972 resultados para Códigos QR


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Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten Turun yliopiston Rauman yksikön opiskelijat kokevat QR- koodien avulla esitettävien perehdytysvideoiden hyödyntävän aineenhallintaansa ja työturvallisuustaitoja työstökoneiden kanssa työskenneltäessä. Lisäksi tutkitaan, kokiko jokin tietty opiskelijaryhmä videoiden parantavan aineenhallintaansa työstökoneiden käytössä paremmin. Tutkimuksen teoriaosassa käsitellään käsityötä oppiaineena, oppimisympäristöä, verkko-opetusta sekä työturvallisuutta. Teoriaosan lopussa käydään läpi taidon opettamisen perinteisiä teorioita. Teoriaosan perusteella on muodostettu kyselylomake, joka perustuu verkko-oppimateriaalin laatukriteereihin. Laatukriteerit ovat vaikuttaneet perehdytysvideoiden tekemiseen sekä QR-koodien sijoitteluun. Tutkimuksessa tehtiin kysely Turun yliopiston opettajankoulutuslaitoksen Rauman yksikön opiskelijoille. Kysely oli täytettävissä Webropol -sivustolla. Linkki kyselyyn oli sijoitettuna työstökoneiden läheisyyteen, samasta paperista löytyi myös linkki perehdytysvideoon. Linkit aukesivat mobiililaitteen QR-koodeja lukevan sovelluksen avulla. Tutkimus on strategialtaan kvantitatiivinen Survey-tutkimus. Kyselyyn vastasi 39 opiskelijaa ja kyselystä saatu aineisto analysoitiin SPSS ohjelmalla. Tutkimustulokset saatiin vertailemalla keskeisiä tunnuslukuja sekä korrelaatiotestejä ja varianssianalyysejä hyödyntämällä. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella perehdytysvideot hyödyttävät tehokkaiten opiskelijoita, joiden aikaisemmat taidot ovat heikot. Aikaisempien taitojen ja perehdytysvideosta saadun hyödyn välillä huomattiin selkeä korrelaatio. Perehdytysvideoiden saavutettavuudella ja käytettävyydellä ei nähty keskinäistä korrelaatiota. Tulosten perusteella huomattiin, että luokanopettajaopiskelijat arvioivat omat taitonsa työstökoneiden käytössä heikommaksi, jolloin he myös hyötyivät perehdytysvideoista enemmän.


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En el mercado existen varios sistemas de tratamiento en ortodoncia, los cuales deben ser estudiados para evitar que causen alteraciones en el periodonto, especialmente en los procesos alveolares corticales, por lo que el objetivo de este estudio fue conocer los cambios óseos alveolares, sean reabsorciones, aposiciones o ningún cambio óseo. Para realizar el estudio, se tomó como muestra tres sistemas de tratamiento: Sistema de Autoligado Damon, Sistema Biofuncional QR y Sistemas Convencionales Roth y MBT, estos brackets se aplicaron en 18 pacientes (seis de cada sistema), los cuales fueron sometidos a una tomografía antes del tratamiento y otra después de finalizada la etapa de alineación y nivelación. En los estudios tomográficos se realizaron trazados para medir en milímetros las corticales alveolares vestibulares, palatina y lingual, de los seis dientes anteriores superiores e inferiores, siendo la muestra total de 216 dientes. Para obtener los resultados del estudio, se ingresaron los datos recolectados en una hoja de cálculo Excel y procesados estadísticamente mediante el software SPSS versión 22, con las pruebas ANOVA y Tukey, obteniendo como resultados en el promedio de reabsorción ósea total p= 0,05 y con el Sistema Biofuncional QR una significancia de p= 0,025, en este último se demostró la presencia de aposición en la cortical lingual mandibular. Se concluyó que todos los sistemas de tratamiento causan reabsorciones óseas, siendo el Sistema Damon el de mayor reabsorción, seguido del Sistema convencional y luego el Sistema Biofuncional QR, produciendo este último una aposición estadísticamente significante. En los dientes anterosuperiores no existieron cambios óseos significativos y en los dientes anteroinferiores las mayores reabsorciones fueron en las piezas 42 y 32 y aposición en la pieza 41


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La memoria transaccional (TM) constituye un paradigma de concurrencia optimista en arquitecturas multinúcleo que puede ser de utilidad en la explotación de paralelismo en aplicaciones irregulares, en las que la información sobre las dependencias de datos no está disponible hasta la ejecución. Este trabajo presenta y discute cómo aprovechar las características de un sistema STM (software transactio- nal memory) en patrones de computación que involucren operaciones de reducción, ligadas frecuentemente a aplicaciones irregulares. Con el fin de comparar el uso de enfoques STM en esta clase de patrones con otras soluciones más clásicas, se ha implementa do como prueba de concepto un sistema STM, que denominaremos ReduxSTM, que combina dos ideas: una consolidación (commit) ordenada de las transacciones, que asegura una equivalencia con la ejecución secuencial del código; y una extensión del mecanismo de privatización subyacente al sistema STM que contempla las operaciones de reducción.


