457 resultados para Blending


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The aim of this work is to describe the most recent achievements in the field of the physical chemistry of mixing. The systems studied have been classified according to the amount of thermic effect due to the blending and its interpretation. When polystyrene (PS) and poly(alpha-methylstyrene) (P alpha MS) are blended, the interaction is weak and Delta(mix)H is close to zero. The presence of polar atoms and/or groups increases the stability of the blend and, therefore, Delta(mix)H becomes more negative. Poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO), poly(methyl acrylate) (PMA), poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and poly(vinylacetate) (PVAc), when mixed to form binary systems, show large differences from their properties when pure. If hydrogen bonding takes place, the interactions are readily detected and a large effect is calorimetrically determined. Cellulose diacetate (CDA) and poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP) have been studied as an example of a strongly interacting system.


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Polyisobutylene can be crosslinked under irradiation as to be expected by either introducing radiation sensitive groups into its macromolecules or blending with a proper radiation crosslinkable polymer.


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Blends of crystallizable poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) with poly(N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone) (PVPy) were studied by C-13 cross-polarization/magic angle spinning (CP/MAS) n.m.r. and d.s.c. The C-13 CP/MAS spectra show that the blends were miscible on a molecular level over the whole composition range studied, and that the intramolecular hydrogen bonds of PVA were broken and intermolecular hydrogen bonds between PVA and PVPy formed when the two polymers were mixed. The results of a spin-lattice relaxation study indicate that blending of the two polymers reduced the average intermolecular distance and molecular motion of each component, even in the miscible amorphous phase, and that addition of PVPy into PVA has a definite effect on the crystallinity of PVA in the blends over the whole composition range, yet there is still detectable crystallinity even when the PVPy content is as high as 80 wt%. These results are consistent with those obtained from d.s.c. studies.


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This paper consists of two major parts. First, we present the outline of a simple approach to very-low bandwidth video-conferencing system relying on an example-based hierarchical image compression scheme. In particular, we discuss the use of example images as a model, the number of required examples, faces as a class of semi-rigid objects, a hierarchical model based on decomposition into different time-scales, and the decomposition of face images into patches of interest. In the second part, we present several algorithms for image processing and animation as well as experimental evaluations. Among the original contributions of this paper is an automatic algorithm for pose estimation and normalization. We also review and compare different algorithms for finding the nearest neighbors in a database for a new input as well as a generalized algorithm for blending patches of interest in order to synthesize new images. Finally, we outline the possible integration of several algorithms to illustrate a simple model-based video-conference system.


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The creative industries sector faces a constantly changing context characterised by the speed of the development and deployment of digital information systems and Information Communications Technologies (ICT) on a global scale. This continuous digital disruption has had significant impact on the whole value chain of the sector: creation and production; discovery and distribution; and consumption of cultural goods and services. As a result, creative enterprises must evolve business and operational models and practices to be sustainable. Enterprises of all scales, type, and operational model are affected, and all sectors face ongoing digital disruption. Management consultancy practitioners and business strategy academics have called for new strategy development frameworks and toolkits, fit for a continuously changing world. This thesis investigates a novel approach to organisational change appropriate to the digital age, in the context of the creative sector in Scotland. A set of concepts, methods, tools, and processes to generate theoretical learning and practical knowing was created to support enterprises to digitally adapt through undertaking journeys of change and organisational development. The framework is called The AmbITion Approach. It was developed by blending participatory action research (PAR) methods and modern management consultancy, design, and creative practices. Empirical work also introduced to the framework Coghlan and Rashford’s change categories. These enabled the definition and description of the extent to which organisations developed: whether they experienced first order (change), second order (adaptation) or third order (transformation) change. Digital research tools for inquiry were tested by a pilot study, and then embedded in a longitudinal study over two years of twentyone participant organisations from Scotland’s creative sector. The author applied and investigated the novel approach in a national digital development programme for Scotland’s creative industries. The programme was designed and delivered by the author and ran nationally between 2012-14. Detailed grounded thematic analysis of the data corpus was undertaken, along with analysis of rich media case studies produced by the organisations about their change journeys. The results of studies on participants, and validation criteria applied to the results, demonstrated that the framework triggers second (adaptation) and third order change (transformation) in creative industry enterprises. The AmbITion Approach framework is suitable for the continuing landscape of digital disruption within the creative sector. The thesis contributes to practice the concepts, methods, tools, and processes of The AmbITion Approach, which have been empirically tested in the field, and validated as a new framework for business transformation in a digital age. The thesis contributes to knowledge a theoretical and conceptual framework with a specific set of constructs and criteria that define first, second, and third order change in creative enterprises, and a robust research and action framework for the analysis of the quality, validity and change achieved by action research based development programmes. The thesis additionally contributes to the practice of research, adding to our understanding of the value of PAR and design thinking approaches and creative practices as methods for change.


