956 resultados para Bio Oss
The main objective of the present study was to verify the approach on starch-gelatin blending for the paperboard coating formulations with enhanced barrier and mechanical properties. Based on that, another objective was to find out, how the approach will function with wood-based polysaccharides (CMC, EHEC and HPC) by analyzing their barrier properties and convertibility. The last objective was to find out, if pigments can be used in the composition of polysaccharide-protein blends without causing any negative effect on stated properties. The whole process chain of the barrier coating development was studied in the research. The methodology applied included pilot-scale coating and converting trials for the evaluation of mechanical properties of obtained coatings, namely their exposure to cracking with the loss of barrier properties. The results obtained indicated that the combination of starch with gelatin, in fact, improves the grease barrier properties and flexibility of starch-based coatings, thereby confirming the offered approach. The similar results were obtained for CMC, exhibited elevated barrier properties and surface coverage, proving that the approach also functions with wood-based polysaccharides. The introduction of equal amounts of talc gave various effects at different gelatin dosages on barrier properties of wood-based polysaccharides. Mainly, the elevation of grease barrier properties was observed. The convertibility of talc-filled coatings was not sufficient.
Varsinais-Suomen ELY-keskus teettää säännöllisesti maakunnan valikoiduille toimialoille työvoiman ja koulutuksen tarvetutkimuksia (TKTT). Tähän raporttiin on koottu bio- ja terveysalan TKTT-prosessin kaikki osiot: toimialan tilastotiedot, yrityshaastattelut syksyltä 2009, 2.3.2010 järjestetyn asiantuntijaraadin yhteenveto ja Delfoi-kierroksen tulokset. Varsinais-Suomi on kotimaassa lääketieteellisen bioalan kärkeä ja kansainvälistä huippua tietyillä tutkimusalueilla. Tässä työssä toimiala luokitellaan määritelmällä ”bioja terveysala”, johon kuuluvat lääkkeiden kehitys- ja valmistus, diagnostiikka, bioalan palvelut ja biomateriaalit. Toimialalla oli yrityksiä vuonna 2008 tehdyn kartoituksen perusteella noin 100, liikevaihdon ollessa yhteensä noin 522 miljoonaa €. Ala työllisti suoraan yli 2500 henkilöä, jonka lisäksi on huomioitava merkittävä alihankintaverkosto. Bio- ja terveysalan yrityskenttä jakautuu useisiin pienyrityksiin ja muutamiin suuryrityksiin, jotka työllistävät pääosan alan henkilöstöstä. Bioalan kehitystä koordinoi Turku Science Parkin BioTurku, joka on luonut vuonna 2009 uusimman strategian kasvuodotusten toteuttamiseksi. Viime vuosina Varsinais-Suomeen on syntynyt erityisesti biopalvelu- ja liiketoiminnankehitysyrityksiä. Alan koulutusta tarjotaan runsaasti, pääasiassa yliopistoissa ja ammattikorkeakoulussa. Aloituspaikkoja vuonna 2009 oli Turussa yhteensä 174. TKTT-haastattelut tehtiin yrityksissä loka-marraskuussa 2009: niissä haastateltiin 24 toimijaa, jotka työllistivät kaikkiaan 1849 henkilöä. Muutaman suuren yrityksen ansiosta määrä vastaa noin 70 % alan koko työvoimasta, mutta kattaa myös kaikki toimialamäärittelyssä esitetyt alaluokat Varsinais-Suomessa. Tutkimuskohteista pkyrityksiin lukeutui 80 %, mutta kokonaishenkilöstöstä 86 % työskenteli kolmen suurimman yrityksen palveluksessa. Yritysten näkymät vuonna 2009 olivat tilastollisesti optimistisia taloustilanteeseen nähden, ja lama on selvästikin taittumassa alalla. Vuoden kuluessa työllistävyyskehitys on kuitenkin vielä varovaista. Henkilöstön nettomäärä haastatelluissa yrityksissä lisääntyy syksyyn 2010 mennessä noin 11 henkilöllä. Suurin kasvu (20 %) on alle 10 henkeä työllistävissä mikroyrityksissä, ja työvoiman vähenemä koostuu pääasiassa suurempien yritysten eläkkeelle siirtyvistä työntekijöistä. Bio- ja terveysalalla on moninaisia tutkimukseen ja tuotantoon liittyviä toimenkuvia. Yleisimpiä ammattinimikkeitä haastatelluissa yrityksissä olivat kemisti, laborantti, insinööri ja tuotantotyöntekijä. Diagnostiikka-alan alihankintatöissä tarvitaan elektroniikka-asentajia. Henkilöstön ikärakenne painottuu 25-39-vuotiaisiin, joita on yli 40 % työvoimasta. Nuoria alle 24-vuotiaita työntekijöitä on erittäin vähän, mutta toisaalta vain 2 % työntekijöistä on eläköitymässä kahden vuoden kuluessa. Haastattelutulosten mukaan syksyllä 2009 noin puolessa yrityksistä elettiin nousukauden alkua, ja lamaan itsensä sijoitti viidennes. Syksyllä 2010 yrityksistä jo 95 % uskoo olevansa suhdannekäyrän positiivisella puolella, mutta kasvupotentiaalia on vielä huomattavasti. Haastatteluhetkellä työvoiman käyttöaste oli pääosin sopiva ja vain neljällä yrityksellä alhainen.
