943 resultados para Chronic beryllium disease
BACKGROUND Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) is a protein that is used in human medicine as a real-time indicator of acute kidney injury (AKI). HYPOTHESIS Dogs with AKI have significantly higher plasma NGAL concentration and urine NGAL-to-creatinine ratio (UNCR) compared with healthy dogs and dogs with chronic kidney disease (CKD). ANIMALS 18 healthy control dogs, 17 dogs with CKD, and 48 dogs with AKI. METHODS Over a period of 1 year, all dogs with renal azotemia were prospectively included. Urine and plasma samples were collected during the first 24 hours after presentation or after development of renal azotemia. Plasma and urine NGAL concentrations were measured with a commercially available canine NGAL Elisa Kit (Bioporto® Diagnostic) and UNCR was calculated. A single-injection plasma inulin clearance was performed in the healthy dogs. RESULTS Median (range) NGAL plasma concentration in healthy dogs, dogs with CKD, and AKI were 10.7 ng/mL (2.5-21.2), 22.0 ng/mL (7.7-62.3), and 48.3 ng/mL (5.7-469.0), respectively. UNCR was 2 × 10(-8) (0-46), 1,424 × 10(-8) (385-18,347), and 2,366 × 10(-8) (36-994,669), respectively. Dogs with renal azotemia had significantly higher NGAL concentrations and UNCR than did healthy dogs (P < .0001 for both). Plasma NGAL concentration was significantly higher in dogs with AKI compared with dogs with CKD (P = .027). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE Plasma NGAL could be helpful to differentiate AKI from CKD in dogs with renal azotemia.
Experimentally renal tissue hypoxia appears to play an important role in the pathogenesis of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and arterial hypertension (AHT). In this study we measured renal tissue oxygenation and its determinants in humans using blood oxygenation level-dependent magnetic resonance imaging (BOLD-MRI) under standardized hydration conditions. Four coronal slices were selected, and a multi gradient echo sequence was used to acquire T2* weighted images. The mean cortical and medullary R2* values ( = 1/T2*) were calculated before and after administration of IV furosemide, a low R2* indicating a high tissue oxygenation. We studied 195 subjects (95 CKD, 58 treated AHT, and 42 healthy controls). Mean cortical R2 and medullary R2* were not significantly different between the groups at baseline. In stimulated conditions (furosemide injection), the decrease in R2* was significantly blunted in patients with CKD and AHT. In multivariate linear regression analyses, neither cortical nor medullary R2* were associated with eGFR or blood pressure, but cortical R2* correlated positively with male gender, blood glucose and uric acid levels. In conclusion, our data show that kidney oxygenation is tightly regulated in CKD and hypertensive patients at rest. However, the metabolic response to acute changes in sodium transport is altered in CKD and in AHT, despite preserved renal function in the latter group. This suggests the presence of early renal metabolic alterations in hypertension. The correlations between cortical R2* values, male gender, glycemia and uric acid levels suggest that these factors interfere with the regulation of renal tissue oxygenation.
OBJECTIVES This study sought to evaluate: 1) the effect of impaired renal function on long-term clinical outcomes in women undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with drug-eluting stent (DES); and 2) the safety and efficacy of new-generation compared with early-generation DES in women with chronic kidney disease (CKD). BACKGROUND The prevalence and effect of CKD in women undergoing PCI with DES is unclear. METHODS We pooled patient-level data for women enrolled in 26 randomized trials. The study population was categorized by creatinine clearance (CrCl) <45 ml/min, 45 to 59 ml/min, and ≥60 ml/min. The primary endpoint was the 3-year rate of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE). Participants for whom baseline creatinine was missing were excluded from the analysis. RESULTS Of 4,217 women included in the pooled cohort treated with DES and for whom serum creatinine was available, 603 (14%) had a CrCl <45 ml/min, 811 (19%) had a CrCl 45 to 59 ml/min, and 2,803 (66%) had a CrCl ≥60 ml/min. A significant stepwise gradient in risk for MACE was observed with worsening renal function (26.6% vs. 15.8% vs. 12.9%; p < 0.01). Following multivariable adjustment, CrCl <45 ml/min was independently associated with a higher risk of MACE (adjusted hazard ratio: 1.56; 95% confidence interval: 1.23 to 1.98) and all-cause mortality (adjusted hazard ratio: 2.67; 95% confidence interval: 1.85 to 3.85). Compared with older-generation DES, the use of newer-generation DES was associated with a reduction in the risk of cardiac death, myocardial infarction, or stent thrombosis in women with CKD. The effect of new-generation DES on outcomes was uniform, between women with or without CKD, without evidence of interaction. CONCLUSIONS Among women undergoing PCI with DES, CKD is a common comorbidity associated with a strong and independent risk for MACE that is durable over 3 years. The benefits of newer-generation DES are uniform in women with or without CKD.
