898 resultados para Bidirectional AC-DC converter


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This paper presents a careful evaluation among the most usual MPPT techniques, doing meaningful comparisons with respect to the amount of energy extracted from the photovoltaic (PV) panel, PV voltage ripple, dynamic response and use of sensors, considering that the models are first implemented via MatLab/Simulink®, and after a digitally controlled boost DC-DC converter was implemented and connected to an Agilent Solar Array simulator in order to verify the simulation results. The prototype was built, the algorithms are digitally developed and the main experimental results are also presented, including dynamic responses and the experimental tracking factor (TF) for the analyzed MPPT techniques. © 2011 IEEE.


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This paper presents evaluations among the most usual MPPT techniques, doing meaningful comparisons with respect to the amount of energy extracted from the photovoltaic panel (PV) (Tracking Factor - TF) in relation to the available power, PV voltage ripple, dynamic response and use of sensors. Using MatLab/Simulink® and DSpace platforms, a digitally controlled boost DC-DC converter was implemented and connected to an Agilent Solar Array E4350B simulator in order to verify the analytical procedures. The main experimental results are presented and a contribution in the implementation of the IC algorithm is performed and called IC based on PI. Moreover, the dynamic response and the tracking factor are also evaluated using a Friendly User Interface, which is capable of online program power curves and compute the TF. Finally, a typical daily insulation is used in order to verify the experimental results for the main PV MPPT methods. © 2011 IEEE.


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This paper presents evaluations among the most usual maximum power point tracking (MPPT) techniques, doing meaningful comparisons with respect to the amount of energy extracted from the photovoltaic (PV) panel [tracking factor (TF)] in relation to the available power, PV voltage ripple, dynamic response, and use of sensors. Using MatLab/Simulink and dSPACE platforms, a digitally controlled boost dc-dc converter was implemented and connected to an Agilent Solar Array E4350B simulator in order to verify the analytical procedures. The main experimental results are presented for conventional MPPT algorithms and improved MPPT algorithms named IC based on proportional-integral (PI) and perturb and observe based on PI. Moreover, the dynamic response and the TF are also evaluated using a user-friendly interface, which is capable of online program power profiles and computes the TF. Finally, a typical daily insulation is used in order to verify the experimental results for the main PV MPPT methods. © 2012 IEEE.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Neste trabalho são apresentados o desenvolvimento e a implementação de estratégias de controle digital para regulação automática de tensão e para o amortecimento de oscilações eletromecânicas em um sistema de potência em escala reduzida de 10kVA, localizado no Laboratório de Controle de Sistemas de Potência (LACSPOT), da Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA). O projeto dos dois controladores é baseado na técnica de alocação polinomial de polos. Para o projeto do Regulador Automático de Tensão (RAT) foi adotado um modelo simplificado, de primeira ordem, da máquina síncrona, cujos parâmetros foram levantados experimentalmente. Para o controlador amortecedor, por sua vez, também chamado de Estabilizador de Sistemas de Potência (ESP), foi utilizado um modelo discreto, do tipo auto regressivo com entrada exógena (ARX). Este modelo foi estimado por meio de técnicas de identificação paramétrica, considerando para tal, o conjunto motor-gerador interligado a um sistema de maior porte (concessionária de energia elétrica). As leis de controle foram embarcadas em um microcontrolador de alto desempenho e, para a medição dos sinais utilizados nos controladores, foi desenvolvida uma instrumentação eletrônica baseada em amplificadores operacionais para o condicionamento dos sinais dos sensores. O sinal de controle é baseado na técnica de modulação por largura de pulso (PWM) e comanda o valor médio da tensão de um conversor CC-CC, o qual é utilizado como circuito de excitação que energiza o enrolamento de campo do gerador. Além disso, o acionamento elétrico das máquinas que compõem o grupo gerador de 10kVA foi projetado e automatizado somando segurança aos operadores e ao componentes deste sistema de geração. Os resultados experimentais demonstraram o bom desempenho obtido pela estratégia proposta.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Energy efficiency is an increasingly important issue due to the current scenario where increasing demand is growing faster than the energy supplied. It is important, therefore, analyze and minimize electrical system losses. This study conducts a comparison of a system formed by a photovoltaic generator feeding an LED lamp directly without steps DC-AC -DC conversion, and a system using these conversion steps for the same lamp power. Losses in conversion steps are quantified and the degradation of power quality occurred due to conversion is evaluated


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The aim of this thesis was to study the effects of extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic magnetic fields on potassium currents in neural cell lines ( Neuroblastoma SK-N-BE ), using the whole-cell Patch Clamp technique. Such technique is a sophisticated tool capable to investigate the electrophysiological activity at a single cell, and even at single channel level. The total potassium ion currents through the cell membrane was measured while exposing the cells to a combination of static (DC) and alternate (AC) magnetic fields according to the prediction of the so-called ‘ Ion Resonance Hypothesis ’. For this purpose we have designed and fabricated a magnetic field exposure system reaching a good compromise between magnetic field homogeneity and accessibility to the biological sample under the microscope. The magnetic field exposure system consists of three large orthogonal pairs of square coils surrounding the patch clamp set up and connected to the signal generation unit, able to generate different combinations of static and/or alternate magnetic fields. Such system was characterized in term of field distribution and uniformity through computation and direct field measurements. No statistically significant changes in the potassium ion currents through cell membrane were reveled when the cells were exposed to AC/DC magnetic field combination according to the afore mentioned ‘Ion Resonance Hypothesis’.


