999 resultados para Concrete wall


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Electrostatic surface waves at the interface between a low-temperature nonisothermal dusty plasma and a metallic wall are investigated. The plasma contains massive negatively charged impurity or dust particles. It is shown that the impurities can significantly alter the characteristics and damping of the surface waves by reducing their phase velocity and causing charging-related damping.


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Effect of near-wall transition regions on the surface wave propagation in a magnetoactive plasma layer bounded by a metal. It is shown that the account for inhomogeneities of plasma density or magnetic field causes an appearance of coupling between surface waves, propagating across magnetic field and localized near difference boundaries of the structure. The resonance damping of surface waves is analyzed too.


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This review assesses a survey of Jeff Wall's photographs at the MCA in Sydney. It analyses works such as "The Destroyed Room", "A Sudden Gust of Wind", and "A View from an Apartment". It also situates Wall as a preeminent early postmodern artist, post-photographer, and salon style maker of images.


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Traditionally, the fire resistance rating of Light gauge steel frame (LSF) wall systems is based on approximate prescriptive methods developed using limited fire tests. These fire tests are conducted using standard fire time-temperature curve given in ISO 834. However, in recent times fire has become a major disaster in buildings due to the increase in fire loads as a result of modern furniture and lightweight construction, which make use of thermoplastics materials, synthetic foams and fabrics. Therefore a detailed research study into the performance of load bearing LSF wall systems under both standard and realistic design fires on one side was undertaken to develop improved fire design rules. This study included both full scale fire tests and numerical studies of eight different LSF wall systems conducted for both the standard fire curve and the recently developed realistic design fire curves. The use of previous fire design rules developed for LSF walls subjected to non-uniform elevated temperature distributions based on AISI design manual and Eurocode 3 Parts 1.2 and 1.3 was investigated first. New simplified fire design rules based on AS/NZS 4600, North American Specification and Eurocode 3 Part 1.3 were then proposed with suitable allowances for the interaction effects of compression and bending actions. The importance of considering thermal bowing, magnified thermal bowing and neutral axis shift in the fire design was also investigated and their effects were included. A spread sheet based design tool was developed based on the new design rules to predict the failure load ratio versus time and temperature curves for varying LSF wall configurations. The accuracy of the proposed design rules was verified using the fire test and finite element analysis results for various wall configurations, steel grades, thicknesses and load ratios under both standard and realistic design fire conditions. A simplified method was also proposed to predict the fire resistance rating of LSF walls based on two sets of equations developed for the load ratio-hot flange temperature and the time-temperature relationships. This paper presents the details of this study on LSF wall systems under fire conditions and the results.


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Light Gauge Steel Framing (LSF) walls made of cold-formed and thin-walled steel lipped channel studs with plasterboard linings on both sides are commonly used in commercial, industrial and residential buildings. However, there is limited data about their structural and thermal performances under fire conditions. Recent research at the Queensland University of Technology has investigated the structural and thermal behaviour of load bearing LSF wall systems. In this research a series of full scale fire tests was conducted first to evaluate the performance of LSF wall systems with eight different wall configurations under standard fire conditions. Finite element models of LSF walls were then developed, analysed under transient and steady state conditions, and validated using full scale fire tests. This paper presents the details of an investigation into the fire performance of LSF wall panels based on an extensive finite element analysis based parametric study. The LSF wall panels with eight different plasterboard-insulation configurations were considered under standard fire conditions. Effects of varying steel grades, steel thicknesses, screw spacing, plasterboard restraint, insulation materials and load ratio on the fire performance of LSF walls were investigated and the results of extensive fire performance data are presented in the form of load ratio versus time and critical hot flange (failure) temperature curves.


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The Gram-positive bacterium Staphylococcus saprophyticus is the second most frequent causative agent of community-acquired urinary tract infections (UTI), accounting for up to 20% of cases. A common feature of staphylococci is colonisation of the human skin. This involves survival against innate immune defenses including antibacterial unsaturated free fatty acids such as linoleic acid which act by disrupting bacterial cell membranes. Indeed, S. saprophyticus UTI is usually preceded by perineal skin colonisation.


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In this paper we describe CubIT, a multi-user presentation and collaboration system installed at the Queensland University of Technology’s (QUT) Cube facility. The ‘Cube’ is an interactive visualisation facility made up of five very large-scale interactive multi-panel wall displays, each consisting of up to twelve 55-inch multi-touch screens (48 screens in total) and massive projected display screens situated above the display panels. The paper outlines the unique design challenges, features, implementation and evaluation of CubIT. The system was built to make the Cube facility accessible to QUT’s academic and student population. CubIT enables users to easily upload and share their own media content, and allows multiple users to simultaneously interact with the Cube’s wall displays. The features of CubIT were implemented via three user interfaces, a multi-touch interface working on the wall displays, a mobile phone and tablet application and a web-based content management system. Each of these interfaces plays a different role and offers different interaction mechanisms. Together they support a wide range of collaborative features including multi-user shared workspaces, drag and drop upload and sharing between users, session management and dynamic state control between different parts of the system. The results of our evaluation study showed that CubIT was successfully used for a variety of tasks, and highlighted challenges with regards to user expectations regarding functionality as well as issues arising from public use.


