326 resultados para BANKRUPTCY
We propose and estimate a financial distress model that explicitly accounts for the interactions or spill-over effects between financial institutions, through the use of a spatial continuity matrix that is build from financial network data of inter bank transactions. Such setup of the financial distress model allows for the empirical validation of the importance of network externalities in determining financial distress, in addition to institution specific and macroeconomic covariates. The relevance of such specification is that it incorporates simultaneously micro-prudential factors (Basel 2) as well as macro-prudential and systemic factors (Basel 3) as determinants of financial distress. Results indicate network externalities are an important determinant of financial health of a financial institutions. The parameter that measures the effect of network externalities is both economically and statistical significant and its inclusion as a risk factor reduces the importance of the firm specific variables such as the size or degree of leverage of the financial institution. In addition we analyze the policy implications of the network factor model for capital requirements and deposit insurance pricing.
La computación evolutiva y muy especialmente los algoritmos genéticos son cada vez más empleados en las organizaciones para resolver sus problemas de gestión y toma de decisiones (Apoteker & Barthelemy, 2000). La literatura al respecto es creciente y algunos estados del arte han sido publicados. A pesar de esto, no hay un trabajo explícito que evalúe de forma sistemática el uso de los algoritmos genéticos en problemas específicos de los negocios internacionales (ejemplos de ello son la logística internacional, el comercio internacional, el mercadeo internacional, las finanzas internacionales o estrategia internacional). El propósito de este trabajo de grado es, por lo tanto, realizar un estado situacional de las aplicaciones de los algoritmos genéticos en los negocios internacionales.
This article has for its purpose the boarding of the possibility afforded to debtors who are individuals to have their remaining debts of the bankruptcy process totally discharged. Once a debtor requires a bankruptcy’s declaration, he usually sees their assets to be liquidated. However, their remaining debts would rest until the prescription. As a way to avoid this and because the debtor needs to be reinstated in the market and to be given another chance, a fresh start, debtor can require a discharge. However, in Portugal, this reality’s treatment, although it is a novelty and a solution to this increasingly common indebtedness’ situation, is inadequate, very slow and very tight against the need for a quick, effective and approachable process. Therefore, we propose its revision and we give some possible solutions.
Wydział Historyczny
In most EU member states, the business services industry has booked no productivity growth during the last two decades. The industry’s performance in the other member states was weaker than that of its US counterparts. Exploring what may be causing this productivity stagnation, this policy brief reports that weak competition has contributed to the continuing malaise in European business services. The study analyzed the persistence (over time) of firm-level inefficiencies. The evidence further suggests that competition between small firms and large firms in business services is weak. Markets for business services work best in countries with flexible regulation on employment change and with low regulatory costs for firms that start up or close down a business. Countries that are more open to foreign competition perform better in terms of competitive selection and productivity. The policy simulations in this paper show that greater import openness strengthens competition in business services markets. The largest positive impact comes from lower regulatory barriers for growing and shrinking firms. More particularly, competitive selection would be fostered by a reduction of administrative and regulatory costs related to labour contracts, bankruptcy and start-up requirements. A key element of the European Commission’s Europe-2020 strategy is the Single European Market for Services. Business services form one of the largest industries in Europe – and given its productivity stagnation, it deserves to be a priority target of the Europe-2020 strategy. Improving the way the business services market functions may have large positive knock-on effects for the EU economy.
It has long been known that English Cistercian monasteries often sold their wool in advance to foreign merchants in the late thirteenth century. The abbey of Pipewell in Northamptonshire features in a number of such contracts with Cahorsin merchants. This paper looks again at these contracts in the context of over 200 other such agreements found in the governmental records. Why did Pipewell descend into penury over this fifty year period? This case study demonstrates that the promise of ready cash for their most valuable commodity led such abbots to make ambitious agreements – taking on yet more debt to service existing creditors – that would lead to their eventual bankruptcy.
A Landmark Case is one which stands out from other less remarkable cases. Landmark status is generally accorded because the case marks the beginning or the end of a course of legal development. Taylor v Caldwell is regarded as a landmark case because it marks the beginning of a legal development: the introduction of the doctrine of frustration into English contract law. This chapter explores the legal and historical background to the case to ascertain if it is a genuine landmark. A closer scrutiny reveals that while the legal significance of the case is exaggerated, the historical significance of the cases reveals an unknown irony: the case is a suitable landmark to the frustration of human endeavours. While the existence of the Surrey Music Hall was brief, it brought insanity, imprisonment, bankruptcy and death to its creators.