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Le metodologie per la raccolta delle idee e delle opinioni si sono evolute a pari passo con il progresso tecnologico: dalla semplice comunicazione orale si è passati alla diffusione cartacea, fino a che l'introduzione e l'evoluzione di internet non hanno portato alla digitalizzazione e informatizzazione del processo. Tale progresso ha reso possibile l'abbattimento di ogni barriera fisica: se in precedenza la diffusione di un sondaggio era limitata dall'effettiva possibilità di distribuzione del sondaggio stesso, lo sviluppo della rete globale ha esteso tale possibilità (virtualmente) a tutto il mondo. Nonostante sia un miglioramento non indifferente, è importante notare come la valorizzazione della diffusione di un sondaggio abbia inevitabilmente portato a trascurarne le proprietà e i vantaggi intrinsechi legati alla sua diffusione prettamente locale. Ad esempio, un sondaggio che mira a valutare la soddisfazione degli utenti riguardo alla recente introduzione di una nuova linea di laptop ottiene un guadagno enorme dall'informatizzazione, e dunque delocalizzazione, del processo di raccolta dati; dall'altro lato, un sondaggio che ha come scopo la valutazione dell'impatto sui cittadini di un recente rinnovamento degli impianti di illuminazione stradale ha un guadagno pressoché nullo. L'idea alla base di QR-VEY è la ricerca di un ponte tra le metodologie classiche e quelle moderne, in modo da poter sfruttare le proprietà di entrambe le soluzioni. Tale ponte è stato identificato nella tecnologia del QR-Code: è possibile utilizzare un generico supporto che presenti proprietà di localizzazione, come un foglio cartaceo, ma anche un proiettore di una conferenza, come base per la visualizzazione di tale codice, ed associare alla scansione dello stesso funzionalità automatizzate di raccolta di dati e opinioni.


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We are thesis examiners within the Australian academic system who formed a “community of practice” to try to resolve some of the issues we were facing. Stories of examiners reflecting on and examining their own practice are a notable silence in the higher degree research literature. In this study we have adopted a storytelling inquiry method that involved telling our practitioner stories, firstly to each other and then to a wider audience through this paper. We then identified issues that we believe are relevant to other thesis examiners. We have also found that engaging in a “community of practice” is itself a valuable form of examiner professional development. Key Words: Thesis Examiner Training, Storytelling, and Practitioner Research


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Computer resource allocation represents a significant challenge particularly for multiprocessor systems, which consist of shared computing resources to be allocated among co-runner processes and threads. While an efficient resource allocation would result in a highly efficient and stable overall multiprocessor system and individual thread performance, ineffective poor resource allocation causes significant performance bottlenecks even for the system with high computing resources. This thesis proposes a cache aware adaptive closed loop scheduling framework as an efficient resource allocation strategy for the highly dynamic resource management problem, which requires instant estimation of highly uncertain and unpredictable resource patterns. Many different approaches to this highly dynamic resource allocation problem have been developed but neither the dynamic nature nor the time-varying and uncertain characteristics of the resource allocation problem is well considered. These approaches facilitate either static and dynamic optimization methods or advanced scheduling algorithms such as the Proportional Fair (PFair) scheduling algorithm. Some of these approaches, which consider the dynamic nature of multiprocessor systems, apply only a basic closed loop system; hence, they fail to take the time-varying and uncertainty of the system into account. Therefore, further research into the multiprocessor resource allocation is required. Our closed loop cache aware adaptive scheduling framework takes the resource availability and the resource usage patterns into account by measuring time-varying factors such as cache miss counts, stalls and instruction counts. More specifically, the cache usage pattern of the thread is identified using QR recursive least square algorithm (RLS) and cache miss count time series statistics. For the identified cache resource dynamics, our closed loop cache aware adaptive scheduling framework enforces instruction fairness for the threads. Fairness in the context of our research project is defined as a resource allocation equity, which reduces corunner thread dependence in a shared resource environment. In this way, instruction count degradation due to shared cache resource conflicts is overcome. In this respect, our closed loop cache aware adaptive scheduling framework contributes to the research field in two major and three minor aspects. The two major contributions lead to the cache aware scheduling system. The first major contribution is the development of the execution fairness algorithm, which degrades the co-runner cache impact on the thread performance. The second contribution is the development of relevant mathematical models, such as thread execution pattern and cache access pattern models, which in fact formulate the execution fairness algorithm in terms of mathematical quantities. Following the development of the cache aware scheduling system, our adaptive self-tuning control framework is constructed to add an adaptive closed loop aspect to the cache aware scheduling system. This control framework in fact consists of two main components: the parameter estimator, and the controller design module. The first minor contribution is the development of the parameter estimators; the QR Recursive Least Square(RLS) algorithm is applied into our closed loop cache aware adaptive scheduling framework to estimate highly uncertain and time-varying cache resource patterns of threads. The second minor contribution is the designing of a controller design module; the algebraic controller design algorithm, Pole Placement, is utilized to design the relevant controller, which is able to provide desired timevarying control action. The adaptive self-tuning control framework and cache aware scheduling system in fact constitute our final framework, closed loop cache aware adaptive scheduling framework. The third minor contribution is to validate this cache aware adaptive closed loop scheduling framework efficiency in overwhelming the co-runner cache dependency. The timeseries statistical counters are developed for M-Sim Multi-Core Simulator; and the theoretical findings and mathematical formulations are applied as MATLAB m-file software codes. In this way, the overall framework is tested and experiment outcomes are analyzed. According to our experiment outcomes, it is concluded that our closed loop cache aware adaptive scheduling framework successfully drives co-runner cache dependent thread instruction count to co-runner independent instruction count with an error margin up to 25% in case cache is highly utilized. In addition, thread cache access pattern is also estimated with 75% accuracy.


