979 resultados para Citrus reticulata Blanco


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Pesquisou-se o desenvolvimento in vitro de embriões de um híbrido do cruzamento Citrus limonia Osb. chi Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf. em meio MS, acrescido de GA3 (0,0, 0,01, 0,1 e 1,0 mg/L) e carvão ativado (0,0, 0,5, 1,0 e 2,0 g/L), em todas as combinações possíveis. Após a excisão das sementes os embriões obtidos, independentemente dos estádios, foram inoculados nos respectivos meios de cultura. Cada tratamento permaneceu por 48 horas no escuro e 40 dias em sala de crescimento à temperatura de 27 ± 1ºC, com 16 horas de luminosidade. Após esse período, as plântulas foram avaliadas, considerando-se o porcentual de sobrevivência e comprimento da haste caulinar e do sistema radicular. Verificou-se que a concentação de 0,1 mg/L de GA3 interagiu antagonicamente em meio de cultivo contendo até 2,0 g/L de carvão ativado. O GA3 a 0,01 mg/L associado a concentrações de carvão ativado a partir de 0,5 g/L até 2,0 g/L, maximizou o porcentual de sobrevivência dos em- briões. Os embriões apresentaram o maior comprimento de raiz (4,5 cm) e da haste caulinar (2,1 cm) com carvão ativado na concentração de 0,5 g/L e 2,0 g/L, respectivamente.


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A procedure is described to regenerate plants from protoplasts of Brazilian citrus cultivars, after isolation, fusion and culture. Protoplasts were isolated from embryogenic cell suspension cultures and from leaf mesophyll of seedlings germinated in vitro. The enzyme solution for protoplast isolation was composed of mannitol (0.7 M), CaCl2 (24.5 mM), NaH2PO4 (0.92 mM), MES (6.15 mM), cellulase (Onozuka RS - Yakult, 1%), macerase (Onozuka R10 - Yakult, 1%) and pectolyase Y-23 (Seishin, 0.2%). Protoplast culture in liquid medium after chemical fusion lead to the formation of callus colonies further adapted to solid medium. Somatic embryo formation occurred spontaneously after two subcultures, on modified MT medium supplemented with 500 mg/L of malt extract. Well defined embryos were germinated in modified MT medium with addition of GA3 (2.0 muM) and malt extract (500 mg/L). Plant regeneration was also achieved by adventitious shoots obtained through direct organogenesis of not well defined embryos in modified MT medium with addition of malt extract (500 mg/L), BAP (1.32 muM), NAA (1.07 muM) and coconut water (10 mL/L). Plantlets were transferred to root medium. Rooted plants were transferred to a greenhouse for further adaptation and development.


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Com o objetivo de estudar a relação entre o grau de poliembrionia e a freqüência de híbridos em citros, foram realizados cruzamentos controlados utilizando como parentais femininos as tangerinas 'Clementina' e 'Sunki' e os limões 'Cravo' e 'Volkameriano', que apresentam graus de poliembrionia nulo, baixo, baixo a moderado e moderado, respectivamente. Como parentais masculinos empregaram-se Poncirus trifoliata e híbridos desta, tendo em vista a característica morfológica dominante folhas trilobadas. Observaram-se nas tangerinas 'Clementina' e 'Sunki' e nos limões 'Cravo' e 'Volkameriano' as seguintes freqüências de híbridos: 57,4%, 53,6%, 18,6% e 14,2%, respectivamente. Foi verificada uma associação negativa entre o grau de poliembrionia e a freqüência de híbridos.


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A digitized image method was compared with a standard washing technique for measuring citrus roots in the field. Video pictures of roots were taken in a soil profile. The profile area analyzed was defined by iron rings, which were also used to remove the roots to determine their dry weight. The roots presented in the pictures were quantified using SIARCS software developed by Embrapa. The root length and area determined by digital images provided a good estimate of root quantity present in the profile.


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The objective of this work was to characterize mandarin (Citrus spp.) germplasm from Southern Brazil by morphological and molecular analyses. Thirty seven cultivars from 34 distinct mandarin varieties were evaluated by morphological and agronomic traits of leaves, flowers and fruits, and by microsatellite markers. The morphological and agronomic characteristics suggested that almost all varieties can be produced for commercial use, and some, as the Satsuma variety, are recommended for breeding programs. Pooled DNA samples from 1-5 plants belonging to each cultivar were tested. Eight of the nine primers detected polymorphisms. Specific markers were found for some accessions. The dendrogram constructed with the morphological results divided the 37 cultivars into four groups, while that obtained with the microsatellites clustered 35 of the 37 cultivars into three groups only. Generally, intervarietal differences are not high, and this lack of agreement in the two multifactorial analyses indicates that diverse evolutionary factors are acting at these two levels of investigation.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate leaf epidermis morphological characteristics of three citrus somatic hybrids, compared to their parents. Parental and somatic hybrid young leaves were collected and processed for scanning electron microscope observations. Citrus polyploid hybrids have fewer stomata per area and these are larger compared to their diploid parental parents. No differences in internal arrangement of the stomatal cells were detected between parental plants and somatic hybrids. Additional studies may determine if these differences will influence physiological behavior of the plants in the field.


