636 resultados para Bathing Beaches


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Researchers compared nest architecture in loggerhead sea turtles at natural beaches in Florida, USA and Brazil to determine how similarities and differences in female morphology and reproductive output in these two populations are reflected in the structure of the nest.


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Three commercially important fish species, Lates niloticus (L.), Rastrineobola argentea (Pellegrin) and Oreochromis niloticus (L.) that are fished by artisanal fishermen of Lake Victoria, Tanzania part, were studied in Kagera, Mwanza and Mara beaches from October 1997 to July 1999. Catches, effort, exploitation and stock structure were investigated. Beaches for sampling were selected based on importance for landing the above named fish species. The number of boats found on beach that day, the number that lay idle and their means of propulsion were recorded. As many boats as possible were sampled for gear type and gear size. The catches were sorted into species and measured. Variation in the species and size composition of landings was observed between regions, between months and between gears used. The implications of the findings to management are discussed.


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Spreading depression (SD) is a phenomenon observed in several sections of vertebrate central nervous system. It can occur spontaneously or be evoked by a variety of stimuli, and consists of a wave of depression of the normal electrical activity of the nervous tissue which spreads slowly in all directions in the tissue. This wave of depression is accompanied by several concomitants including ion movements. All the concomitants of SD can be explained by an increase in the sodium permeability of the plasma membranes of cellular elements involved in this phenomenon.

In the chicken retina, SD is accompanied by a transparency change which can be detected with the naked eye. The isolated retina is a thin (0.1 mm) membrane in which the extracellular fluid quickly and completely equilibrates with the incubation solutions. This preparation was therefore used to study the ion movements during SD by measuring and comparing the ion contents and the extracellular space (ECS) of retinas incubated in various solutions of which some inhibited SD, whereas others allowed this phenomenon to occur.

The present study has shown that during SD there is a shift of extracellular sodium into the intracellular compartment of the retina, a release of intracellular K and a decrease in the magnitude of ECS. These results are in agreement with previous postulates about SD, although the in vitro experimental condition makes the ion movements appear larger and the loss of ECS smaller than observed in the intact cortical tissue. The movements of Na and K, in opposite directions, are reversible. The development and magnitudes of SD is very little affected by deprivation of the oxygen supply.

It was established that the inward sodium shift is not a consequence of an arrest of the Na-pump. It can be prevented, together with SD by the membrane stabilizers, magnesium and procaine. Spreading depression and the ion movements are incompletely inhibited by tetrodotoxin, which blocks the sodium influx into nerve fibers during the action potential. The replacement of Na in the bathing solution by Li does not prevent SD, which is accompanied by Li accumulation in the intracellular compartment. From these experiments and others it was concluded that the mechanism underlying SD and the ion shifts is an increase in the sodium permeability of cell membranes.


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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo traçar breves notas sobre algumas movimentações de drag queens e outras artistas da travestilidade que tiveram lugar na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, nos anos de 2009 e 2010. Através de um trabalho de observação participante, foram selecionados alguns locais e espetáculos que poderiam ser representativos desta categoria artística, não se pretendendo um levantamento extenso sobre quem são e onde estão tais artistas. Nomeio como artistas da travestilidade aqueles corpos que têm o ato de travestir-se como central em sua construção artístico-cultural, principalmente construindo corporalidades baseadas em um gênero diferente daquele identificado socialmente no nascimento, como drag queens, atores transformistas, travestis e transexuais artistas. Apoiando-me em pressupostos dos métodos cartográfico e etnográfico assumi, nesta dissertação, o posicionamento de um pesquisador-espectador, objetivando o contato com aquilo que drag queens e outras artistas da travestilidade desejam tornar público, ou seja, seus shows e espetáculos. Acompanhei diversas apresentações deste tipo em teatros, boates, bares e clubes de bairro, bem como em outros locais nos quais se fizeram presentes, como na Parada do Orgulho LGBT do Rio de Janeiro e em alguns blocos do carnaval carioca. Tendo ainda como campo de diálogo alguns postulados da Esquizoanálise vertente teórica fundamentada principalmente nas contribuições de Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari , pretendi situar e afirmar as drag queens e a arte da travestilidade dentro dos estudos de gênero e sexualidade, principalmente aqueles mais diretamente relacionados às manifestações de uma subcultura camp e cultura gay e/ou homossexual.


