999 resultados para Ciutadella de Roses (Roses, Catalunya : Jaciment arqueològic)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
Después de tres años de un programa específico de trabajo con alumnos de incorporación tardía, y ante las inercias a las que parece decantarse desde algunas instancias implicadas en este campo, a los autores les ha parecido realizar una serie de reflexiones alrededor de la experiencia que han vivido.
Cuatro niñas llamada Nicole, Amy, Charlotte y Grace, van a la misma escuela, viven en el mismo barrio, juegan los mismos juegos, pero hay un pequeño problema: todas están celosas de otra niña, la muy hermosa, muy amable, pero muy solitaria, Binah. Es sólo cuando las chicas investigan de cerca la vida de Binah, que se dan cuenta de cómo ella es infeliz y cuánto necesita su amistad.
Su contenido se adapta a los temas de las especificaciones AS y A. Examina los orígenes, la naturaleza y el impacto de la lucha dinástica entre las facciones nobles agrupadas en torno a las casas reales de York y Lancaster entre 1450-1509 y el cambio político y los conflictos generados. También, analiza en profundidad el reinado de Enrique VI y el principio de la guerra, las dos etapas del reinado de Eduardo IV, el fin de la contienda con Ricardo III y la llegada al trono de los Tudor con Enrique VII.
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
Crònica de l'acte d'homenatge a Jaume Vicens Vives amb motiu del 40è aniversari de la seva mort, organitzat per l'Ajuntament de Roses l'1 de juliol de 2000. L'acte va comptar amb la presencia, a mes de la seva família, d'una amplia representació del món polític i universitari
The genus Cercospora contains numerous important plant pathogenic fungi from a diverse range of hosts. Most species of Cercospora are known only from their morphological characters in vivo. Although the genus contains more than 5 000 names, very few cultures and associated DNA sequence data are available. In this study, 360 Cercospora isolates, obtained from 161 host species, 49 host families and 39 countries, were used to compile a molecular phylogeny. Partial sequences were derived from the internal transcribed spacer regions and intervening 5.8S nrRNA, actin, calmodulin, histone H3 and translation elongation factor 1-alpha genes. The resulting phylogenetic clades were evaluated for application of existing species names and five novel species are introduced. Eleven species are epi-, lecto- or neotypified in this study. Although existing species names were available for several clades, it was not always possible to apply North American or European names to African or Asian strains and vice versa. Some species were found to be limited to a specific host genus, whereas others were isolated from a wide host range. No single locus was found to be the ideal DNA barcode gene for the genus, and species identification needs to be based on a combination of gene loci and morphological characters. Additional primers were developed to supplement those previously published for amplification of the loci used in this study. TAXONOMIC NOVELTIES: New species - Cercospora coniogrammes Crous & R.G. Shivas, Cercospora delaireae C. Nakash., Crous, U. Braun & H.D. Shin, Cercospora euphorbiae-sieboldianae C. Nakash., Crous, U. Braun & H.D. Shin, Cercospora pileicola C. Nakash., Crous, U. Braun & H.D. Shin, Cercospora vignigena C. Nakash., Crous, U. Braun & H.D. Shin. Typifications: epitypifications - Cercospora alchemillicola U. Braun & C.F. Hill, Cercospora althaeina Sacc., Cercospora armoraciae Sacc., Cercospora corchori Sawada, Cercospora mercurialis Pass., Cercospora olivascens Sacc., Cercospora violae Sacc.; neotypifications - Cercospora fagopyri N. Nakata & S. Takim., Cercospora sojina Hara.
Use of natural products as floral preservatives has helped to reduce the indiscriminate use of chemical products in flower preservation. In this study, we tested the ability of certain natural products to maintain the quality and to increase the commercial durability of 'Vega' cut roses. We employed a randomized factorial design with six post-harvest treatments and four evaluation dates. The following treatments were tested: 1) distilled water; 2) methyl jasmonate (350 mu M) applied in a four-hour pulse; 3) methyl jasmonate (500 mu M) spraying; 4) mint oil (100 ppm); 5) ginger oil (100 ppm); and 6) propolis (0.05%) as a maintenance solution. Flowers were kept at 20+/-2 degrees C and 67+/-3% RH. Physiological and qualitative evaluations were conducted. Natural products had a beneficial effect on the shelf life of the flowers. However, for all evaluated parameters, the methyl jasmonate spray was the most efficient treatment to maintain floral quality, resulting in less fresh-mass loss and a lower flower respiratory rate. Methyl jasmonate spray also improved the maintenance of coloration, relative water content and concentration of reducing sugars, thus extending the shelf life of roses.
I will attempt to problematize the typologies of nationalism when applied to the Georgian context, particularly in relationship to nationalism of President Mikheil Saakashvili. I will argue that the state-driven nationalism of post-Rose Revolution government was a hybrid form of ethno-cultural and civic which had elements of ethnic particularism towards the Orthodox Church. By reflecting on the growing assistance of Western institutions to Georgia, I will problematize the extent to which the rise of American and European involvement in the region reinforced the perceptions of the “self” and the “other” among the religious elites since the Rose Revolution. By presenting field research data (interviews) gathered in 23 eparchies and perishes with religious clerics in 7 regions of Georgia, I will argue that religious nationalism in Georgia strengthened not in response to but as an outcome of President Saakashvili’s policies towards the church, and partially as a reaction to the growing dissatisfaction with Western institutions working in Georgia and Western governments’ response to the Russo-Georgian War of 2008. By reflecting on empirical material, the paper attempts to problematize an understanding of religious nationalism as a social movement, an instance of cultural autonomy and a source of identity (Friedland 2001). In response, I suggest viewing religious nationalism in post-communist Georgia as medium of material and political interests