BACKGROUND/AIMS The use of antihypertensive medicines has been shown to reduce proteinuria, morbidity, and mortality in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). A specific recommendation for a class of antihypertensive drugs is not available in this population, despite the pharmacodynamic differences. We have therefore analysed the association between antihypertensive medicines and survival of patients with chronic kidney disease. METHODS Out of 2687 consecutive patients undergoing kidney biopsy a cohort of 606 subjects with retrievable medical therapy was included into the analysis. Kidney function was assessed by glomerular filtration rate (GFR) estimation at the time point of kidney biopsy. Main outcome variable was death. RESULTS Overall 114 (18.7%) patients died. In univariate regression analysis the use of alpha-blockers and calcium channel antagonists, progression of disease, diabetes mellitus (DM) type 1 and 2, arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease, peripheral vascular disease, male sex and age were associated with mortality (all p<0.05). In a multivariate Cox regression model the use of calcium channel blockers (HR 1.89), age (HR 1.04), DM type 1 (HR 8.43) and DM type 2 (HR 2.17) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (HR 1.66) were associated with mortality (all p < 0.05). CONCLUSION The use of calcium channel blockers but not of other antihypertensive medicines is associated with mortality in primarily GN patients with CKD.
Background. Research investigating symptom management in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) largely has been undertaken assuming the homeostatic construct, without regard to potential roles of circadian rhythms. Temporal relations among dyspnea, fatigue, peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) and objective measures of activity/rest have not been reported in COPD. ^ Objectives. The specific aims of this study were to (1) explore the 24-hour patterns of dyspnea, fatigue, and PEFR in subjects with COPD; (2) examine the relations among dyspnea, fatigue, and PEFR in COPD; and (3) examine the relations among objective measures of activity/rest and dyspnea, fatigue, and PEFR in COPD. ^ Methods. The repeated-measures design involved 10 subjects with COPD who self-assessed dyspnea and fatigue by 100 mm visual analog scales, and PEFR by peak flow meter in their home 5 times a day for 8 days. Activity/rest was measured by wrist actigraphy. Single and population mean cosinor analyses and correlations were computed for dyspnea, fatigue, and PEFR; correlations were done among these variables and activity/rest. ^ Results. Circadian rhythms were documented by single cosinor analysis in 40% of the subjects for dyspnea, 60% for fatigue, and 60% for PEFR. The population cosinor analysis of PEFR yielded a significant rhythm (p < .05). The 8-day 24-hour means of dyspnea and fatigue was moderately correlated (r = .48, p < .01). Dyspnea and PEFR, and fatigue and PEFR, were weakly correlated in a negative way (r = −.11, p < .05 and r = −.15, p < .01 respectively). Weak to moderate correlations (r = .12–.34, p < .05) were demonstrated between PEFR and mean activity level measured up to 4 hours before PEFR measurement. ^ Conclusions. The findings suggest that (1) the dyspnea and fatigue experienced by COPD patients are moderately related, (2) there is a weak to modest positive relation between PEFR and activity levels, and (3) temporal variation in lung function may not affect the dyspnea and fatigue experienced by patients with COPD. Further research, examining the relations among dyspnea, fatigue, PEFR, and activity/rest is needed. Replication of this study is suggested with a larger sample size. ^
Beryllium is a widely distributed, highly toxic metal. When beryllium particulates enter the body, the body's defense mechanisms are engaged. When the body's defenses cannot easily remove the particulates, then a damage and repair cycle is initiated. This cycle produces chronic beryllium disease (CBD), a progressive, fibrotic respiratory involvement which eventually suffocates exposed individuals. ^ Beryllium disease is an occupational disease, and as such it can be prevented by limiting exposures. In the 1940s journalists reported beryllium deaths at Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) facilities, the Department of Energy's (DOE) predecessor organization. These reports energized public pressure for exposure limits, and in 1949 AEC implemented a 2 μg/m3 permissible exposure limit (PEL). ^ The limits appeared to stop acute disease. In contrast, CBD has a long latency period between exposure and diagnosable disease, between one and thirty years. The lack of immediate adverse health consequences masked the seriousness of chronic disease and pragmatically removed CBD from AEC/DOE's political concern. ^ Presently the PEL for beryllium at DOE sites remains at 2 μg/m 3. This limit does not prevent CBD. This conclusion has long been known, although denied until recently. In 1999 DOE acknowledged the limit's ineffectiveness in its federal regulation governing beryllium exposure, 10 CFR 850. ^ Despite this admission, the PEL has not been reduced. The beryllium manufacturer and AEC/DOE have a history of exerting efforts to maintain and protect the status quo. Primary amongst these efforts has been creation and promotion of disinformation within peer reviewed health literature which discusses beryllium, exposures, health effects and treatment, and targeting graduate school students so that their perspective is shaped early. ^ Once indoctrinated with incorrect information, professionals tend to overlook aerosol and respiratory mechanics, immunologic and carcinogenic factors. They then apply tools and perspectives derived from the beryllium manufacturer and DOE's propaganda. Conclusions drawn are incorrect. The result is: health research and associated policy is conducted with incorrect premises. Effective disease management practices are not implemented. ^ Public health protection requires recognition of the disinformation and its implications. When disinformation is identified, then effective health policies and practices can be developed and implemented. ^
