341 resultados para COASTLINE


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[EN] Filaments are narrow, shallow structures of cool water originating from the coast. They are typical features of the four main eastern boundary upwelling systems (EBUS). In spite of their significant biological and chemical roles, through the offshore exportation of nutrient-rich waters, the physical processes that generate them are still not completely understood. This paper is a process-oriented study of filament generation mechanisms. Our goal is twofold: firstly, to obtain a numerical solution able to well represent the characteristics of the filament off Cape Ghir (30°38'N, northwestern Africa) in the Canary EBUS and secondly, to explain its formation by a simple mechanism based on the balance of potential vorticity. The first goal is achieved by the use of the ROMS model (Regional Ocean Modeling System) in embedded domains around Cape Ghir, with a horizontal resolution going up to 1.5 km for the finest domain. The latter gets its initial and boundary conditions from a parent solution and is forced by climatological, high-resolution atmospheric fields. The modeled filaments display spatial, temporal and physical characteristics in agreement with the available in situ and satellite observations. This model solution is used as a reference to compare the results with a set of process-oriented experiments. These experiments allow us to reach the second objective. Their respective solution serves to highlight the contribution of various processes in the filament generation. Since the study is focused on general processes present under climatological forcing conditions, inter-annual forcing is not necessary. The underlying idea for the filament generation is the balance of potential vorticity in the Canary EBUS: the upwelling jet is characterized by negative relative vorticity and flows southward along a narrow band of uniform potential vorticity. In the vicinity of the cape, an injection of relative vorticity induced by the wind breaks the existing vorticity balance. The upwelling jet is prevented from continuing its way southward and has to turn offshore to follow lines of equal potential vorticity. The model results highlight the essential role of wind, associated with the particular topography (coastline and bottom) around the cape. The mechanism presented here is general and thus can be applied to other EBUS.


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[EN] Playa Barca is a 370 m long beach located within the system of the Leeward beaches on the Jandía peninsula, Fuerteventura. This system of beaches represents one of the major sources of economic income to the island, both because of its natural landscape that attract a specific type of tourism, and because of its particular climate conditions that make these beaches ideal for practicing wind-water sports. Nevertheless, in the past decades, this area has suffered from a significant and worrying coastline retreat. In order to look for an explanation to this retreat, five topographic surveys were carried out in October 1999, February 2001, February 2002, February 2003 and February 2013 to track the beach behavior in the last 15 years. A total station Topcon GTS-303D was used for this purpose. Surveys were carried out during low spring tides, so that the outer limit was the furthest possible depending on wave conditions. The inner limit covered part of the dunes in the backshore. From these topographic data both coastline changes and the sedimentary balance have been obtained.


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Der Übergang der Grenzschicht von stark ozeanisch auf kontinental beeinflusst wurde in 2 tropischen Küstenwaldgebieten Amerikas untersucht, wo Luftmassen vom Meer kommend über den Kontinent transportiert werden.Zwei Feldkampagnen wurden durchgeführt; in Costa Rica (CR; 07.1996) und in Surinam (04.1998). In CR wurde im nordöstlichen Flachgebiet (etwa 10°25' N; 84°W) Regenwasser gesammelt, in dem später Carboxylate, anorganischen Anionen, Ca2+, K+, NH4+ und Mg2+ gemessen wurden. Die Proben wurden an 5 verschiedenen Stellen entlang der Windrichtung 1, 20, 60, 60 und 80 km von der Küste gesammelt. In Surinam (Sipaliwini, 2°02' N, 56°08' W) wurden organischen Säuren aus der Gasphase gesammelt etwa 550 km von der Küste entfernt, sowohl wie O3 und CO. Die Proben wurden mittels Ionenchromatographie und Kapillarelektrophorese analysiert. Morgendliche Einmischung der nächtlichen residualen Schicht und Luft der unteren freien Troposphäre war Hauptquelle für HCOOH und CH3COOH in der Tagesmischschicht. Es wurde gezeigt, dass lokale Produktion dieser Säuren durch chemische Reaktionen eine kleine Rolle gespielt hat und dass direkte Emission vernachlässigbar war.Aus den beiden Feldkampagnen folgt, dass die Konzentrationen der sekundären Verbindungen HCOOH, CH3COOH, Ozon und CO in der Tagesmischschicht von Importen bestimmt wurden, was gilt für Regen- und Trockenzeit bis zu Entfernungen von 550 km zur Küste.


