329 resultados para Breakage


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Catalytic processes are widely present in everyday life. This results in large number of studies seeking materials that may combine the low cost catalytic efficiency. Based on this assumption, the clays have long been used as catalysts, with its huge availability, diversity and possibility of improving their properties from structural changes, primarily responsible for this great use. Among the natural clays, vermiculite due to their characteristic properties (high cation exchange capacity and expansion), is suitable for various applications including as catalysts and catalyst supports. In this work, the acid leaching of clay vermiculite was performed, coming from Santa Luzia-PB, with nitric acid (2, 3 and 4 mol / L) and subsequent calcination of the materials obtained. The materials were named as Vx/400, where x is the acid concentration employed and 400 used in calcination temperature. The effectiveness of changes made was determined by XRD techniques, FT-IR, EDS, TG/DTG, nitrogen physisorption and DTP of n-butylamine. Acid leaching has improved some properties of the clay - specific area and acidity - but the control of the acid concentration used is of vital importance, since the highest concentration caused the partial destruction of vermiculite entailing a decline in their properties. For analysis of the catalytic activity of the modified clay was made a comparative study with the SBA -15 mesoporous materials, synthesized via hydrothermal method, using the pyrolysis of low density polyethylene (LDPE). The results showed that the acid plays a fundamental role in the conversion of the polymer into smaller molecules, the material V3/400 was more selective for the source monomer (ethylene) due to their increased acidity, which promotes more breaks bonds in the polymeric chain, while materials and V0/400 V2/400, lower acidity, showed higher selectivity to light hydrocarbons, the range of fuel (41.96 and 41.23%, respectively), due to less breakage and secondary condensation reactions chains; already V4/400 SBA-15/550 and resulted in lower percentages of light hydrocarbons and the partial destruction of the structure and low acidity, respectively, responsible for the inefficiency of materials


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Dental bleaching is a simple and conservative procedure for aesthetic restoration of vital discoloured teeth. However, dental bleaching agents may represent a hazard to human health, especially by causing DNA strand breaks. Genotoxicity tests form an important part of cancer research and risk assessment of potential carcinogens. In the current study, the genotoxic potential associated with exposure to dental bleaching agents was assessed by the single cell gel (comet) assay in vitro. Six commercial dental bleaching agents (Clarigel Gold - Dentsply; Whitespeed - Discus Dental; Nite White - Discus Dental; Magic Bleaching - Vigodent; Whiteness HP - FGM and Lase Peroxide - DMC) were exposed to mouse lymphoma cells in vitro. The results pointed out that all dental bleaching agents tested contributed to the DNA damage as depicted by the mean tail moment. Clear concentration-related effects were obtained for DNA damaging, being the strongest effect observed at the highest dose of the hydrogen peroxide (Whiteness HP and Lase Peroxide, at 35% concentration). on the contrary, Whitespeed (Discus Dental) induced the lowest level of DNA breakage. Taken together, these results suggest that dental bleaching agents may be a factor that increases the level of DNA damage as detected by the single cell gel (comet) assay.


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Purpose: Commercially pure titanium alloys are currently used as metallic biomaterials in implantology. Corrosion phenomena appear to play a decisive role in metallic implant long-term behavior. Thus, the goal of this study was to examine the genotoxic potential of corrosion eluates obtained from dental implants using Chinese ovary hamster cells in vitro by the single-cell gel (comet) assay. This technique detects deoxyribonucleic acid strand breaks in individual cells in alkaline conditions.Materials and Methods: the materials tested included 3 dental implants commercially available. Each of the tested materials was corroded in a solution consisting of equal amounts of acetic acid and sodium chloride (0.1 M) for 1, 3, 7, 14, and 21 days. The Chinese ovary hamster cultures were then exposed to all corrosion eluates obtained from endosseous dental implants for 30 minutes at 37 degrees C.Results: None of the eluates was found to exhibit genotoxicity, regardless of the type of dental implant used.Conclusion: the results suggest that all dental implants tested in this study did not induce deoxyribonucleic acid breakage as depicted by the single-cell gel (comet) assay.


