982 resultados para Base excision repair


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The phylogeny is one of the main activities of the modern taxonomists and a way to reconstruct the history of the life through comparative analysis of these sequences stored in their genomes aimed find any justification for the origin or evolution of them. Among the sequences with a high level of conservation are the genes of repair because it is important for the conservation and maintenance of genetic stability. Hence, variations in repair genes, as the genes of the nucleotide excision repair (NER), may indicate a possible gene transfer between species. This study aimed to examine the evolutionary history of the components of the NER. For this, sequences of UVRA, UVRB, UVRC and XPB were obtained from GenBank by Blast-p, considering 10-15 as cutoff to create a database. Phylogenetic studies were done using algorithms in PAUP programs, BAYES and PHYLIP package. Phylogenetic trees were build with protein sequences and with sequences of 16S ribosomal RNA for comparative analysis by the methods of parsimony, likelihood and Bayesian. The XPB tree shows that archaeal´s XPB helicases are similar to eukaryotic helicases. According to this data, we infer that the eukaryote nucleotide excision repair system had appeared in Archaea. At UVRA, UVRB and UVRC trees was found a monophyletic group formed by three species of epsilonproteobacterias class, three species of mollicutes class and archaeabacterias of Methanobacteria and Methanococci classes. This information is supported by a tree obtained with the proteins, UVRA, UVRB and UVRC concatenated. Thus, although there are arguments in the literature defending the horizontal transfer of the system uvrABC of bacteria to archaeabacterias, the analysis made in this study suggests that occurred a vertical transfer, from archaeabacteria, of both the NER genes: uvrABC and XPs. According the parsimony, this is the best way because of the occurrence of monophyletic groups, the time of divergence of classes and number of archaeabacterias species with uvrABC system


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The excision repair cross-complementation 1 (ERCC1) enzyme plays an essential role in the nucleotide excision repair pathway and is associated with resistance to platinum-based chemotherapy in different types of cancer. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the clinicopathological significance of ERCC1 expression in breast cancer patients. We analyzed the immunohistochemical expression of ERCC1 in a tissue microarray from 135 primary breast carcinomas and correlated the immunohistochemical findings with clinicopathological factors and outcome data. ERCC1 expression analysis was available for 109 cases. In this group, 58 (53.2%) were positive for ERCC1. ERCC1-positive expression was correlated with smaller tumor size (P=0.007) and with positivity for estrogen receptor (P=0.040), but no correlation was found with other clinicopathological features. Although not statistically significant, triple negative breast cancers were more frequently negative for ERCC1 (61.5% of the cases) compared to the non-triple negative breast cancer cases (41.5%). In conclusion, ERCC1 expression correlated significantly with favorable prognostic factors, such as smaller tumor size and ER-positivity, suggesting a possible role for ERCC1 as a predictive and/or prognostic marker in breast cancer. © 2013 Elsevier GmbH.


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The polysaccharide β-glucan has biological properties that stimulate the immune system and can prevent chronic pathologies, including cancer. It has been shown to prevent damage to DNA caused by the chemical and physical agents to which humans are exposed. However, the mechanism of β-glucan remains poorly understood. The objective of the present study was to verify the protective effect of β-glucan on the expression of the genes ERCC5 (involved in excision repair of DNA damage), CASP9 (involved in apoptosis), and CYP1A1 (involved in the metabolism of xenobiotics) using real-time polymerase chain reaction and perform metabolic profile measurements on the HepG2 cells. Cells were exposed to only benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P), β-glucan, or a combination of B[a]P with β-glucan. The results demonstrated that 50 μg/mL β-glucan significantly repressed the expression of the ERCC5 gene when compared with the untreated control cells in these conditions. No change was found in the CASP9 transcript level. However, the CYP1A1 gene expression was also induced by HepG2 cells exposed to B[a]P only or in association with β-glucan, showing its effective protector against damage caused by B[a]P, while HepG2 cells exposed to only β-glucan did not show CYP1A1 modulation. The metabolic profiles showed moderate bioenergetic metabolism with an increase in the metabolites involved in bioenergetic metabolism (alanine, glutamate, creatine and phosphocholine) in cells treated with β-glucan and to a lesser extent treated with B[a]P. Thus, these results demonstrate that the chemopreventive activity of β-glucan may modulate bioenergetic metabolism and gene expression. © 2013 The Author(s).


