322 resultados para Batallas navales


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Within the last years there has been increasing interest in direct liquid fuel cells as power sources for portable devices and, in the future, power plants for electric vehicles and other transport media as ships will join those applications. Methanol is considerably more convenient and easy to use than gaseous hydrogen and a considerable work is devoted to the development of direct methanol fuel cells. But ethanol has much lower toxicity and from an ecological viewpoint ethanol is exceptional among all other types of fuel as is the only chemical fuel in renewable supply. The aim of this study is to investigate the possibility of using direct alcohol fuel cells fed with alcohol mixtures. For this purpose, a comparative exergy analysis of a direct alcohol fuel cell fed with alcohol mixtures against the same fuel cell fed with single alcohols is performed. The exergetic efficiency and the exergy loss and destruction are calculated and compared in each case. When alcohol mixtures are fed to the fuel cell, the contribution of each fuel to the fuel cell performance is weighted attending to their relative proportion in the aqueous solution. The optimum alcohol composition for methanol/ethanol mixtures has been determined.


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The EU-CargoXpress project suggests the usage of sustainable energies to reduce the fuel consumption. The updated concept consists of hoisting the superstructure and using it as a sail together with the conventional propulsion. This paper presents the study of the sail performance by means of a computational analysis and wind tunnel tests. Moreover, a research of the energy saving in different operational areas has been conducted. It is concluded that there is a significant energy saving by using the superstructure as a sail which leads to a reduction of fossil fuel consumption and consequently, a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.


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In this talk we show a construction for characterising developable surfaces in the form of Bézier triangular patches. It is shown that constructions used for rectangular patches are not useful, since they provide degenerate triangular patches. Explicit constructions of non-degenerate developable triangular patches are provided.


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This paper describes a new category of CAD applications devoted to the definition and parameterization of hull forms, called programmed design. Programmed design relies on two prerequisites. The first one is a product model with a variety of types large enough to face the modeling of any type of ship. The second one is a design language dedicated to create the product model. The main purpose of the language is to publish the modeling algorithms of the application in the designer knowledge domain to let the designer create parametric model scripts. The programmed design is an evolution of the parametric design but it is not just parametric design. It is a tool to create parametric design tools. It provides a methodology to extract the design knowledge by abstracting a design experience in order to store and reuse it. Programmed design is related with the organizational and architectural aspects of the CAD applications but not with the development of modeling algorithms. It is built on top and relies on existing algorithms provided by a comprehensive product model. Programmed design can be useful to develop new applications, to support the evolution of existing applications or even to integrate different types of application in a single one. A three-level software architecture is proposed to make the implementation of the programmed design easier. These levels are the conceptual level based on the design language, the mathematical level based on the geometric formulation of the product model and the visual level based on the polyhedral representation of the model as required by the graphic card. Finally, some scenarios of the use of programmed design are discussed. For instance, the development of specialized parametric hull form generators for a ship type or a family of ships or the creation of palettes of hull form components to be used as parametric design patterns. Also two new processes of reverse engineering which can considerably improve the application have been detected: the creation of the mathematical level from the visual level and the creation of the conceptual level from the mathematical level. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction


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In this talk we would like to analyse the appearance of singularities in FLRW cosmological models which evolve close to w = -1, where w is the barotropic index of the universe. We relate small terms in cosmological time around w = -1 with the correspondent scale factor of the universe and check for the formation of singularities.


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The increasing worldwide demand for electricity impels to develop clean and renewable energy resources. In the field of portable power devices not only size and weight represent important aspects to take into account, but the fuel and its storage are also critical issues to consider. In this last sense, the direct methanol (MeOH) fuel cells (DMFC) play an important role as they can offer high power and energy density, low emissions, ambient operating conditions and fast and convenient refuelling.


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The fast-growing power demand by portable electronic devices has promoted the increase of global production of portable PEM fuel cell, a quarter of them consist of direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) units. These present the advantage of being fuelled directly with a liquid fuel, as well as direct ethanol fuel cells (DEFC) do.


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The understanding of the circulation of ocean currents, the exchange of CO2 between atmosphere and oceans, and the influence of the oceans on the distribution of heat on a global scale is key to our ability to predict and assess the future evolution of climate [1, 2]. Global climate change is affecting sea breathing through mechanisms not yet understood.


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The understanding of the circulation of ocean currents, the exchange of CO2 between atmosphere and oceans, and the in uence of the oceans on the distribution of heat on a global scale is key to our ability to predict and assess the future evolution of climate.


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The present Master/Doctorate in Nuclear Science and Technology programme implemented in the Department of Nuclear Engineering of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (NED-UPM) has the excellence qualification by the Spanish Ministry of Education. One of the main of this programme is the training for the development of methodologies of simulation, design and advanced analysis, including experimental tools, necessary in research and in professional work in the nuclear field.


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En el año 2008 la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid y la empresa Gas Natural Fenosa firmaron un acuerdo por el que se creaba el Aula José Cabrera en el Departamento de Ingeniería Nuclear de la UPM. Dicho aula cuenta con el simulador gráfico interactivo de la central nuclear José Cabrera, que es un simulador de alcance total de una central nuclear PWR de un lazo. El objetivo de la ponencia es demostrar la gran aplicación didáctica que tiene dicho aula. El simulador es una herramienta de uso interactivo para trabajo individual o en grupo con los alumnos. Dentro de la asignatura de “Fiabilidad y Análisis del Riesgo” del Máster Ciencia y Tecnología Nuclear de la ETSII-UPM, se propuso la realización de un árbol de eventos para un accidente propuesto por los alumnos. El trabajo que se presenta en esta ponencia ha consistido en el análisis del accidente de rotura de tubos en el generador de vapor usando el simulador gráfico interactivo.


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Este artículo documenta el planteamiento, la metodología y los primeros resultados de un plan de monitorización detallada del esfuerzo y de asistencia a actividades presenciales por parte de los estudiantes de las titulaciones ofertadas por la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Navales de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid durante el segundo cuatrimestre del curso 2011-2012. Se ha establecido un sistema mecánico de recogida de datos de esfuerzo por parte de los estudiantes utilizando una hoja tipo test especialmente configurada al efecto. Se pasa una hoja en todas y cada una de las actividades presenciales realizadas y en la hoja se solicita información sobre el trabajo "fuera de clase". Se documenta en este artículo cómo se ha estructurado esa hoja, qué tipo de datos se recogen, cómo se tratan mediante una base de datos creada al efecto, qué tipo de análisis se puede realizar y qué resultados preliminares obtenemos de dichos análisis.


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Synthetic derivation of closed formulae of the geometric characteristic of a conic given in Bézier form in terms of its control polygon, (P; Q; R) and weights, (1; w; 1g)


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A global Lagrangian descriptor applied to the Kuroshio current


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The understanding of the circulation of ocean currents, the exchange of CO2 between atmosphere and oceans, and the influence of the oceans on the distribution of heat and momentum on a global scale is key to our ability to predict and assess the future evolution of climate.