942 resultados para Bio-MEMS


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Bio-compatible magnetic fluids having high saturation magnetization find immense applications in various biomedical fields. Aqueous ferrofluids of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles with narrow size distribution, high shelf life and good stability is realized by controlled chemical co-precipitation process. The crystal structure is verified by X-ray diffraction technique. Particle sizes are evaluated by employing Transmission electron microscopy. Room temperature and low-temperature magnetic measurements were carried out with Superconducting Quantum Interference Device. The fluid exhibits good magnetic response even at very high dilution (6.28 mg/cc). This is an advantage for biomedical applications, since only a small amount of iron is to be metabolised by body organs. Magnetic field induced transmission measurements carried out at photon energy of diode laser (670 nm) exhibited excellent linear dichroism. Based on the structural and magnetic measurements, the power loss for the magnetic nanoparticles under study is evaluated over a range of radiofrequencies.


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In this thesis all these aspects are taken into consideration. Extensive studies were conducted on all aspects of processing of crabs, mussels and clams. The species taken for studies are commercially used ones namely Scylla sereta, perna viridis, and villorita cyprinoids. In Chapter 4.1 with regard to crab) the following aspects on their handling and processing are reported seasonal variation of chemical constituents, changes taking place during ice storage, freezing, canning etc. In Chapter 4._2 with regard to mussel, the relation between age (size) and chemical constituents, changes taking place during ice storage, freezing, canning etc. are reported and in Chapter 4.3 the changes taking place in clam muscle during icing and freezing are reported and the ame rebility of ice stored clams for canning purpose is reported.The interference of high concentration of glycogen in mussel and clam muscles during the colour development of ribose (Me-jbaum's method) is observed and remedial step are taken to minimise the interference.


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Fluorescence is a powerful tool in biological research, the relevance of which relies greatly on the availability of sensitive and selective fluorescent probes. Nanometer sized fluorescent semiconductor materials have attracted considerable attention in recent years due to the high luminescence intensity, low photobleaching, large Stokes’ shift and high photochemical stability. The optical and spectroscopic features of nanoparticles make them very convincing alternatives to traditional fluorophores in a range of applications. Efficient surface capping agents make these nanocrystals bio-compatible. They can provide a novel platform on which many biomolecules such as DNA, RNA and proteins can be covalently linked. In the second phase of the present work, bio-compatible, fluorescent, manganese doped ZnS (ZnS:Mn) nanocrystals suitable for bioimaging applications have been developed and their cytocompatibility has been assessed. Functionalization of ZnS:Mn nanocrystals by safe materials results in considerable reduction of toxicity and allows conjugation with specific biomolecules. The highly fluorescent, bio-compatible and water- dispersible ZnS:Mn nanocrystals are found to be ideal fluorescent probes for biological labeling


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Researches are always in quest for finding innovative methods for ground improvement using sustainable and environmental friendly solutions. Theproduction of large quantity of biowastes all over the world faces serious problems of handling and disposal. Coir pith is a biowaste from coir industry and sugarcane baggase is another biowaste obtained after extractingjuice from sugar cane. So the present study is an investigation into the effect of coir pith and sugarcane baggase on some geotechnical properties of red earth. The investigation includes study on variation of properties such as O.M.C, maximum dry density, C.B.R. values,unconfined compressive strength and permeability when these materials are included in soil. Several conclusions are arrived at, on the basis of the experiments conducted and it may be helpful for predicting the behavior of such soil matrix


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International School of Photonics


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In fish processing plants, there is huge amount of skin that is left as the waste. When this skin is taken and processed into fish collagen, it will save large amount of money that is used for extraction of collagen from other animal s.Fish collagen can be used as an alternative to replace mammalian collagen, especially collagen extracted from bovine, when we consider the outbreak of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) and the foot - and-mouth disease (FMD) issues. BSE and TSE are progressive neurological disorders affecting cattles caused by proteinacious infectious particles called prions.The study aims in producing collagen that has been extracted from fish skin to replace other animal collagen so as to overcome the problem of other animal collagen issues. Also the study utilized the abandoned fish waste produced by fish processing industry since bone, skin, fin and scales of fish can be a useful source of collagen.