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The comet assay is a method of DNA damage analysis widely used to quantify oxidative damage, crosslinks of DNA, apoptosis and genotoxicity of chemicals substances as chemical, pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals products, among others. This technique is suitable to detect DNA strand breaks, alkali-labile sites and incomplete excision repair sites and is based on the migration of DNA fragments by microeletroforesis, DNA migrates for the anode forming a “tail”, and the formed image has the appearance of a comet. The slides can be stained with fluorescence or silver, having differences in the microscopy type used for the analysis and the possibility of storage of the slides, moreover, the first one is a stained-method with more difficulties of accomplishment. The image analysis can be performed by a visual way, however, there is a disadvantage as the subjectivity on the results, that can be minimized by an automated method of digital analysis. This process was studied in this report with the aim to perceive the validation of the digital analysis turning it a quantitative method with larger reproductibility, minimizing the variability and imprecision due to the subjective analysis. For this validation we selected 50 comets photographed in a standardized way and printed, afterwards, pictures were submitted to three experienced appraisers, who quantified them manually. Later, the images were processed by free software ImageJ 1.38x, printed and quantified manually by the same appraisers. The intraclass correlation was higher to comet measures after image processing. Following, an algorithm of automated digital analysis from the measures of the comet was developed; the values obtained were compared with those 12 estimated manually after the processing resulting high correlation among the measures. The use of image analysis systems increases ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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UVA light (320–400 nm) represents approximately 95% of the total solar UV radiation that reaches the Earth’s surface. UVA light induces oxidative stress and the formation of DNA photoproducts in skin cells. These photoproducts such as pyrimidine dimers (cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers, CPDs, and pyrimidine (6-4) pyrimidone photoproducts, 6-4PPs) are removed by nucleotide excision repair (NER). In this repair pathway, the XPA protein is recruited to the damage removal site; therefore, cells deficient in this protein are unable to repair the photoproducts. The aim of this study was to investigate the involvement of oxidative stress and the formation of DNA photoproducts in UVA-induced cell death. In fact, similar levels of oxidative stress and oxidised bases were detected in XP-A and NER-proficient cells exposed to UVA light. Interestingly, CPDs were detected in both cell lines; however, 6-4PPs were detected only in DNA repairdeficient cells. XP-A cells were also observed to be significantly more sensitive to UVA light compared to NER-proficient cells, with an increased induction of apoptosis, while necrosis was similarly observed in both cell lines. The induction of apoptosis and necrosis in XP-A cells using adenovirus-mediated transduction of specific photolyases was investigated and we confirm that both types of photoproducts are the primary lesions responsible for inducing cell death in XP-A cells and may trigger the skin-damaging effects of UVA light, particularly skin ageing and carcinogenesis.


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DNA damage induced by ultraviolet (UV) radiation can be removed by nucleotide excision repair through two sub-pathways, one general (GGR) and the other specific for transcribed DNA (TCR), and the processing of unrepaired lesions trigger signals that may lead to cell death. These signals involve the tumor suppressor p53 protein, a central regulator of cell responses to DNA damage, and the E3 ubiquitin ligase Mdm2, that forms a feedback regulatory loop with p53. The involvement of cell cycle and transcription on the signaling to apoptosis was investigated in UVB-irradiated synchronized, DNA repair proficient, CS-B (TCR-deficient) and XP-C (GGR-deficient) primary human fibroblasts. Cells were irradiated in the G1 phase of the cell cycle, with two doses with equivalent levels of apoptosis (low and high), defined for each cell line. In the three cell lines, the low doses of UVB caused only a transient delay in progression to the S phase, whereas the high doses induced permanent cell cycle arrest. However, while accumulation of Mdm2 correlated well with the recovery from transcription inhibition at the low doses for normal and CS-B fibroblasts, for XP-C cells this protein was shown to be accumulated even at UVB doses that induced high levels of apoptosis. Thus, UVB-induced accumulation of Mdm2 is critical for counteracting p53 activation and apoptosis avoidance, but its effect is limited due to transcription inhibition. However, in the case of XP-C cells, an excess of unrepaired DNA damage would be sufficient to block S phase progression, which would signal to apoptosis, independent of Mdm2 accumulation. The data clearly discriminate DNA damage signals that lead to cell death, depending on the presence of UVB-induced DNA damage in replicating or transcribing regions.