In 1982, Greek shipping plunged into a severe crisis: the size of the fleet declined dramatically and over 30% of the fleet was laid-up. catapulting many shipping companies into bankruptcy. The causes of the crisis were: The world recession, leading to regulation, protectionism, subsidization. and the growth of new competition in the tramp shipping market. The erosion of the cost differential between Greek shipping and other maritime nations of the world. The specialization and containerization of the world fleet. The old age and other characteristics of the Greek fleet, which exacerbated the crisis. Greek shipping, with its long history and the expertise, diligence, and supreme opportunism of its dynamic shipowners, will survive the crisis.
This paper investigates how the bankruptcy exemptions applied by the Personal Bankruptcy Law in each American state a§ect the aggregated level of individuals and small businessesí loans. Higher levels of bankruptcy exemptions imply in a lenient rule, motivating debtors to Öle for bankruptcy, what makes lenders worsen the terms of credit. On the other hand, lower levels of exemptions imply in a harsh punishment to debtors, inhibiting their demand for credit fearing a possible bankruptcy by bad luck. ConÖrming the theoretical claims, empirical tests show the existence of a non-monotonic shape in the relationship between the bankruptcy exemptions and the amount of credit to individuals and small businesses, where the optimal level of exemptions should be neither too high nor too low. Since the majority of the states in U.S. do not apply the optimal level, an intervention that brings the exemption level closer to the optimal one can be credit and welfare enhancing.
A função social da empresa e, a finalidade do instituto da falência, são analisadas perante os reais interesses da coletividade na preservação dos empreendimentos que, embora bons irradiadores de beneficios sociais e econômicos à comunidade, enfrentam dificuldades financeiras. Diversas formas de como conduzir a gestão administrativa da empresa, enquanto beneficiária da proteção legal, são contempladas e, sugerida a adoção de uma gestão reconstrutiva, focada na recuperação da empresa enquanto beneficio ao conjunto da coletividade.
This work is based on the analysis of three Brazilian cases of condemnation by accounting fraud and financial reports manipulation of data, where we tried to identify if there is condemnation by accounting fraud in Brazil and the main factors considered by the judge to convince them about the accounting fraud. The theoretical reference quoted involves the theory of fraud, the psychology of fraud, examples of financial fraud in foreign companies and Brazilians banks and the law in Brazil regarding fraud and money laundering. The methodology consisted in studies of Brazilian cases with the data collection criteria from three law suits. The methodology used was the Contents Analysis The samples were chosen according to the impact those cases had in Brazil and the facility to access their law suits. Therefore, we chose Gallus Agropecuária S/A, Encol S/A and Banco Santos S/A for a matter of convenience. The evidence indicated that in those three cases, the court was convinced by the accounting fraud due to omission of relevant financial information in the balance sheet, by information provided to the market that didn¿t reflect the healthy of the company (assets written up without the property). It was identified as well that, in those three cases, there was condemnation not only for the accounting fraud per si, but also by the combination of other crimes as money laundering, fraud gang, material and ideological false fraud, and bankruptcy.
Os modelos hazard, também conhecidos por modelos de tempo até a falência ou duração, são empregados para determinar quais variáveis independentes têm maior poder explicativo na previsão de falência de empresas. Consistem em uma abordagem alternativa aos modelos binários logit e probit, e à análise discriminante. Os modelos de duração deveriam ser mais eficientes que modelos de alternativas discretas, pois levam em consideração o tempo de sobrevivência para estimar a probabilidade instantânea de falência de um conjunto de observações sobre uma variável independente. Os modelos de alternativa discreta tipicamente ignoram a informação de tempo até a falência, e fornecem apenas a estimativa de falhar em um dado intervalo de tempo. A questão discutida neste trabalho é como utilizar modelos hazard para projetar taxas de inadimplência e construir matrizes de migração condicionadas ao estado da economia. Conceitualmente, o modelo é bastante análogo às taxas históricas de inadimplência e mortalidade utilizadas na literatura de crédito. O Modelo Semiparamétrico Proporcional de Cox é testado em empresas brasileiras não pertencentes ao setor financeiro, e observa-se que a probabilidade de inadimplência diminui sensivelmente após o terceiro ano da emissão do empréstimo. Observa-se também que a média e o desvio-padrão das probabilidades de inadimplência são afetados pelos ciclos econômicos. É discutido como o Modelo Proporcional de Cox pode ser incorporado aos quatro modelos mais famosos de gestão de risco .de crédito da atualidade: CreditRisk +, KMV, CreditPortfolio View e CreditMetrics, e as melhorias resultantes dessa incorporação
The purpose of this article is to contribute to the discussion of the financial aspects of dollarization and optimum currency areas. Based on the model of self-fulfilling debt crisis developed by Cole and Kehoe [4], it is possible to evaluate the comparative welfare of economies, which either keep their local currency and an independent monetary policy, join a monetary union or adopt dollarization. In the two former monetary regimes, governments can issue debt denominated, respectively, in local and common currencies, which is completely purchased by national consumers. Given this ability, governments may decide to impose an inflation tax on these assets and use the revenues so collected to avoid an external debt crises. While the country that issues its own currency takes this decision independently, a country belonging to a monetary union depends on the joint decision of all member countries about the common monetary policy. In this way, an external debt crises may be avoided under the local and common currency regimes, if, respectively, the national and the union central banks have the ability to do monetary policy, represented by the reduction in the real return on the bonds denominated in these currencies. This resource is not available under dollarization. In a dollarized economy, the loss of control over national monetary policy does not allow adjustments for exogenous shocks that asymmetrically affect the client and the anchor countries, but credibility is strengthened. On the other hand, given the ability to inflate the local currency, the central bank may be subject to the political influence of a government not so strongly concerned with fiscal discipline, which reduces the welfare of the economy. In a similar fashion, under a common currency regime, the union central bank may also be under the influence of a group of countries to inflate the common currency, even though they do not face external restrictions. Therefore, the local and common currencies could be viewed as a way to provide welfare enhancing bankruptcy, if it is not abused. With these peculiarities of monetary regimes in mind, we simulate the levels of economic welfare for each, employing recent data for the Brazilian economy.
