991 resultados para Alligators, Fossil
Changes in circulation associated with the shoaling of the Isthmus of Panama and the Caribbean carbonate crash in the Miocene were investigated using Nd isotopes from fossil fish teeth and debris from two sites in the Caribbean Basin (Ocean Drilling Program Sites 998 and 999) and two sites in the eastern equatorial Pacific (Sites 846 and 1241). The total range for e-Nd values measured from 18 to 4.5 Ma in the Caribbean is -7.3 to 0. These values are higher than Atlantic water masses (~-11) and range up to values equivalent to contemporaneous Pacific water masses, confirming that flow into the Caribbean Basin was composed of a mixture of Pacific and Atlantic waters, with an upper limit of almost pure Pacific-sourced waters. Throughout the Caribbean record, particularly during the carbonate crash (10-12 Ma), low carbonate mass accumulation rates (MARs) correlate with more radiogenic e-Nd values, indicating increased flow of corrosive Pacific intermediate water into the Caribbean Basin during intervals of dissolution. This flow pattern agrees with results from general ocean circulation models designed to study the effect of the shoaling of the Central American Seaway. Low carbonate MARs and high e-Nd values also correlate with intervals of increased Northern Component Water production and, therefore, enhanced conveyor circulation, suggesting that the conveyor may respond to changes in circulation associated with shoaling of the Central American Seaway. Reduced Pacific throughflow related to shoaling of the seaway led to a gradual increase in carbonate preservation and more Atlantic-like e-Nd values following the carbonate crash.
This paper presents a new fossil pollen record from Tso Moriri (32°54'N, 78°19'E, 4512 m a.s.l.) and seeks to reconstruct changes in mean annual precipitation (MAP) during the last 12,000 years. This high-alpine lake occupies an area of 140 km**2 in a glacial-tectonic valley in the northwestern Himalaya. The region has a cold climate, with a MAP <300 mm, and open vegetation. The hydrology is controlled by the Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM), but winter westerly-associated precipitation also affects the regional water balance. Results indicate that precipitation levels varied significantly during the Holocene. After a rapid increase in MAP, a phase of maximum humidity was reached between ca. 11 to 9.6 cal ka BP, followed by a gradual decline in MAP. This trend parallels the reduction in the Northern Hemisphere summer insolation. Comparison of different palaeoclimate proxy records reveal evidence for a stronger Holocene decrease in precipitation in the northern versus the southern parts of the ISM domain. The long-term trend of ISM weakening is overlaid with several short periods of greater dryness, which are broadly synchronous with the North Atlantic cold spells, suggesting reduced amounts of westerly-associated winter precipitation. Compared to the mid and late Holocene, it appears that westerlies had a greater influence on the western parts of the ISM domain during the early Holocene. During this period, the westerly-associated summer precipitation belt was positioned at Mediterranean latitudes and amplified the ISM-derived precipitation. The Tso Moriri pollen record and moisture reconstructions also suggest that changes in climatic conditions affected the ancient Harappan Civilisation, which flourished in the greater Indus Valley from approximately 5.2 to 3 cal ka BP. The prolonged Holocene trend towards aridity, punctuated by an interval of increased dryness (between ca. 4.5 to 4.3 cal ka BP), may have pushed the Mature Harappan urban settlements (between ca. 4.5 to 3.9 cal ka BP) to develop more efficient agricultural practices to deal with the increasingly acute water shortages. The amplified aridity associated with North Atlantic cooling between ca. 4 to 3.6 and around 3.2 cal ka BP further hindered local agriculture, possibly causing the deurbanisation that occurred from ca. 3.9 cal ka BP and eventual collapse of the Harappan Civilisation between ca. 3.5 to 3 cal ka BP.
In contrast to the adjacent parts of the Transantarctic Mountains, the Mesozoic macrofossil record of north Victoria Land remains poorly documented. During the Ninth German Antarctic North Victoria Land Expedition (GANOVEX IX 2005/2006) twelve fossil sites in southern north Victoria Land were discovered and sampled. Fossils from the Triassic to Early Jurassic Section Peak Formation were collected from Archambault Ridge, Anderton Glacier, Skinner Ridge, Timber Peak, Vulcan Hills, Runaway Hills, Section Peak and Shafer Peak. These localities have yielded abundant fossil wood and compressions of horsetails, ferns, and seed ferns. In addition, several beetle elytra were found at Timber Peak. Fossil localities of the overlying Shafer Peak Formation and Exposure Hill-type deposits occur at Shafer Peak and in the Mount Carson area, and have yielded various trace fossils, permineralized wood, leaf compressions, and conchostracans. Two newly discovered fossil sites are associated with the late Early Jurassic Kirkpatrick lava flows. Upright-standing tree trunks have been recorded at Suture Bench, and highly fossiliferous sedimentary interbeds occur at the southwestern end of the Mesa Range. Of special interest is the exquisite fossil preservation at some of the sites. Compression fossils from Timber Peak and Shafer Peak contain well-preserved cuticles, which is very rare in the Antarctic. An Early Jurassic permineralized deposit at Mount Carson contains structurally preserved ferns. Furthermore, the arthropod fossils from sedimentary interbeds at the Mesa Range are preserved in minute detail, including antennae and limb spines of a blattid insect.
