639 resultados para Almanacs, Austrian.
Esta tese tem por objetivo investigar as trajetórias intelectuais de Anatol Rosenfeld e Otto Maria Carpeaux. Exilados no Brasil durante a década de 30 do século passado, em função do avanço do nazifascismo na Europa, o alemão Rosenfeld e o austríaco Carpeaux souberam reinventar suas existências na nova terra, transformando-se em dois dos maiores críticos literários do país. Além de examinar os itinerários percorridos por ambos os autores, esta tese terá como foco analisar a relação entre exílio e atividade intelectual, promovendo uma reflexão a respeito do lugar das cidades de Berlim e Viena na construção do arcabouço espiritual de Rosenfeld e Carpeaux. Este estudo também tratará das suas primeiras produções em solo brasileiro, bem como da recepção que obtiveram de seus anfitriões, delineando, assim, os contornos de uma complexa atmosfera intelectual marcada por uma espécie de cordialidade literária. Como último objetivo, esta tese debaterá o processo de modelagem do self por meio do qual ambos os críticos conseguiram aprimorar a própria individualidade, tornando-se, enfim, figuras cuja memória deve ser recuperada.
A pesquisa que ora se apresenta consiste em uma investigação sobre o recente trabalho de reavaliação das obras de membros do chamado Círculo de Viena, que foi o primeiro e principal grupo representativo da perspectiva filosófica conhecida como positivismo lógico. Nossa pesquisa compreende três partes: a primeira parte voltada para a reconstrução histórico-conceitual do período entre o alvorecer das idéias neopositivistas e os primeiros momentos posteriores à recepção norte-americana da imigração intelectual vienense; na segunda parte do trabalho, por sua vez, lançaremos luz propriamente à natureza de tal perspectiva contemporânea, a partir de uma descrição sobre o método e o escopo temático de tal projeto revisionista; à terceira parte, por fim, além de tecer uma avaliação geral sobre o que foi feito nas duas partes que a antecedem, coube conjecturar as possibilidades de se encontrar em tal trabalho uma agenda filosófica e política própria.
Por convergência teórica, esta tese de dissertação é estruturada em quatro capítulos, retomando a teoria das cinco peles de Hundertwaser. O artista austríaco, filho de mãe judia e pai ariano, realizou em Paris sua primeira exposição no ano de 1954 e desde então, não cessou mais de trabalhar, aglutinando os exercícios de arquiteto, ambientalista, naturista e higienista moral, assim como as atividades de pintor e gravador, todos efetivados nos múltiplos diálogos estabelecidos por cada pele. As cinco peles de Hundertwasser acredita o homem como um ser de camadas, que se desenrolam por uma espiral concêntrica, que parte do eu-profundo para o mundo exterior, operada por osmose, nas cadeias sucessivas dos níveis de consciência do indivíduo. as cinco peles de Hundertwasser são um plano de vida - e mais: uma reflexão profunda do ser e estar sobre a terra, colocado em prática ao longo de sua jornada artística. A abordagem pretende desdobrar tal teoria - o que cada pele me suscita - no corpo fabril da minha produção em relação a de outros artistas e teóricos. A transmissão das cinco peles de Hunderwasser desenvolve-se em situações de alargamento das peles. Uma apropriação que re contextualiza, revela novos posicionamentos no caminhar da arte contemporânea
A two dimensional silicon-on-insulator based photonic crystal structure is used to enhance the emission from colloidal HgTe nanocrystal quantum dots embedded in a thin polymer film. The enhancement is resonant to the leaky eigenmodes of the photonic crystals due to coherent scattering effects. Transmittance and photoluminescence experiments are presented to map the leaky mode dispersion and the angle dependence of the emission enhancement factor, which reaches values up to 80 (650) for vertical (oblique) emission in the telecommunication wavelength range.
Protospathidium serpens (Kahl, 1930) is frequent in semiterrestrial and terrestrial habitats worldwide. Conventionally, all populations are considered as conspecific because they have very similar overall morphologies and morphometrics. We studied in detail not only the morphology of the vegetative cells but also the resting cysts using live observation, protargol impregnation, and scanning electron microscopy. These revealed a cryptic diversity and biogeographic pattern in details of the dorsal brush and cyst wall morphology. The cyst wall is spiny in the Austrian specimens, while smooth in the South African and Antarctic populations. Accordingly, P. serpens consists of at least two species: P. serpens (with spiny cyst wall) and P. fraterculum n. sp. (with smooth cyst wall); the latter is probably composed of two distinct taxa differing by the absence (South African)/presence (Antarctic) of a monokinetidal bristle tail in brush row 3, the number of dikinetids comprising brush row 1 (seven versus three), and the total number of brush dikinetids (29 versus 17). Protospathidium serpens is neotypitied with the new population from Austria. The significance of resting cyst morphology is discussed with respect to alpha-taxonomy and overall ciliate diversity.
