993 resultados para Catherine, of Alexandria, Saint
This thesis aims to investigate the development and functions of public libraries in Rome and the Roman world. After a preface with maps of libraries in Rome, Section I discusses the precursors for public library provision in the private book collections of Republican Rome, and their transfer into the public domain with the first public libraries of Asinius Pollio and Augustus. Section II contains three 'case studies' of public libraries' different roles. The Augustan library programme is used in Ch.II.l to examine the role of imperial public libraries in literary life and the connections between Rome's libraries and those of Alexandria. Chapter II.2 concentrates on the libraries of Trajan's Forum to explore the intersection of imperial public libraries and monumental public architecture. This chapter responds to an important recent article by arguing for the continued identification of the Forum's libraries with twin brick buildings at its northern end, and suggests a series of correspondences between these libraries and its other monumental components. The conclusions of this chapter are important when considering the public libraries of the wider empire, several of which seem to have been inspired by the Trajanic libraries. Chapter II.3 considers imperial public libraries and leisure by looking at the evidence for libraries within bath-house complexes, concluding that their presence there is consistent with the archaeological and epigraphic evidence and fits in well with what we know of the intellectual and cultural life of these structures. Section III examines various aspects of the practical function of Roman public libraries: their contents (books and archives), division into Latin and Greek sections, provisions for shelving and cataloguing, staff, usership, architectural form, decoration, and housing of works of art. The picture that emerges is of carefully designed and functional buildings intended to sustain public, monumental, and practical functions. Section IV uses a variety of texts to examine the way in which libraries were viewed and used. Ch. IV. 1 discusses the evidence for use of libraries by scholars and authors such as Gellius, Galen, Josephus, and Apuleius. Ch. IV.2 examines parallels between library collections and compendious encyclopaedic elements within Roman literature and considers how library collections came to be canon-forming institutions and vehicles for the expression of imperial approval or disapproval towards authors. The channels through which this imperial influence flowed are investigated in Ch. IV.3, which looks at the directors and staff of the public libraries of Rome. The final section (V) of the thesis concerns public libraries outside the city of Rome. Provincial libraries provide a useful case study in 'Romanisation': they reveal a range of influences and are shown to embody local, personal, and metropolitan imperial identities. There follows a brief conclusion, and a bibliography. There are also five appendices of numismatic and epigraphic material discussed in the text. This material has not been adequately or completely gathered elsewhere and is intended to assist the reader; where appropriate it includes illustrations, transcriptions, and translations.
BACKGROUND: Nurses and allied health care professionals (physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech and language pathologists, dietitians) form more than half of the clinical health care workforce and play a central role in health service delivery. There is a potential to improve the quality of health care if these professionals routinely use research evidence to guide their clinical practice. However, the use of research evidence remains unpredictable and inconsistent. Leadership is consistently described in implementation research as critical to enhancing research use by health care professionals. However, this important literature has not yet been synthesized and there is a lack of clarity on what constitutes effective leadership for research use, or what kinds of intervention effectively develop leadership for the purpose of enabling and enhancing research use in clinical practice. We propose to synthesize the evidence on leadership behaviours amongst front line and senior managers that are associated with research evidence by nurses and allied health care professionals, and then determine the effectiveness of interventions that promote these behaviours.Methods/design: Using an integrated knowledge translation approach that supports a partnership between researchers and knowledge users throughout the research process, we will follow principles of knowledge synthesis using a systematic method to synthesize different types of evidence involving: searching the literature, study selection, data extraction and quality assessment, and analysis. A narrative synthesis will be conducted to explore relationships within and across studies and meta-analysis will be performed if sufficient homogeneity exists across studies employing experimental randomized control trial designs. DISCUSSION: With the engagement of knowledge users in leadership and practice, we will synthesize the research from a broad range of disciplines to understand the key elements of leadership that supports and enables research use by health care practitioners, and how to develop leadership for the purpose of enhancing research use in clinical practice.