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La Piana di foce del Garigliano (al confine tra Lazio e Campania) è caratterizzata, fino ad epoche recenti, dalla presenza di aree palustri e umide. Lo studio in corso cerca di ricostruire l’evoluzione dell’ambiente costiero mettendolo in relazione alla presenza dell’uomo, alla gestione del territorio, alle vicende storiche e alle variazioni climatiche utilizzando molteplici metodologie tipiche della geoarcheologia. Si tratta di un approccio multidisciplinare che cerca di mettere insieme analisi tipiche dell’archeologia, della topografia antica, della geomorfologia, della geologia e della paleobotanica. Fino all’età del Ferro l’unica traccia di popolamento viene da Monte d’Argento, uno sperone roccioso isolato lungo la costa, posto al limite occidentale di un ambiente sottostante che sembra una palude chiusa e isolata da apporti sedimentari esterni. Con il passaggio all’età del ferro si verifica un mutamento ambientale con la fine della grande palude e la formazione di una piccola laguna parzialmente comunicante con il mare. L’arrivo dei romani alla fine del III secolo a.C. segna la scomparsa dei grandi centri degli Aurunci e la deduzione di tre colonie (Sessa Aurunca, Sinuessa, Minturno). Le attività di sistemazione territoriale non riguardarono però le aree umide costiere, che non vennero bonificate o utilizzate per scopi agricoli, ma mantennero la loro natura di piccoli laghi costieri. Quest’epoca è dunque caratterizzata da una diffusione capillare di insediamenti, basati su piccole fattorie o installazioni legate allo sfruttamento agricolo. Poche sono le aree archeologiche che hanno restituito materiali successivi al II-III secolo d.C. La città resta comunque abitata fino al VI-VII secolo, quando l’instabilità politica e l’impaludamento dovettero rendere la zona non troppo sicura favorendo uno spostamento verso le zone collinari. Un insediamento medievale è attestato solo a Monte d’Argento e una frequentazione saracena dell’inizio del IX secolo è riportata dalle fonti letterarie, ma non vi è ancora nessuna documentazione archeologica.


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The following thesis attempts to study and analyse the geomorphological evolution of a relatively small coastal area located to the North of Syracuse (Southeastern Sicily). The presently inactive Palombara Cave is located in this area. The 800 metres of passages in this cave show an evolution in some way linked to the local topographic and environmental changes. This portion of coastline was affected more or less constantly by the tectonic uplift during the Pleistocene, which simultaneously to the eustatic variations have played a key role in the genesis of the marine terraces and the cave. Starting from a DTM made from Lidar data, using a GIS procedure several marine terraces have been mapped. These informations combinated with a geomorphological study of the area, allowed to identify and recognise the different orders of the Middle Pleistocene terraced surfaces. Four orders of terraces between 180-75 m a.s.l have been observed, illustrated and described. Furthermore, two other supposed terrace edges located respectively at 60 and 35 m, which would indicate the presence of two more orders, have been recognised. All these marine terraces appear to have formed in the last million years. The morphological data of the Palombara cave, highlights a genesis related to the rising of CO2 rich waters coming from the depths through the fractures of the rock mass, that ranks it as a hypogenic cave. The development has been influenced by the changes in the water table, in turn determined by the fluctuations in the sea level. In fact, the cave shows a speleogenetic evolution characterised by phases of karstification in phreatic and epiphreatic environment and fossilization stages of the upper branches in vadose conditions. These observations indicate that the cave probably started forming around 600 Ky ago, contemporary to the start of volcanic processes in the area.


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The growing need to assess the environmental status of the Mediterranean coastal marine habitats and the large availability of data collected by Reef Check Italia onlus (RCI) volunteers suggest the possibility to develop innovative and reliable indices that may support decision makers in applying conservation strategies. The aims of this study were to check the reliability of data collected by RCI volunteers, analyse the spatial and temporal distribution of RCI available data, resume the knowledge on the biology and ecology of the monitored species, and develop innovative indices to asses the ecological quality of Mediterranean subtidal rocky shores and coralligenous habitats. Subtidal rocky shores and coralligenous were chosen because these are the habitats more attractive for divers; therefore mlst data are referring to them, moreover subtidal rocky bottom are strongly affected by coastal urbanisation, land use, fishing and tourist activities, that increase pollution, turbidity and sedimentation. Non-indigenous species (NIS) have been recognized as a major threat to the integrity of Mediterranean native communities because of their proliferation, spread and impact on resident communities. Monitoring of NIS’ spreading dynamics at the basin spatial scale is difficult but urgent. According to a field test, the training provided by RCI appears adequate to obtain reliable data by volunteers. Based on data collected by RCI volunteers, three main categories of indices were developed: indices based on species diversity, indices on the occurrence non-indigenous species, and indices on species sensitive toward physical, chemical and biological disturbances. As case studies, indices were applied to stretches of coastline defined according to management criteria (province territories and marine protected areas). The assessments of ecological quality in the Tavolara Marine Protected Area using the species sensitivities index were consisten with those previously obtained with traditional methods.