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This work had as objective to produce citrus somatic hybrids between sweet oranges and pummelos. After chemical fusion of sweet orange embryogenic protoplasts with pummelo mesophyll-derived protoplasts, plants were regenerated by somatic embryogenesis and acclimatized in a greenhouse. The hybrids of 'Hamlin' sweet orange + 'Indian Red' pummelo and 'Hamlin' sweet orange + 'Singapura' pummelo were confirmed by leaf morphology, chromosome counting and molecular analysis. These hybrids have potential to be used directly as rootstocks aiming blight, citrus tristeza virus, and Phytophthora-induced disease tolerance, as well as for rootstocks improvement programs.


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Las grandes fotografías Espacespages [Espaciospáginas] (2009) trabajan en la transformacióndel espacio creativo de la página blanca hacia el espacio habilitado y de obertura al mundo.La imagen da protagonismo al vacío de la habitación, casi una celda, donde tiene lugar unaacción, iluminada tenuemente a través de una ventana doble que me hace pensar en dos ojosque contemplan atentos el interior de un proceso de creación...


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The objective of this study was to establish whether there are olfactory interactions in the Lysiphlebus testaceipes Toxoptera citricida and Citrus aurantium tritrophic system. The response of male and female L. testaceipes to different odour sources of the host plant C. aurantium, the aphid host T. citricida and aphid-plant complex were investigated using a Y-tube olfactometer. Laboratory experiments were conducted by exposing individually aged male and female L. testaceipes to eight different odour treatments. Response of the parasitoids was taken after 15 min exposure to the volatiles from the different odour sources and based on their orientation to the particular chamber. Seventy percent of both male and female L. testaceipes showed high attractivity to aphid infested leaves. There was no significant difference based on age and sex of the parasitoid on their choice of odour. The organic compounds released by these combinations acted as semiochemicals in the tritrophic interactions and it is suggested that insect feeding induced attraction of the parasitoid L. testaceipes.


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The objective of this work was the transformation of tobacco and 'Valencia' sweet orange with the GUS gene driven by the citrus phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) gene promoter (CsPP). Transformation was accomplished by co-cultivation of tobacco and 'Valência' sweet orange explants with Agrobacterium tumefaciens containing the binary vector CsPP-GUS/2201. After plant transformation and regeneration, histochemical analyses using GUS staining revealed that CsPP promoter preferentially, but not exclusively, conferred gene expression in xylem tissues of tobacco. Weaker GUS staining was also detected throughout the petiole region in tobacco and citrus CsPP transgenic plants.


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Las grandes fotografías Espacespages [Espaciospáginas] (2009) trabajan en la transformacióndel espacio creativo de la página blanca hacia el espacio habilitado y de obertura al mundo.La imagen da protagonismo al vacío de la habitación, casi una celda, donde tiene lugar unaacción, iluminada tenuemente a través de una ventana doble que me hace pensar en dos ojosque contemplan atentos el interior de un proceso de creación...


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The objective of this work was to determine the best conditions of use of the synthetic sex pheromone of Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton for monitoring this species in citrus groves in northeastern Brazil. Pheromone doses (0.0, 0.1, 1, 10 and 100 μg) and longevity (1, 15, 29, 43 and 57-day-old lures) and trap height (0.5, 1.5 and 2.5 m), color (green, red, and white) and model influence on P. citrella males capture were evaluated. The doses of 10 and 100 μg of the synthetic sex pheromone - a 3:1 blend of (Z,Z,E)-7,11,13-hexadecatrienal and (Z,Z)-7,11-hexadecadienal - attracted the greatest number of P. citrella males. Traps baited with these two both dosages continued to capture P. citrella males at a comparable rate for over eight weeks in citrus groves. Although there was no significant decrease in activity of both dosages until 57 days of exposure to the environment, the higher dose, as time passed, attracted significantly more P. citrella males than the lower dose. There were no significant differences in male capture in traps with synthetic sex pheromone placed at 1.5 and 2.5 m height, wich had the better results. Trap color and model did not affect male capture.


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Poco se ha escrito hasta el momento sobre quien podría ser denominado el traductor más prolífico de la posguerra española: Juan González-Blanco. de Luaces. En la década de los cuarenta publicó más de cien traducciones al español. Biógrafo, novelista y poeta, Luaces fue uno de tantos intelectuales españoles cuya trayectoria profesional se vio truncada por el estallido de la Guerra Civil española y la victoria del bando ¿nacional¿. La imposición de la dictadura franquista y la subsiguiente censura le obligó a dejar de lado su labor de escritor para dedicarse en cuerpo y alma al oficio de la traducción y poder, así, mantener a su familia. El objeto del siguiente artículo es relatar la vida de este personaje abandonado en el olvido con el afán de contribuir a completar, de forma modesta, la memoria histórica de un período de nuestra historia en el que aún quedan muchas ausencias por suplir.


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En los trabajos de Mar Arza se percibe una preocupación sostenida por las líneas escritasque aparecen sobre las superficies. En los inicios, alteraba las páginas y las letras de los librosde viejo. Recientemente, ha intervenido la letra escrita y los vacíos de cualquier papel impreso–libretas de ahorros, facturas de la luz, volantes médicos, hojas de calendarios, décimos de lotería...


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The objective of this work was to combine asymmetric somatic hybridization (donor-recipient fusion or gamma fusion) to microprotoplast-mediated chromosome transfer, as a tool to be used for chromosome mapping in Citrus. Swinglea glutinosa microprotoplasts were irradiated either with 50, 70, 100 or 200 gamma rays and fused to cv. Ruby Red grapefruit or Murcott tangor protoplasts. Cell colonies were successfully formed and AFLP analyses confirmed presence of S. glutinosa in both 'Murcott' tangor and 'Ruby Red' grapefruit genomes.