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Although mobile phones are often used in public urban places to interact with one’s geographically dispersed social circle, they can also facilitate interactions with people in the same public urban space. The PlaceTagz study investigates how physical artefacts in public urban places can be utilised and combined with mobile phone technologies to facilitate interactions. Printed on stickers, PlaceTagz are QR codes linking to a digital message board enabling collocated users to interact with each other over time resulting in a place-based digital memory. This exploratory project set out to investigate if and how PlaceTagz are used by urban dwellers in a real world deployment. We present findings from analysing content received through PlaceTagz and interview data from application users. QR codes, which do not contain any contextual information, piqued the curiosity of users wondering about the embedded link’s destination and provoked comments in regards to people, place and technology.


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This paper presents Secret SLQ, a pervasive mobile game that aims to encourage eight to fourteen year olds to engage with the State Library of Queensland. The game sets out to encourage people to visit and explore the library, as well as educate a generation of young people and parents who may visit the library but have no idea of the treasures that it holds. The research explores how smartphone technology can be used to deliver an engaging and educational experience. The game aims to provide a fun and interactive way to guide participants through a multi-leveled library building, to search for unique QR codes to unlock clues, answer quiz questions and progress further up a leaderboard. This paper outlines the design and initial deployment of the game, reporting on results from a usability study and discussing initial observations made by librarians. Findings indicate that the mobile platform is suitable for delivering such experiences but consideration is needed when embedding games in such large environments so as not to confuse players as they play.


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In the modern connected world, pervasive computing has become reality. Thanks to the ubiquity of mobile computing devices and emerging cloud-based services, the users permanently stay connected to their data. This introduces a slew of new security challenges, including the problem of multi-device key management and single-sign-on architectures. One solution to this problem is the utilization of secure side-channels for authentication, including the visual channel as vicinity proof. However, existing approaches often assume confidentiality of the visual channel, or provide only insufficient means of mitigating a man-in-the-middle attack. In this work, we introduce QR-Auth, a two-step, 2D barcode based authentication scheme for mobile devices which aims specifically at key management and key sharing across devices in a pervasive environment. It requires minimal user interaction and therefore provides better usability than most existing schemes, without compromising its security. We show how our approach fits in existing authorization delegation and one-time-password generation schemes, and that it is resilient to man-in-the-middle attacks.


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This study presents research findings to informthe design and development of innovativemobile services aiming to enable collocated people to interact with each other in public urban places. The main goal of this research is to provide applications and deliver guidelines to positively influence the user experience of different public urban places during everyday urban life. This study describes the design and evaluation of mobile content and services enabling mobile mediated interactions in an anonymous way. The research described in this thesis is threefold. First, this study investigates how Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can be utilised in particular urban public places to influence the experience of urban dwellers during everyday life. The research into urban residents and public places guides the design of three different technologies that form case studies to investigate and discover possibilities to digitally augment the public urban space and make the invisible data of our interactions in the urban environment visible. • Capital Music enables urban dwellers to listen to their music on their mobile devices as usual but also visualises the artworks of songs currently being played and listened to by other users in ones’ vicinity. • PlaceTagz uses QR codes printed on stickers that link to a digital message board enabling collocated users to interact with each other over time resulting in a place-based digital memory. • Sapporo World Window, Brisbane Hot Spots, and YourScreen are interactive content applications allowing people to share data with their mobile phones on public urban screens. The applications employ mobile phones to mediate interactions in form of location and video sharing. Second, this study sets out to explore the quality and nature of the experiences created through the developed and deployed case study applications. The development of a user experience framework for evaluating mobile mediated interactions in urban public places is described and applied within each case. Third, drawing on research from urban sociology, psychology, urban design, and the findings from this study, this thesis discusses how such interactions can have an impact on the urban experience.


