195 resultados para Capm
With the rapid globalization and integration of world capital markets, more and more stocks are listed in multiple markets. With multi-listed stocks, the traditional measurement of systematic risk, the domestic beta, is not appropriate since it only contain information from one market. ^ Prakash et al. (1993) developed a technique, the global beta, to capture information from multiple markets wherein the stocks are listed. In this study, the global betas are obtained as well as domestic betas for 704 multi-listed stocks from 59 world equity markets. Welch tests show that domestic betas are not equal across markets, therefore, global beta is more appropriate in a global investment setting. ^ The traditional Capital Asset Pricing Models (CAPM) is also tested with regards to both domestic beta and global beta. The results generally support the positive relationship between stocks returns and global beta while tend to reject this relationship between stocks returns and domestic beta. Further tests of International CAPM with domestic beta and global beta strengthen the conclusion.^
For the last three decades, the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) has been a dominant model to calculate expected return. In early 1990% Fama and French (1992) developed the Fama and French Three Factor model by adding two additional factors to the CAPM. However even with these present models, it has been found that estimates of the expected return are not accurate (Elton, 1999; Fama &French, 1997). Botosan (1997) introduced a new approach to estimate the expected return. This approach employs an equity valuation model to calculate the internal rate of return (IRR) which is often called, 'implied cost of equity capital" as a proxy of the expected return. This approach has been gaining in popularity among researchers. A critical review of the literature will help inform hospitality researchers regarding the issue and encourage them to implement the new approach into their own studies.
In finance literature many economic theories and models have been proposed to explain and estimate the relationship between risk and return. Assuming risk averseness and rational behavior on part of the investor, the models are developed which are supposed to help in forming efficient portfolios that either maximize (minimize) the expected rate of return (risk) for a given level of risk (rates of return). One of the most used models to form these efficient portfolios is the Sharpe's Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). In the development of this model it is assumed that the investors have homogeneous expectations about the future probability distribution of the rates of return. That is, every investor assumes the same values of the parameters of the probability distribution. Likewise financial volatility homogeneity is commonly assumed, where volatility is taken as investment risk which is usually measured by the variance of the rates of return. Typically the square root of the variance is used to define financial volatility, furthermore it is also often assumed that the data generating process is made of independent and identically distributed random variables. This again implies that financial volatility is measured from homogeneous time series with stationary parameters. In this dissertation, we investigate the assumptions of homogeneity of market agents and provide evidence for the case of heterogeneity in market participants' information, objectives, and expectations about the parameters of the probability distribution of prices as given by the differences in the empirical distributions corresponding to different time scales, which in this study are associated with different classes of investors, as well as demonstrate that statistical properties of the underlying data generating processes including the volatility in the rates of return are quite heterogeneous. In other words, we provide empirical evidence against the traditional views about homogeneity using non-parametric wavelet analysis on trading data, The results show heterogeneity of financial volatility at different time scales, and time-scale is one of the most important aspects in which trading behavior differs. In fact we conclude that heterogeneity as posited by the Heterogeneous Markets Hypothesis is the norm and not the exception.
Ce mémoire présente une version dividende du Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). Selon le modèle développé ici, il existe une relation à l'équilibre entre le rendement en dividendes et le risque systématique. Cette relation est linéaire et négative et peut-être dérivée dans un monde avec ou sans impôt. Une application de ce modèle est possible lorsqu'on évalue la valeur théorique d'une action ordinaire à l'aide du taux net d'actualisation. Au total, le test empirique indique qu'il y a une concordance observable entre les implications majeures du modèle et les faits.
International research shows that low-volatility stocks have beaten high-volatility stocks in terms of returns for decades on multiple markets. This abbreviation from traditional risk-return framework is known as low-volatility anomaly. This study focuses on explaining the anomaly and finding how strongly it appears in NASDAQ OMX Helsinki stock exchange. Data consists of all listed companies starting from 2001 and ending close to 2015. Methodology follows closely Baker and Haugen (2012) by sorting companies into deciles according to 3-month volatility and then calculating monthly returns for these different volatility groups. Annualized return for the lowest volatility decile is 8.85 %, while highest volatility decile destroys wealth at rate of -19.96 % per annum. Results are parallel also in quintiles that represent larger amount of companies and thus dilute outliers. Observation period captures financial crisis of 2007-2008 and European debt crisis, which embodies as low main index annual return of 1 %, but at the same time proves the success of low-volatility strategy. Low-volatility anomaly is driven by multiple reasons such as leverage constrained trading and managerial incentives which both prompt to invest in risky assets, but behavioral matters also have major weight in maintaining the anomaly.