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The total coliforms, fecal coliforms and fecal streptococci were counted over 1 year at 33 stations in the Ebrié Lagoon near Abidjan (Ivory Coast). Most of the waters show high numbers of bacteria, (D category of the American standards). For the sea-beaches, high numbers of fecal germs are found where the human population is abundant.


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Devido a sua grande extensão latitudinal, a costa brasileira é influenciada por diferentes regimes climáticos e oceanográficos. Adicionalmente, a distribuição da população brasileira é caracterizada por uma alta concentração nas capitais litorâneas. Todos esses fatores levam à construção de inúmeras estruturas de engenharia que podem de alguma forma impactar o transporte de sedimento e consequentemente o balanço sedimentar de algumas praias. Uma das formas mais eficientes de recuperar esse balanço sedimentar é a alimentação artificial de praias, com sedimentos provenientes da plataforma continental com características semelhantes. Os métodos geofísicos acústicos permitem mapear de forma eficiente o fundo e o subfundo marinho para a busca de áreas fontes para a lavra de forma eficiente. O objetivo deste estudo é a identificação de padrões geoacústicos a partir de analises quantitativas e qualitativas, para a caracterização de áreas fontes de areias siliciclásticas compatíveis com sedimentos de praias em erosão na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. O mapeamento foi realizado na plataforma continental interna do Rio de Janeiro, em área adjacente à praia de Itaipuaçu (Maricá, RJ). As análises evidenciaram depósitos, localizados entre 19 e 30 metros, de areias com granulometria, textura e selecionamento em condições ideias para a recomposição de praias do Rio de Janeiro.


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Durante a temporada de nidação, fêmeas de tartarugas marinhas costumam reduzir ou cessar por completo a ingestão de alimentos. Este fato sugere que o armazenamento de energia e nutrientes para a reprodução ocorra durante o período que antecede a migração para os sítios reprodutivos, enquanto estes animais ainda se encontram nas áreas de alimentação. Do ponto de vista fisiológico, tartarugas em atividade reprodutiva são capazes de permanecer longos períodos em jejum. Fatores neuroendócrinos vêm sendo recentemente apontados como os mais relevantes para a manutenção da homeostase energética de todos os vertebrados; entre eles, a leptina (hormônio anorexígeno) e a grelina (peptídeo orexígeno). Com o objetivo de compreender o mecanismo de fome e saciedade nas tartarugas marinhas, investigamos os níveis séricos destes hormônios e de outros indicadores nutricionais em fêmeas de Eretmochelys imbricata desovando no litoral do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil. Foram coletadas amostras de sangue de 41 tartarugas durante as temporadas reprodutivas de 2010/2011 e 2011/2012. Os níveis séricos de leptina diminuíram significativamente ao longo do período de nidação, de modo a explicar a busca por alimentos ao término da temporada. Ao mesmo tempo, registramos uma tendência crescente nos níveis séricos de grelina, fator este que também justifica a remigração para as áreas de alimentação no fim do período. Não foram observadas tendências lineares para alguns dos parâmetros avaliados, entre eles: hematócrito, alanina aminotransferase (ALT), aspartato aminotransferase (AST), fosfatase alcalina (FA), gama glutamil transferase (GGT), lipoproteínas de baixa densidade (LDL) e lipoproteínas de alta densidade (HDL). É possível que a maior parte dos indicadores nutricionais tenha apresentado redução gradativa devido ao estresse fisiológico decorrente da vitelogênese e de repetidas oviposições. No entanto, é valido ressaltar que o quadro de restrição calórica por tempo prolongado é o principal responsável pelas alterações em índice de massa corpórea e padrões bioquímicos nestes animais.


