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Libro para estudiantes de los niveles AS a A2 (enseñanza secundaria de segundo ciclo, bachillerato) orientado a superar la certificación AQA (Assessment and Qualifications Alliance) en la materia de medios de información y comunicación. Está estructurado en seis capítulos que cubren las siguientes materias: desarrollo del análisis de texto, marco de referencia histórico para el análisis, temas y casos de estudio para debatir (MEST3 y MEST4), habilidades de investigación y presentación. Incluye ejercicios, conceptos básicos y ejemplos de preguntas de examen.
Se presentan una serie de historias narradas por un grupo de profesoras anónimas. Estas narraciones, pertenecientes a unas monjas católicas progresistas, demuestran el poder del discurso moral en el debate público en la práctica, y señalan los usos conservadores del lenguaje religioso. Con ello, pretenden aportar nuevas lecciones sobre la relación entre religión, educación y política progresista.
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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
En aquesta tesi s'han estudiat mecanismes de reaccions de cicloanulació en carbens de Fischer a través de mètodes teòrics, concretament fent servir el nivell de teoria B3LYP/(Wachters' basis / 6-31G**). Els alcoxi- i amino carbens de pentacarbonil crom, ja siguin vinílics o aromàtics, reaccionen amb acetilè per produir fenols, naftols o derivats ciclopentadiè o indè substituïts amb el Cr(CO)3 coordinat, d'una manera regioselectiva. L'objectiu d'aquest treball és discutir ambudes reaccions competitives particularment a la reacció de Dötz, la qual durant els darrers anys ha estat explorada experimentalment per W.D. Wulff, C.P. Casey, R. Aumann i J. Barluenga entre altres diferents propostes mecanístiques. A més K.H. Dötz va demostrar que la coordinació del Cr(CO)3, un cop l'anell ja està format, pot patir canvis haptotròpics, és a dir, la caminada del complex metàl·lic d'un anell a un altre -generalment almenys substituït- canviant la seva hapticitat (coordinació pi amb els membres de l'anell). Llavors, s'han estudiat les migracions haptotròpiques intramoleculars en petits hidrocarbons aromàtics policíclics amb l'objectiu d'analitzar les rutes de reacció per les quals aquestes reaccions es porten a terme
There is remarkable agreement in expectations today for vastly improved ocean data management a decade from now -- capabilities that will help to bring significant benefits to ocean research and to society. Advancing data management to such a degree, however, will require cultural and policy changes that are slow to effect. The technological foundations upon which data management systems are built are certain to continue advancing rapidly in parallel. These considerations argue for adopting attitudes of pragmatism and realism when planning data management strategies. In this paper we adopt those attitudes as we outline opportunities for progress in ocean data management. We begin with a synopsis of expectations for integrated ocean data management a decade from now. We discuss factors that should be considered by those evaluating candidate “standards”. We highlight challenges and opportunities in a number of technical areas, including “Web 2.0” applications, data modeling, data discovery and metadata, real-time operational data, archival of data, biological data management and satellite data management. We discuss the importance of investments in the development of software toolkits to accelerate progress. We conclude the paper by recommending a few specific, short term targets for implementation, that we believe to be both significant and achievable, and calling for action by community leadership to effect these advancements.
Benzene-1,2-dioxyacetic acid (bdoaH2) reacts with Mn(CH3CO2)2·4H2O in an ethanol-water mixture to give the manganese(II) complex [Mn(bdoa)(H2O)3]. The X-ray crystal structure of the complex shows the metal to be pseudo seven-coordinate. The quadridentate bdoa2− dicar☐ylate ligand forms an essentially planar girdle around the metal, being strongly bondedtransoid by a car☐ylate oxygen atom from each of the two car☐ylate moieties (mean MnO 2.199A˚) and also weakly chelated by the two internal ether oxygen atoms (mean MnO 2.413A˚). The coordination sphere about the manganese is completed by three water molecules (mean MnO 2.146A˚) lying in a meridional plane orthogonal to that of the bdoa2− ligand. Magnetic, conductivity and voltammetry data for the complex are given, and its use as a catalyst for the disproportionisation of H2O2 is described.
The synthesis and X-ray crystal structure of the MnII,11 complex double salt [Mn2(η1η1µ2-oda)(phen)4(H2O)2][Mn2(η1η1µ2-oda(phen)4(η1-oda)2]·4H2O is reported, together with its catalytic activity towards the disproportionation of H2O2.
1,1′-Diacetylferrocene reacts with neat hydrate over a period of 72 h at 20°C to give the dihydrazone [H2NN(Me)CC5H4FeC5H4C(Me)NNH2] (6) in almost quantitative yield. Either prolonging the reaction time or reacting 6 with fresh hydrazine causes the iron to be stripped from the metallocene and bis(hydrazine)bis(hydrazinecarboxylato-N′,O) iron(II), [Fe(N2H4)2(OOCNHNH2)2] (11), crystallizes. In the presence of Ba2+ or Mo2+ ions two molecules of complex 6 react to give the cyclic diazine [N(Me)CC5H4FeC5H4C (Me)N]2 (7) in high yield. Hydrazine is liberated in this reaction. Complexes 6 and 11 have been characterized crystallographically. The cyclic voltammograms of complexes 6 and 7 contain essentially non-reversible oxidation peaks.
The two air-stable manganese(II) salicylate complexes [Mn2(Hsal)4(H2O)4]1 and polymeric [{Mn2(sal)2(Hsal)(H2O)(H3O)(py)4·2py}n]2(H2sal = salicylic acid and py = pyridine) have been synthesised easily, and their crystal structures determined. Both contain unsymmetrically bridging salicylate ligands. In the presence of added pyridine 1 and 2 vigorously catalyse the disproportionation of H2O2.
Although interindividual variation in isoflavone metabolism was high, intraindividual variation was low. Only concentrations of O-DMA in plasma and urine appeared to be influenced by sex. Chronic soy consumption does not appear to induce many significant changes to the gut metabolism of isoflavones other than higher beta-glucosidase activity.
Sea surface temperature (SST) measurements are required by operational ocean and atmospheric forecasting systems to constrain modeled upper ocean circulation and thermal structure. The Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment (GODAE) High Resolution SST Pilot Project (GHRSST-PP) was initiated to address these needs by coordinating the provision of accurate, high-resolution, SST products for the global domain. The pilot project is now complete, but activities continue within the Group for High Resolution SST (GHRSST). The pilot project focused on harmonizing diverse satellite and in situ data streams that were indexed, processed, quality controlled, analyzed, and documented within a Regional/Global Task Sharing (R/GTS) framework implemented in an internationally distributed manner. Data with meaningful error estimates developed within GHRSST are provided by services within R/GTS. Currently, several terabytes of data are processed at international centers daily, creating more than 25 gigabytes of product. Ensemble SST analyses together with anomaly SST outputs are generated each day, providing confidence in SST analyses via diagnostic outputs. Diagnostic data sets are generated and Web interfaces are provided to monitor the quality of observation and analysis products. GHRSST research and development projects continue to tackle problems of instrument calibration, algorithm development, diurnal variability, skin temperature deviation, and validation/verification of GHRSST products. GHRSST also works closely with applications and users, providing a forum for discussion and feedback between SST users and producers on a regular basis. All data within the GHRSST R/GTS framework are freely available. This paper reviews the progress of GHRSST-PP, highlighting achievements that have been fundamental to the success of the pilot project.