Tämän kandidaatintutkielman tarkoituksena on perehtyä yrityskokoanomaliaan ja sen esiintymiseen Euroopan osakemarkkinoilla. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on myös selvittää, että voidaanko yrityksen markkina-arvoihin perustuvilla sijoitusportfolioilla saavuttaa ylituottoja markkinoilta. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu kolmesta indeksistä, jotka kuvaavat Euroopan 15 merkittävimmän pörssin kuukausittaisia päätösarvoja ajalta 1/2001–1/2015. Anomalian tunnistamiseksi vertaillaan kolmea markkina-arvoon perustuvaa portfoliota erilaisin kuvailevin tunnusluvuin sekä tilastollisin menetelmin. Tutkielmassa kolmea portfolioita analysoidaan myös hyödyntäen menestysmittarina Sharpen lukua. Näiden tutkimusmenetelmien avulla pyritään selvittämään yrityskokoanomalian esiintymistä Euroopan osakemarkkinoilla sekä löytämään vanhoja tutkimustuloksia tukevia johtopäätöksiä ilmiöstä. Tulosten perusteella tutkimusaikavälillä ylivoimaisesti parhaiten pärjäsivät eurooppalaiset markkina-arvoltaan pienimmät yhtiöt. Eurooppalaiset suuret yhtiöt olivat häviäjiä tässä tapauksessa, kuten aikaisemmat tutkimustulokset antoivatkin odottaa. Pienet yhtiöt pärjäsivät parhaiten lähes jokaisella mittarilla: kumulatiivisella tuotolla sekä Sharpen luvun perusteella. Tutkimuksessa vertailtiin myös portfolioiden riskiä volatiliteetilla sekä betalla, jonka perusteella pienet yhtiöt eivät olleet erityisesti riskisempiä kuin vertailuportfoliot tutkimusaikavälillä. Vaikkei millään portfoliolla pystytty saavuttamaan tilastollisesti merkittävää riskikorjattua ylituottoa, pystytään tulosten perusteella antamaan jalansijaa yrityskokoilmiölle muiden mittareiden perusteella.
El presente documento tiene por objetivo principal, analizar la confección y desempeño del portafolio de inversión de los fondos de pensiones de El Salvador, a través de la Teoría Moderna de Portafolios, evaluando cada activo, mediante el Modelo de Valuación de Activos de Capital o CAPM, conforme lo determina la Ley del Sistema de Ahorro para Pensiones. Se presenta además, un recorrido histórico de los acontecimientos que dieron lugar al proceso de capitalización del sistema de pensiones y los efectos negativos de transición. Así como una descripción de los componentes de la cartera de los fondos, los resultados financieros que se produjeron luego de los cambios en la Ley de capitalización y su Reglamento; la creación de la Ley del Fideicomiso de Obligaciones Previsionales, como mecanismo del Estado para continuar con los beneficios del sistema de reparto. Se detalla el comportamiento de los rendimientos de los fondos y un comparativo con algunos países de Latinoamérica que han experimentado diversificar su cartera de inversión de los fondos de pensiones, como mecanismo para generar mayores índices de rentabilidad. Para el desarrollo de esta investigación se ha seleccionado el período 2011-2014, de los cuales se evalúan las carteras valorizadas del fondo, con el propósito de identificar los componentes más representativos. A través del método de investigación experimental y utilizando técnicas de recolección de datos tales como entrevista, observación y cuestionarios se logró obtener toda la información necesaria para dar respuesta a la pregunta de investigación y alcanzar los objetivos planteados. Finalmente, se realiza un análisis del comportamiento del portafolio de inversión de las administradoras de los fondos o AFP, con el propósito de estudiar la principal causa del escaso crecimiento de los fondos de pensiones en nuestro país.
Mestrado em Finanças
La recomendación de esta valoración es de compra de la acción de Cartón de Colombia S.A., con un precio objetivo de $ 12,723, el cual fue calculado con la metodología de flujos de caja descontados y valoración por múltiplos para hallar el valor fundamental de las filiales -- La recomendación se basa en la buena dinámica que han tenido sus tres líneas de negocio: cartones y papeles, madera y plántulas de vivero y servicios, la cual se espera que continúe en los siguientes años creciendo de forma real -- Adicionalmente, se espera que en el 2016 empiece la construcción de una nueva planta de corrugados en Bogotá que funcionará con tecnología de punta y que servirá para poder satisfacer la demanda futura, ya que la empresa se encuentra operando con toda su capacidad instalada
Una vez valorada la compañía a través de la metodología de flujo de caja descontado (DFC), y teniendo en cuenta las principales variables macroeconómicas, la expectativa de comportamiento del sector y la estructura operativa, se recomienda vender esta acción por la expectativa de desvalorización
Isagen es una empresa que posee cerca del 20% de participación del mercado nacional de generación de energía, las proyecciones del crecimiento de la demanda de energía para los próximos tres años, según UPME, oscilan entre un 2.0% y un 4.8%, por esta razón Isagen ha realizado importantes proyectos de crecimiento y ampliación de su capacidad, como la hidroeléctrica de Sogamoso recientemente, y ahora han iniciado con un proyecto de similares magnitudes como lo es Cañafisto, con la que ampliará su capacidad en 5.740 GW / año, y consideramos que aunque en el corto plazo los flujos de caja estarán ajustados por la alta inversión que este megaproyecto demanda, las condiciones y los fundamentales de Isagen soportan un precio mayor