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Objective: Chlorhexidine digluconate is widely used in dental practice for decreasing plaque control, controlling gingivitis and disinfecting root canals. However, the undesirable effects of chlorhexidine digluconate regarding its genotoxicity are conflicting in the literature. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the genotoxicity of chlorhexidine digluconate in rat peripheral blood and oral mucosal cells by the single cell gel (comet) assay and micronucleus assay.Methods: Thirty male Wistar rats were distributed into three groups: negative control; experimental group orally treated with 0.5 ml of 0.12% chlorhexidine digluconate, twice daily, during 8 days; and positive control, which received 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide at 0.5 g/l by drinking water.Results: A statistically significant increase of DNA damage was observed in leukocytes and oral mucosal cells of the chlorhexidine digluconate treated group, as assessed by the comet assay. However, no increase of micronucleated cells was detected in reticulocytes from peripheral blood cells.Conclusions: Taken together, the data indicate that chlorhexidine digluconate is able to induce primary DNA damage in leukocytes and in oral mucosal cells, but no chromosome breakage or loss in erythrocytes.


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Taking into consideration that DNA damage plays an important role in carcinogenesis, the purpose of this study was to evaluate whether some radiopacifiers widely used in clinical practice are able to induce genetic damage in primary human cells in vitro. Human peripheral lymphocytes obtained from 10 healthy volunteers were exposed to barium sulphate (BaSO(4)), zirconium oxide (ZnO(2)) and bismuth oxide (Bi(2)O(3)) at final concentrations ranging from 1 to 1000 mu g/mL for 1 h at 37 degrees C. The negative control group was treated with vehicle control (phosphate buffer solution) for 1 h at 37 degrees C and the positive control group was treated with hydrogen peroxide (at 100 mu M) for 5 min on ice. Results were analyzed by the Friedman non-parametric test. The results pointed all compounds tested out did not induce DNA breakage in human peripheral lymphocytes as depicted by the mean tail moment and tail intensity in all concentrations tested. In summary, our results indicate that exposure to these radiopacifiers may not be a factor that increases the level of DNA lesions in human peripheral lymphocytes as detected by single cell gel (comet) assay.


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O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a eficácia do fixador esquelético pino-resina, configuração tipo II, coadjuvado pelo enxerto ósseo esponjoso autólogo, no tratamento das complicações secundárias à imobilização inadequada de fraturas do rádio e ulna em 10 cães, com peso entre 1,8 e 33,6 kg. Detectou-se não-união (n=4), osteomielite (n=1), má-união (n=1), falência ou quebra de implante (n=4), sendo 60% das lesões referente ao uso prévio de pino intramedular no rádio. A montagem do fixador foi realizada com transfixação de pinos lisos em sua maioria angulados, cujas extremidades excedentes foram dobradas e estabilizadas com resina acrílica. em todos os casos, utilizou-se enxerto esponjoso autólogo fresco, após debridamento do foco de fratura. O tempo de permanência do aparelho variou entre 45 dias e 5 meses e a maior complicação foi o afrouxamento dos pinos transfixantes. A consolidação das fraturas ocorreu por formação de calo periosteal de mínimo a moderado, indicando boa rigidez da montagem.


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Anthropogenic interferences in natural environments cause the breakage of spatial and competitive barriers, which may infuence the spatial distribution of species. In this study, we describe the spatial distribution of an exotic amphipod, Talitroides topitotum, in two distinct sites, a forest fragment and a plantation of native arboreal species. We analyzed possible variations in this spatial distribution in different periods of the year and verifed whether the vegetation cover and the litter layer depth may explain the distribution pattern of this species. We performed analyses of frequency distribution to determine the pattern of this species spatial distribution, as well as correlation tests to determine the effect of these two variables of habitat structure. The spatial distribution analysis revealed that T. topitotum presents aggregated distribution in both areas, indicating that this species has low environmental demands or that both areas are below a minimum environmental quality threshold. However, even with this similarity, the population in the fragmented site presented a higher index of aggregation when compared with the population of the plantation site. Corroborating previous studies, there was a negative correlation between abundance of T. topitotum and litter layer depth in the plantation site. Studies on invaded habitats can help understand how invasive species occupy new environments and the factors that can infuence their spatial distribution.