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Polyzyklische aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe (PAK) sind ubiquitäre Verschmutzungen der Umwelt und entstehen während der unvollständigen Verbrennung organischen Materials wie Holz, Kohle und Erdöl. Werden diese chemisch nicht reaktiven PAK in den Körper aufgenommen, durchlaufen sie eine Reihe von enzymatischen Umsetzungen, die unter der Bezeichnung Fremdstoffmetabolismus zusammengefasst werden. Die chemische Umsetzung des PAK und Prokarzinogens Benzo[a]pyren (B[a]P) führt u.a. zur Bildung des reaktiven Metaboliten B[a]P-7,8-dihydrodiol-9,10-epoxid (BPDE). BPDE ist stark elektrophil und kann auf Grund dieser Eigenschaft an nukleophile Makromoleküle wie Proteine und DNA binden. Die Bildung von BPDE-DNA-Addukten resultiert in der Entstehung von Mutationen und kann zur Tumorbildung führen. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte die Wirkung von BPDE als Modellsubstanz für gentoxische Agenzien auf intrazelluläre Signalkaskaden und die Konsequenzen der BPDE-Exposition bezüglich der Zellaktivität untersucht werden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass BPDE-Behandlung von Mausfibroblasten eine intrazelluläre Signalkaskade induziert, welche zur Aktivierung der Stressaktivierten Proteinkinasen (SAPK) JNK und p38 führt. An dieser Signalkaskade sind Src-ähnliche Kinasen beteiligt. BPDE-Behandlung führt in den untersuchten Mausfibroblasten zur Induktion von DNA-Einzelstrangbrüchen, deren Auftreten zeitlich mit der SAPK-Aktivierung korreliert. Die BPDEinduzierten DNA-Strangbrüche sind die Folge der Entfernung dieser Läsionen aus dem Genom durch die Nukleotidexzisionsreparatur (NER). Erkannt werden BPDE-DNA-Addukte durch die NERProteine XPA und XPC (Xeroderma Pigmentosum Komplementationsgruppe A und C). Nach der Erkennung von BPDE-DNA-Addukten kommt es zur Rekrutierung von Nukleasen, welche die vorliegende Läsion und umliegende Nukleotide aus dem Genom entfernen. In XPA- und XPCdefizienten Mausfibroblasten induziert BPDE daher keine DNA-Strangbrüche. Jedoch ist nur in XPCdefizienten Zellen, aber nicht in XPA-defizienten Zellen, die SAPK-Aktivierung drastisch reduziert. Behandlung von Mausfibroblasten mit Benzo[c]phenanthren-3,4-Diol-1,2-Epoxid, einem PAK, dessen DNA-Addukte schlecht durch NER-Faktoren erkannt und repariert werden, führt zu keiner SAPKAktivierung. Die Aktivierung von p38 und JNK scheint demnach abhängig zu sein von der Erkennung des primären DNA-Schadens. Die XPC-abhängige SAPK-Aktivierung schützt die Zellen vor BPDEabhängiger Toxizität, da sowohl XPC- als auch p38-defiziente Mausfibroblasten eine höhere Sensitivität gegenüber BPDE zeigen als korrespondierende Wildtypzellen. Zusamenfassend konnte in dieser Arbeit ein neuer Signalweg beschrieben werden, in dem DNASchäden, verursacht durch BPDE, über die XPC-abhängige DNA-Schadenserkennung, die Aktivierung der SAPK induziert. Diese Aktivierung der SAPK schützt vor BPDE-induzierter Toxizität.