Company valuation models attempt to estimate the value of a company in two stages: (1) comprising of a period of explicit analysis and (2) based on unlimited production period of cash flows obtained through a mathematical approach of perpetuity, which is the terminal value. In general, these models, whether they belong to the Dividend Discount Model (DDM), the Discount Cash Flow (DCF), or RIM (Residual Income Models) group, discount one attribute (dividends, free cash flow, or results) to a given discount rate. This discount rate, obtained in most cases by the CAPM (Capital asset pricing model) or APT (Arbitrage pricing theory) allows including in the analysis the cost of invested capital based on the risk taking of the attributes. However, one cannot ignore that the second stage of valuation that is usually 53-80% of the company value (Berkman et al., 1998) and is loaded with uncertainties. In this context, particular attention is needed to estimate the value of this portion of the company, under penalty of the assessment producing a high level of error. Mindful of this concern, this study sought to collect the perception of European and North American financial analysts on the key features of the company that they believe contribute most to its value. For this feat, we used a survey with closed answers. From the analysis of 123 valid responses using factor analysis, the authors conclude that there is great importance attached (1) to the life expectancy of the company, (2) to liquidity and operating performance, (3) to innovation and ability to allocate resources to R&D, and (4) to management capacity and capital structure, in determining the value of a company or business in long term. These results contribute to our belief that we can formulate a model for valuating companies and businesses where the results to be obtained in the evaluations are as close as possible to those found in the stock market
Dans les modèles d’évaluation d’actifs financiers, la stratégie de placement d’un individu est liée à la distribution des rendements des actifs inclus dans son portefeuille. Le modèle intertemporel d’évaluation des actifs financiers basé sur la consommation (C-CAPM) permet d’intégrer la dimension temporelle dans le cadre d’analyse et de comprendre l’arbitrage entre les décisions de consommation et d’épargne d’un individu. La prédiction fondamentale de ce modèle est l’existence d’un lien entre les rendements des actifs financiers et leur covariance avec le taux marginal de substitution intertemporel (TMSI). Dans un cadre théorique, l’énigme de la prime de risque est mise en évidence lorsqu’une fonction d’utilité de type CRRA est utilisée afin de représenter les préférences du consommateur. La rigidité de cette modélisation impose cependant un coefficient d’aversion au risque fixe réconciliant difficilement le modèle avec les données réelles. Ce mémoire a pour objectif de résoudre cette problématique en modifiant les formulations classiques du TMSI. Dans un contexte canadien, nous modifions la forme CRRA afin de déterminer, entre autres, si les variations du produit intérieur brut ont un effet sur le niveau d’aversion au risque d’un agent. Par la suite, nous insérons la richesse immobilière dans une forme d’utilité non-séparable comme proxy du rendement de la richesse. Nos résultats suggèrent qu’il est pertinent, sur une longue période, de tenir compte de la richesse immobilière dans le programme de consommation de l’agent.
El presente artículo, presenta un análisis de las decisiones de estructuración de capital de la compañía Merck Sharp & Dome S.A.S, desde la perspectiva de las finanzas comportamentales, comparando los métodos utilizados actualmente por la compañía seleccionada con la teoría tradicional de las finanzas, para así poder evaluar el desempeño teórico y real. Incorporar elementos comportamentales dentro del estudio permite profundizar más sobre de las decisiones corporativas en un contexto más cercano a los avances investigativos de las finanzas del comportamiento, lo cual lleva a que el análisis de este artículo se enfoque en la identificación y entendimiento de los sesgos de exceso de confianza y statu quo, pero sobre todo su implicación en las decisiones de financiación. Según la teoría tradicional el proceso de estructuración de capital se guía por los costos, pero este estudio de caso permitió observar que en la práctica esta relación de costo-decisión está en un segundo lugar, después de la relación riesgo-decisión a la hora del proceso de estructuración de capital.
The first chapter provides evidence that aggregate Research and Development (R&D) investment drives a persistent component in productivity growth and that this embodies a risk priced in financial markets. In a semi-endogenous growth model, this component is identified by the R&D in excess of equilibrium levels and can be approximated by the Error Correction Term in the cointegration between R&D and Total Factor Productivity. Empirically, the component results being well defined and it satisfies all key theoretical predictions: it exhibits appropriate persistency, it forecasts productivity growth, and it is associated with a cross-sectional risk premium. CAPM is the most foundational model in financial economics, but is known to empirically underestimate expected returns of low-risk assets and overestimate those with high risk. The second chapter studies how risks omission and funding tightness jointly contribute to explaining this anomaly, with the former affecting the definition of assets’ riskiness and the latter affecting how risk is remunerated. Theoretically, the two effects are shown to counteract each other. Empirically, the spread related to binding leverage constraints is found to be significant at 2% yearly. Nonetheless, average returns of portfolios that exploit this anomaly are found to mostly reflect omitted risks, in contrast to their employment in previous literature. The third chapter studies how ‘sustainability’ of assets affect discount rates, which is intrinsically mediated by the risk profile of the assets themselves. This has implications for the assessment of the sustainability-related spread and for hedging changes in the sustainability concern. This mechanism is tested on the ESG-score dimension for US data, with inconclusive evidence regarding the existence of an ESG-related premium in the first place. Also, the risk profile of the long-short ESG portfolio is not likely to impact the sign of its average returns with respect to the sustainability-spread, for the time being.