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Nonrigid motion can be described as morphing or blending between extremal shapes, e.g., heart motion can be described as transitioning between the systole and diastole states. Using physically-based modeling techniques, shape similarity can be measured in terms of forces and strain. This provides a physically-based coordinate system in which motion is characterized in terms of physical similarity to a set of extremal shapes. Having such a low-dimensional characterization of nonrigid motion allows for the recognition and the comparison of different types of nonrigid motion.


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Opera in America: Music of, by, and for the people is a study of the relationship between American popular culture and opera in the United States. Four performance projects demonstrate the on-going exchange between the operatic community-including its composer, singers, and patrons-and the country's popular entertainment industry with its broad audience base. Numerous examples of artistic cross pollination between lowbrow and highbrow music will illustrate the artistic and social consequences created by this artistic amalgamation. Program #1, By George! By Ira! By Gershwin!, is a retrospective of Gershwin's vocal music representing a blending of popular and serious music in both style and form. The concert includes selections from Porgy and Bess, a work considered by many musicologists as the first American opera. Program #2, Shadowboxer, is a premiere performance of an opera by Frank Proto and John Chenault. For this newly commissioned work, I serve as Assistant Director to Leon Major. Shadowboxer provides a clear example of opera utilizing popular culture both musically and dramatically to tell the true story of American hero and legendary boxer, Joe Louis. Program #3, Just a Song at Twilight, is an original theatrical music piece featuring music, letters, diaries, and journals of the Gilded Age, an era when opera was synonymous with popular entertainment. Special attention is focused on tum-of­ the-century singers who performed in both opera and vaudeville. Program #4 is a presentation of Dominick Argento's Miss Manners on Music and illustrates the strong relationship that can exist between opera and American popular entertainment. Originally conceived as a song cycle, I have staged the work as a one-act opera sung and acted by soprano Carmen Balthrop. This piece is based on the writings of pop icon and newspaper columnist Judith Martin, otherwise known as Miss Manners. All four performances are recorded in audio and video formats.


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Segregation or de-blending of bulk particulates is a problem that is encountered in many industrial sectors. The magnitude of segregation can often determine whether a complete production batch can be transferred for onward processing within the plant or released to market. It is a phenomenon that impacts directly upon the profitability of a process. Segregation can occur through a coincidence of a range of variables that relate to the process and bulk particulate properties, common mechanisms for this include; percolation, surface effect (rolling) and elutriation. The importance to industry of predicting the sensitivity of bulk particulates to segregation cannot be under-estimated, and to this end various test procedures have been developed. Within many industries striving to improve product quality and reduce wastage, the determination of variability in blend consistency caused by segregation is an increasing priority. This paper considers recent work undertaken to evaluate the effects of multiple handling operations on the degree of segregation that results. The bulk properties of segregability (and resulting flowability) can not only influence the product consistency, but can have great influence over the process (production) control and performance.


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Recent fully relativistic calculations of radiative rates and electron impact excitation cross-sections for FeXIII are used to generate emission-line ratios involving 3s23p2-3s3p3 and 3s23p2-3s23p3d transitions in the 170-225 and 235-450 Å wavelength ranges covered by the Solar Extreme-Ultraviolet Research Telescope and Spectrograph (SERTS). A comparison of these line ratios with SERTS active region observations from rocket flights in 1989 and 1995 reveals generally very good agreement between theory and experiment. Several new FeXIII emission features are identified, at wavelengths of 203.79, 259.94, 288.56 and 290.81 Å. However, major discrepancies between theory and observation remain for several FeXIII transitions, as previously found by Landi and others, which cannot be explained by blending. Errors in the adopted atomic data appear to be the most likely explanation, in particular for transitions which have 3s23p3d1D2 as their upper level. The most useful FeXIII electron-density diagnostics in the SERTS spectral regions are assessed, in terms of the line pairs involved being (i) apparently free of atomic physics problems and blends, (ii) close in wavelength to reduce the effects of possible errors in the instrumental intensity calibration, and (iii) very sensitive to changes in Ne over the range 108-1011cm-3. It is concluded that the ratios which best satisfy these conditions are 200.03/202.04 and 203.17/202.04 for the 170-225 Å wavelength region, and 348.18/320.80, 348.18/368.16, 359.64/348.18 and 359.83/368.16 for 235-450 Å.


