Stable carbon and hydrogen isotope record of n-Alkanoic acids of sediment core SO189/2_144KL

Autoria(s): Niedermeyer, Eva M; Sessions, Alex L; Feakins, Sarah J; Mohtadi, Mahyar

LATITUDE: 1.155000 * LONGITUDE: 98.066000 * DATE/TIME START: 2006-10-02T00:07:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2006-10-02T00:07:00




The Indo-Pacific Warm Pool (IPWP) is a key site for the global hydrologic cycle, and modern observations indicate that both the Indian Ocean Zonal Mode (IOZM) and the El Niño Southern Oscillation exert strong influence on its regional hydrologic characteristics. Detailed insight into the natural range of IPWP dynamics and underlying climate mechanisms is, however, limited by the spatial and temporal coverage of climate data. In particular, long-term (multimillennial) precipitation patterns of the western IPWP, a key location for IOZM dynamics, are poorly understood. To help rectify this, we have reconstructed rainfall changes over Northwest Sumatra (western IPWP, Indian Ocean) throughout the past 24,000 y based on the stable hydrogen and carbon isotopic compositions (dD and d13C, respectively) of terrestrial plant waxes. As a general feature of western IPWP hydrology, our data suggest similar rainfall amounts during the Last Glacial Maximum and the Holocene, contradicting previous claims that precipitation increased across the IPWP in response to deglacial changes in sea level and/or the position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone. We attribute this discrepancy to regional differences in topography and different responses to glacioeustatically forced changes in coastline position within the continental IPWP. During the Holocene, our data indicate considerable variations in rainfall amount. Comparison of our isotope time series to paleoclimate records from the Indian Ocean realm reveals previously unrecognized fluctuations of the Indian Ocean precipitation dipole during the Holocene, indicating that oscillations of the IOZM mean state have been a constituent of western IPWP rainfall over the past ten thousand years.


application/zip, 2 datasets








CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted


Supplement to: Niedermeyer, Eva M; Sessions, Alex L; Feakins, Sarah J; Mohtadi, Mahyar (2014): Hydroclimate of the western Indo-Pacific Warm Pool during the past 24,000 years. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(26), 9402-9406, doi:10.1073/pnas.1323585111

Palavras-Chave #Age; AGE; analytical std dev; C30 Alk. Acid d13C; C30 Alk. Acid d13C std dev; C30 Alk. Acid d2H; C30 Alk. Acid d2H std dev; C32 Alk. Acid d2H; C32 Alk. Acid d2H std dev; corrected; ice volume and temperature (3°C) corrected; ice volume and temperature (7°C) corrected; Indian Ocean; KL; median; n-Alkanoic acid C30, d13C; n-Alkanoic acid C30, d13C, standard deviation; n-Alkanoic acid C30, d2H; n-Alkanoic acid C30, d2H, standard deviation; n-Alkanoic acid C32, d2H; n-Alkanoic acid C32, d2H, standard deviation; Piston corer (BGR type); SO189/2; SO189/2_144KL; Sonne; SUMATRA