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Monozyten und Monozyten-abgeleitete Dendritische Zellen (DCs) spielen eine bedeutende Rolle im Immunsystem. Da DCs bei der Tumorabwehr mitwirken, ist es wichtig, dass Monozyten als auch DCs sich gegenüber zytotoxischen Agenzien aus der Chemotherapie wehren können. Chemotherapeutika reagieren mit der DNA, jedoch die DNA-Reparaturkapazität von Monozyten und DCs wurde noch nicht untersucht. Dazu wurde die Sensitivität in Monozyten und DCs gegenüber verschiedene genotoxische Agenzien untersucht. Dabei wurde herausgefunden, dass Monozyten sensitiv auf methylierende Agenzien (MNNG, MMS und Temozolomid) reagieren und ein verstärktes Zellsterben und Apoptoseinduktion zeigen. Im Vergleich zu weiteren Zytostatika wie Fotemustin, Mafosfamid und Cisplatin reagierten Monozyten und DCs gleich sensitiv. Diese Ergebnisse weisen auf einen Defekt in der Reparatur von DNA-Methylierungsschäden in Monozyten hin. Da die Expression des Reparaturproteins O6-Methylguanin-DNA Methyltransferase (MGMT) in Monozyten höher war als in DCs und deren Inhibierung durch O6-Benzylguanin keinen Effekt auf die Sensitivität von Monozyten hatte, wurde der Reparaturweg der Basenexzisionsreparatur untersucht. Im Vergleich zu DCs waren die Monozyten unfähig die BER durchzuführen, welche durch Einzelzellgelelektrophorese gemessen wurde. Expressionsuntersuchungen ergaben, dass in Monozyten XRCC1 und Ligase IIIα fehlen im Vergleich zu DCs, Makrophagen, hämatopoetische Stammzellen und Lymphozyten, welche diese Proteine exprimieren. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen einen spezifischen DNA-Reparaturdefekt in einer bestimmten Blutzellpopulation. Durch den BER Defekt in Monozyten kann es durch methylierende Tumorwirkstoffe während einer Chemotherapie zur Depletion und zu einer abgeschwächten Immunantwort kommen.


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Metastasierender Krebs ist bei Erwachsenen in der Regel nicht heilbar. Eine Ausnahme stellen testikuläre Keimzelltumoren (TKZT) dar, da über 75 % der Patienten mit fortgeschrittenen metastasierenden TKZT mit einer auf Cisplatin basierenden Kombinations-Chemotherapie geheilt werden können. Zelllinien, die aus TKZT isoliert wurden, behalten diese Cisplatin-Sensitivität in vitro bei. Somit spiegeln Testistumorzelllinien die klinische Situation wider und sind deswegen ein gutes Modellsystem um zu untersuchen, welche Faktoren der Cisplatin-Sensitivität zugrunde liegen. Die Ursachen der Cisplatin-Sensitivität in Testistumoren sind nicht bekannt. Es wurde bereits gezeigt, dass Testistumorzellen eine geringe Kapazität für die Entfernung von Cisplatin-induzierten DNA-Platinierungen aufweisen. Dieser Defekt in der DNA-Reparatur könnte ein Faktor für die beobachtete Cisplatin-Sensitivität sein. Cisplatin induziert sowohl Intrastrang-Vernetzungen als auch Interstrang-Vernetzungen (ICLs). Die Bildung und Reparatur der Cisplatin-induzierten Intrastrang-Vernetzungen wurde mittels DNA-Slot-Blot, die Bildung und Entfernung von Interstrang-Vernetzungen wurde mithilfe des Comet-Assays untersucht. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde gezeigt, dass die Reparatur von Intrastrang-Vernetzungen in Testis- und Blasentumorzelllinien vergleichbar ist. Somit sind Testistumorzellen in diesem Reparaturweg nicht beeinträchtigt. Im Unterschied dazu zeigte sich, dass Testistumorzellen die ICLs nicht oder nur mit einer reduzierten Kapazität entfernen können.Da die ICL-Reparatur über die Bildung von DNA-Doppelstrangbrüchen (DSB) mit anschließender DSB-Reparatur verläuft, wurde die Kinetik der DSB-Reparatur anhand der Immundetektion der Histon-Variante γH2AX, die zur Visualisierung von DSB verwendet wird, verfolgt. γH2AX Foci wurden nach Behandlung mit Cisplatin in Testistumorzellen und Blasentumorzellen gebildet. Anders als in Blasentumorzellen blieb der Prozentsatz an γH2AX-positiven Zellen in Testistumorzellen bestehen. Offensichtlich konnten die Testistumorzellen die Cisplatin-induzierten ICLs nicht korrekt prozessieren, was dazu führte, dass γH2AX Foci persistierten. Da unreparierte DNA-Läsionen eine DNA-schadensabhängige Antwort einleiten können, wurde die Aktivierung der Hauptfaktoren dieser Signalwege untersucht. In den Testistumorzellen zeigte sich eine Erhöhung der p53 Proteinmenge nach Cisplatin-Behandlung. Des Weiteren wurde die durch Cisplatin induzierte Aktivierung von ATM/ATR, Chk1/Chk2, Bax und Noxa in Testis- und Blasentumorzellen vergleichend untersucht. Es wurde bereits gezeigt, dass der Reparaturfaktor ERCC1-XPF in Testistumorzelllinien reduziert vorliegt. Um eine mögliche Rolle von ERCC1-XPF für die Reparatur-Defizienz der ICLs und Cisplatin-Sensitivität in Testistumorzellen zu analysieren, wurde ERCC1-XPF in der Testistumorenzelllinie 833K mithilfe eines Expressionsvektors überexprimiert, und der Einfluss von ERCC1-XPF auf ICL-Reparatur sowie Cisplatin-Sensitivität wurde ermittelt. Überexpression von ERCC1-XPF führte zur Reparatur der ICLs in 833K-Zellen und verminderte die Cisplatinsensitivität. Somit scheint die Cisplatinsensitivität der Testistumorzellen, zumindest zum Teil, auf einer verminderten ICL-Reparatur zu beruhen. Des Weiteren wurde in „proof of principle“ Experimenten ERCC1-XPF in der Cisplatin-resistenten Blasentumorzelllinie MGH-U1 mittels siRNA herunterreguliert, und die Auswirkung der Herunterregulation auf die ICL-Reparatur und die Cisplatinsensitivität wurde geprüft. RNA-Interferenz-vermittelte Herunterregulierung von ERCC1-XPF reduzierte die Prozessierung der Cisplatin-induzierten ICLs und verstärkte die Cisplatinsensitivität in MGH-U1 Zellen. Somit wurde in dieser Arbeit zum ersten Mal gezeigt, dass die Testistumorzellen in Vergleich zu Blasentumorzellen in der Reparatur von ICLs defizient sind, wobei die verminderte ICL-Reparatur auf die geringe Expression von ERCC1-XPF zurückgeführt werden konnte. Diese ICL-Reparatur-Defizienz könnte, zumindest zu einem Teil, für die Sensitivität der Testistumoren gegenüber Cisplatin verantwortlich sein.


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Stress-aktivierte-Protein-Kinasen (c-Jun-N-terminal kinases) SAPK/JNK werden sehr schnell nach Exposition von Zellen mit verschiedensten Noxen, wie beispielsweise Genotoxinen, aktiviert. Sie sind allerdings noch nicht als Teil der DNA-Schadensantwort etabliert. In dieser Arbeit sollte gezeigt werden, das SAPK/JNK einen wichtigen Teil innerhalb der DNA-Schadensantwort spielen. Aus diesem Grund wurde zu frühen (z.B.: 4 h) als auch zu späten Zeiten (z.B.: 24 h) die Bildung von DNA-Addukten nach Cisplatin Exposition untersucht und überprüft, ob diese mit dem Aktivierungsstatus der SAPK/JNK nach Cisplatinbehandlung korreliert. Menschliche Fibroblasten, die einen Defekt in der Transkription gekoppelten Nukleotid-Exzisionsreparatur (TC-NER) aufwiesen, wie beispielsweise CSB-Zellen (Cockayne Syndrom B) oder XPA-Zellen (Xeroderma Pigmentosum A), sind charakterisiert durch einen erhöhten Phosphorylierungsstatus der SAPK/JNK, 16 h nach Cisplatingabe, im Vergleich zu normalen Wildtyp-Fibroblasten. Die nach Cisplatin Exposition beobachtete Aktivierung der SAPK/JNK ist quantitativ jedoch nicht vergleichbar mit dem Level an gebildeten Cisplatin-DNA-Addukten, wie in den Southwestern- und Massenspektrometrischen Untersuchungen gezeigt werden konnte. Es konnten jedoch Parallelen zwischen der Aktivierung der SAPK/JNK, sowie den gezeigten γ-H2AX-Foci als auch der Aktivierung von Check-Point Kinasen gefunden werden. Dies lässt darauf schließen, dass DNA-Doppelstrangbrüche (DSB) an der späten Aktivierung des SAPK/JNK Signalweges beteiligt sind. Dementsprechend lässt sich ebenfalls in Zellen, die einen Defekt in der Reparatur von Doppelstrangsbrüchen aufweisen, wie beispielsweise DNA-PKcs Zellen, eine erhöhte, durch Cisplatin hervorgerufene späte Phosphorylierung der SAPK/JNK als auch eine vermehrte γ-H2AX-Foci Bildung und Check-Point Kinasen Aktivierung nachweisen. Vergleichend dazu zeigten Zellen mit einem Defekt in ATM (Ataxia telegiectasia mutated protein) oder XPC keine erhöhte Phosphorylierung zu späten Zeiten nach Cisplatin Behandlung. Weiterhin bleibt festzuhalten, dass die späte, durch Cisplatin hervorgerufene Schadensantwort unabhängig von p53, ER-Stress oder MKP-1 ist. Die SAPK/JNK Aktivierung nach Cisplatin Exposition erfordert funktionsfähige Rho-GTPasen und kann durch pharmakologische Hemmung der Tyrosin-Kinasen und durch N-Acetylcystein gehemmt werden. Es lässt sich zusammenfassend sagen, dass die durch Cisplatin induzierte späte SAPK/JNK Aktivierung durch die Formation von DSB initiiert wird und XPC, Rho-Proteine sowie Tyrosin Kinasen an der Signalweiterleitung beteiligt sind.


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Abstract Mutations in the human gene coding for XPD lead to segmental progeria - the premature appearance of some of the phenotypes normally associated with aging - which may or may not be accompanied by increased cancer incidence. XPD is required for at least three different critical cellular functions: in addition to participating in the process of nucleotide excision repair (NER), which removes bulky DNA lesions, XPD also regulates transcription as part of the general transcription factor IIH (TFIIH) and controls cell cycle progression through its interaction with CAK, a pivotal activator of cyclin dependent kinases (CDKs). The study of inherited XPD disorders offers the opportunity to gain insights into the coordination of important cellular events and may shed light on the mechanisms that regulate the delicate equilibrium between cell proliferation and functional senescence, which is notably altered during physiological aging and in cancer. The phenotypic manifestations in the different XPD disorders are the sum of disturbances in the vital processes carried out by TFIIH and CAK. In addition, further TFIIH- and CAK-independent cellular activities of XPD may also play a role. This, added to the complex feedback networks that are in place to guarantee the coordination between cell cycle, DNA repair and transcription, complicates the interpretation of clinical observations. While results obtained from patient cell isolates as well as from murine models have been elementary in revealing such complexity, the Drosophila embryo has proven useful to analyze the role of XPD as a cell cycle regulator independently from its other cellular functions. Together with data from the biochemical and structural analysis of XPD and of the TFIIH complex these results combine into a new picture of the XPD activities that provides ground for a better understanding of the patophysiology of XPD diseases and for future development of diagnostic and therapeutic tools.