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Esta pesquisa investigou a formação de depósitos arenosos localizados na planície costeira da Baixada de Sepetiba, em Itaguaí, estado do Rio de Janeiro. A deposição sedimentar e a evolução desta área, na Baixada de Sepetiba tem sido estudada nas três últimas décadas, principalmente, porque é um ambiente de depósitos arenosos antigo de idade Holocênica a Pleistocênica que corresponde a uma linha de praia, originada com eventos transgressivos e/ou regressivos que tiveram seu ápice durante o Quaternário. A metodologia de Radar de Penetração no Solo (GPR) é usada, principalmente nos casos de trabalho em que se estuda um ambiente costeiro arenoso. Este campo da Geofísica tem sido usado para examinar características, tais como: a espessura de depósitos arenosos, a profundidade de um aqüífero, a detecção de uma rocha ou um aqüífero, e determina a direção de progradação. Esta pesquisa usa técnicas de radar de penetração no solo (GPR) para analisar as estruturas, em subsuperfície desde que o ambiente estudado seja definido como linha de costa, as margens de uma lagoa mixohalina, chamada Baía de Sepetiba. Neste trabalho realizamos um total de 11 perfis, que foram processados pelo software ReflexWin. Durante o processamento do dado aplicamos alguns filtros, tais como: subtract-mean (dewow), bandpassfrequency e ganhos. E as melhores imagens dos perfis foram realizadas usando-se uma antena de 200 MHz (canal 1) e outra antena de 80 MHz. Neste caso, obtivemos imagens de alta resolução a uma profundidade de até 25 metros.


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Neste trabalho foram analisados sedimentos marinhos de três praias da Baía de Guanabara (praia de São Bento e praia da Bica, na Ilha do Governador, e praia de São Francisco, em Niterói), Rio de Janeiro, para avaliar a presença de microplásticos (fragmentos plásticos com tamanho ≤ 5 mm) nestes ambientes. Os detritos plásticos visíveis (macroplástico) foram separados dos sedimentos manualmente e pesados. Os detritos plásticos não visíveis foram separados por densidade com solução saturada de cloreto de sódio. Os fragmentos plásticos obtidos com a separação por densidade foram caracterizados por microscopia óptica para avaliar forma e superfície, e foram classificados e quantificados em função de seu tamanho. Os fragmentos microplásticos foram separados e caracterizados por espectrometria de absorção na região do infravermelho por reflexão atenuada (ATR FT IR). Os espectros obtidos foram comparados com espectros padrão de polímeros. As três praias se apresentam contaminadas com lixo macroplástico e com lixo microplástico. Na praia da Bica, foram coletados 173 fragmentos, dos quais 73% são microplásticos. Na praia de São Bento foram 81 fragmentos e na praia de São Francisco foram 73 fragmentos, dos quais 70% e 86%, respectivamente, são microplásticos. Nas três praias foram encontrados fragmentos microplásticos de poliestireno expandido. Nas praias da Bica e de São Bento foram encontrados fragmentos de polietileno; nas praias de São Bento e São Francisco foram encontrados fragmentos microplásticos de polipropileno. O descarte irregular de lixo e atividades industriais e comerciais no entorno da baía podem ser apontados como possíveis fontes contaminantes