Background. Advances in medical technology contribute to the survival rate of a growing number of persons with chronic illnesses. Individuals with chronic cardiovascular disease (chronic CVD) are among other chronically ill persons who add to the need for healthcare services. They need to cope and live with the chronic conditions and find a new balance to make sense of their lives. Thai Buddhists with chronic CVD may use their religious resources to cope with their illnesses because religious beliefs are reflected in patterns of living. The aims of the study were to: (a) explore how Thai Buddhists with chronic CVD construct the spiritual aspects of the illness experience, (b) explore how Thai Buddhists with chronic CVD may use their spiritual/religious resources as a means of coping with the illness, and (c) explore the impacts of spiritual/religious beliefs and/or practices on the daily lives of Thai Buddhists with chronic CVD. ^ Methods. Ethnography was employed and data were collected from December 1, 2007 to May 31, 2008 using in-depth interviews with 20 participants. Field notes were also recorded. ^ Findings. Three categories emerged from the study data: set of spiritual and biomedical beliefs and practices, integrated meanings, and positive consequences of the integration of spiritual and biomedical beliefs and practices. ^ Conclusions. The findings of the study suggest the importance of understanding and integrating spiritual needs into care of patients with chronic CVD. The findings revealed that the participants constructed ideas of their illness and meanings for living and coping with the illness, and integrated spiritual and biomedical beliefs and practices, resulting in positive outcomes. Further research could test interventions which facilitate such coping; for example, using reflective thinking and group support. Other studies might explore how age affects Buddhist views of the illness. ^
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Little is known about the potential for engraftment of autologous hematopoietic stem cells in human adults not subjected to myeloablative conditioning regimens. Five adult patients with the p47phox deficiency form of chronic granulomatous disease received intravenous infusions of autologous CD34+ peripheral blood stem cells (PBSCs) that had been transduced ex vivo with a recombinant retrovirus encoding normal p47phox. Although marrow conditioning was not given, functionally corrected granulocytes were detectable in peripheral blood of all five patients. Peak correction occurred 3–6 weeks after infusion and ranged from 0.004 to 0.05% of total peripheral blood granulocytes. Corrected cells were detectable for as long as 6 months after infusion in some individuals. Thus, prolonged engraftment of autologous PBSCs and continued expression of the transduced gene can occur in adults without conditioning. This trial also piloted the use of animal protein-free medium and a blood-bank-compatible closed system of gas-permeable plastic containers for culture and transduction of the PBSCs. These features enhance the safety of PBSCs directed gene therapy.
Passive and active immunization against outer surface protein A (OspA) has been successful in protecting laboratory animals against subsequent infection with Borrelia burgdorferi. Antibodies (Abs) to OspA convey full protection, but only when they are present at the time of infection. Abs inactivate spirochetes within the tick and block their transmission to mammals, but do not affect established infection because of the loss of OspA in the vertebrate host. Our initial finding that the presence of high serum titers of anti-OspC Abs (5 to 10 μg/ml) correlates with spontaneous resolution of disease and infection in experimentally challenged immunocompetent mice suggested that therapeutic vaccination with OspC may be feasible. We now show that polyclonal and monospecific mouse immune sera to recombinant OspC, but not to OspA, of B. burgdorferi resolve chronic arthritis and carditis and clear disseminated spirochetes in experimentally infected C.B.-17 severe combined immunodeficient mice in a dose-dependent manner. This was verified by macroscopical and microscopical examination of affected tissues and recultivation of spirochetes from ear biopsies. Complete resolution of disease and infection was achieved, independent of whether OspC-specific immune sera (10 μg OspC-specific Abs) were repeatedly given (4× in 3- to 4-day intervals) before the onset (day 10 postinfection) or at the time of fully established arthritis and carditis (days 19 or 60 postinfection). The results indicate that in mice spirochetes constitutively express OspC and are readily susceptible to protective OspC-specific Abs throughout the infection. Thus, an OspC-based vaccine appears to be a candidate for therapy of Lyme disease.
© The Author(s) 2014. Acknowledgements We thank the Information Services Division, Scotland, who provided the SMR01 data, and NHS Grampian, who provided the biochemistry data. We also thank the University of Aberdeen’s Data Management Team. Funding This work was supported by the Chief Scientists Office for Scotland (grant no. CZH/4/656).
Chronic wasting disease is a fatal neurological disease found in deer and elk in 14 western and mid-western states and two Canadian provinces. It is believed to have been first observed in Colorado and Wyoming in 1967. It is a disease caused by prions by an unknown transmission vector and impossible to cure at this time. Most of the management options currently available are labor-intensive and costly. The potential use of controlled burns to reduce or eliminate the prions that cause the disease was shown to have no effect on the prevalence of the disease in either study area. The temperatures needed to destroy prions were not reached by either surface or crown fires.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
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