A exigência pelo mercado de empresas competitivas vem se tornando cada vez maior, em vista das constantes mudanças que acontecem a cada instante no mundo globalizado. Gerenciar uma empresa é uma tarefa complexa, e essa tarefa torna-se ainda mais delicada quando trata-se de uma empresa familiar. Administrar uma empresa onde os funcionários participam do dia-a-dia da família, por pertencerem a ela, pode muitas das vezes confundir a constituição desses espaços, gerando no ambiente empresarial crises que possam ter origem a partir da incapacidade do gestor em separar os dois ambientes, ou mesmo da dificuldade em separar seu lado emotivo de cunho familiar das atividades profissionais da empresa. Aliado à essas dificuldades surge um dos maiores problemas do empreendimento familiar, a questão da sucessão, momento que é crucial para muitas empresas e reflete na sua permanência no mercado ou mesmo na sua dissolução e falência. Nasce daí a preocupação com o planejamento sucessório, ainda não tratado com a devida importância que lhe é devida por algumas empresas. Apresenta-se aqui um Estudo de Caso, de uma empresa que vem se desenvolvendo de maneira eficiente, porém poderia está bem melhor se não estivesse passando por uma crise na sucessão, resultado da ausência de um planejamento pelos seus fundadores. Busca-se aqui retratar o problema da sucessão, e assim demonstrar que esse processo deve ser pensado e analisado, se possível desde os primeiros anos de vida da empresa, visto que período suficiente há para essa elaboração.
Este trabalho tem por objetivo verificar o impacto que más práticas na gestão da Agrenco, empresa listada na bolsa de valores brasileira sob a forma de BDRs (Brazilian Depositary Receipts), trouxe para a precificação dos demais ativos listados sob a mesma estrutura. Estudos anteriores, como os de Saudagaran (1988) e Pagano (2001), focaram em temas referentes aos motivos que influenciaram as companhias a listarem suas ações em diferentes bolsas. Entender as conseqüências do evento Agrenco é importante para todos os participantes do mercado financeiro. O estudo contemplou uma amostra das principais empresas listadas sobre a forma de BDRs desde a data de seus IPOs até 26/08/2008. Primeiramente efetuou-se uma análise do comportamento gráfico dos preços dos ativos das BDRs listadas. Posteriormente elaborou-se três regressões múltiplas utilizando-se um modelo de série temporal (modelo AR – auto-regressivo), com análise de quebra estrutural e uso de variável Dummy. A primeira regressão relaciona a variável Agrenco com índices de BDRs constituídos especificamente para este estudo, a segunda inclui uma variável Dummy de intercepto e a terceira combina a variável Dummy de intercepto com uma variável Dummy de inclinação. As regressões têm o objetivo de se averiguar se o evento da Agrenco afetou sistematicamente os preços das ações listadas sob a mesma forma. A maior contribuição do estudo foi verificar que a má prática de gestão na Agrenco, listada sob a forma de BDR, contaminou o retorno de outras empresas que se utilizaram do mesmo veículo como fonte de captação de recursos. Os resultados apontaram, pela análise gráfica, que não houve um descolamento da valorização da maior parte das ações uma semana depois do anúncio dos problemas financeiros da Agrenco em relação a carteira téorica de mercado (IBOVESPA). Entretanto, os resultados dos testes econométricos apontaram que houve impacto do evento Agrenco sobre os retornos das ações listadas sob a forma de BDR.