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The Bora wind is a mesoscale phenomenon which typically affects the Adriatic Sea basin for several days each year, especially during winter. The Bora wind has been studied for its intense outbreak across the Dinaric Alps. The properties of the Bora wind are widely discussed in the literature and scientific papers usually focus on the eastern Adriatic coast where strong turbulence and severe gust intensity are more pronounced. However, the impact of the Bora wind can be significant also over Italy, not only in terms of wind speed instensity. Depending on the synoptic pressure pattern (cyclonic or anticyclonic Bora) and on the season, heavy snowfall, severe storms, storm surges and floods can occur along the Adriatic coast and on the windward flanks of the Apennines. In the present work five Bora cases that occurred in recent years have been selected and their evolution has been simulated with the BOLAM-MOLOCH model set, developed at ISAC-CNR in Bologna. Each case study has been addressed by a control run and by several sensitivity tests, performed with the purpose of better understanding the role played by air-sea latent and sensible heat fluxes. The tests show that the removal of the fluxes induces modifications in the wind approching the coast and a decrease of the total precipitation amount predicted over Italy. In order to assess the role of heat fluxes, further analysis has been carried out: column integrated water vapour fluxes have been computed along the Italian coastline and an atmospheric water balance has been evaluated inside a box volume over the Adriatic Sea. The balance computation shows that, although latent heat flux produces a significant impact on the precipitation field, its contribution to the balance is relatively minor. The most significant and lasting case study, that of February 2012, has been studied in more detail in order to explain the impressive drop in the total precipitation amount simulated in the sensitivity tests with removed heat fluxes with respect to the CNTRL run. In these experiments relative humidity and potential temperature distribution over different cross-sections have been examined. With respect to the CNTRL run a drier and more stable boundary layer, characterised by a more pronounced wind shear at the lower levels, has been observed to establish above the Adriatic Sea. Finally, in order to demonstrate that also the interaction of the Bora flow with the Apennines plays a crucial role, sensitivity tests varying the orography height have been considered. The results of such sensitivity tests indicate that the propagation of the Bora wind over the Adriatic Sea, and in turn its meteorological impact over Italy, is influenced by both the large air-sea heat fluxes and the interaction with the Apennines that decelerate the upstream flow.


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We present an analysis of daily extreme precipitation events for the extended winter season (October–March) at 20 Mediterranean coastal sites covering the period 1950–2006. The heavy tailed behaviour of precipitation extremes and estimated return levels, including associated uncertainties, are derived applying a procedure based on the Generalized Pareto Distribution, in combination with recently developed methods. Precipitation extremes have an important contribution to make seasonal totals (approximately 60% for all series). Three stations (one in the western Mediterranean and the others in the eastern basin) have a 5-year return level above 100 mm, while the lowest value (estimated for two Italian series) is equal to 58 mm. As for the 50-year return level, an Italian station (Genoa) has the highest value of 264 mm, while the other values range from 82 to 200 mm. Furthermore, six series (from stations located in France, Italy, Greece, and Cyprus) show a significant negative tendency in the probability of observing an extreme event. The relationship between extreme precipitation events and the large scale atmospheric circulation at the upper, mid and low troposphere is investigated by using NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data. A 2-step classification procedure identifies three significant anomaly patterns both for the western-central and eastern part of the Mediterranean basin. In the western Mediterranean, the anomalous southwesterly surface to mid-tropospheric flow is connected with enhanced moisture transport from the Atlantic. During ≥5-year return level events, the subtropical jet stream axis is aligned with the African coastline and interacts with the eddy-driven jet stream. This is connected with enhanced large scale ascending motions, instability and leads to the development of severe precipitation events. For the eastern Mediterranean extreme precipitation events, the identified anomaly patterns suggest warm air advection connected with anomalous ascent motions and an increase of the low- to mid-tropospheric moisture. Furthermore, the jet stream position (during ≥5-year return level events) supports the eastern basin being in a divergence area, where ascent motions are favoured. Our results contribute to an improved understanding of daily precipitation extremes in the cold season and associated large scale atmospheric features.