A concepção filosófica do mundo se inicia com os gregos sintetizados por Platão e Aristóteles. Para o primeiro o mundo físico é aparente e para se chegar à verdade é preciso se lembrar das idéias originais que determinam seu significado. Para o segundo as coisas físicas são dirigidas pelas idéias e para entendê-las é preciso a lógica. Durante o helenismo a escola de Alexandria elabora o neoplatonismo, a base da Patrística. Após a queda de Roma, os filósofos bizantinos guardam a herança clássica. A Igreja constrói uma visão neoplatônica da cristandade, a Escolástica. No oriente os persas também sofreram a influência grega. Entre os árabes do Oriente o pensamento neoplatônico orienta filósofos e religiosos de forma que para eles a razão e a fé não se separam. Aí a ciências se desenvolvem na física, na alquimia, na botânica, na medicina, na matemática e na lógica, até serem subjugadas pela doutrina conservadora dos otomanos. Na Espanha mulçumana sem as restrições da teologia, a filosofia de Aristóteles é mais bem compreendida do que no resto do Islã. Também aí todas as ciências se desenvolvem rápido. Mas a Espanha sucumbe aos cristãos. Os árabes e judeus apresentam Aristóteles à Europa Ocidental que elabora um Aristóteles cristão. A matemática, a física experimental, a alquimia e a medicina dos árabes influenciam intensamente o Ocidente. Os artesãos constroem instrumentos cada vez mais precisos, os navegadores constroem navios e mapas mais eficientes e minuciosos, os armeiros calculam melhor a forma de lançamento e pontaria de suas armas e os agrimensores melhor elaboram a medida de sua área de mapeamento. Os artistas principalmente italianos, a partir dos clássicos gregos e árabes, criam a perspectiva no desenho, possibilitando a matematização do espaço. Os portugueses, junto com cientistas árabes, judeus e italianos, concluem um projeto de expansão naval e ampliam os horizontes do mundo. Os pensadores italianos, como uma reação à Escolástica, constroem um pensamento humanista influenciado pelo pensamento grego clássico original e pelos últimos filósofos bizantinos. Por todas essas mudanças se inicia a construção de um novo universo e de um novo método, que viria décadas mais tarde.
This present research the aim to show to the reader the Geometry non-Euclidean while anomaly indicating the pedagogical implications and then propose a sequence of activities, divided into three blocks which show the relationship of Euclidean geometry with non-Euclidean, taking the Euclidean with respect to analysis of the anomaly in non-Euclidean. PPGECNM is tied to the line of research of History, Philosophy and Sociology of Science in the Teaching of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. Treat so on Euclid of Alexandria, his most famous work The Elements and moreover, emphasize the Fifth Postulate of Euclid, particularly the difficulties (which lasted several centuries) that mathematicians have to understand him. Until the eighteenth century, three mathematicians: Lobachevsky (1793 - 1856), Bolyai (1775 - 1856) and Gauss (1777-1855) was convinced that this axiom was correct and that there was another geometry (anomalous) as consistent as the Euclid, but that did not adapt into their parameters. It is attributed to the emergence of these three non-Euclidean geometry. For the course methodology we started with some bibliographical definitions about anomalies, after we ve featured so that our definition are better understood by the readers and then only deal geometries non-Euclidean (Hyperbolic Geometry, Spherical Geometry and Taxicab Geometry) confronting them with the Euclidean to analyze the anomalies existing in non-Euclidean geometries and observe its importance to the teaching. After this characterization follows the empirical part of the proposal which consisted the application of three blocks of activities in search of pedagogical implications of anomaly. The first on parallel lines, the second on study of triangles and the third on the shortest distance between two points. These blocks offer a work with basic elements of geometry from a historical and investigative study of geometries non-Euclidean while anomaly so the concept is understood along with it s properties without necessarily be linked to the image of the geometric elements and thus expanding or adapting to other references. For example, the block applied on the second day of activities that provides extend the result of the sum of the internal angles of any triangle, to realize that is not always 180° (only when Euclid is a reference that this conclusion can be drawn)