Decomposing wheat (Triticum aestivum) straw and rhizosphere-infested soil were evaluated for their suppressive activity against horse purslane (Trianthema portulacastrum), a noxious summer weed in Pakistan. Two separate pot studies were carried out. Wheat straw was incorporated at 4, 6 and 8 g kg-1 soil five days before the sowing of horse purslane. Pots without straw incorporation were maintained as control. In a second study, soil was taken from 15 and 30 cm depths from a previously cropped wheat field immediately after its harvest and was used as growing medium. Soil from an intentionally uncropped area of the same field was used as control. Suppressive activity was measured in terms of germination dynamics, seedling growth, and biochemical attributes such as chlorophyll contents, total soluble phenolics, soluble protein and antioxidant enzymes. Germination, seedling growth, chlorophyll contents and soluble protein of horse purslane were all negatively influenced. Higher phenolics and enhanced activities of antioxidant enzymes were noticed in response to wheat residues incorporation and its rhizosphere soil. Both studies established that the phytotoxic influence of wheat straw and wheat-infested rhizosphere soil on horse purslane can further be exploited for horse purslane management as a sustainable approach.
Närings-, trafik- och miljöcentralen (ELY-centralen) i Egentliga Finland är en mångsidig och branschövergripande utvecklings- och servicecentral som grundades i och med regionförvaltningsreformen. Vårt mål är att stärka en hållbar välfärd i Egentliga Finland och Satakunta. Utgångspunkten för vår verksamhet är ett nätverksbaserat samarbete med andra aktörer i regionen. Den bästa genomslagskraften och de bästa målen uppnår man genom gott samarbete och genom att rikta och sammanjämka resurser på ett effektivt sätt.
Bio-ethanol has been used as a fuel additive in modern society aimed at reducing CO2-emissions and dependence on oil. However, ethanol is unsuitable as fuel supplement in higher proportions due to its physico-chemical properties. One option to counteract the negative effects is to upgrade ethanol in a continuous fixed bed reactor to more valuable C4 products such as 1-butanol providing chemical similarity with traditional gasoline components. Bio-ethanol based valorization products also have other end-uses than just fuel additives. E.g. 1-butanol and ethyl acetate are well characterised industrial solvents and platform chemicals providing greener alternatives. The modern approach is to apply heterogeneous catalysts in the investigated reactions. The research was concentrated on aluminium oxide (Al2O3) and zeolites that were used as catalysts and catalyst supports. The metals supported (Cu, Ni, Co) gave very different product profiles and, thus, a profound view of different catalyst preparation methods and characterisation techniques was necessary. Additionally, acidity and basicity of the catalyst surface have an important role in determining the product profile. It was observed that ordinary determination of acid strength was not enough to explain all the phenomena e.g. the reaction mechanism. One of the main findings of the thesis is based on the catalytically active site which originates from crystallite structure. As a consequence, the overall evaluation of different by-products and intermediates was carried out by combining the information. Further kinetic analysis was carried out on metal (Cu, Ni, Co) supported self-prepared alumina catalysts. The thesis gives information for further catalyst developments aimed to scale-up towards industrially feasible operations.