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This article covers the biology and the history of the bay scallop habitats and fishery from Massachusetts to North Carolina. The scallop species that ranges from Massachusetts to New York is Argopecten irradians irradians. In New Jersey, this species grades into A. i. concentricus, which then ranges from Maryland though North Carolina. Bay scallops inhabit broad, shallow bays usually containing eelgrass meadows, an important component in their habitat. Eelgrass appears to be a factor in the production of scallop larvae and also the protection of juveniles, especially, from predation. Bay scallops spawn during the warm months and live for 18–30 months. Only two generations of scallops are present at any time. The abundances of each vary widely among bays and years. Scallops were harvested along with other mollusks on a small scale by Native Americans. During most of the 1800’s, people of European descent gathered them at wading depths or from beaches where storms had washed them ashore. Scallop shells were also and continue to be commonly used in ornaments. Some fishing for bay scallops began in the 1850’s and 1860’s, when the A-frame dredge became available and markets were being developed for the large, white, tasty scallop adductor muscles, and by the 1870’s commercial-scale fishing was underway. This has always been a cold-season fishery: scallops achieve full size by late fall, and the eyes or hearts (adductor muscles) remain preserved in the cold weather while enroute by trains and trucks to city markets. The first boats used were sailing catboats and sloops in New England and New York. To a lesser extent, scallops probably were also harvested by using push nets, picking them up with scoop nets, and anchor-roading. In the 1910’s and 1920’s, the sails on catboats were replaced with gasoline engines. By the mid 1940’s, outboard motors became more available and with them the numbers of fishermen increased. The increases consisted of parttimers who took leaves of 2–4 weeks from their regular jobs to earn extra money. In the years when scallops were abundant on local beds, the fishery employed as many as 10–50% of the towns’ workforces for a month or two. As scallops are a higher-priced commodity, the fishery could bring a substantial amount of money into the local economies. Massachusetts was the leading state in scallop landings. In the early 1980’s, its annual landings averaged about 190,000 bu/yr, while New York and North Carolina each landed about 45,000 bu/yr. Landings in the other states in earlier years were much smaller than in these three states. Bay scallop landings from Massachusetts to New York have fallen sharply since 1985, when a picoplankton, termed “brown tide,” bloomed densely and killed most scallops as well as extensive meadows of eelgrass. The landings have remained low, large meadows of eelgrass have declined in size, apparently the species of phytoplankton the scallops use as food has changed in composition and in seasonal abundance, and the abundances of predators have increased. The North Carolina landings have fallen since cownose rays, Rhinoptera bonsais, became abundant and consumed most scallops every year before the fishermen could harvest them. The only areas where the scallop fishery remains consistently viable, though smaller by 60–70%, are Martha’s Vineyard, Nantucket, Mass., and inside the coastal inlets in southwestern Long Island, N.Y.


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This is the Kent estuary survey 8th July 1980 produced by the North West Water Authority in 1980. This survey was carried out on the Kent Estuary on the 8th July, 1980 during the period 3h hours before to 1.5 hours after low water. The chemical water quality in the vicinity of Arnside was found, in general, to be good. The E. coli counts were found to be at or below the E E C mandatory value for bathing waters. Downstream of the Arnside outfall the E coli counts were generally above the E E C mandatory value, the counts getting higher at and after low water. B O D values also increased at low water though ammonia and phosphate (except for 1 sample) concentrations were low. The total coliform counts both at Arnside and below the outfall were always above the E E C mandatory level (except for 2 samples).