Introduction: The SPPB provides information about physical function and is a predictor of adverse events in the elderly. Frailty is a multidimensional syndrome that increases susceptibility to diseases and disability. However it may be possible to prevent or postpone frailty if is identified early. Our objective is to analyze SPPB s ability in screening for frailty a community-dwelling young elderly from cities with distinct socioeconomic conditions. Methods: Data were originated from community dwelling adults (65-74 years old) in Canada (Saint Bruno; n = 60) and Brazil (Santa Cruz; n = 64). SPPB was used to assess physical performance. Frailty was defined as the presence of ≥ 3 of these criteria: weight loss, exhaustion, weakness, mobility limitation and low physical activity. One point was given for each criterion met, totalizing a frailty score ranged from 0 to 5. The Linear Regression and Receiver Operating Characteristics analyses were performed to evaluate the SPPB s screening ability. Results: Mean age was 69.48, 10.0% of the Saint Bruno s sample and 28.1% of Santa Cruz s were frail (p = 0.001), the SPPB score means were 9.6 and 8.5 respectively (p = 0.01). SPPB correlated with the frailty score (R2 = 0.33), with better results for Saint Bruno. A cutoff of 9 in SPPB had good sensitivity and specificity in discriminating frail from non frail in Saint Bruno (AUC = 0.81) but showed fair results in Santa Cruz (AUC = 0.61). Conclusion: The SPPB has moderate ability in predicting frailty among older adult s population, and is an useful test to identify people with good functionality and low frailty when SPPB scores are ≥9
The aim of this study is to understand the version of St. Francis of Assisi created by Friar Thomas of Celano in his hagiographic works. That study also it examines how the Order of Friars Minor and the Papacy have understood the relationship between Christians and the world and turned thisunderstanding in a version of the Saint. Factors such as the replacement of Neoplatonism byAristotelianism as philosophical paradigm and economic and social changes have contributed to change the interpretation of the biblical mandate to not love the world , no longer interpreted as materiality, but as an order for Christians to flee sin. The rejection of the world was replaced by a greater appreciation of nature and society. Moreover, increasingly, the body went from enemy to friend, becoming the brotherbody. Such analysis is important to review the idea, so common in the historiography of what MaxWeber called Worldly Asceticism, the Christian life lived in society, only emerged in Protestantism in opposition to monasticism. The mendicant orders, especially the minority tried during the thirteenth century, the period of analysis of this work, experience the loving nature of Christianity and acting,through preaching and charity in the cities.To make this work, were analyzed the hagiographic discourse (on San Francisco) made by Thomas of Celano, Vita beati Francisci (called Vita Prima) and Memorial in desideiro anime (named Vita Secunda) and, from this, understand the Celano´s interpretation on how it should be the Christian's relationship with the world. The world ceased to be adistorted reflection of a perfect reality, becoming the perfect reflection of God's goodness.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde de pacientes com doença obstrutiva crônica das vias aéreas recebendo oxigenoterapia domiciliar prolongada (ODP) por meio de cilindros de oxigênio e comparar estes resultados com os obtidos após seis meses de modificação do sistema de fornecimento para concentradores de oxigênio. MÉTODOS: Um total de 45 pacientes, 24 com hipoxemia crônica e 21 sem evidências de hipoxemia, foram avaliados. Os pacientes com hipoxemia crônica estavam recebendo ODP regularmente durante pelo menos os últimos seis meses e foram avaliados no momento basal, em uso de cilindro, e após seis meses de transição para concentradores. Os pacientes não hipoxêmicos foram avaliados no mesmo intervalo de tempo que os pacientes hipoxêmicos. Para avaliar a qualidade de vida foi utilizada a versão validada para língua portuguesa (Brasil) do Questionário Respiratório Saint George (Saint George's Respiratory Questionnaire - SGRQ). RESULTADOS: No momento inicial, os pacientes hipoxêmicos apresentaram maior comprometimento da qualidade de vida, avaliada pelo escore total e pelos escores dos domínios sintomas e impacto do SGRQ, que os pacientes não hipoxêmicos. Após seis meses, houve melhora significativa da qualidade de vida dos pacientes hipoxêmicos e, neste momento, não foi encontrada diferença entre os pacientes com e sem hipoxemia. CONCLUSÃO: Nossos achados mostraram que os pacientes com doença obstrutiva crônica das vias aéreas e hipoxemia crônica apresentam prejuízo da qualidade de vida, que essa qualidade de vida pode ser melhorada com o uso regular de ODP e que o sistema de fornecimento de oxigênio tem influência nessa melhora.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Esta dissertação discute as imagens e representações encontradas na Literatura e as lutas pelo controle da cultura no exemplo da Festividade, da Irmandade e da Marujada de São Benedito, na cidade de Bragança, Estado do Pará, na Amazônia brasileira, a partir da década de 1930, no século XX. Analisando uma farta bibliografia nos temas Folclore, Memória, Tradição Popular e Antropologia, o estudo tenta explicar como se construíram as relações sociais entre os sujeitos históricos da Igreja Católica pela Prelazia do Guamá e da Irmandade do Glorioso São Benedito de Bragança, relacionando-os com o recurso literário e com os principais teóricos da historiografia, para entender o catolicismo popular e oficial em suas representações assim como os símbolos construídos no tempo, como elementos da História de tensão entre as ideias e regras de controle eclesiástico católico e a reação popular dos irmãos de São Benedito.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB