972 resultados para CFU, colony-forming unit


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The biofilms microbial forms of association are responsible for generating, accelerating and / or induce the process of corrosion. The damage generated in the petroleum industry for this type of corrosion is significatives, representing major investment for your control. The aim of this study was to evaluate such tests antibiograms the effects of extracts of Jatropha curcas and essential oil of Lippia gracilis Schauer on microrganisms isolated from water samples and, thereafter, select the most effective natural product for further evaluation of biofilms formed in dynamic system. Extracts of J. curcas were not efficient on the complete inhibition of microbial growth in tests type antibiogram, and essential oil of L. gracilis Schauer most effective and determined for the other tests. A standard concentration of essential oil of 20 μL was chosen and established for the evaluation of the biofilms and the rate of corrosion. The biocide effect was determined by microbial counts of five types of microorganisms: aerobic bacteria, precipitating iron, total anaerobic, sulphate reducers (BRS) and fungi. The rate of corrosion was measured by loss of mass. Molecular identification and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were performed. The data showed reduction to zero of the most probable number (MPN) of bacteria precipitating iron and BRS from 115 and 113 minutes of contact, respectively. There was also inhibited in fungi, reducing to zero the rate of colony-forming units (CFU) from 74 minutes of exposure. However, for aerobic and anaerobic bacteria there was no significant difference in the time of exposure to the essential oil, remaining constant. The rate of corrosion was also influenced by the presence of oil. The essential oil of L. gracilis was shown to be potentially effective


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Vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) is one of the most common causes of vaginitis and affects about 75% of women of reproductive age. The majority of cases (80 to 90%) are due to C. albicans, the most virulent species of the genus Candida. Virulence attributes are scarcely investigated and the source of infection remains uncertain. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the virulence factors and genotypes of clinical isolates of C. albicans sequentially obtained from the anus and vagina of patients with sporadic and recurrent VVC. Materials and methods: We analyzed 62 clinical isolates of C. albicans (36 vaginal and 26 anal strains). Direct examination of vaginal and anal samples and colony forming units (CFU) counts were performed. Yeasts were identified using the chromogenic media CHROMagar Candida® and by classical methodology, and phenotypically characterized regarding to virulence factors, including the ability to adhere to epithelial cells, proteinase activity, morphogenesis and biofilm formation. The genotypes of the strains were investigated with ABC genotyping, microsatellite genotyping with primer M13 and RAPD. Results: We found 100% agreement between direct examination and culture of vaginal samples. Filamentous forms were present in most of the samples of vaginal secretion, which presented CFU counts significantly higher than the samples of anal secretion. There was no statistically significant difference between virulence factors of infecting vaginal isolates and those presented by colonizing anal isolates; as well as for the comparison of the vaginal isolates from patients with different clinical conditions (sporadic or recurrent VVC). There was a decrease in the ability to adhere to HBEC, morphogenesis and biofilm formation of the vaginal isolates during the progress of infection. There was an association between the ability to express different virulence factors and the clinical manifestations presented by the patients. Genotype A was the most prevalent (93.6%), followed by genotype C (6.4%). We found maintenance of the same ABC genotype and greater prevalence of microevolution for the vaginal strains of C. albicans sequentially obtained. Vaginal and anal isolates of C. albicans obtained simultaneously from the same patient presented the same ABC genotype and high genetic relatedness. Conclusion: It is noteworthy that the proliferation of yeast and bud-to-hypha transition are important for the establishment of CVV. The expression of virulence factors is important for the pathogenesis of VVC, although it does not seem to be determinant in the transition from colonization to infection or to the installation of recurrent condition. Genotype A seems to be dominant over the others in both vaginal and anal isolates of patients with VVC. The most common scenario was microevolution of the strains of C. albicans in the vaginal environment. It is suggested that the anal reservoir constituted a possible source of vaginal infection, in most cases assessed


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Piaractus mesopotamicus were fed diets supplemented with three vitamin C and/or E levels (zero, 250, and 500 mg vitamin/kg dry ration) and challenged with Aeromonas hydrophila. The fish were fed during the first 60 days with diets without vitamins C and E, in an attempt to reduce vitamin sources. After this period, test diets were offered during 60 days. At the end of the experiment, all fish were intraperitoneally injected with 6 x 10(6) Colony forming units (cfu) of A. hydrophila per fish. It was concluded that for pacu, vitamin C and E are essential for protection of erythrocytes. Vitamin C induces an increase in the number of circulating thrombocytes in a dose-response relation. However, just like vitamin deficiency should be avoided, excess vitamins can also cause damage to fish as observed in the hematocrit and hemoglobin values. Based on the hematological responses obtained, the recommended vitamin C and vitamin E levels for P mesopotamicus juveniles are 500 and 250 mg/kg feed, respectively. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Dezesseis eqüinos adultos foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em 4 grupos (GI, GII, GIII e GIV) constituídos por quatro animais, recebendo cada grupo o seguinte inóculo por via intraperitoneal: GI (100 X 10(7) unidades formadoras de colônia (UFC) de Escherichia coli diluídos em 500 ml de solução salina 0,9% estéril); GII (100 X 10(7) UFC de Bacteroides fragilis diluídos em 500 ml de solução salina 0,9% estéril); GIII (100 X 10(7) UFC de Escherichia coli associados a 100 X 10(7) UFC de Bacteroides fragilis diluídos em 500 ml de solução salina 0,9% estéril); GIV (testemunho - 500 ml de solução salina 0,9% estéril). Leucopenia ocorreu em todos os animais inoculados com bactérias, nas primeiras seis horas após as inoculações. Posteriormente a este período, verificou-se em alguns eqüinos inoculados leucocitose. Os eqüinos inoculados com culturas puras de E. coli ou B. fragilis apresentaram peritonites brandas e autolimitantes, enquanto os inoculados com a associação destas bactérias, apresentaram alterações laboratoriais de maior intensidade e duração.


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The influence of different media and incubation temperatures on the quantification of microbial populations in sorghum, eucalyptus and forest soils was evaluated. Microbial growth was compared by using complex (tryptone soybean agar, TSA, casein-starch, CS, and Martin) and saline (Thorton, M3, Czapeck) media and incubation temperatures of 25 and 30° C. Higher numbers of total bacterial. and fungal colony-forming units (CFU) were observed in sorghum soils, and of spore-forming and Gram-negative bacteria in forest soils than other soils. Actinomycetes counts were highest in forest soil when using CS medium at 30° C and in sorghum soil at 25° C in M3 medium. Microorganism counts were dependent on the media and incubation temperatures. The counts at temperatures of 30° C were significantly higher than at 25° C. Microbial quantification was best when using TSA medium for total. and spore-forming bacteria, Thorton for Gram-negative bacteria, M3 for actinomycetes, and Martin for fungi. © 2005 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Photodynamic therapy (PDT) has been proposed as an alternative method for the treatment of biofilm-dependent oral diseases like dental caries. This therapy consists of simultaneous action of a visible light (L) and a photosensitizer (FS) in the presence of oxygen, which leads to production of different reactive oxygen species that can interact with the bacterial cell components, and promote cell death. This study aims to evaluate the antimicrobial action of PDT on oral bacteria in suspension, as well as the formation of mono and multi-species biofilms, in vitro, from a standard strain of Streptococcus mutans (ATCC 25175) and saliva samples, respectively. The dye methylene blue (MB) and toluidine blue (TB) were used at a concentration of 100 mg/ L and activated by halogen light (600 to 750 nm) from a modified hand held photopolymerizer (Ultralux ®, Dabi Atlante, Ribeirão Preto , São Paulo, Brazil.). Planktonic cultures were prepared and submitted to different experimental conditions: 1. PDT using TB 2. PDT using MB, 3. L+ FS- , 4. TB + L - ; 5. MB+ L-; 6. L- FS- (negative control) and 7. administration of 0.12% chlorhexidine digluconate (positive control) (Periogard ®, Colgate-Palmolive Company, New York, USA). The immediate and mediated action of PDT on bacterial suspensions, as well as its effect on biofilm formation were observed from the number of colony-forming units per milliliter (CFU/mL) and measures optical density (OD). The data were statistically analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney test for the significance level of 5%. According to the results, the PDT showed no antibacterial action on suspensions of S. mutans, regardless of the dye used. PDT with MB activated by halogen light was able to reduce 86.6% CFU/mL multi-species planktonic cultures, however, this reduction was not significant (p > 0.05). PDT showed antibacterial effect, mediate on multi-species planktonic cultures with TB (p < 0.001) and MB (p < 0.001), activated by halogen light. PDT was able to prevent the formation of multispecies biofilm, through the activation of TB by halogen light (p = 0.01). We conclude that activation of the dye toluidine blue and methylene blue, by halogen light (PDT) showed antimicrobial activity, compared to multi-species planktonic cultures prepared from saliva samples