Arbetet undersöker uttryck för konservativ, klassisk och bekännelsetrogen kristen tro inom Svenska kyrkan av idag och vill erbjuda ny kunskap om den konservativa trosövertygelsens psykologiska dynamik. Ett publicerat textmaterial skrivet av tre präster inom Svenska kyrkan analyseras med en hermeneutisk metod. Arbetet hör till den etablerade traditionen av kvalitativa religionspsykologiska studier i Skandinavien. Analysen av tankestrukturerna i texterna visat på ett specifikt förhållningssätt till kunskap på personligt viktiga områden, t ex trosfrågeområdet. Med hjälp av teorin om ovisshetsorientering har jag slutit mig till ett visshetsorienterat förhållningssätt till kunskap: ny kunskap undviks när det gäller trosfrågor. Jag ser istället en tydlig strävan efter att få den redan kända kunskapen och det entydiga bekräftat. Jag har också undersökt var denna visshetsorienterade inställning till kunskap kunde tänkas ha sitt ursprung. Det tycks föreligga en bristande tillit i relation till världen och till medmänniskorna. Texterna förmedlar en uttalad hotupplevelse. Med hjälp av anknytningsteorin, som vill beskriva något av samspelet mellan den första vårdnadsgivaren och barnet, har jag kunna dra några preliminära slutsatser. Det kunde finnas en s k otrygg avvisande anknytningsstil i bakgrunden. Det betyder förenklat att den första vårdnadsgivaren upplevdes som på något sätt mindre tillgänglig, inte så förutsägbar eller avvisande. Konservativ kristen tro betonar läran om den dubbla utgången - en föreställning om att bara de människor som har den rätta tron kan räkna med ett evigt liv, medan de andra döms till helvetet och därmed upphör att existera. Texterna uttrycker tydligt detta synsätt. Det finns spår av en uttalad rädsla för att inte vinna det eviga livet. Istället uttrycks en fruktan för att gå evigt förlorad. Jag ser det som ett tecken på att insikten om människans dödlighet har en mycket specifik emotionell laddning hos de konservativt troende. Frågan om den personliga eviga saligheten ses ända fram till dödsögonblicket som oavgjord. Insikten om vår dödlighet kallar den tredje av de av mig använda teorierna för dödens terror. På en djuppsykologisk nivå tycks denna ångest för att hjälpligt kunna hanteras bli projicerad in i det öde som väntar den icke troende. Därmed får den konservativa trosläran näring från ett omedvetet känsloladdat konfliktområde.
Työssä tarkastellaan bio- ja maakaasun käyttöä Suomen tieliikenteen polttoaineena. Työn lähtökohtana on selvittää kaasukäyttöisten ajoneuvojen käytön kannattavuutta Suomessa ja niiden etuja muihin polttoaineisiin nähden. Tutkielmassa perehdytään erityisesti biokaasun käyttöön fossiilisten polttoaineiden korvaajana ja mitä vaatimuksia sen käytön lisääminen edellyttää. Työssä perehdytään kaasujen tuotantomenetelmiin, jakeluun, taloudelliseen kannattavuuteen, ympäristöystävällisyyteen ja tulevaisuuden näkymiin.
The thesis aims to build a coherent view and understanding of the innovation process and organizational technology adoption in Finnish bio-economy companies with a focus on innovations of a disruptive nature. Disruptive innovations are exceptional hence in order to create generalizations and a unified view of the subject the perspective is also on less radical innovations. Other interests of the thesis are how ideas are discovered and generated and how the nature of the innovation and size of the company affect the technology adoption and innovation process. The data was collected by interviewing six small and six large Finnish bio-economy companies. The results suggest companies regardless of size consider innovation as a core asset in the competitive markets. Organizations want to be considered innovators and early adopters yet these qualities are limited by certain, mainly resource-based factors. In addition the industry, scalability and Finland’s geographical location when seeking funding provide certain challenges. The innovation process may be considered relatively similar whether the idea or technology stems from an internal or external source suggesting the technology adoption process can in fact be linked to the innovation process theories. Thus the thesis introduces a new theoretical model which based on the results of the study and the theories of technology adoption and innovation process aims on characterizing how ideas and technology from both external and internal sources generate into innovations. The innovation process is in large bio-economy companies most often similar to or a modified version of the stage-gate model, while small companies generally have less structured processes. Nevertheless the more disruptive the innovation, the less it fits in the structured processes. This implies disruptive innovation cannot be put in a certain mould but it is rather processed case-by-case.
The development of cost efficient, selective and sustainable chemical processes for production of chiral building blocks is of great importance in synthetic and industrial organic chemistry. One way to reach these objectives is to carry out several reactions steps in one vessel at one time. Furthermore, when this kind of one-pot multi step reactions are catalyzed by heterogeneous chemo- and bio-catalysts, which can be separated from the reaction products by filtration, practical access to chiral small molecules for further utilization can be obtained. The initial reactions studied in this thesis are the two step dynamic kinetic resolution of rac-2-hydroxy-1-indanone and the regioselective hydrogenation of 1,2-indanedione. These reactions are then combined in a new heterogeneously catalyzed one-pot reaction sequence enabling simple recovery of the catalysts by filtration, facilitating simple reaction product isolation. Conclusively, the readily available 1,2-indanedione is by the presented one-pot sequence, utilizing heterogeneous enzyme and transition metal based catalysts, transferred with high regio- and stereoselectivity to a useful chiral vicinal hydroxyl ketone structure. Additional and complementary investigation of homogeneous half-sandwich ruthenium complexes for catalyzing the epimerization of chiral secondary alcohols of five natural products containing additional non-functionalized stereocenters was conducted. In principle, this kind of epimerization reactions of single stereocenters could be utilized for converting inexpensive starting materials, containing other stereogenic centers, into diastereomeric mixtures from which more valuable compounds can be isolated by traditional isolation techniques.