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Recent R-matrix calculations of electron impact excitation rates in N-like Si VIII are used to derive theoretical emission line intensity ratios involving 2s(2)2p(3)-2s2p(4) transitions in the 216 -320 Angstrom wavelength range. A comparison of these with an extensive dataset of solar active region, quiet- Sun, sub-flare and off-limb observations, obtained during rocket flights of the Solar EUV Research Telescope and Spectrograph (SERTS), indicates that the ratio R-1 = I(216.94 Angstrom)/I(319.84 Angstrom) may provide a usable electron density diagnostic for coronal plasmas. The ratio involves two lines of comparable intensity, and varies by a factor of about 5 over the useful density range of 10(8)-10(11) cm(-3). However R-2 = I(276.85 Angstrom)/I(319.84 Angstrom) and R-3 = I(277.05 Angstrom)/I(319.84 Angstrom) show very poor agreement between theory and observation, due to the severe blending of the 276.85 and 277.05 Angstrom lines with Si VII and Mg VII transitions, respectively, making the ratios unsuitable as density diagnostics. The 314.35 Angstrom feature of Si VIII also appears to be blended, with the other species contributing around 20% to the total line flux.


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R-matrix calculations of electron impact excitation rates in N- like S x are used to derive theoretical emission-line intensity ratios involving 2s(2)2p(3)-2s2p(4) transitions in the 189-265 Angstrom wavelength range. A comparison of these with observational data for solar flares and active regions, obtained with the Naval Research Laboratory's S082A spectrograph on board Skylab and the Solar EUV Rocket Telescope and Spectrograph, reveals that many of the S x lines in the spectra are badly blended with emission features from other species. However, the intensity ratios I(228.70 Angstrom)/I(264.24 Angstrom) and I(228.70 Angstrom)/I(259.49 Angstrom) are found to provide useful electron density diagnostics for flares, although the latter cannot be employed for active regions, because of blending of the 259.49 Angstrom line with an unidentified transition in these solar features.


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New R-matrix calculations of electron impact excitation rates for Fe XI are used to determine theoretical emission line ratios applicable to solar and stellar coronal observations. These are subsequently compared to solar spectra of the quiet Sun and an active region made by the Solar EUV Rocket Telescope and Spectrograph (SERTS-95), as well as Skylab observations of two flares. Line blending is identified, and electron densities of 10(9.3), 10(9.7), greater than or equal to 10(10.8), and greater than or equal to 10(11.3) cm(-3) are found for the quiet Sun, active region, and the two flares, respectively. Observations of the F5 IV-V star Procyon, made with the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE) satellite, are compared and contrasted with the solar observations. It is confirmed that Procyon's average coronal conditions are very similar to those seen in the quiet Sun, with N-e = 10(9.4) cm(-3). In addition, although the quiet Sun is the closest solar analog to Procyon, we conclude that Procyon's coronal temperatures are slightly hotter than solar. A filling factor of 25(-12)(+38)% was derived for the corona of Procyon.


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Previously, large discrepancies have been found between theory and observation for Fe XV emission line ratios in solar flare spectra covering the 224-327 angstrom wavelength range, obtained by the Naval Research Laboratory's S082A instrument on board Skylab. These discrepancies have been attributed to either errors in the adopted atomic data or the presence of additional atomic processes not included in the modelling, such as fluorescence. However our analysis of these plus other S082A flare observations (the latter containing Fe XV transitions between 321-482 angstrom), performed using the most recent Fe XV atomic physics calculations in conjunction with a chianti synthetic flare spectrum, indicate that blending of the lines is primarily responsible for the discrepancies. As a result, most Fe XV lines cannot be employed as electron density diagnostics for solar flares, at least at the spectral resolution of S082A and similar instruments (i.e.similar to 0.1 angstrom). An exception is the intensity ratio I(3s3p P-3(2)-3p(2) P-3(1))/I(3s3p P-3(2)-3p(2) D-1(2))=I(321.8 angstrom)/I(327.0 angstrom), which appears to provide good estimates of the electron density at this spectral resolution.


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The transformation of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) into knowledge and learning technologies is increasingly becoming a matter of concern. Teaching settings associated with the use of blogs in Higher Education are presented in this paper, proceeding from an innovative learning experience of projects carried out by a group of professors between 2009 and 2013. Both, teachers and students who took part in the subjects that implemented the blog, considered it as helpful resource to create a virtual and learning-teaching environment due to the multiple potentialities it offers. Among some of these potentialities, some stand out: it makes easier the access to knowledge, promotes a more active and reflective learning, expands the social experience of learning, provides evidence about the students’ progress which helps to reorient the teaching-learning process, and encourages the critical judgment. Nevertheless, several problems related with the students’ participation and the teacher’s blog management have been identified.