Crawford, Alistair, Erich Lessing: Arresting Time. Reportage Photography 1948-1973 (New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 2005) RAE2008
Wydział Historyczny: Instytut Historii
Opracowanie ma charakter teoretyczno-empiryczny. Jego głównym celem jest weryfikacja dwóch zasadniczych dla austriackiej teorii cyklu koniunkturalnego hipotez. Pierwsza hipoteza mówi, że restrykcyjna polityka pieniężna powoduje skracanie struktury produkcji, druga ¬– że podwyżki stóp prowadzą do względnych różnic w spadku produkcji branż wytwarzających dobra w różnych odległościach od konsumenta. Przeprowadzona w opracowaniu analiza, oparta na przyjętych wskaźnikach, pozwala pozytywnie zweryfikować obie hipotezy. Podwyżki stóp procentowych dokonane przez Narodowy Bank Polski prowadziły do powstawania spadkowych faz cyklu. W tym okresie w polskiej gospodarce zmniejszał się czas produkcji dóbr finalnych oraz występowały względne różnice w spadkach produkcji w branżach oddalonych w różnym stopniu od ostatecznego odbiorcy.
Wydział Neofilologii:Instytut Filologii Germańskiej
Wydział Historyczny
Swiss National Science Foundation; Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research; Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 314); Christ Church, Oxford; Oxford University Computing Laboratory
Barbara Hanning points out in her book Concise History of Western Music, that "Twentieth-century American music was in large measure an extension of European music" (Hanning 1998, 515). My dissertation/perforrnance project features cello works written by three contemporary composers who lived in America but were connected to the European heritage in different ways; each contributed significantly to the development of American classical concert life, music education, and even popular culture. Programs of my performances are intended to illustrate their unique compositional styles. The first recital consists of five cello compositions of Massachusetts-born Arthur Foote (1853 - 1937): Drei Stucke fur Pianoforte und Violoncello, Op. 1; Scherzo, Op.22; Romanza, Op.33; Aubade, Op.77; and Sonata for Violoncello and Piano, Op.78. Foote was influenced by the German-trained John Knowles Paine at Harvard University; he composed music famous for its extensive chromaticism in both harmony and melodic line, and for clearly-defined formal structure. The second recital explores the music of Swiss-American composer Ernest Bloch (1880-1959): a short Meditation Hebraique, a Suite No. I for Violoncello Solo and the famous rhapsody Schelomo. Born in Geneva, Switzerland, and settling in the United States in 1916, Bloch is a composer deeply influenced by the European late-Romantic tradition and is also well-known for employing "Hebraic" elements into his works. The final performance comprises two other of Bloch's cello works and one cello concerto by the Austrian-American composer, Erich Wolfgang Korngold (1897- 1957). Bloch's Voice in the Wilderness is a symphonic poem for orchestra and cello (accompanied by piano in this performance), consisting of six movements performed without pause. His Suite No.3 for Cello Solo is shorter and has a simpler style than the first Suite. Korngold was recognized as a child prodigy in his native Austria. After a Nazi-induced exile, he immigrated to America and became a film music composer in Hollywood. The Cello Concerto was used in the movie "Deception" (1 946), for which Korngold provided the film score. The impassioned harmonic language and lavish melodic lines inherited from the high-romanticism make this work one of comparative discordant beauty among other compositions of his time.
The Austrian government may have failed in its efforts in 2005 to have ‘privileged partnership' inserted into the European Union's framework for accession negotiations with Turkey, but this did not prevent the country's Chancellor, Wolfgang Schussel, from claiming that ‘for the first time ever, we have set an extra condition which will yet be very important in the future for Europe, namely the ability of the Union to take in new members'. Indeed, since its inclusion in the framework for negotiations, the EU's ‘capacity to absorb' new members is referred to as a new criterion for further enlargement of the European Union (EU). When opponents of Turkey 's membership, like Schussel, celebrate the emphasis on the EU's ‘absorption capacity', Turks generally regard it as specially-designed extra obstacle to their membership aspirations even if the EU's ‘absorption capacity' is a permanent agenda item whenever the EU discusses enlargement. This article explores the origins of this – supposedly new – condition and argues that the increased emphasis on the EU's ‘absorption capacity' can be explained by the shifts in the dynamics of EU enlargement.