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Dispersal and recruitment are central processes that shape the geographic and temporal distributions of populations of marine organisms. However, significant variability in factors such as reproductive output, larval transport, survival, and settlement success can alter the genetic identity of recruits from year to year. We designed a temporal and spatial sampling protocol to test for genetic heterogeneity among adults and recruits from multiple time points along a similar to 400 km stretch of the Oregon (USA) coastline. In total, 2824 adult and recruiting Balanus glandula were sampled between 2001 and 2008 from 9 sites spanning the Oregon coast. Consistent with previous studies, we observed high mitochondrial DNA diversity at the cytochrome oxidase I locus (884 unique haplotypes) and little to no spatial genetic population structure among the 9 sites (Phi(ST) = 0.00026, p = 0.170). However, subtle but significant temporal shifts in genetic composition were observed among year classes (Phi(ST) = 0.00071, p = 0.035), and spatial Phi(ST) varied from year to year. These temporal shifts in genetic structure were correlated with yearly differences in the strength of coastal upwelling (p = 0.002), with greater population structure observed in years with weaker upwelling. Higher levels of barnacle settlement were also observed in years with weaker upwelling (p < 0.001). These data suggest the hypothesis that low upwelling intensity maintains more local larvae close to shore, thereby shaping the genetic structure and settlement rate of recruitment year classes.


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The Calvert Cliffs, which form much of the western coastline of the Chesapeake Bay in Calvert County, Maryland, are actively eroding and destabilizing, resulting in a critical situation for many homes in close proximity to the slope's crest. Past studies have identified that where waves directly interact with the toe of the slope, wave action controls cliff recession; however, where waves do not regularly interact with the slope toe, the past work identified that freeze-thaw controls recession. This study investigated the validity of this second claim by analyzing the recession rate and freeze-thaw behavior of six study sites along the Calvert Cliffs that are not directly affected by waves. While waves do remove failed material from the toe, in these regions freeze-thaw is believed to be the dominant factor driving recession at the Calvert Cliffs. Past recession rates were calculated using historical aerial photographs and were analyzed together with a number of other variables selected to represent the freeze-thaw behavior of the Calvert Cliffs. The investigation studied sixteen independent variables and found that over 65% of recession at these study sites can be represented by the following five variables: (1) cliff face direction, (2 and 3) the percent of total cliff height composed of soil with freeze-thaw susceptibility F4 and F2, (4) the number of freeze-thaw cycles, and (5) the weighted shear strength. Future mitigation techniques at these sites should focus on addressing these variables and might include vegetation or addressing the presence of water along the face of the slope. Unmitigated, the Calvert Cliffs will continue to recede until a stable slope angle is reached and maintained.


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1. The acceptance of reserves as a useful management strategy relies on evidence of their effectiveness in preserving stocks of harvested species and conserving biodiversity. A history of ad hoc decisions in terrestrial and marine protected area planning has meant that many of these areas are contributing inefficiently to conservation goals. The conservation value of existing protected areas should be assessed when planning the placement of additional areas in a reserve network. 2. This study tested (1) the effectiveness of protection for intertidal molluscs of a marine reserve (Bouddi Marine Extension, NSW, Australia) established in 1971, and (2) the contribution of the protected area to the conservation of regional species, assemblages, and habitats. 3. The shell length and population density of one harvested (Cellana tramoserica), and three non-harvested species (Bembicium nanum, Morula marginalba, Nerita atramentosa) of intertidal molluscs were examined in the protected area and two reference locations over two seasons. 4. The heavily collected limpet C. tramoserica was significantly larger in the protected area and was the only species to exhibit a significant difference. No species significantly differed in population density between the protected area and reference locations. 5. Temporally replicated surveys of macro-molluscs at 21 locations over 75km of coastline identified that the existing protected area included 50% of species, two of five assemblage types and 19 of 20 intertidal rocky shore habitats surveyed in the study region. Reservation of a further three rocky reefs would protect a large proportion of species (71%), a representative of each assemblage and all habitat types. 6. Despite originally being selected in the absence of information on regional biodiversity, the protected area is today an effective starting point for expansion to a regional network of intertidal protected areas.


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Abstract. Ancient Lake Ohrid is a steep-sided, oligotrophic, karst lake that was tectonically formed most likely within the Pliocene and often referred to as a hotspot of endemic biodiversity. This study aims on tracing significant lake level fluctuations at Lake Ohrid using high-resolution acoustic data in combination with lithological, geochemical, and chronological information from two sediment cores recovered from sub-aquatic terrace levels at ca. 32 and 60m water depth. According to our data, significant lake level fluctuations with prominent lowstands of ca. 60 and 35m below the present water level occurred during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 6 and MIS 5, respectively. The effect of these lowstands on biodiversity in most coastal parts of the lake is negligible, due to only small changes in lake surface area, coastline, and habitat. In contrast, biodiversity in shallower areas was more severely affected due to disconnection of today sublacustrine springs from the main water body. Multichannel seismic data from deeper parts of the lake clearly image several clinoform structures stacked on top of each other. These stacked clinoforms indicate significantly lower lake levels prior to MIS 6 and a stepwise rise of water level with intermittent stillstands since its existence as water-filled body, which might have caused enhanced expansion of endemic species within Lake Ohrid.