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L’introduzione massiccia dell’elettronica di potenza nel campo degli azionamenti elettrici negli ultimi decenni ha sostanzialmente rivoluzionato la tipologia di alimentazione dei motori elettrici. Da un lato ciò ha migliorato la qualità del controllo della velocità, ma dall’altro ha aggravato le sollecitazioni che gli isolanti delle macchine devono sopportare. Si è infatti passati da tecniche di controllo tradizionali, che consistevano nell’alimentare i motori in alternata direttamente con la rete sinusoidale a 50 Hz (o a 60 Hz), ad alimentazioni indirette, cioè realizzate interponendo tra la rete e la macchina un convertitore elettronico (inverter). Tali dispositivi operano una conversione di tipo ac/dc e dc/ac che permette, come nella modulazione Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), di poter variare la frequenza di alimentazione della macchina, generando una sequenza di impulsi di larghezza variabile. Si è quindi passati dalle tradizionali alimentazioni con forme d’onda alternate sinusoidali a forme di tensione impulsive e ad elevata frequenza, cioè caratterizzate da rapidi fronti di salita e di discesa (dell’ordine di qualche kV/µs). La natura impulsiva di queste forme d’onda ha aggravato la sollecitazione elettrica a cui sono sottoposti i materiali impiegati per l’isolamento dei conduttori degli avvolgimenti delle macchine. E’ importante notare che l’utilizzo dei dispositivi elettronici, che ormai si trovano sparsi nelle reti di bassa tensione, assorbono correnti ad elevato contenuto armonico sul lato di prelievo, hanno quindi un effetto distorcente che altera l’andamento sinusoidale della rete stessa. Quindi, senza opportuni filtri, anche tutte le altre utenze connesse nelle vicinanze, dimensionate per alimentazioni sinusoidali di tipo tradizionale, possono risentire di queste distorsioni armoniche. Per tutti questi motivi è sorta la necessità di verificare l’adeguatezza dei tradizionali isolamenti ad essere in grado di sopportare le sollecitazioni che derivano dall’utilizzo di convertitori elettronici. In particolare, per i motori elettrici tale interrogativo è stato posto in seguito al verificarsi di un elevato numero di guasti inaspettati (precoci), probabilmente imputabile alla diversa sollecitazione elettrica applicata ai materiali. In questa tesi ci si è occupati della progettazione di un inverter di media tensione, che verrà impiegato per eseguire prove sugli avvolgimenti di statore di motori (formette), al fine di condurre successivamente uno studio sull’invecchiamento dei materiali che compongono gli isolamenti. Tale inverter è in grado di generare sequenze di impulsi con modulazione PWM. I parametri caratteristici delle sequenze possono essere modificati in modo da studiare i meccanismi di degradazione in funzione della tipologia delle sollecitazioni applicate. Avendo a che fare con provini di natura capacitiva, il cui isolamento può cedere durante la prova, il sistema deve essere intrinsecamente protetto nei confronti di tutte le condizioni anomale e di pericolo. In particolare deve essere in grado di offrire rapide ed efficaci protezioni per proteggere l’impianto stesso e per salvaguardare la sicurezza degli operatori, dato l’elevato livello delle tensioni in gioco. Per questo motivo è stata pensata un’architettura di sistema ad hoc, in grado di fronteggiare le situazioni anomale in modo ridondante. E’ infatti stato previsto l’inserimento di un sistema di controllo basato sul CompactRIO, sul quale è stato implementato un software in grado di monitorare le grandezze caratteristiche del sistema e le protezioni che affiancheranno quelle hardware, realizzate con dispositivi elettronici. I dispositivi elettronici di protezione e di interfacciamento sono stati studiati, implementati e simulati con PSpice, per poi essere successivamente dimensionati e realizzati su schede elettroniche, avvalendosi del software OrCAD. La tesi è strutturata come segue: - Il primo capitolo tratta, in maniera generale, i motori asincroni trifase, gli inverter e l’invecchiamento dei sistemi isolanti, con particolare interesse alle sollecitazioni meccaniche, termiche ed elettriche nel caso di sollecitazioni impulsive; - Il secondo capitolo riguarda il sistema realizzato nel suo complesso. Inizialmente verrà descritto lo schema elettrico generale, per poi analizzare più nello specifico le varie parti di cui il sistema è composto, come l’inverter di media tensione, il generatore di media tensione, la scheda di disaccoppiamento ottico, la scheda di controllo del generatore di media tensione, la scheda OCP; - Il terzo capitolo descrive le lavorazioni meccaniche eseguite sulle scatole contenti i rami di inverter, la realizzazione delle fibre ottiche e riporta le fasi di collaudo dell’intero sistema. Infine, verranno tratte le conclusioni.


