly, a heat treatment in N2 atmosphere with a very low O2 concentration (3125 ppm) at 800 °C of the CNTs functionalized with aminobenzoic acid produced a material with high amounts of surface oxygen and nitrogen groups (12 and 4% at., respectively), that seem to modulate the electron-donor properties of the resulting material. The onset potential and limiting current for ORR was enhanced for this material. These are promising results that validates the use of electrochemistry for the synthesis of novel N-doped electrocatalysts for ORR in combination with adequate heat treatments.


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The electrochemical reactions of dopamine, catechol and methylcatechol were investigated at tetrahedral amorphous carbon (ta-C) thin film electrodes. In order to better understand the reaction mechanisms of these molecules, cyclic voltammetry with varying scan rates was carried out at different pH values in H2SO4 and PBS solutions. The results were compared to the same redox reactions taking place at glassy carbon (GC) electrodes. All three catechols exhibited quasi-reversible behavior with sluggish electron transfer kinetics at the ta-C electrode. At neutral and alkaline pH, rapid coupled homogeneous reactions followed the oxidation of the catechols to the corresponding o-quinones and led to significant deterioration of the electrode response. At acidic pH, the extent of deterioration was considerably lower. All the redox reactions showed significantly faster electron transfer kinetics at the GC electrode and it was less susceptible toward surface passivation. An EC mechanism was observed for the oxidation of dopamine at both ta-C and GC electrodes and the formation of polydopamine was suspected to cause the passivation of the electrodes.


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A novel and selective electrochemical functionalization of a highly reactive superporous zeolite templated carbon (ZTC) with two different aminobenzene acids (2-aminobenzoic and 4-aminobenzoic acid) was achieved. The functionalization was done through potentiodynamic treatment in acid media under oxidative conditions, which were optimized to preserve the unique ZTC structure. Interestingly, it was possible to avoid the electrochemical oxidation of the highly reactive ZTC structure by controlling the potential limit of the potentiodynamic experiment in presence of aminobenzene acids. The electrochemical characterization demonstrated the formation of polymer chains along with covalently bonded functionalities to the ZTC surface. The functionalized ZTCs showed several redox processes, producing a capacitance increase in both basic and acid media. The rate performance showed that the capacitance increase is retained at scan rates as high as 100 mV s−1, indicating that there is a fast charge transfer between the polymer chains formed inside the ZTC porosity or the new surface functionalities and the ZTC itself. The success of the proposed approach was also confirmed by using other characterization techniques, which confirmed the presence of different nitrogen groups in the ZTC surface. This promising method could be used to achieve highly selective functionalization of highly porous carbon materials.