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This research was a step forward in investigating the characteristics of recycled concrete aggregates to use as an unbound pavement material. The results present the guidelines for successfully application of recycled concrete aggregates in high traffic volume roads. Outcomes of the research create more economical and environmental benefits through reducing the depletion of natural resources and effectively manage the generated concrete waste before disposal as land fill.


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This study investigated the durability properties of concrete containing nano-silica at dosages of 0.3% and 0.9%, respectively. Due to the nano-filler effect and the pozzolanic reaction, the microstructure became more homogeneous and less porous, especially at the interfacial transition zone (ITZ), which led to reduced permeability. Tests on the durability properties verified the beneficial effects of nano-silica. The channels for harmful agents through the cement composites were partially filled and blocked. The pore size distribution also indicated that the large capillary pores were refined by the nano-silica, due to the combined contribution of the nano-filler effect and the pozzolanic reaction.


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Fire resistance rating of light gauge steel frame (LSF) wall systems is obtained from fire tests based on the standard fire time-temperature curve. However, fire severity has increased in modern buildings due to higher fuel loads as a result of modern furniture and light weight constructions that make use of thermoplastics materials, synthetic foams and fabrics. Some of these materials are high in calorific values and increase both the spread of fire growth and heat release rate, thus increasing the fire severity beyond that of the standard fire curve. Further, the standard fire curve does not include a decay phase that is present in natural fires. Despite the increasing usage of LSF walls, their behaviour in real building fires is not fully understood. This paper presents the details of a research study aimed at developing realistic design fire curves for use in the fire tests of LSF walls. It includes a review of the characteristics of building fires, previously developed fire time-temperature curves, computer models and available parametric equations. The paper highlights that real building fire time-temperature curves depend on the fuel load representing the combustible building contents, ventilation openings and thermal properties of wall lining materials, and provides suitable values of many required parameters including fuel loads in residential buildings. Finally, realistic design fire time-temperature curves simulating the fire conditions in modern residential buildings are proposed for the testing of LSF walls.


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There has been an increasing focus on the development of test methods to evaluate the durability performance of concrete. This paper contributes to this focus by presenting a study that evaluates the effect of water accessible porosity and oven-dry unit weight on the resistance of both normal and light-weight concrete to chloride-ion penetration. Based on the experimental results and regression analyses, empirical models are established to correlate the total charge passed and the chloride migration coefficient with the basic properties of concrete such as water accessible porosity, oven dry unit weight, and compressive strength. These equations can be broadly applied to both normal and lightweight aggregate concretes. The model was also validated by an independent set of experimental results from two different concrete mixtures. The model provides a very good estimate on the concrete’s durability performance in respect to the resistance to chloride ion penetration.


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Numerical investigation of free convection heat transfer in an attic shaped enclosure with differentially heated two inclined walls and filled with air is performed in this study. The left inclined surface is uniformly heated whereas the right inclined surface is uniformly cooled. There is a heat source placed on the right side of the bottom surface. Rest of the bottom surface is kept as adiabatic. Finite volume based commercial software ANSYS 15 (Fluent) is used to solve the governing equations. Dependency of various flow parameters of fluid flow and heat transfer is analyzed including Rayleigh number, Ra ranging from 103 to 106, heater size from 0.2 to 0.6, heater position from 0.3 to 0.7 and aspect ratio from 0.2 to 1.0 with a fixed Prandtl number of 0.72. Outcomes have been reported in terms of temperature and stream function contours and local Nusselt number for various Ra, heater size, heater position, and aspect ratio. Grid sensitivity analysis is performed and numerically obtained results have been compared with those results available in the literature and found good agreement.


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In pavement design, resilient modulus of a pavement material is one of the key design parameters. Resilient modulus of a granular pavement material can be measured using repeated load Triaxial (RLT) test or estimated using empirical models. For conventional granular pavement materials, a significant amount of resilient modulus data and empirical models to estimate this key design parameter are available. However, RCA is a relatively new granular pavement material and therefore no such data or empirical models are available. In this study, a number of RLT tests were conducted on RCA sample to investigate the effects of moisture content on its resilient modulus (Mr). It was observed that the resilient modulus of RCA increased with a number of loading cycles but decreased as the moisture content was increased. Further, using RLT test results, empirical models to estimate the resilient modulus of RCA were enhanced and validated.