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By 2012 mobile devices had become the main interface for people to access information about anything from their current GPS position to the latest book reviews. What was less accessible were tools and techniques for writers to leverage this new technology to construct and distribute located stories. This project began with a series of master classes for local Brisbane writers to demonstrate processes and techniques for imagining, constructing and distributing stories. Most significantly, this project equipped writers with how to identify and adopt various mobile services and applications to research, produce and deliver packaged multi-modal content for readers to access and experience stories in the very locations from which they were inspired. Four stories by four writers were selected to be developed and published as location-based events in four different neighbourhoods across Brisbane. These writers were mentored throughout the writing process and a model was developed for them to simply upload several multi-modal chapters for access on location by readers using QR codes. These activities culminated in a major 25 day event presented by Brisbane City Council and supported by Brisbane Writers Festival and Queensland Writers Centre. The 'Street Reads' event presented the four stories on location in Cannon Hill, Darra, Toowong and West End. The significance of the Street Reads project went beyond extending the capacity for writers to access mobile technologies as a new platform for distributing stories. This event also motivated readers to travel to neighbourhoods to experience them in ways that had not previously imagined possible. These located stories were fictionalisations of actual events and characters that have current and historic importance to these places. These histories are hidden from view and yet can provide locals and visitors with a new found appreciation for the past and set an example for how neighbourhoods can become active stages for the sharing of stories inspiring a deeper connection with each other and an agency for participating in the development of the identity of the local places they inhabit together. Due to the success of the project and by employing more advanced tools now available, Street reads has been further developed by Brisbane City Council and is now available as a the Story City App available for download at itunes.


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Radish sprouts and broccoli sprouts have been implicated in having a potential chemoprotective effect against certain types of cancer. Each contains a glucosinolate that can be broken down to an isothiocyanate capable of inducing chemoprotective factors known as phase 2 enzymes. In the case of broccoli, the glucosinolate, glucoraphanin, is converted to an isothiocyanate, sulforaphane, while in radish a similar glucosinolate, glucoraphenin, is broken down to form the isothiocyanate, sulforaphene. When sprouts are consumed fresh (uncooked), however, the principal degradation product of broccoli is not the isothiocyanate sulforaphane, but a nitrile, a compound with little anti-cancer potential. By contrast, radish sprouts produce largely the anti-cancer isothiocyanate, sulforaphene. The reason for this difference is likely to be due to the presence in broccoli (and absence in radish) of the enzyme cofactor, epithiospecifier protein (ESP). In vitro induction of the phase 2 enzyme, quinone reductase (QR), was significantly greater for radish sprouts than broccoli sprouts when extracts were self-hydrolysed. By contrast, boiled radish sprout extracts (deactivating ESP) to which myrosinase was subsequently added, induced similar QR activity to broccoli sprouts. The implication is that radish sprouts have potentially greater chemoprotective action against carcinogens than broccoli sprouts when hydrolysed under conditions similar to that during human consumption.


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Background Excessive speed is a primary contributing factor to young novice road trauma, including intentional and unintentional speeds above posted limits or too fast for conditions. The objective of this research was to conduct a systematic review of recent investigations into novice drivers’ speed selection, with particular attention to applications and limitations of theory and methodology. Method Systematic searches of peer-reviewed and grey literature were conducted during September 2014. Abstract reviews identified 71 references potentially meeting selection criteria of investigations since the year 2000 into factors that influence (directly or indirectly) actual speed (i.e., behaviour or performance) of young (age <25 years) and/or novice (recently-licensed) drivers. Results Full paper reviews resulted in 30 final references: 15 focused on intentional speeding and 15 on broader speed selection investigations. Both sets identified a range of individual (e.g., beliefs, personality) and social (e.g., peer, adult) influences, were predominantly theory-driven and applied cross-sectional designs. Intentional speed investigations largely utilised self-reports while other investigations more often included actual driving (simulated or ‘real world’). The latter also identified cognitive workload and external environment influences, as well as targeted interventions. Discussion and implications Applications of theory have shifted the novice speed-related literature beyond a simplistic focus on intentional speeding as human error. The potential to develop a ‘grand theory’ of intentional speeding emerged and to fill gaps to understand broader speed selection influences. This includes need for future investigations of vehicle-related and physical environment-related influences and methodologies that move beyond cross-sectional designs and rely less on self-reports.