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ABSTRACT TRANSCRIBED FROM ENGLE'S PH.D. ORAL DEFENSE PAMPHLET: The natural history of juvenile California spiny lobster, Panulirus interruptus (Randall), was investigated, with primary emphasis placed on ascertaining juvenile habitats, determining juvenile growth rates and component growth processes, and evaluating ecological and behavioral phenomena associated with juvenile survival and growth. Habitat surveys of island and mainland localities throughout southern and lower California revealed that small, greenish juveniles typically inhabit crevices or temporary burrows in 0-4m deep, wave-swept rocky habitats covered by dense beds of surf grass, Phyllospadix torreyi S. Watson. Phyllospadix beds were more abundant on gradually sloping rocky mainland beaches than on steeply sloping island shores. Phyllospadix abundance was positively correlated with P. interruptus abundance; however, at Santa Catalina Island, the Phyllospadix habitat was not extensive enough to be the sole lobster nursery. In laboratory tests, puerulus larvae and early juveniles chose Phyllospadix over rubble rocks or broad-bladed kelp, but did not consistently prefer Phyllospadix over reticulate algae. Ecology, growth, and behavior of juvenile P. interruptus inhabiting a discrete Phyllospadix habitat at Bird Rock, Santa Catalina Island, were investigated from October 1974 through December 1976 by means of frequent scuba surveys. Pueruli settled from June to November. Peak recruitment occurred from July to September, when seasonal temperatures were maximal. Settled larvae were approximately one year old. Juvenile growth was determined by size-frequency, single molt increment, mark-recapture, and laboratory culture studies. Carapace length vs. wet weight relationships fit standard power curve equations. Bird Rock juveniles grew from 7 to 32mm CL in 10-11 molts and from 32 to 56mm CL in 5-6 molts during their first and second benthic years, respectively. Growth rates were similar for males and females. Juveniles regenerating more than two limbs grew less per molt than intact lobsters. Long-term growth of laboratory-reared juveniles was 20% less than that of field lobsters. Growth component multiple regression analyses demonstrated that molt increment was directly proportional to premolt size and temperature for age 1+ lobsters. Molt frequency was inversely proportional to size and directly proportional to temperature. Temperature affected age 2+ lobsters similarly, but molt increment was independent of size, and molt frequency declined at a different rate. Juvenile growth rates more than doubled during warm water months compared to cold water months, primarily because of increased molt frequency. Based on results from this study and from previous investigations, it is estimated that P. interruptus males and females become sexually mature by ages 4 and 5 years, respectively, and that legai size is reached by 7 or 8 years of age. Juvenile P. interruptus activity patterns and foraging behavior were similar to those of adults, except that juvenile home ranges were proportionally smaller, and small juveniles were apparently not attracted to distant food. Small mollusks, abundant in Phyllospadix habitats, were the major food items. Size-dependent predation by fish and octopus apparently caused the considerable juvenile mortality observed at Bird Rock. Juveniles approaching 2 years of age gathered in mixed size-class aggregations by day and foraged beyond the grass beds at night. In autumn, these juveniles migrated to deeper habitats, coincident with new puerulus settlement in the Phyllospadix beds. Based on strong inferences from the results, it is proposed that size-dependent predation is the most important factor determining the !ife history strategy of juvenile P. interruptus. Life history tactics promoting rapid growth apparently function dually in reducing the period of high vulnerability to predation and decreasing the time required to reach sexual maturity. The Phyllospadix habitat is an excellent lobster nursery because it provides shelter from predators and possesses abundant food resources for sustaining optimum juvenile growth rates in shallow, warm water.


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The adjacency of 2 marine biogeographic regions off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina (NC), and the proximity of the Gulf Stream result in a high biodiversity of species from northern and southern provinces and from coastal and pelagic habitats. We examined spatiotemporal patterns of marine mammal strandings and evidence of human interaction for these strandings along NC shorelines and evaluated whether the spatiotemporal patterns and species diversity of the stranded animals reflected published records of populations in NC waters. During the period of 1997–2008, 1847 stranded animals were documented from 1777 reported events. These animals represented 9 families and 34 species that ranged from tropical delphinids to pagophilic seals. This biodiversity is higher than levels observed in other regions. Most strandings were of coastal bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) (56%), harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) (14%), and harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) (4%). Overall, strandings of northern species peaked in spring. Bottlenose dolphin strandings peaked in spring and fall. Almost half of the strandings, including southern delphinids, occurred north of Cape Hatteras, on only 30% of NC’s coastline. Most stranded animals that were positive for human interaction showed evidence of having been entangled in fishing gear, particularly bottlenose dolphins, harbor porpoises, short-finned pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus), harbor seals, and humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae). Spatiotemporal patterns of bottlenose dolphin strandings were similar to ocean gillnet fishing effort. Biodiversity of the animals stranded on the beaches reflected biodiversity in the waters off NC, albeit not always proportional to the relative abundance of species (e.g., Kogia species). Changes in the spatiotemporal patterns of strandings can serve as indicators of underlying changes due to anthropogenic or naturally occurring events in the source populations.


