627 resultados para Bragg gratings


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The present work proposes a new sensing methodology, which uses Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBGs) to measure in vivo the surface strain and strain rate on calf muscles while performing certain exercises. Two simple exercises, namely ankle dorsi-flexion and ankle plantar-flexion, have been considered and the strain induced on the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle while performing these exercises has been monitored. The real time strain generated has been recorded and the results are compared with those obtained using a commercial Color Doppler Ultrasound (CDU) system. It is found that the proposed sensing methodology is promising for surface strain measurements in biomechanical applications.


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Impact detection in aeronautical structures allows predicting their future reliability and performance. An impact can produce microscopic fissures that could evolve into fractures or even the total collapse of the structure, so it is important to know the location and severity of each impact. For this purpose, optical fibers with Bragg gratings are used to analyze each impact and the vibrations generated by them. In this paper it is proven that optical fibers with Bragg gratings can be used to detect impacts, and also that a high-frequency interrogator is necessary to collect valuable information about the impacts. The use of two interrogators constitutes the main novelty of this paper.


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Temperature and stress tunabilities of long-period Bragg gratings imprinted in Panda fiber are presented in this letter. It is shown that the temperature and strain response of the resonance peaks for fast and slow axes are different not only in their magnitudes but also in the signs of the slope. Furthermore, the characteristics for different order modes are different both in magnitudes and signs. The complicated phenomena are discussed by using a simplified model.


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Micro-cavity structure composed of silicon wire with 240nm square cross section and two symmetrical sidewall waveguide Bragg gratings is fabricated and studied for the operation under telecommunication wavelengths. Optical filter of quasi-TE mode was realized based on this cavity. In such micro-cavity, optical quality factor (Q) was measured up to 380 with a 4.8nm free spectral range (FSR) and 12dB fringe contrast (FC). The measured group index of silicon waveguide with only 240nm square cross section was between 3.80 and 5.43. It is the first time group delay of silicon wire waveguide with such small core dimension is studied. Larger group delay can be expected after optimizing the design parameters and the fabrication process.


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Our configurable optical add/drop multiplexers (OADM) are based on thermally tunable silicon-on-insulator (SOI) Bragg gratings. We have simulated the whole device and get ideal performance. We also tried experiments to explore the process of grating waveguide and got useful results.


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A kind of ultra-narrow dual-channel filter is proposed in principle and demonstrated experimentally. This filter is designed by means of two sampled fibre Bragg gratings (SFBGs), where one is periodic 0-pi sampling and the other is symmetrical spatial sampling. The former can create two stopbands in the transmission spectra and the latter can produce two ultra-riarrow passbands. Our filter has the 3-dB bandwidth of about 1 pm, whose value is two orders of magnitude less than the bandwidth of the traditional SFBG filters. The proposed filter has a merit that the channel spacing remains unchanged when tuning the filter.


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A new fabricating method is demonstrated to realize two different Bragg gratings in an identical chip using traditional holographic exposure. Polyimide is used to protect one Bragg grating during the first period. The technical process of this method is as simple as that of standard holographic exposure


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Nas últimas décadas, os sensores de Bragg têm sido frequentemente utilizados em inúmeras aplicações, em resultado das características únicas desta tecnologia. Contudo, a comunidade científica tem feito um esforço contínuo em desenvolver sensores que respondam tanto quanto possível aos requisitos e interesses de cada aplicação em particular. As bioaplicações são um campo de crescente interesse pelos sensores de Bragg, atendendo à heterogeneidade e complexidade dos meios de análise em questão. No âmbito desta dissertação foi realizada uma análise teórica dos princípios de funcionamento das redes de Bragg, focada em redes uniformes e inclinadas. Foi também descrito o processo de produção de redes de Bragg regeneradas. Redes de Bragg uniformes foram aplicadas na caracterização da reacção de polimerização e cura de materiais dentários, nomeadamente resina para base de dentadura, cimentos e gessos. Foi feita uma análise comparativa do desempenho de diferentes tipos de cimentos e gessos. Em relação ao gesso foi ainda avaliada a influência do rácio água/pó nas propriedades do material. Devido à importância que o índice de refracção tem na detecção de substâncias, doenças e controlo de qualidade de produtos, foi desenvolvido um sensor de índice de refracção baseado numa rede de Bragg inclinada. Implementaram-se também sensores para medição simultânea de índice de refracção e deformação, índice de refracção e temperatura e índice de refracção, deformação e temperatura, todos baseados numa única rede inclinada. O último dispositivo foi validado em ambiente laboratorial. Com o propósito de desenvolver um sensor baseado em redes de Bragg para monitorização da deformação óssea, foi avaliada a biocompatibilidade da fibra óptica em cultura de células osteoblásticas, e analisada a integridade física e funcionalidade da rede de Bragg nesse meio. O interesse em aumentar a sensibilidade e alargar a gama de trabalho dos sensores conduziu ao revestimento das fibras ópticas. Atendendo ao potencial índole biológica e biomédica do trabalho, usou-se como material de recobrimento o diamante, dada a excelente resposta em termos de biocompatibilidade, resistência à corrosão, não toxicidade e afinidade para espécies químicas e biológicas. Os filmes foram obtidos por deposição química a partir da fase vapor assistida por filamento quente. Para além de amostras de fibra óptica, foram revestidas redes de Bragg uniformes e regeneradas. Os sensores revestidos com diamante foram caracterizados à deformação e à temperatura.