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Uno de los objetivos del Programa de Ordenamiento y Protección de los Recursos Naturales de la Costa Atlántica de Río Negro es promover experiencias innovadoras, vinculadas a la protección del patrimonio natural y cultural del litoral costero rionegrino. Dentro de este marco, el objetivo general es establecer las bases para un desarrollo sustentable. Esto no es posible, si no se acompaña de una fuerte sensibilización ambiental dirigida a diferentes sectores sociales respecto de los valores que representa este ecosistema costero, actividad desarrollada en el marco del Proyecto Desarrollo de una Política de Sensibilización ambiental. La implementación de una estrategia de Educación Ambiental que permita generar en la comunidad una mayor capacidad para comprender el ambiente y que contribuyan a valorar el patrimonio natural y cultural, es el eje fundamental para alcanzar el desarrollo sustentable de la región. Es por ello que se plantea el objetivo de generar una política integral de sensibilización ambiental que permita incluir la temática ambiental en los diferentes sectores sociales y modalidades del sistema educativo. Para lograrlo se realiza el Primer Seminario Taller sobre Diseño de una Política de Capacitación y Sensibilización Ambiental, que es el primer paso que permitió generar las bases de una propuesta de una Política Integral de Sensibilización Ambiental. Posteriormente se realiza una encuesta dirigida a la comunidad en general y a docentes en la que se propone analizar cada una de las problemáticas ambientales reconocidas a la luz de cuatro variables: muy grave, grave, leve y no conoce/no contesta. No fue intención realizar un análisis profundo y detallado de las variables sino resaltar grandes rasgos que permitan establecer comparaciones para su ordenamiento y tratamiento. También la se realiza un Curso para Docentes que brinda el marco propicio para la Formulación e Implementación de una Política de Sensibilización Ambiental. Otra actividad es la organización de un concurso anual "Conozcamos Nuestras Costas" dirigido a la comunidad educativa, en el que participaron activamente 430 alumnos pertenecientes a las tres localidades costeras. Se elabora y distribuye materiales de sensibilización ambiental elaborados luego de un trabajo de diagnóstico, recopilación de información y material fotográfico. El mismo se organizó en sets de 10 juegos cada uno (rompecabezas, libro de imágenes, memotest, entre otros), cuyo contenido es de flora y fauna, áreas de mayor sensibilidad ecológica y los principios de conservación. Por último se realiza un Taller para la Cooperación en la Prevención y Mitigación de Impactos Ambientales en la Costa Atlántica. Como resultado de este taller se obtuvo una Red de Alerta y Comunicación, que contribuya a la formalización y fortalecimiento de la ya existente. La creación de un Centro de un Coordinación Ambiental (CCA) que tendría su sede en la Dirección de Defensa Civil.


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The Indo-Pacific Warm Pool (IPWP) is a key site for the global hydrologic cycle, and modern observations indicate that both the Indian Ocean Zonal Mode (IOZM) and the El Niño Southern Oscillation exert strong influence on its regional hydrologic characteristics. Detailed insight into the natural range of IPWP dynamics and underlying climate mechanisms is, however, limited by the spatial and temporal coverage of climate data. In particular, long-term (multimillennial) precipitation patterns of the western IPWP, a key location for IOZM dynamics, are poorly understood. To help rectify this, we have reconstructed rainfall changes over Northwest Sumatra (western IPWP, Indian Ocean) throughout the past 24,000 y based on the stable hydrogen and carbon isotopic compositions (dD and d13C, respectively) of terrestrial plant waxes. As a general feature of western IPWP hydrology, our data suggest similar rainfall amounts during the Last Glacial Maximum and the Holocene, contradicting previous claims that precipitation increased across the IPWP in response to deglacial changes in sea level and/or the position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone. We attribute this discrepancy to regional differences in topography and different responses to glacioeustatically forced changes in coastline position within the continental IPWP. During the Holocene, our data indicate considerable variations in rainfall amount. Comparison of our isotope time series to paleoclimate records from the Indian Ocean realm reveals previously unrecognized fluctuations of the Indian Ocean precipitation dipole during the Holocene, indicating that oscillations of the IOZM mean state have been a constituent of western IPWP rainfall over the past ten thousand years.