Abstract The aim of this work was to evaluate a non-agitated process of bioethanol production from soybean molasses and the kinetic parameters of fermentation using a strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ATCC® 2345). Kinetic experiment was conducted in medium with 30% (w v-1) of soluble solids without supplementation or pH adjustment. The maximum ethanol concentration was in 44 hours, the ethanol productivity was 0.946 g L-1 h-1, the yield over total initial sugars (Y1) was 47.87%, over consumed sugars (Y2) was 88.08% and specific cells production rate was 0.006 h-1. The mathematical polynomial was adjusted to the experimental data and provided very similar parameters of yield and productivity. Based in this study, for one ton of soybean molasses can be produced 103 kg of anhydrous bioethanol.
Rare-earth based upconverting nanoparticles (UCNPs) have attracted much attention due to their unique luminescent properties. The ability to convert multiple photons of lower energy to ones with higher energy through an upconversion (UC) process offers a wide range of applications for UCNPs. The emission intensities and wavelengths of UCNPs are important performance characteristics, which determine the appropriate applications. However, insufficient intensities still limit the use of UCNPs; especially the efficient emission of blue and ultraviolet (UV) light via upconversion remains challenging, as these events require three or more near-infrared (NIR) photons. The aim of the study was to enhance the blue and UV upconversion emission intensities of Tm3+ doped NaYF4 nanoparticles and to demonstrate their utility in in vitro diagnostics. As the distance between the sensitizer and the activator significantly affect the energy transfer efficiency, different strategies were explored to change the local symmetry around the doped lanthanides. One important strategy is the intentional co-doping of active (participate in energy transfer) or passive (do not participate in energy transfer) impurities into the host matrix. The roles of doped passive impurities (K+ and Sc3+) in enhancing the blue and UV upconversions, as well as in influencing the intense UV upconversion emission through excess sensitization (active impurity) were studied. Additionally, the effects of both active and passive impurity doping on the morphological and optical performance of UCNPs were investigated. The applicability of UV emitting UCNPs as an internal light source for glucose sensing in a dry chemistry test strip was demonstrated. The measurements were in agreement with the traditional method based on reflectance measurements using an external UV light source. The use of UCNPs in the glucose test strip offers an alternative detection method with advantages such as control signals for minimizing errors and high penetration of the NIR excitation through the blood sample, which gives more freedom for designing the optical setup. In bioimaging, the excitation of the UCNPs in the transparent IR region of the tissue permits measurements, which are free of background fluorescence and have a high signal-to-background ratio. In addition, the narrow emission bandwidth of the UCNPs enables multiplexed detections. An array-in-well immunoassay was developed using two different UC emission colours. The differentiation between different viral infections and the classification of antibody responses were achieved based on both the position and colour of the signal. The study demonstrates the potential of spectral and spatial multiplexing in the imaging based array-in-well assays.
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Arkit: A-B8. - S. [16] tyhjä.
Coal slurry was of vital interest during the last century due to its potential as an alternative fuel where liquid fuels were necessary. Recently, environmental impacts of the traditional fuels, similarities of bio-coal to that of coal, and huge bio-coal supply has attracted the attention to prepare bio-coal slurries as a new fuel. Rudolf Diesel who invented the diesel engine on 1895 was of the opinion that diesel engines are capable to use different kinds of fuels due to the special design. He tried some kind of vegetable oil to operate on his IC engine. Recently, due to high energy density and more environmentally friendly fuel, researchers believe that bio-coal slurries could act as a new alternative fuel in large diesel engines. Loads of research on different kinds of bio-coal slurry were done by the other researchers worldwide and a lot of progress to boost slurry’s quality were achieved recently. The present study aims to achieve the ideal condition of different factors affecting on the quality of bio-coal slurry. One charcoal sample and two kinds of torrefied wood were used to investigate and compare the reaction of various factors. The results show a great gap between the quality of slurries made of different samples and more researches are necessary to fully understand the impact of the different parameter and improving the quality.
The purpose of this Master’s thesis is to study value co-creation in emerging value network. The main objective is to examine how value is co-created in bio-based chemicals value network. The study provides insights to different actors’ perceived value in the value network and enlightens their motivations to commit to the collaborative partnerships with other actors. Empirical study shows that value co-creation is creation of mutual value for both parties of the relationship by combining their non-competing resources to achieve a common goal. Value co-creation happens in interactions, and trust, commitment and information sharing are essential prerequisites for value co-creation. Value co-creation is not only common value creation, but it is also value that emerges for each actor because of the co-operation with the other actor. Even though the case companies define value mainly in economic terms, the other value elements like value of the partnership, knowledge transfer and innovation are more important for value co-creation.