A 380 cm long sediment core from Lake Temje (central Yakutia, Eastern Siberia) was studied to infer Holocene palaeoenvironmental change in the extreme periglacial setting of eastern Siberia during the last 10,000 years. Data on sediment composition were used to characterize changes in the depositional environment during the ontogenetic development of the Lake Temje. The analysis of fossil chironomid remains and statistical treatment of chironomid data by the application of a newly developed regional Russian transfer functions provided inferences of mean July air temperatures (T_July) and water depths (WD). Reconstructed WDs show minor changes throughout the core and range between 80 and 120 cm. All the fluctuations in reconstructed water depth lie within the mean error of prediction of the inference model (RMSEP = 0.35) so it is not possible to draw conclusions from the reconstructions. A qualitative and quantitative reconstruction of Holocene climate in central Yakutia recognized three stages of palaeoenvironmental changes. The early Holocene between 10 and 8 ka BP was characterized by colder-than-today and moist summer conditions. Cryotextures in the lake sediments document full freezing of the lake water during the winter time. A general warming trend started around 8.0 ka BP in concert with enhanced biological productivity. Reconstructed mean T_July were equal or up to 1.5 °C higher than today between 6.0 ka and 5.0 ka BP. During the entire late Holocene after 4.8 ka BP, reconstructed mean T_July remained below modern value. Limnological conditions did not change significantly. The inference of a mid-Holocene climate optimum supports scenarios of Holocene climatic changes in the subpolar part of eastern Siberia and indicates climate teleconnections to the North Atlantic realm.
Über die Verbreitung, Gliederung und Ausbildung des Jungtertiärs im westlichen Schleswig-Holstein war bisher nicht viel bekannt. Am besten bearbeitet sind die glazial gestauchten Schollen von Morsum/Sylt. Eine Aufzählung erbohrter Miozänvorkommen mit nicht immer überzeugender Begründung lieferte H.-L. HECK 1935. S. THIELE (1941) hat die ihm bekannten Vorkommen hauptsächlich nach faziellen und petrographischen Gesichtspunkten bearbeitet. Er erkannte richtig die Stellung der Braunkohlensande. Die angekündigte palaeontologische Bearbeitung ist nicht erschienen. Eine allgemeine Übersicht über die Entwicklung des Jungtertiärs bringen W. WOLFE und H.-L. HECK 1949. W. HINSCH lieferte wertvolle Beiträge zur Molluskenfauna und zur Gliederung des Miozäns (1952, 1955). Über neue Vorkommen von Braunkohlen-Sanden berichtete E. DITTMER(1 956), eine erste Übersicht über neue Vorkommen der Hemmoorer Stufe gab derselbe Verfasser 1957.
A late Quaternary pollen record from northern Sakhalin Island (51.34°N, 142.14°E, 15 m a.s.l.) spanning the last 43.7 ka was used to reconstruct regional climate dynamics and vegetation distribution by using the modern analogue technique (MAT). The long-term trends of the reconstructed mean annual temperature (TANN) and precipitation (PANN), and total tree cover are generally in line with key palaeoclimate records from the North Atlantic region and the Asian monsoon domain. TANN largely follows the fluctuations in solar summer insolation at 55°N. During Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3, TANN and PANN were on average 0.2 °C and 700 mm, respectively, thus very similar to late Holocene/modern conditions. Full glacial climate deterioration (TANN = -3.3 °C, PANN = 550 mm) was relatively weak as suggested by the MAT-inferred average climate parameters and tree cover densities. However, error ranges of the climate reconstructions during this interval are relatively large and the last glacial environments in northern Sakhalin could be much colder and drier than suggested by the weighted average values. An anti-phase relationship between mean temperature of the coldest (MTCO) and warmest (MTWA) month is documented during the last glacial period, i.e. MIS 2 and 3, suggesting more continental climate due to sea levels that were lower than present. Warmest and wettest climate conditions have prevailed since the end of the last glaciation with an optimum (TANN = 1.5 °C, PANN = 800 mm) in the middle Holocene interval (ca 8.7-5.2 cal. ka BP). This lags behind the solar insolation peak during the early Holocene. We propose that this is due to continuous Holocene sea level transgression and regional influence of the Tsushima Warm Current, which reached maximum intensity during the middle Holocene. Several short-term climate oscillations are suggested by our reconstruction results and correspond to Northern Hemisphere Heinrich and Dansgaard-Oeschger events, the Bølling-Allerød and the Younger Dryas. The most prominent fluctuation is registered during Heinrich 4 event, which is marked by noticeably colder and drier conditions and the spread of herbaceous taxa.
The lower part of the syn-rift Barremian-?Hauterivian section at Site 549 contains a large amount of acid-resistant land-derived organic matter that, as elsewhere in the Cretaceous sediments of the IPOD Leg 80 sites, is thermally immature. This plant debris was derived from a vegetation made up of many species of pteridophytes and gymnosperms. The palynofacies indicate that the sediments were deposited in shallow marginal and nonmarine environments and that the climate was probably warm temperate and fairly moist at the time. Source potential for gas is suggested at some horizons. Most of the younger Lower Cretaceous sediments at this and the other sites were deposited in more open marine conditions. Although they generally contain less organic matter, land plant remains continue to comprise a major part of the palynofacies. The Upper Cretaceous sediments were mainly deposited in well oxygenated conditions and are organically lean. However, stratigraphically restricted dark-colored shales at Sites 549 to 551 contain relatively large quantities of amorphous detritus of at least partly marine origin. These characteristics are suggestive of deposition during periods of restricted circulation and also of source potential for oil and gas if maturation levels had been higher.