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Optische Spektrometer sind bekannte Instrumente für viele Anwendungen in Life Sciences, Produktion und Technik aufgrund ihrer guten Selektivität und Sensitivität zusammen mit ihren berührungslosen Messverfahren. MEMS (engl. Micro-electro-mechanical system)-basierten Spektrometer werden als disruptive Technologie betrachtet, in der miniaturisierte Fabry-Pérot Filter als sehr attraktiv für die optische Kommunikation und 'Smart Personal Environments', einschließlich des medizinischen Anwendungen, zu nennen sind. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist, durchstimmbare Filter-Arrays mit kostengünstigen Technologien herzustellen. Materialien und technologische Prozesse, die für die Herstellung der Filter-Arrays benötigt werden, wurden untersucht. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit, wurden durchstimmbare Fabry Pérot Filter-Arrays für den sichtbaren Spektralbereich untersucht, die als Nano-Spektrometer eingesetzt werden. Darüber hinaus wurde ein Modell der numerischen Simulation vorgestellt, die zur Ermittlung eines optimales geometrisches Designs verwendet wurde, wobei sich das Hauptaugenmerk der Untersuchung auf die Durchbiegung der Filtermembranen aufgrund der mechanischen Verspannung der Schichten richtet. Die geometrische Form und Größe der Filtermembranen zusammen mit der Verbindungsbrücken sind von entscheidender Bedeutung, da sie die Durchbiegung beeinflussen. Lange und schmale Verbindungsbrücken führen zur stärkeren Durchbiegung der Filtermembranen. Dieser Effekt wurde auch bei der Vergrößerung der Durchmesser der Membran beobachtet. Die Filter mit spiralige (engl. curl-bent) Verbindungsbrücken führten zu geringerer Deformation als die mit geraden oder gebogenen Verbindungsbrücken. Durchstimmbare Si3N4/SiO2 DBR-basierende Filter-Arrays wurden erfolgreich hergestellt. Eine Untersuchung über die UV-NIL Polymere, die als Opferschicht und Haltepfosten-Material der Filter verwendet wurden, wurde durchgeführt. Die Polymere sind kompatibel zu dem PECVD-Verfahren, das für die Spiegel-Herstellung verwendet wird. Die laterale Strukturierung der DBR-Spiegel mittels des RIE (engl. Reactive Ion Etching)-Prozesses sowie der Unterätz-Prozess im Sauerstoffplasma zur Entfernung der Opferschicht und zum Erreichen der Luftspalt-Kavität, wurden durchgeführt. Durchstimmbare Filter-Arrays zeigten einen Abstimmbereich von 70 nm bei angelegten Spannungen von weniger als 20 V. Optimierungen bei der Strukturierung von TiO2/SiO2 DBR-basierenden Filtern konnte erzielt werden. Mit der CCP (engl. Capacitively Coupling Plasma)-RIE, wurde eine Ätzrate von 20 nm/min erreicht, wobei Fotolack als Ätzmaske diente. Mit der ICP (engl. Inductively Coupling Plasma)-RIE, wurden die Ätzrate von mehr als 60 nm/min mit einem Verhältniss der Ar/SF6 Gasflüssen von 10/10 sccm und Fotolack als Ätzmasken erzielt. Eine Ätzrate von 80 bis 90 nm/min wurde erreicht, hier diente ITO als Ätzmaske. Ausgezeichnete geätzte Profile wurden durch den Ätzprozess unter Verwendung von 500 W ICP/300 W RF-Leistung und Ar/SF6 Gasflüsse von 20/10 sccm erreicht. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit ermöglichen die Realisierung eines breiten Spektralbereichs der Filter-Arrays im Nano-Spektrometer.


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Performance and manufacturability are two important issues that must be taken into account during MEMS design. Existing MEMS design models or systems follow a process-driven design paradigm, that is, design starts from the specification of process sequence or the customization of foundry-ready process template. There has been essentially no methodology or model that supports generic, high-level design synthesis for MEMS conceptual design. As a result, there lacks a basis for specifying the initial process sequences. To address this problem, this paper proposes a performance-driven, microfabrication-oriented methodology for MEMS conceptual design. A unified behaviour representation method is proposed which incorporates information of both physical interactions and chemical/biological/other reactions. Based on this method, a behavioural process based design synthesis model is proposed, which exploits multidisciplinary phenomena for design solutions, including both the structural components and their configuration for the MEMS device, as well as the necessary substances for the chemical/biological/other reactions. The model supports both forward and backward synthetic search for suitable phenomena. To ensure manufacturability, a strategy of using microfabrication-oriented phenomena as design knowledge is proposed, where the phenomena are developed from existing MEMS devices that have associated MEMS-specific microfabrication processes or foundry-ready process templates. To test the applicability of the proposed methodology, the paper also studies microfluidic device design and uses a micro-pump design for the case study.