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La spectroscopie Raman est un outil non destructif fort utile lors de la caractérisation de matériau. Cette technique consiste essentiellement à faire l’analyse de la diffusion inélastique de lumière par un matériau. Les performances d’un système de spectroscopie Raman proviennent en majeure partie de deux filtres ; l’un pour purifier la raie incidente (habituellement un laser) et l’autre pour atténuer la raie élastique du faisceau de signal. En spectroscopie Raman résonante (SRR), l’énergie (la longueur d’onde) d’excitation est accordée de façon à être voisine d’une transition électronique permise dans le matériau à l’étude. La section efficace d’un processus Raman peut alors être augmentée d’un facteur allant jusqu’à 106. La technologie actuelle est limitée au niveau des filtres accordables en longueur d’onde. La SRR est donc une technique complexe et pour l’instant fastidieuse à mettre en œuvre. Ce mémoire présente la conception et la construction d’un système de spectroscopie Raman accordable en longueur d’onde basé sur des filtres à réseaux de Bragg en volume. Ce système vise une utilisation dans le proche infrarouge afin d’étudier les résonances de nanotubes de carbone. Les étapes menant à la mise en fonction du système sont décrites. Elles couvrent les aspects de conceptualisation, de fabrication, de caractérisation ainsi que de l’optimisation du système. Ce projet fut réalisé en étroite collaboration avec une petite entreprise d’ici, Photon etc. De cette coopération sont nés les filtres accordables permettant avec facilité de changer la longueur d’onde d’excitation. Ces filtres ont été combinés à un laser titane : saphir accordable de 700 à 1100 nm, à un microscope «maison» ainsi qu’à un système de détection utilisant une caméra CCD et un spectromètre à réseau. Sont d’abord présentés les aspects théoriques entourant la SRR. Par la suite, les nanotubes de carbone (NTC) sont décrits et utilisés pour montrer la pertinence d’une telle technique. Ensuite, le principe de fonctionnement des filtres est décrit pour être suivi de l’article où sont parus les principaux résultats de ce travail. On y trouvera entre autres la caractérisation optique des filtres. Les limites de basses fréquences du système sont démontrées en effectuant des mesures sur un échantillon de soufre dont la raie à 27 cm-1 est clairement résolue. La simplicité d’accordabilité est quant à elle démontrée par l’utilisation d’un échantillon de NTC en poudre. En variant la longueur d’onde (l’énergie d’excitation), différentes chiralités sont observées et par le fait même, différentes raies sont présentes dans les spectres. Finalement, des précisions sur l’alignement, l’optimisation et l’opération du système sont décrites. La faible acceptance angulaire est l’inconvénient majeur de l’utilisation de ce type de filtre. Elle se répercute en problème d’atténuation ce qui est critique plus particulièrement pour le filtre coupe-bande. Des améliorations possibles face à cette limitation sont étudiées.


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Relief Bragg gratings were recorded on the surface of Ga-Ge-S glass samples by interference of two UV laser beams at 351 nm, Scanning force microscopy was used to perform a 3D image analysis of the resulting surface topography, which shows the superposition of an imprinted grating over the base topography of the glass. An important question regarding the efficiency of the grating is to determine to what extent the base topography reduces the intended coherent scattering of the grating because of its stochastic character. To answer this question we separated both base and grating structures by Fourier filtering, examined both spatial frequency and roughness, and determined the correlation. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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The energy conservation of grating diffraction is analyzed in a particular condition of incidence in which two incident waves reach a symmetrical grating from the two sides of the grating normal at the first-order Littrow mounting. In such a situation the incident waves generate an interference pattern with the same period as the grating. Thus in each direction of diffraction, interference occurs between two consecutive diffractive orders of the symmetrical incident waves. By applying only energy conservation and the geometrical symmetry of the grating profile to this problem it is possible to establish a general constraint for the phases and amplitudes of the diffracted orders of the same incident wave. Experimental and theoretical results are presented confirming the obtained relations. © 2006 Optical Society of America.