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Human x rodent somatic cell hybrids have played an important role in human genetics research. They have been especially useful for assigning genes to chromosomes and isolating DNA markers from specific regions of the human genome.^ By employing a combination of somatic cell genetic, recombinant DNA, and cytogenetic techniques, human DNA excision repair gene ERCC4 was mapped regionally to human 16p13.13-13.2, even though the gene has not been cloned. Human x Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell hybrids selected for human ERCC4 activity and containing 16p13.1-p13.3 as the only human genetic material were identified. These hybrids were used to order DNA markers located in 16p13.1-p13.3. New DNA markers physically close to ERCC4 were isolated from such hybrids. Using amplified human DNA from the hybrids as probe in fluorescent in situ hybridization, the short arm breakpoint in the chromosome 16 inversion associated with acute myelomonocytic leukemia (AMML) was found to be physically close to the ERCC4 gene. The physical mapping and eventually, the cloning of the ERCC4 gene, will benefit the understanding of the DNA repair system and the study of other important biomedical problems such as tumorigenesis.^ To facilitate the cloning of ERCC4 gene and, in general, the cloning of genes from any defined regions of the human genome, a method was developed for the direct isolation of human transcribed genes ffom somatic cell hybrids. cDNA was prepared from human x rodent hybrid by using consensus 5$\sp\prime$ splice site sequences as primers. These primers were designed to select immature, unspliced messenger RNA (still retaining species specific repeat sequences) as templates. Screening of a derived cDNA library for human repeat sequences resulted in the isolation of human clones at the anticipated frequency with characteristics expected of exons of transcribed human genes. The usefulness of the splice site specific primers was analyzed and the cDNA synthesis conditions with these primers were optimized. The procedure was shown to be sensitive enough to clone weakly expressed genes. Studying the expression of the represented genes with the isolated clones was shown to be feasible. Such regional specific human gene fragments will be very valuable for many human genetic studies such as the search of inherited disease genes and the construction of a cDNA map of the human genome. ^


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There is evidence that ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is increasing over certain locations on the Earth's surface. Of primary concern is the annual pattern of ozone depletion over Antarctica and the Southern Ocean. Reduction of ozone concentration selectively limits absorption of solar UV-B (290–320 nm), resulting in higher irradiance at the Earth's surface. The effects of ozone depletion on the human population and natural ecosystems, particularly the marine environment, are a matter of considerable concern. Indeed, marine plankton may serve as sensitive indicators of ozone depletion and UV-B fluctuations. Direct biological effects of UVR result from absorption of UV-B by DNA. Once absorbed, energy is dissipated by a variety of pathways, including covalent chemical reactions leading to the formation of photoproducts. The major types of photoproduct formed are cyclobutyl pyrimidine dimer (CPD) and pyrimidine(6-4)pyrimidone dimer [(6-4)PD]. Marine plankton repair these photoproducts using light-dependent photoenzymatic repair or nucleotide excision repair. The studies here show that fluctuations in CPD concentrations in the marine environment at Palmer Station, Antarctica correlate well with ozone concentration and UV-B irradiance at the Earth's surface. A comparison of photoproduct levels in marine plankton and DNA dosimeters show that bacterioplankton display higher resistance to solar UVR than phytoplankton in an ozone depleted environment. DNA damage in marine microorganisms was investigated during two separate latitudinal transects which covered a total range of 140°. We observed the same pattern of change in DNA damage levels in dosimeters and marine plankton as measured using two distinct quantitative techniques. Results from the transects show that differences in photosensitivity exist in marine plankton collected under varying UVR environments. Laboratory studies of Antarctic bacterial isolates confirm that marine bacterioplankton possess differences in survival, DNA damage induction, and repair following exposure to UVR. Results from DNA damage measurements during ozone season, along a latitudinal gradient, and in marine bacterial isolates suggest that changes in environmental UVR correlate with changes in UV-B induced DNA damage in marine microorganisms. Differences in the ability to tolerate UVR stress under different environmental conditions may determine the composition of the microbial communities inhabiting those environments. ^