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This thesis presents a new approach for the design and fabrication of bond wire magnetics for power converter applications by using standard IC gold bonding wires and micro-machined magnetic cores. It shows a systematic design and characterization study for bond wire transformers with toroidal and race-track cores for both PCB and silicon substrates. Measurement results show that the use of ferrite cores increases the secondary self-inductance up to 315 µH with a Q-factor up to 24.5 at 100 kHz. Measurement results on LTCC core report an enhancement of the secondary self-inductance up to 23 µH with a Q-factor up to 10.5 at 1.4 MHz. A resonant DC-DC converter is designed in 0.32 µm BCD6s technology at STMicroelectronics with a depletion nmosfet and a bond wire micro-transformer for EH applications. Measures report that the circuit begins to oscillate from a TEG voltage of 280 mV while starts to convert from an input down to 330 mV to a rectified output of 0.8 V at an input of 400 mV. Bond wire magnetics is a cost-effective approach that enables a flexible design of inductors and transformers with high inductance and high turns ratio. Additionally, it supports the development of magnetics on top of the IC active circuitry for package and wafer level integrations, thus enabling the design of high density power components. This makes possible the evolution of PwrSiP and PwrSoC with reliable highly efficient magnetics.


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This paper explains the methodology followed to teach the subject `Digital control of power converters'. This subject belongs to the research master on `Industrial Electronics' of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. The subject is composed of several theoretical lessons plus the development of an actual digital control. For that purpose an ad hoc dc-dc converter has been designed and built. The use of this board together with some software tools seems a very powerful way for the students to learn the concepts from the design to the real world


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High efficiency envelope amplifiers are demanded in EER technique for RF transmitters, which benefits low maintaining cost or long battery time. The conventional solution is a dc-dc switching converters. This dc-dc converter should operate at very high frequency to track an envelope in the MHz range to supply the power amplifier. One of the alternative circuits suitable for this application is a hybrid topology composed of a switched converter and a linear regulator in series that work together to adjust the output voltage to track the envelope with accuracy. This topology can take advantage of the reduced slew-rate technique (also called slow-envelope technique) where switching dc-dc converter provides the RF envelope with limited slew rate in order to avoid high switching frequency and high power losses, while the linear regulator performs fine adjustment in order to obtain the exact replica of the RF envelope. The combination of this control technique with this topology is proposed in this paper. Envelopes with different bandwidth will be considered to optimize the efficiency of the dc-dc converter.


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A Wearable Power System (WPS) is a portable power source utilized primarily to power the modern soldier’s electronic equipment. Such a system has to satisfy output power demands in the range of 20 W...200 W, specified as a 4-day mission profile and has a weight limit of 4 kg. To meet these demands, an optimization of a WPS, comprising an internal combustion (IC) engine, permanent magnetic three-phase electrical motor/generator, inverter, Li-batteries, DC-DC converters, and controller, is performed in this paper. The mechanical energy extracted from the fuel by IC engine is transferred to the generator that is used to recharge the battery and provide the power to the electrical output load. The main objectives are to select the engine, fuel and battery type, to match the weight of fuel and the number of battery cells, to find the optimal working point of engine and to minimize the system weight. To provide the second output voltage level of 14 VDC, a separate DC-DC converter is connected between the battery and the load, and optimized for the specified mission profile. A prototype of the WPS based on the optimization presented in the paper results in a total system weight of 3.9 kg and fulfils the mission profile.


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Recently there has been an important increase in electric equipment, as well as, electric power demand in aircrafts applications. This prompts to the necessity of efficient, reliable, and low-weight converters, especially rectifiers from 115VAC to 270VDC because these voltages are used in power distribution. In order to obtain a high efficiency, in aircraft application where the derating in semiconductors is high, normally several semiconductors are used in parallel to decrease the conduction losses. However, this is in conflict with high reliability. To match both goals of high efficiency and reliability, this work proposes an interleaved multi-cell rectifier system, employing several converter cells in parallel instead of parallel-connected semiconductors. In this work a 10kW multi-cell isolated rectifier system has been designed where each cell is composed of a buck type rectifier and a full bridge DC-DC converter. The implemented system exhibits 91% of efficiency, high power density (10kW/10kg), low THD (2.5%), and n−1 fault tolerance which complies, with military aircraft standards.