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Ao se aplicar uma tração exterior a uma fibra óptica, seu índice de refração pode modificar devido ao efeito foto-elástico. Quando a fibra contém uma grade de Bragg inscrita em seu núcleo, além do índice de refração seu período espacial também modifica, permitindo sua aplicação como sensores ópticos de temperatura e/ou deformação de alta sensitvidade. Do ponto de vista teórico, até o presente a operação de sensores baseados em fibras ópticas com grade de Brag (FGB) é explicada pelo efeito foto-elástico, através de componentes adequadas do tensor foto-elástico de fibras de sílica dopadas com germânio (germano-silicatadas). Em praticamente toda a literatura previamente estudada, apenas este tipo de fibra óptica tem suas propriedades optomecânicas bem definidas, o que pode representar uma restrição. Nesta dissertação apresentamos uma formulação teórica alternativa para o estudo das propriedades de um sensor de deformação longitudinal baseado em fibra óptica com grade de Bragg (FGB) que não depende do conhecimento prévio das componentes do tensor foto-elástico, e que leva a resultados que dependem apenas da razão de Poisson da fibra, uma característica mecânica facilmente mensurável, e de seu índice de refração efetivo. Os resultados obtidos com este modelo apresentam ótima concordância com aqueles obtidos pelo modelo conhecido da literatura, além de permitir estimar o comportamento de outros parâmetros relacionados ao espectro de refletividade da FGB.


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Los sensores de fibra óptica son una tecnología que ha madurado en los últimos años, sin embargo, se requiere un mayor desarrollo de aplicaciones para materiales naturales como las rocas, que por ser agregados complejos pueden contener partículas minerales y fracturas de tamaño mucho mayor que las galgas eléctricas usadas tradicionalmente para medir deformaciones en las pruebas de laboratorio, ocasionando que los resultados obtenidos puedan ser no representativos. En este trabajo fueron diseñados, fabricados y probados sensores de deformación de gran área y forma curvada, usando redes de Bragg en fibra óptica (FBG) con el objetivo de obtener registros representativos en rocas que contienen minerales y estructuras de diversas composiciones, tamaños y direcciones. Se presenta el proceso de elaboración del transductor, su caracterización mecánica, su calibración y su evaluación en pruebas de compresión uniaxial en muestras de roca. Para verificar la eficiencia en la transmisión de la deformación de la roca al sensor una vez pegado, también fue realizado el análisis de la transferencia incluyendo los efectos del adhesivo, de la muestra y del transductor. Los resultados experimentales indican que el sensor desarrollado permite registro y transferencia de la deformación fiables, avance necesario para uso en rocas y otros materiales heterogénos, señalando una interesante perspectiva para aplicaciones sobre superficies irregulares, pues permite aumentar a voluntad el tamaño y forma del área de registro, posibilita también obtener mayor fiabilidad de resultados en muestras de pequeño tamaño y sugiere su conveniencia en obras, en las cuales los sistemas eléctricos tradicionales tienen limitaciones. ABSTRACT Optical fiber sensors are a technology that has matured in recent years, however, further development for rock applications is needed. Rocks contain mineral particles and features larger than electrical strain gauges traditionally used in laboratory tests, causing the results to be unrepresentative. In this work were designed, manufactured, and tested large area and curved shape strain gages, using fiber Bragg gratings in optical fiber (FBG) in order to obtain representative measurement on surface rocks samples containing minerals and structures of different compositions, sizes and directions. This reports presents the processes of manufacturing, mechanical characterization, calibration and evaluation under uniaxial compression tests on rock samples. To verify the efficiency of rock deformation transmitted to attached sensor, it was also performed the analysis of the strain transfer including the effects of the bonding, the sample and the transducer. The experimental results indicate that the developed sensor enables reliable measurements of the strain and its transmission from rock to sensor, appropriate for use in heterogeneous materials, pointing an interesting perspective for applications on irregular surfaces, allowing increasing at will the size and shape of the measurement area. This research suggests suitability of the optical strain gauge for real scale, where traditional electrical systems have demonstrated some limitations.


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A long period grating is interrogated with a fibre Bragg grating using a derivative spectroscopy technique. A quasi-linear relationship between the output of the sensing scheme and the curvature experienced by the long period grating is demonstrated, with a sensitivity of 5.05 m and with an average curvature resolution of 2.9 × 10-2 m-1. In addition, the feasibility of multiplexing an in-line series of long period gratings with this interrogation scheme is demonstrated with two pairs of fibre Bragg gratings and long period gratings. With this arrangement the cross-talk error between channels was less than ± 2.4 × 10-3 m-1.


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We describe the results of in-vivo trials of a portable fiber Bragg grating based temperature profile monitoring system. The probe incorporates five Bragg gratings along a single fiber and prevents the gratings from being strained. Illumination is provided by a superluminescent diode, and a miniature CCD based spectrometer is used for demultiplexing. The CCD signal is read into a portable computer through a small A/D interface; the computer then calculates the positions of the center wavelengths of the Bragg gratings, providing a resolution of 0.2°C. Tests were carried out on rabbits undergoing hyperthermia treatment of the kidney and liver via inductive heating of metallic implants and comparison was made with a commercial Fluoroptic thermometry system.