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Ecteinascidin 743 (Et-743), which is a novel DNA minor groove alkylator with a unique spectrum of antitumor activity, is currently being evaluated in phase II/III clinical trials. Although the precise molecular mechanisms responsible for the observed antitumor activity are poorly understood, recent data suggests that post-translational modifications of RNA polymerase II Large Subunit (RNAPII LS) may play a central role in the cellular response to this promising anticancer agent. The stalling of an actively transcribing RNAPII LS at Et-743-DNA adducts is the initial cellular signal for transcription-coupled nucleotide excision repair (TC-NER). In this manner, Et-743 poisons TC-NER and produces DNA single strand breaks. Et-743 also inhibits the transcription and RNAPII LS-mediated expression of selected genes. Because the poisoning of TC-NER and transcription inhibition are critical components of the molecular response to Et-743 treatment, we have investigated if changes in RNAPII LS contribute to the disruption of these two cellular pathways. In addition, we have studied changes in RNAPII LS in two tumors for which clinical responses were reported in phase I/II clinical trials: renal cell carcinoma and Ewing's sarcoma. Our results demonstrate that Et-743 induces degradation of the RNAPII LS that is dependent on active transcription, a functional 26S proteasome, and requires functional TC-NER, but not global genome repair. Additionally, we have provided the first experimental data indicating that degradation of RNAPII LS might lead to the inhibition of activated gene transcription. A set of studies performed in isogenic renal carcinoma cells deficient in von Hippel-Lindau protein, which is a ubiquitin-E3-ligase for RNAPII LS, confirmed the central role of RNAPII LS degradation in the sensitivity to Et-743. Finally, we have shown that RNAPII LS is also degraded in Ewing's sarcoma tumors following Et-743 treatment and provide data to suggest that this event plays a role in decreased expression of the Ewing's sarcoma oncoprotein, EWS-Fli1. Altogether, these data implicate degradation of RNAPII LS as a critical event following Et-743 exposure and suggest that the clinical activity observed in renal carcinoma and Ewing's sarcoma may be mediated by disruption of molecular pathways requiring a fully functional RNAPII LS. ^


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Nucleoside analogues are antimetabolites effective in the treatment of a wide variety of solid tumors and hematological malignancies. Upon being metabolized to their active triphosphate form, these agents are incorporated into DNA during replication or excision repair synthesis. Because DNA polymerases have a greatly decreased affinity for primers terminated by most nucleoside analogues, their incorporation causes stalling of replication forks. The molecular mechanisms that recognize blocked replication may contribute to drug resistance but have not yet been elucidated. Here, several molecules involved in sensing nucleoside analogue-induced stalled replication forks have been identified and examined for their contribution to drug resistance. ^ The phosphorylation of the DNA damage sensor, H2AX, was characterized in response to nucleoside analogues and found to be dependent on both time and drug concentration. This response was most evident in the S-phase fraction and was associated with an inhibition of DNA synthesis, S-phase accumulation, and activation of the S-phase checkpoint pathway (Chk1-Cdc25A-Cdk2). Exposure of the Chk1 inhibitor, 7-hydroxystaurosporine (UCN-01), to cultures previously treated with nucleoside analogues caused increased apoptosis, clonogenic death, and a further log-order increase in H2AX phosphorylation, suggesting enhanced DNA damage. Ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM) has been identified as a key DNA damage signaling kinase for initiating cell cycle arrest, DNA repair, and apoptosis while the Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 (MRN) complex is known for its functions in double-strand break repair. Activated ATM and the MRN complex formed distinct nuclear foci that colocalized with phosphorylated H2AX after inhibition of DNA synthesis by the nucleoside analogues, gemcitabine, ara-C, and troxacitabine. Since double-strand breaks were undetectable, this response was likely due to stalling of replication forks. A similar DNA damage response was observed in human lymphocytes after exposure to ionizing radiation and in acute myelogenous leukemia blasts during therapy with the ara-C prodrug, CP-4055. Deficiencies in ATM, Mre11, and Rad50 led to a two- to five-fold increase in gemcitabine sensitivity, suggesting that these molecules contribute to drug resistance. Based on these results, a model is proposed for the sensing of nucleoside analogue-induced stalled replication forks that includes H2AX, ATM, and the Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 complex. ^