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During the last decade, large and costly instruments are being replaced by system based on microfluidic devices. Microfluidic devices hold the promise of combining a small analytical laboratory onto a chip-sized substrate to identify, immobilize, separate, and purify cells, bio-molecules, toxins, and other chemical and biological materials. Compared to conventional instruments, microfluidic devices would perform these tasks faster with higher sensitivity and efficiency, and greater affordability. Dielectrophoresis is one of the enabling technologies for these devices. It exploits the differences in particle dielectric properties to allow manipulation and characterization of particles suspended in a fluidic medium. Particles can be trapped or moved between regions of high or low electric fields due to the polarization effects in non-uniform electric fields. By varying the applied electric field frequency, the magnitude and direction of the dielectrophoretic force on the particle can be controlled. Dielectrophoresis has been successfully demonstrated in the separation, transportation, trapping, and sorting of various biological particles.


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This paper proposes to promote autonomy in digital ecosystems so that it provides agents with information to improve the behavior of the digital ecosystem in terms of stability. This work proposes that, in digital ecosystems, autonomous agents can provide fundamental services and information. The final goal is to run the ecosystem, generate novel conditions and let agents exploit them. A set of evaluation measures must be defined as well. We want to provide an outline of some global indicators, such as heterogeneity and diversity, and establish relationships between agent behavior and these global indicators to fully understand interactions between agents, and to understand the dependence and autonomy relations that emerge between the interacting agents. Individual variations, interaction dependencies, and environmental factors are determinants of autonomy that would be considered. The paper concludes with a discussion of situations when autonomy is a milestone


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En este texto buscamos sentar las bases para el marco teórico de la ingeniería de sistemas complejos. Hasta la fecha, un marco semejante ha sido apenas enunciado, y en términos bastante generales (Wolfram, 1986). Sin embargo, hasta ahora no se ha logrado formular un marco semejante que sirva a los ingenieros, a los científicos y a los filósofos para afirmar con seguridad que se tiene ya un marco teórico para la ingeniería de sistemas complejos. Al sentar el siguiente marco trazamos claramente los límites que separan a la ingeniería clásica −incluida la ingeniería de procesos inversos− de la ingeniería de sistemas complejos. Nos encontramos en el centro de una revolución científica y teórica, en términos de T. Kuhn. Luego de separar, de manera rápida, la ingeniería clásica de la ingeniería de sistemas complejos, obtenemos una visión más clara acerca de la ingeniería bio-inspirada. A fin de plantear de manera radical un (nuevo) marco teórico para la ingeniería de sistemas complejos (ISC), procedemos en zigzag así: de un lado, sobre una base al mismo tiempo científica e ingenieril, sugerimos un perímetro orgánico para la ISC; de otra parte, sobre la base de la filosofía y las lógicas no-clásicas, alcanzamos nuevas herramientas conceptuales que profundizan las bases científicas e ingenieriles. Al final se hace claro el horizonte amplio y la visión acerca del marco de la ingeniería de sistemas complejos, a saber: se trata, ulteriormente, de una teoría general de los sistemas complejos. Así, la ISC forma parte de las ciencias de la complejidad.


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BIO S.A.S es una organización que iniciará actividades en septiembre de 2012, y se dedicará a la producción, manipulación y distribución especial más no limitativa de Naranja Tangelo (Mineola). Nuestro producto será comercializado en Chapinero.


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El desarrollo de redes globales de comunicación telemática ha provocado un auge de la educación abierta y a distancia. Un proceso en el que la multimedia se ha convertido en el medio por excelencia. Con ello, la educación cada vez más se centra en el que aprende. Se requiere entonces, proveer al alumno de ambientes multimedia con variedad de estímulos, en sistemas modulares con productos heterogéneos, que mantengan una coherencia sistemática de contenido y sentido. Se propone metodología para elaborar multimedia a nivel sitémico (mems) con una estrategia de diseño instructivo.