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The present study examined the salivary glands of Rhipicephalus sanguineus males at days 0, 3, and 7 post-detachment from the host. Degeneration of this organ occurred in the three stages and it advanced as time away from the host progressed. Thus, characteristics of degeneration were more prominent in males at day 7 post-detachment than in males at day 0 post-detachment. In males at day 0 post-detachment, type I acini were intact; while in other stages these acini exhibited signs of degeneration. In type 11 acini of individuals at day 0 post-detachment, cells a, c1-c5, c8, and indeterminate were identified. Only c I and c8 were intact. The remaining cell types were undergoing degeneration, as well as all cells d-f in type III acini, and all g in type IV acini.In males at day 3 post-detachment from the host, all cells (a, c1-c5, c8 and indeterminate) of type 11 acini, cells d and e in type III acini, and g in type IV were undergoing degeneration. In some Indeterminate acini, the boundaries of cells still could be distinguished, while in others, only a cytoplasmic mass was observed. At day 3 post-detachment, apoptotic bodies were present.In males at day 7 post-detachment from the host, the degeneration process progressed. All cells a, cl, c3-c5, c8 and indeterminate in type II, and d and e in type III acini were undergoing degeneration. Type IV acini still contained remnants of secretion and in Indeterminate acini, only a cytoplasmic mass could be observed. At this stage, apoptotic bodies were also present.The present study still revealed that cells of salivary glands of R. sanguineus males when degenerating undergo the following changes: (a) decrease in secretion production with or without granule breakage, (b) changes in nuclear morphology, (c) cytoplasm shrinkage, (d) loss of cell shape, (e) loss of cell boundaries, and (e) cytoplasmic vacuolation. Together, these changes result in cell fragmentation with release of apoptotic bodies. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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RACIONAL: A doença do refluxo gastroesofágico é a afecção digestiva de maior prevalência. Os portadores podem apresentar na evolução algumas complicações, sendo o esôfago de Barrett a de maior importância, tendo em vista seu potencial de malignidade. Todavia os processos inflamatórios do trato gastrointestinal podem apresentar degeneração maligna. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar os possíveis danos do DNA em portadores de esofagite de refluxo gastroesofágico de vários graus e verificar a aplicação do ensaio Cometa na detecção dos mesmos. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 25 pacientes distribuídos em quatro grupos: controle (n=5), esofagite leve (n=8), esofagite severa (n=5) e câncer (n=7). O ensaio Cometa foi realizado no sangue periférico (linfócitos) e biópsia do terço distal do esôfago. RESULTADOS: O ensaio Cometa detectou danos no DNA nos pacientes com esofagite leve e severa (sangue periférico e biópsia), sendo que na esofagite severa a intensidade dos danos foi maior (p<0,05). Os danos do DNA dos pacientes com esofagite severa e câncer não mostraram diferença significativa e a intensidade dos mesmos corresponde ao ensaio Cometa classe 4 (maior que 95% de danos). CONCLUSÕES: 1) As frequências de quebras do DNA da mucosa esofágica e linfócitos estão diretamente relacionadas ao grau de inflamação; 2) a esofagite severa apresenta praticamente a mesma frequência de danos no DNA do câncer esofágico; 3) o ensaio Cometa mostrou-se muito sensível para a detecção dos danos do DNA.


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As condições ideais dos frangos de corte no momento do abate devem ser conhecidas a fim de possibilitar a produção de carne de excelente qualidade, uma vez que diversos fatores pré e pós-abate estão envolvidos na qualidade final. em condições normais de abate e processamento, a retirada de ração é feita de 6 a 8 horas antes da apanha das aves, resultando em um período total de jejum de 8 a 12 horas antes do abate, para esvaziar o intestino e com isso minimizar a contaminação no abatedouro. A escalda, depena e evisceração são pontos importantes de contaminação cruzada no abatedouro devido à grande quantidade de microorganismos aderidos às penas, pele e patas das aves e ao rompimento das vísceras durante a evisceração. Entretanto, a desidratação da carcaça começa imediatamente após o início do jejum. Períodos prolongados de jejum podem afetar o pH das diversas partes do intestino, aumentando a presença de Salmonella e outros microorganismos patogênicos. Além disso, determinam uma maior contaminação pela bile, e são, subjetivamente, associados à fragilidade dos intestinos durante a evisceração mecânica. Portanto, os esquemas de processamento devem ser estabelecidos levando-se em conta a integridade e o esvaziamento do intestino e da vesícula biliar, bem como a desidratação e os seus efeitos sobre o bem estar das aves, contaminação da carcaça e qualidade da carne. Como alguns efeitos do jejum ainda não são bem conhecidos, sugerem-se pesquisas nas seguintes áreas: definir o tempo ótimo de jejum para atender o bem estar das aves, minimizar a contaminação e otimizar os parâmetros de qualidade de carcaça; estudar os efeitos de períodos prolongados de jejum sobre o pH e a colonização do papo, pró-ventrículo, moela, intestino delgado, intestino grosso e cecos por enterobactérias, como Salmonella, por exemplo; efeito do jejum sobre o tamanho e cor do fígado. O resultado esperado é um aumento na qualidade final dos produtos aliado a uma redução nas perdas e no custo de produção.