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Coastal and marine ecosystems support diverse and important fisheries throughout the nation’s waters, hold vast storehouses of biological diversity, and provide unparalleled recreational opportunities. Some 53% of the total U.S. population live on the 17% of land in the coastal zone, and these areas become more crowded every year. Demands on coastal and marine resources are rapidly increasing, and as coastal areas become more developed, the vulnerability of human settlements to hurricanes, storm surges, and flooding events also increases. Coastal and marine environments are intrinsically linked to climate in many ways. The ocean is an important distributor of the planet’s heat, and this distribution could be strongly influenced by changes in global climate over the 21st century. Sea-level rise is projected to accelerate during the 21st century, with dramatic impacts in low-lying regions where subsidence and erosion problems already exist. Many other impacts of climate change on the oceans are difficult to project, such as the effects on ocean temperatures and precipitation patterns, although the potential consequences of various changes can be assessed to a degree. In other instances, research is demonstrating that global changes may already be significantly impacting marine ecosystems, such as the impact of increasing nitrogen on coastal waters and the direct effect of increasing carbon dioxide on coral reefs. Coastal erosion is already a widespread problem in much of the country and has significant impacts on undeveloped shorelines as well as on coastal development and infrastructure. Along the Pacific Coast, cycles of beach and cliff erosion have been linked to El Niño events that elevate average sea levels over the short term and alter storm tracks that affect erosion and wave damage along the coastline. These impacts will be exacerbated by long-term sea-level rise. Atlantic and Gulf coastlines are especially vulnerable to long-term sea-level rise as well as any increase in the frequency of storm surges or hurricanes. Most erosion events here are the result of storms and extreme events, and the slope of these areas is so gentle that a small rise in sea level produces a large inland shift of the shoreline. When buildings, roads and seawalls block this natural migration, the beaches and shorelines erode, threatening property and infrastructure as well as coastal ecosystems.


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Professionals who are responsible for coastal environmental and natural resource planning and management have a need to become conversant with new concepts designed to provide quantitative measures of the environmental benefits of natural resources. These amenities range from beaches to wetlands to clean water and other assets that normally are not bought and sold in everyday markets. At all levels of government — from federal agencies to townships and counties — decisionmakers are being asked to account for the costs and benefits of proposed actions. To non-specialists, the tools of professional economists are often poorly understood and sometimes inappropriate for the problem at hand. This handbook is intended to bridge this gap. The most widely used organizing tool for dealing with natural and environmental resource choices is benefit-cost analysis — it offers a convenient way to carefully identify and array, quantitatively if possible, the major costs, benefits, and consequences of a proposed policy or regulation. The major strength of benefit-cost analysis is not necessarily the predicted outcome, which depends upon assumptions and techniques, but the process itself, which forces an approach to decision-making that is based largely on rigorous and quantitative reasoning. However, a major shortfall of benefit-cost analysis has been the difficulty of quantifying both benefits and costs of actions that impact environmental assets not normally, nor even regularly, bought and sold in markets. Failure to account for these assets, to omit them from the benefit-cost equation, could seriously bias decisionmaking, often to the detriment of the environment. Economists and other social scientists have put a great deal of effort into addressing this shortcoming by developing techniques to quantify these non-market benefits. The major focus of this handbook is on introducing and illustrating concepts of environmental valuation, among them Travel Cost models and Contingent Valuation. These concepts, combined with advances in natural sciences that allow us to better understand how changes in the natural environment influence human behavior, aim to address some of the more serious shortcomings in the application of economic analysis to natural resource and environmental management and policy analysis. Because the handbook is intended for non-economists, it addresses basic concepts of economic value such as willingness-to-pay and other tools often used in decision making such as costeffectiveness analysis, economic impact analysis, and sustainable development. A number of regionally oriented case studies are included to illustrate the practical application of these concepts and techniques.