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A produção de leite no sistema orgânico tem despertado o interesse dos produtores rurais, pelo aumento de consumo de produtos naturais. Estudaram-se os aspectos citológicos e microbiológicos do leite no sistema orgânico de produção em quatro propriedades no município de Botucatu, SP, utilizando métodos como CMT, exame microbiológico das amostras positivas, contagem de células somáticas (CCS/mL de leite) e Contagem de Unidades Formadoras de Colônias (UFC de microrganismos mesófilos/mL de leite) em amostras individuais de leite em animais com pelo menos um teto positivo ao CMT. Foi também realizado a CCS/mL de leite e UFC/mL de leite, e exame microbiológico de amostras de leite do conjunto (tanque) de cada propriedade. Das 150 glândulas mamárias examinadas, 66 (44,00%) amostras foram positivas ao CMT, com isolamento de Corynebacterium bovis em 37,90%, Staphylococcus aureus (18,20%), S. epidermidis (15,20%), Streptococcus uberis (3,00%) e S. dysgalactiae (3,00%), e isolamento de mais de um agente bacteriano em 7,60% das amostras. Os valores de CCS/mL das amostras do leite de conjunto estiveram dentro dos limites de normalidade em três das quatro propriedades (< 400x10³), por outro lado considerando a UFC/mL em três das quatro propriedades observou-se altos índices (8,5x10(5); 1,5x10(6); 4,1x10(5)). Obteve-se o isolamento de microrganismos ambientais, como Escherichia coli e Pseudomonas aeruginosa, sugerindo a contaminação do leite durante ou após a ordenha, o que reforça a importância de atividades de educação sanitária para obtenção higiênica do leite.


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Dezesseis eqüinos adultos foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em 4 grupos (GI, GII, GIII e GIV), constituídos por quatro animais, recebendo cada grupo o seguinte inóculo por via intraperitoneal: GI (100 X 10(7) unidades formadoras de colônia (UFC) de Escherichia coli diluídos em 500ml de salina 0,9%); GII (100 X 10(7) UFC de Bacteroides fragilis diluídos em 500ml de salina 0,9%); GIII (100 X 10(7) UFC de E. coli associados a 100 X 10(7) UFC de B. fragilis diluídos em 500ml de salina 0,9%); GIV (testemunho - 500ml de salina 0,9%). Aumento da sensibilidade e tensão da parede abdominal, diarréia, diminuição dos sons intestinais e aumento da freqüência cardíaca foram os sinais mais freqüentemente observados nos eqüinos inoculados com cepas bacterianas. Eqüinos inoculados com culturas puras de E. coli ou B. fragilis apresentaram peritonites brandas e autolimitantes, enquanto que os inoculados com a associação dessas bactérias apresentaram sinais de maior intensidade e duração.


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Dezesseis eqüinos adultos foram aleatoriamente divididos em quatro grupos de quatro animais que receberam inoculação intraperitoneal das seguintes suspenções: grupo I, 100×10(7) unidades formadoras de colônias (CFU) de E. coli diluídas em 500ml de solução salina a 0,9%; grupo II, 100×10(7) CFU de Bacteroides fragilis em 500ml de solução salina a 0,9%; grupo III, 100×10(7) CFU de E. coli combinados com 100×10(7) CFU de B. fragilis em 500ml de solução salina a 0,9%; grupo IV, 500ml de solução salina a 0,9%. Observou-se aumento significativo do número de leucócitos no líquido peritoneal quatro horas após as inoculações dos animais dos grupos I e II, e oito horas após as inoculações dos animais do grupo III. A contagem mais elevada foi de 516×10³ leucócitos/mm³. Aumentos significativos nas concentrações de fibrinogênio (1g/dl) e proteína total (9,1%) foram também observados. Eqüinos inoculados com culturas puras, tanto de E. coli quanto de B. fragilis, apresentaram peritonites mais brandas e autolimitantes, enquanto que eqüinos inoculados com associação das duas bactérias apresentaram alterações laboratoriais com maior intensidade e duração.


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Objective:This study evaluated the in vitro adherence of pathogenic micro-organisms, Candida albicans, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, to soft lining materials and their inhibitory effect on these micro-organisms.Materials and Methods:To measure adherence, specimens of Molloplast B and Ufi Gel P were inoculated [107 colony-forming units per millimetre (cfu/ml)] with TSB media containing the micro-organisms. To determine the number of micro-organisms in the 10-2-10-5 dilutions, 25 mu l of the suspension were transferred to plates of selective media. Colony counts of each specimen were quantified (cfu/ml). The surface roughness was measured with a perfilometer to assess the relationship between the adherence of micro-organisms and surface roughness of each material. For the inhibition test, specimens of materials were placed in agar plates inoculated individually with the micro-organisms. After 48 h, the inhibition zones around the specimens were measured.Results:None of the materials exhibited inhibition zones. The number of cfu/ml of S. aureus and P. aeruginosa were significantly greater than C. albicans for both materials. The Ufi Gel P exhibited greater adherence of C. albicans than Molloplast B. No correlation was observed between the adherence of micro-organisms and surface roughness.Conclusion:The surface roughness of the materials is not the only factor governing micro-organism adherence.


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Processo FAPESP: 05/02384-4


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)