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Genotoxic effects linking cigarette smoking with lung cancer have not been consistently demonstrated, therefore claims for the cause-effect relationships are vigorously contested. Using matched populations of 22 lung cancer patients who have been cigarette smokers (LCP), 22 non-cancerous cigarette smokers (SC) and 13 non-smokers (NSC), we have applied the fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) tandem probe assay to elucidate the frequency of chromosome breakage among the participants. Two probes were used, a classical satellite probe which hybridizes to the large heterochromatin region of chromosome 1, and an alpha-satellite probe which targets a small region adjacent to the heterochromatin probe. The highest frequency of structural aberrations was observed in LCP (1.4 +/- 0.1) followed by SC (1.25 +/- 0.1) and NSC (0.4 +/- 0.1). Aberration frequencies were not significantly different between LCP and SC (p > 0.05), however, a statistically significant difference was detected between the smoker populations combined (LCP and SC) and the NSC (p < 0.001). The breakage frequencies showed a positive correlation with duration of smoking for LCP (r = 0.5; p < 0.01), but not for SC (P > 0.05). In addition, the aberration frequencies were influenced by the inheritance of polymorphic glutathione S-transferase (GST) genes. LCPs missing one or the other GST (GSTM1 or GSTT1) genes were found to have significantly higher chromosome breaks compared to LCPs with both genes present (p < 0.05), Our data indicate that genetic predisposition and chromosome aberrations may be mechanistically related to the initiation of lung carcinogenesis; therefore, they may be useful biomarkers for lung cancer among cigarette smokers. (C) 1997 Elsevier B.V. B.V.


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Objectives. Taking into consideration that DNA damage and cellular death play important roles during carcinogenesis, the purpose of the present study was to evaluate in vitro genotoxic or cytotoxic effects of chloroform and eucalyptol by single cell gel (comet) assay and trypan blue exclusion test, respectively.Study design. Chloroform and eucalyptol were exposed to Chinese hamster ovary cells in culture directly for 3 hours at 37 degrees C at final concentrations ranging from 1.25 to 10 mu L/mL. The negative control group was treated with vehicle control (phosphate-buffered solution), and the positive control group was treated with methyl metasulfonate (MMS, at 1 mu g/mL concentration). All data were analyzed by the Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric test followed by the Dunn test.Results. The results showed that both gutta-percha solvents were cytotoxic at concentrations of 2.5, 5, and 10 mu L/mL (P < .05). on the other hand, both solvents did not induce DNA breakage at 1.25 mu L/mL concentration.Conclusions. These results suggest that both chloroform or eucalyptol are strong cytotoxicants, but they may not be a factor that increases the level of DNA lesions in mammalian cells.


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We studied cytogenetically 48 male patients with Duchenne or Becker muscular dystrophy. All of them showed normal X chromosomes. Fragility of Xp21 was investigated in 1400 G-banded chromosomes of 28 patients and only one break was observed at this band (0.07%). This low frequency of breakage excludes Xp21 as a fragile site in these patients.


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The rate of chromatid breaks was studied in cows with a history of sub-fertility by means of a test based on measurement of the average of breaks induced in lymphocytes of peripheral blood cultures. Fourteen female specimens were divided into two groups: fertile and sub-fertile. Peripheral blood lymphocytes were cultured and prepared for cytogenetic analysis. Two types of culture were established for each animal to evaluate the response of peripheral blood lymphocyte cultures to the genotoxic effects of bleomycin. The first culture did not receive bleomycin treatment (spontaneous chromosome aberrations). Our results showed that median breaks per cell (b/c) (+/-semirange) for spontaneous culture of the fertile and sub-fertile animals and bleomycin sensitivity assay for fertile and sub-fertile animals were 0.00 +/- 0.06, 0.02 +/- 0.03, 0.08 +/- 0.05 and 0.22 +/- 0.09, respectively. There was no significant difference (P > 0.05) in the chromosomal breakage in lymphocytes not exposed to bleomycin; however, in comparing the number of chromatid breaks per cell in cultures treated with bleomycin, the sub-fertile group showed a significantly higher (P < 0.05) level than the fertile group. These findings have implications both for identifying cattle with less than optimum fertility as well as for providing potential avenues to study the origins of sub-fertility. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.